Official Free ______ Referral Thread - All Referral solications belong here

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Head Cheap Ass
Staff member
14 (100%)
All free ____ referral stuff belongs in this thread and this thread only.
All referral solicitations outside of this thread will be deleted.
Please do not contact me asking if you can have your own referral thread.

First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage everyone to join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

3)frankvip190/5(not a cag member yet)

Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1) mykevermin -
2) TDHenry -
3) tcsurplus -
4) maddfrog -
5) TripleH13 -

Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4 (2 pending, click on next link)
3)cyrix 0/4

Free white PSP, Black PSP or Accessory Pack
(Pack includes 1 gig stick and logitech playgear case, hori screen protector and extra battery)
White psp requires 7. Black requires 6. Accessory requires 4. Tell me which one you are doing.


Thanks again for everyone who helped me get my Free PSP. (pics are on my tradelist)
Congo updated with one person added to gaming system list. I'm waiting on another to give me his signup email for confirmation, so that makes a total of 4 on the conga soon. then i'm off. Looks like i might be getting an xbox soon. Thanks guys.
Hey all, didn't see Free PSP's up here, so I will put my ref link up here and let the community know that I will also send $11 paypal when I get confirmation that your offer was completed and credited to my account. This is for real, my friend got a free iPod, an iPod shuffle, and his free PSP is in the mail. I need 4 more refs, and I'll pay you for your time. It's a can't lose offer, and it works for you too! :lol:

Click Here: Thanks!;)
It's easy to give me a referral. All you need to do is:

1. Sign up through the link I provided.
2. Register at uBid.
3. Find an object with a lot of bids that is moderately priced and bid on it.
4. You don't have to win the auction, but you'll still receive credit and so will I.
5. I will provide your referral link in a conga line with my own while you tell everyone you know how to do it.
For that RealOne deal, do you have to call people or send them anything? Or is it just something that you can cancel with a few clicks?
All the Real Player offers are probably the easiest. They usually give instant credit and are breeze to cancel, you should be able to just do it on your computer and not even have to bother calling them. There are really several easy offers, some just take a few minutes to cancel. Efax is good. All of those ones that bill you a small amount like $1 are good too, fast credit and easy to call and cancel.
Anyone here want $17 for doing my Freepsps? I can't do any kind of ref trades, but I can pay money via paypal, If you're interested in some cash PM me or e-mail me at [email protected], I'd be willing to answer whatever questions you may have.
updated sig...the last four people that sign up and are confirmed to have completed the deal will get entered into a raffle for a Xbox/GCN/PS2 game of their choice $20 or less...
I am a newcomer to the freebie authority website. I wanted to do the "the free project" for the $250 paypal money. Is this a bad choice? What is a good choice for a newcomer?
Ok this is a cool way to get a free Xbox 360 (when they come out sometime in November most likely) although it DOES take time and you have to get 5 other people to the same (which isn't too difficult). My friend got his iPod 20GB by doing this same thing. Also you must participate in one offer. A lot of these offers won't cost you more then $20 and you only need to do 1. You can only get one Xbox 360 however. (you can't keep on getting more and more $20-$30 Xbox 360s). Also I choosed the magazine deal, you can get 6 magazines of your choise for $30 (and yes they have videogame magazines too). When the subscription is about to run out just cancel your magazine deals (they will let you know when) and you won't have to pay for the next year. Also the blockbuster online rentals will only cost you $10. You CANNOT cancel before the first 2 weeks or it doesnt count as completeing an offer (you can't get away without paying anything... your gonna have to fork up $10-$30). Ok this is what you must do.

1. Follow the link at the bottom
2. Sign up for free account
3. Complete one offer (look for the cheapest one possible or something that you actually want like the magazines or the blockbuster rentals). You cannot cancel your offer before 2 weeks or else it will not count as an offer (will the magazine deal you don't need to cancel for a whole year before you have to pay more).
4. Go through any surveys that you might have to go through (choose "no" for all of them)
5. Get 5 other people to do the same
6. you should then recieve your free Xbox 360 (as well as free shipping I believe) when they come out later this year (most likely this November, possibly later).

p.s. If any of you think this isn't legitimate just read the terms of service. This are completely legit and like I said, my friend/neighbor got his ipod by doing this.
First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage everyone to join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

3)frankvip190/5(not a cag member yet)

Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1) mykevermin -
2) TDHenry -
3) tcsurplus -
4) maddfrog -
5) TripleH13 -

Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4 (still need 2)
3)cyrix 0/4 (has been a week and has not gone through i will drop you off by sat)

Free white PSP, Black PSP or Accessory Pack
(Pack includes 1 gig stick and logitech playgear case, hori screen protector and extra battery)
White psp requires 7. Black requires 6. Accessory requires 4. Tell me which one you are doing.


