Official Free ______ Referral Thread - All Referral solications belong here

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
All free ____ referral stuff belongs in this thread and this thread only.
All referral solicitations outside of this thread will be deleted.
Please do not contact me asking if you can have your own referral thread.

Oh my god, i got my psp today. It's fucking badass. I thought a trade came in earlier than usual but fuck no. it was my psp. it only has one bad pixel. Thanks guys for all the help and referrals. if you guys want i'll put pictures up.
check it out, these are the pics. i used my camera phone so they look kinda crappy.

[quote name='doodle777_98']check it out, these are the pics. i used my camera phone so they look kinda crappy.


That's great man! Congrats!!!
stumbled across this awhile ago. It's done by the guys that make tag body spray. you earn points and stuff pretty easy. You can get stuff like psp's and ipods but I don't know how hard it would be to reach that. The really easy thing to get is the the team tag starter kit which is "4 Full Size TAG Cans (one of each scent) TAG T-shirt 20 Afterhours Mini -can samples 30 Posters 40 Air Fresheners Sticker Postcard" I earned enough points for this in less than a day so even if you want to work to just get something simple like that it takes no time. When your filling out an application make sure to make yourself look like a pimp or they might decline you.
Signed up under you takingchase. They said it will take 7-10 days to get back to me, so could you let us know a little more about this program, like how you earn points and how many are required for some of the really good gifts.
man i signed up hoping this wouldn't be a scam a week ago but i completed an offer for rhapsody through and it still shows that i haven't completed and an offer yet..... I have 1 person who claims they completed an offer under me and they are still yellow. How long does it usually take to have your account show as offers completed?? I did my offer last friday night.
hey shady. sometiems when you cancel too fast you don't get credit. it happened once with me on one of the gift certififcate ones. just tell that person to do another one. there's not much you can do about those. thats why i recommend canceling 30 day trials after you get credit and wait at least 1 1/2 days for a 7 day trial.
Shady, contact the site and tell them that you haven't received credit yet, and they'll look into it and you'll probably go complete soon after. They'll probably say you should wait 15 days but just tell them you need credit anyway. Also, I don't think referrals get credited on the weekends, at least none of mine ever had. I think they only do them on business days. I had one that took a long time to give me credit before and I just emailed them, and later that day I was complete.
I have the following referral link for a free TV or LCD TV:

If anybody is willing to trade referrals (I didnt sign up for most other referral programs yet), I'm up for it, just PM me and we'll work it out. I really want to get this Sony 27" TV for my new apartment. I just need 3 more referrals to complete the offer. Thanks.
[quote name='doodle777_98']hey shady. sometiems when you cancel too fast you don't get credit. it happened once with me on one of the gift certififcate ones. just tell that person to do another one. there's not much you can do about those. thats why i recommend canceling 30 day trials after you get credit and wait at least 1 1/2 days for a 7 day trial.[/QUOTE]

I haven't cancelled yet, you get a month so i was waiting for it to show on my account. I still havent cancelled i have plenty time.........

and thanks for your info also Lionheart i'll do that.:)
I don't get it. If you made a list of people to get refferals, wouldn't the last person get screwed out of? Unless of course the ones from the top can also help.
[quote name='iflabs']I don't get it. If you made a list of people to get refferals, wouldn't the last person get screwed out of? Unless of course the ones from the top can also help.[/QUOTE]

Well, as long as the conga keeps going, most people will be taken care of. It doesn't always work that way, and some congas are slower than others, but in an ideal sense, using a conga allows people to concentrate referrals to them, rather than trying to pay or offer items for referrals.

It also benefits those who sign on earlier than later; if there's a frenzy for a particular conga, it can move pretty quickly (as I eye the Xbox360 conga, screaming "move, damn you!!!").

In other words, it only screws the last person so long as there *is* a last person to be screwed.
[quote name='mykevermin']
In other words, it only screws the last person so long as there *is* a last person to be screwed.[/QUOTE]

Which is why I'm reluctant to sign up on those "congas". LOL.

