Official Free ______ Referral Thread (II) - All Referral solications belong here

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I was sending a PM to everyone telling them about the site I posted yesterday, but someone complained that it was SPAMISH, so I am just going to post it in the open.

Yesterday, I posted a referraless site for public consumption. I had not yet completed any offers for it, but it seemed promising. Today, I completed a couple offers (all free surveys), and added up the points one can make from FREE Surveys. Surveys come up to about 112.5 points. One point is basically equal to $1. A tickle site is 30 points. Cash payouts are:


To me, it seems like an easy way to at least make $50. If you add a couple referrals or an offer, it could be an easy Nintendo DS (130), 1 GB Memory Stick Duo (50), or a White iPod Nano (140)

Referrals are not needed, but you do get 5-10% of each referral. Which means instead of begging, "Please sign up for this offer, I will give you $20," You say, "Sign up under me if you wish, get $50 free money for surveys."

If you want to kick them over a couple dollars cool. Bottomline is that you can COMPLETE this site without overpaying someone to sign up.

Here's the link:

If you want to sign up under me cool. Thanks! If not, at least take my referral number off and check it out.
I signed up for that simplyfreerewards a few days ago, and I thought that it would be really easy too just doing surveys. But, then I got a couple asking for my SSN, and bank account numbers, so I thought, screw this, these people don't need to know this. I'm not sure it's worth it now, I might just stop and try a different site for a DS lite.
$25 for my last "Yourfreevideoipods" green. PM me for more info. I'm desperate to get this, as I'm just too damned close to have much more patience.
I'm trying to complete an offer for
What's a good offer? It won't let me do or because I've already done those. Is Love Happens any good? If so, how much does it cost?
[quote name='mykevermin']$25 for my last "Yourfreevideoipods" green. PM me for more info. I'm desperate to get this, as I'm just too damned close to have much more patience.[/QUOTE]

What offers does it have, I might do one..
trying to get a free ipod and need refs. so if you can, please do. just pm me your email so i can add you as a friend i referred
[quote name='Silencer']What offers does it have, I might do one..[/QUOTE] (free), ($10), (free), netflix (free?), blockbuster ($10) are all great offers, and credit quickly. There are others, but they're less reliable. PM me if you're interested.
[quote name='mykevermin'] (free), ($10), (free), netflix (free?), blockbuster ($10) are all great offers, and credit quickly. There are others, but they're less reliable. PM me if you're interested.[/quote]

I really liked the Blockbuster trial and it was literally instant credit for me, and I actually used their system. They also give you coupons for free instore movie rentals.
What can you do when one of your referrals goes red? For some reason one of mine has been placed on hold.

Does that mean that the person that did the referral got caught trying to cheat?

Finally, is there any way to resolve this and get back my credit?
[quote name='Lynsanity']What can you do when one of your referrals goes red? For some reason one of mine has been placed on hold.

Does that mean that the person that did the referral got caught trying to cheat?

Finally, is there any way to resove this in a way that gets me my credit?[/quote]

That means that your referral got DQed for doing something against the TOS of the freebie site, frauding offers is a very common issue as well as signing up with multiple accounts while trying to hide behind a proxy.

Your best bet is to message that person, and hope to get your money back. But if that person goes out of contact, you're basically out of luck and a green.

Only under very rare circumstances can a red turn back into a green and it depends on the freebie site. i.e. in FreePay, you're basically fucked due to their shitty CS but under Trainn or Free4Me, if they look into the situation and see that referral as legit, they will revert them back to green status.
I still need 1 more for my free ps3 from giftfiesta:

i'm waiting on silencer to turn green so that he can recieve his payment.

my offer still stands for my ps3 preorder site from giftfiesta.

alright, it looks like giftfiesta just raised the amount of referrals needed for a ps3. I now need two more referrals. so I"m 10 out of 12. I will pay 20 bucks per referral via paypal. PM me if you're interested along with your email address.

some of the better offers include:
blockbuster online (this one'll cost you 5.06) (free)
there's one called living christian that says it's free

if you do the blockbuster one and go green, send me a screencap of it and I'll send you $25.06.
[quote name='gigan54']
i'm waiting on silencer to turn green so that he can recieve his payment.