Thanks again for everyone who helped me get my Free PSP. (pics are on my tradelist)
Ok this is a cool way to get an Xbox 360 for practically nothing (when they come out sometime in November most likely) although it DOES take time and you have to get 5 other people to the same (which isn't too difficult). My friend got his iPod 20GB by doing this same thing. Also you must participate in one offer. A lot of these offers won't cost you more then $20 and you only need to do 1. You can only get one Xbox 360 however. (you can't keep on getting more and more $20-$30 Xbox 360s). Also I choosed the magazine deal, you can get 6 magazines of your choise for $30 (and yes they have videogame magazines too). When the subscription is about to run out just cancel your magazine deals (they will let you know when) and you won't have to pay for the next year. Also the blockbuster online rentals will only cost you $10. You CANNOT cancel before the first 2 weeks or it doesnt count as completeing an offer (you can't get away without paying anything... your gonna have to fork up $10-$30). Ok this is what you must do.

1. Follow the link at the bottom
2. Sign up for free account
3. Complete one offer (look for the cheapest one possible or something that you actually want like the magazines or the blockbuster rentals). You cannot cancel your offer before 2 weeks or else it will not count as an offer (will the magazine deal you don't need to cancel for a whole year before you have to pay more).
4. Go through any surveys that you might have to go through (choose "no" for all of them)
5. Get 5 other people to do the same
6. You should then recieve your free Xbox 360 (as well as free shipping I believe) when they come out later this year (most likely this November, possibly later).

p.s. If any of you think this isn't legitimate just read the terms of service. This offer is completely legit and like I said, my friend/neighbor got his ipod by doing this. Just make sure that you get 5 people to do the same. A lot of people get lazy and dont get 5 people to do the same so they don't get the free xbox 360, ipod, etc. That is how the company makes their money. I currently have 2 people and I need 3 more. It really isn't that hard (I started yesterday). Just make sure you get at least 5 to follow your link and do the same and you'll get your xbox 360.
[quote name='momadaboo']Well no offense to anyone but my offer only requires you to get 5 people, not 8. Otherwise it is the exact same. Here's the link:

If you have any questions skim up the page and you'll see my post or email me at [email protected]


In an amazing moment of scientific wonder, people recently discovered that they could access your goddamned link from the other three posts you've made today, some on this same fucking page.
Well until now I had never heard of this conga site or anyone recieving anything from there. Do you know how many sites there are like this? A lot. I'm just saying some deal are better then others.
We just don't see why you are saying your is better. So far i've gotten a psp. So far what have you gotten? Alot of these sites are scams, so far gratis is the only one i know that isnt a scam. I think they changed their name though. anyways, i'm waiting for giftfiesta to send my gift on their site and so far i got nothing. tell us if it works, but dont be putting down sites that are completely legit for the sake of your own sign ups.
[quote name='doodle777_98']We just don't see why you are saying your is better. So far i've gotten a psp. So far what have you gotten? Alot of these sites are scams, so far gratis is the only one i know that isnt a scam. I think they changed their name though. anyways, i'm waiting for giftfiesta to send my gift on their site and so far i got nothing. tell us if it works, but dont be putting down sites that are completely legit for the sake of your own sign ups.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I haven't heard of anyone getting anything from that "peel" site yet, so I wouldn't call it legit. A lot of people have gotten things from Gratis so we at least know it works. I think they are calling it Freepay now though, like a branch of Gratis Internet now. I'm not sure why they changed their sites look stupid and their homepage looks like its fake now instead of the old one they had which was nice. Offercentric is on par with Gratis as far as being legit. The only other one out there I'm sure is real now is allthis4free, giftfiesta might be ok too.

I would be wary of signing up for anything other than the big name sites though, I've seen some that were legit and actually sent me something (Prizecube) turn belly up and screw everyone before shutting down. Or some just screw everyone right from the start (Freetechshop). If a site offers an insanely low amount of referrals, its probably a scam, and if it doesn't why not just do a Gratis or Offercentric site?
[quote name='doodle777_98']We just don't see why you are saying your is better. So far i've gotten a psp. So far what have you gotten? Alot of these sites are scams, so far gratis is the only one i know that isnt a scam. I think they changed their name though. anyways, i'm waiting for giftfiesta to send my gift on their site and so far i got nothing. tell us if it works, but dont be putting down sites that are completely legit for the sake of your own sign ups.[/QUOTE]