But can't the guys who already complete their referrals make a referral for others too?
Not within the same conga, to my knowledge. You can swap referrals (you sign up under my Xbox, I sign up under your PSP), but those are the kinds of deals made outside of the conga line. Keep in mind that, conga or not, you can still talk to friends elsewhere to solicit referrals. The conga helps you find them (and prevents people from littering other threads with solicitations), but you can still try to find some on your own (if, for instance, you are low on the conga list or feel it is moving too slow).
the faster you joina conga the better. by the way i need 3 more on my gaming system one. so far noone is on the conga but me. i'll update the list later today or tommorrow.
I did the ipod one and got my ipod. if i signed up under someone else, would I be able to start a new account without being disqualified? It reads that you have to sign up under someone, but what if you already have an account?
First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

**Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

2)$hady0/5-oz1819 said that he never got you under his referral.

**Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1. Lionheart4life -
2. jimbo12457 -
3. mykevermin -
4. TDHenry -
5. Shayde -
6. tcsurplus -

**Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4

I have some more friends who are about to join so i suggest everyone jumping on the conga soon.
On gnitnetwork (sp?), can you cancel RIGHT AFTER you get your credit, or do you have to wait awhile?

This question especially applies to those "instant credit" deals.
Free 25 cents just for confirming your PayPal account, paid within 1 day. (not a scam)

5 year old company!

Make 3-10 cents daily clicking vmails plus get paid to tons of signup offers (including Blockbuster online and Netflix)!

Have fun testing your knowledge on quizzes from law to spelling!

Sign your kids up and make money off them!
Another question about congas.

In gnitnetwork, if I created an account and filled in my personal information on, but did not complete an offer yet, could I still click on someone's referral link and say that I was referred by them, or is it too late?
No offense but most of these conga lines on personal sites are just fly by night types of things where the owner of the site suckers people into joining and then scraps it when they are done. These sites get virtually no traffic, so unless you specifically send someone there nobody is ever going to see the conga, let alone enough people join to get any completions. Not to say the ones that anybody is posting are bad, but people may have more sucess using the ones established here since they are seen and used by significantly more people.
First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage everyone to join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

**Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

2)$hady0/5-oz1819 said that he never got you under his referral.

**Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1. Lionheart4life -
2. jimbo12457 -
3. mykevermin -
4. TDHenry -
5. Shayde -
6. tcsurplus -
7.maddfrog -

**Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4

I have some more friends who are about to join so i suggest everyone jumping on the conga soon, i have like 3 more friends about to do the psp deal soon by today or tommorrow.
[quote name='doodle777_98']
**Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

2)$hady0/5-oz1819 said that he never got you under his referral.


As i've mentioned a couple times i've having trouble receiving credit for my offer which i signed up for under oz1819 (Rhapsody) I keep contacting Customer Service but they have yet to respond........ I'm pissed because this is the first time i've tried this and i'm having trouble my first time, i'll give it till i have to cancel b4 being charged and then just try another offer, Oz will get his referal from me.

Any suggestions on how to speed up getting my offer credited?
First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage everyone to join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

**Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

2)$hady0/5-oz1819 said that he never got you under his referral.

**Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1. Lionheart4life -
2. jimbo12457 -
3. mykevermin -
4. TDHenry -
5. Shayde -
6. tcsurplus -

**Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4

I have some more friends who are about to join so i suggest everyone jumping on the conga soon.
For the XBox 360 Official conga, can I get an update on your status from Jimbo and Shayde? Did you complete an offer yet and if so which one? Its ok if you're still waiting for credit, but I will have to remove people from the conga who do not complete offers since it is a waste of a slot. Let me know as soon as you can, thanks.
I will be completing one for sure, just haven't gotten around to it yet (sorry). I'll probably just do a Blockbuster one for a friend or something. I'll try to this weekend.
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