Well my friend DID get a ipod 20GB from the peel site and other people have told me that they have gotten letter in the mail saying that they will be recieve an Xbox 360 when I are realised so I'm pretty sure it is legit. I am sorry if I offended you though.
Actually I decided to advertise a different site. With this one you get the premium xbox edition. Like I said sorry about earlier. No hard feelings.
I clicked a link that said something like "send me a confirmation email" and I checked my email several times yet have seen nothing? Nothing in my junk mail either... how long does it usually take to get the confirmation email? I even hit the link again and still nothing came. Any ideas? Thanks.
[quote name='momadaboo']I clicked a link that said something like "send me a confirmation email" and I checked my email several times yet have seen nothing? Nothing in my junk mail either... how long does it usually take to get the confirmation email? I even hit the link again and still nothing came. Any ideas? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Write to them using their help feature (its a Gratis site right?). I'd say its about 50/50 of them actually sending the confirmation email no matter how many times you click that thing to send it. Once you contact their customer service they will just consider that as your activation. You might be having trouble getting it because they just changed their name too, I don't know if their emails are coming from "Freepay something" but most spam filters block anything with the word "free" in it.
hmm... I sent them an email about it and it immediately said that my account had been verfied when I checked my "customer service inquires" (nobody wrote back it was an automatic responce) so I think things are good now. Thanks for the help!
If anyone has any questions ask me or lionheart or even mykevermin. Shit i think this topic should be redone since we are already past the 1000 mark. I'd put all the congas on the first page, It would be awesome.
[quote name='doodle777_98']If anyone has any questions ask me or lionheart or even mykevermin. Shit i think this topic should be redone since we are already past the 1000 mark. I'd put all the congas on the first page, It would be awesome.[/QUOTE]

i think that's a good idea
I agree starting a new thread and consolidating the congas would be a good idea. Most of the stuff in here now is junk, I would say a majority of the sites people have posted are dead anyway. They should consolidate it to just the things we all know work. There could also be a post at the beginning that answers the questions that are asked on every page, like which offers are easy, what to do if you don't receive credit, etc. Maybe a post explaining exactly how these things do work too, I know I used to be skeptical before I read a professional article that outlined how the business model for this actually works.
[quote name='lionheart4life']I agree starting a new thread and consolidating the congas would be a good idea. Most of the stuff in here now is junk, I would say a majority of the sites people have posted are dead anyway. They should consolidate it to just the things we all know work. There could also be a post at the beginning that answers the questions that are asked on every page, like which offers are easy, what to do if you don't receive credit, etc. Maybe a post explaining exactly how these things do work too, I know I used to be skeptical before I read a professional article that outlined how the business model for this actually works.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I agree 100%. It needs to be explain better. Do you know where I could see that article?
First everyone make sure you click on the activation link that is sent to your email i think that messes up alot of peoples offers and sign ups. check your bulk if you have yahoo.

I encourage everyone to join all the congas, or doing trades for programs that you havent signed up for, but do not repeat the same one, unless its with a different program.

i also suggest that 30 day trials should be cancelled after you get credit and wait at least 1-2 days for smaller ones.

Best deals to do and how to cancel:

consumer info: 30 day free trial
requires CC and SS#
call 1-888-888-8553 to cancel

napster: 7-day free trial
requires CC and a dowload(it will put a 9.95 pending credit on your account, once you
cancel it goes away)
to cancel look into menus in the program to find how to cancel

realone super pass:
requires CC
call 1-866-715-5911 the lady offered oz1819 2 months extra for trying to cancel
then cancelled when he said no

efax: 30 day trial
requires CC and a dowload
they claim they remove credit if you cancel before the 30 days but have yet to
hear someone who has got it removed.

I finally finished mine, next on the list is oz1819. if you want to join the congo join the link on top and do a referral. you will then be added on the list.

Free PSP Conga(requires only 5 referrals, 1 person finished of this conga)

3)frankvip190/5(not a cag member yet)

Free xbox 360(requires 8)

1) mykevermin -
2) TDHenry -
3) tcsurplus -
4) maddfrog -
5) TripleH13 -

Free DS, ps2, xbox or gamecube(requires 4, should be a fast one)

1)doodle777_98 2/4 (i need 1 more)
4)cyrix 0/4 (has been a week and has not gone through i will drop you off by sat)

Free white PSP, Black PSP or Accessory Pack
(Pack includes 1 gig stick and logitech playgear case, hori screen protector and extra battery)
White psp requires 7. Black requires 6. Accessory requires 4. Tell me which one you are doing.


Thanks again for everyone who helped me get my Free PSP. (pics are on my tradelist)
IM gonna try to help with the XBOX 360 conga line, but which one is real?

EDIT: also about how much will it sot me intotal to do all this referal stuff?
[quote name='help1']IM gonna try to help with the XBOX 360 conga line, but which one is real?

EDIT: also about how much will it sot me intotal to do all this referal stuff?[/QUOTE]

The one doodle has listed is real, that one requires eight referrals. The one that requires four is for the current Xbox. It probably won't cost you anything to sign up and do an offer, provided you pick one that is a free trial and remember to cancel it before the trial period is up. If you don't want to do that there are some that cost like $1 too. There's also subscription ones like Blockbuster that cost $10 but I wouldn't recommend it unless you've already done all the free ones.
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