I went green awhile ago :whistle2:D
Also, if you can leave me feedback, that would be swell.
YES! I got 3 greens for yesterday and requested approval for a DS Lite, I checked the status this morning and it's been shipped via UPS. I would like to give a thank-you to everyone here at CAG who helped make this possible. I was going to go for a bigger item, but settled for a DS Lite after seeing how hard it was to get refs. I also want to get the Wii and PS3 at launch, so I'm happy with my decision. I think I'm going to go after one more site and then end this whole "free item" thing. It's hard to find refs, and in the end probably isn't worth the time, effort, and aggrivation. But at least now I'll have something physical to make this work worth it.
[quote name='THPS']YES! I got 3 greens for yesterday and requested approval for a DS Lite, I checked the status this morning and it's been shipped via UPS. I would like to give a thank-you to everyone here at CAG who helped make this possible. I was going to go for a bigger item, but settled for a DS Lite after seeing how hard it was to get refs. I also want to get the Wii and PS3 at launch, so I'm happy with my decision. I think I'm going to go after one more site and then end this whole "free item" thing. It's hard to find refs, and in the end probably isn't worth the time, effort, and aggrivation. But at least now I'll have something physical to make this work worth it.[/quote]

Congrats, my MacBook Pro just got shipped today also.

Thanks for helping me on Macs THPS, enjoy your DS Lite.

Also, orders were shipped today because Peter is going away on vacation from Sunday-Thursday, so we get all our gifts a day earlier :D
[quote name='Silencer']I went green awhile ago :whistle2:D
Also, if you can leave me feedback, that would be swell.[/QUOTE]

sorry about that. I quoted one of my older posts and must not have checked it properly. my bad.
quickrewards is deffinately my favorite so far... no minimum cash out wich is usually put into your paypal account within 24 hours, usually much sooner than that though, and theres a list of pages where you get cash just for clicks, you can average about 50cents to a dollar a day just for about 4 minutes of clicks, on top of any free offers you do.[email protected] if you want to give it a try.

And I need 12 signups here but if you sign up for Iwon, its free. Unfortunately, I can't pay anyone, but I can do a signup that doesnt require a credit card.

also, can anyone recommend a good payed to surf site that has cheap upgrades, and preferably uses paypal?
[quote name='opterasis']quickrewards is deffinately my favorite so far... no minimum cash out wich is usually put into your paypal account within 24 hours, usually much sooner than that though, and theres a list of pages where you get cash just for clicks, you can average about 50cents to a dollar a day just for about 4 minutes of clicks, on top of any free offers you do.[email protected] if you want to give it a try.

And I need 12 signups here but if you sign up for Iwon, its free. Unfortunately, I can't pay anyone, but I can do a signup that doesnt require a credit card.

also, can anyone recommend a good payed to surf site that has cheap upgrades?[/quote]

Sent you PM
Can someone please point me out to a referal site that takes the least amount of referals. I am pretty much a noob and would like to win a ds lite or 360. I already know about
The site I am doing, has Nintendo DS Lites for 3 referrals and Xbox 360's for 9. You can probably do better for the Xbox 360, but the Nintendo DS Lite is pretty good.
[quote name='DungDude0']Could you link me to that site because I copied and pasted it and it took me to something totally different.[/QUOTE]

It should take you to the Choose your gift screen. After that all you have to do is sign up for an offer. The tickle sites are my favorite. They can be as low as $4.95. A bit of warning though, if you have already done a tickle on any site, I would not do another one. I had a referral go red on my yesterday, and I think it was multiple tickles that caused it.
I'm offering $20 to anyone who can get my last green on - $25 if you can get it done within 24 hours of contacting me. PM for more info and to discuss a trade. I'm +15 here, so I'm a reputable trader.

Lyn, with that red you got, what company's website was that (if I may ask)? Also, did it spontaneously go red, or did you submit your account for approval?
[quote name='mykevermin']I'm offering $20 to anyone who can get my last green on - $25 if you can get it done within 24 hours of contacting me. PM for more info and to discuss a trade. I'm +15 here, so I'm a reputable trader.

Lyn, with that red you got, what company's website was that (if I may ask)? Also, did it spontaneously go red, or did you submit your account for approval?[/QUOTE]

It was the site, and it was spontaneous. The woman that got the red told me it was because she supposedly had multiple accounts. Of course, she denies having multiple accounts.
Well, a week has gone by so I'm ready to do another tickle test.
Except when I create a new account and input my credit card (Same credit card I used for another account), it says that the card is invalid.

And if I just login in to my old account and try to "buy" the test results, I just get the whole report without them asking for a charge...

Anyone know what's up...
[quote name='Silencer']Well, a week has gone by so I'm ready to do another tickle test.
Except when I create a new account and input my credit card (Same credit card I used for another account), it says that the card is invalid.

And if I just login in to my old account and try to "buy" the test results, I just get the whole report without them asking for a charge...

Anyone know what's up...[/QUOTE]

I don't know why it would say your card is invalid. But if you use your old account, you have to make sure your old trial is cancelled, otherwise they charge you $20 a month. It gives you a week, so you can't do another one until day 8. For example, my account doesn't expire until the 25th, so I'm not going to be able to do the next test until the 26th.
[quote name='Quintox']I don't think you can use a CC that you already have used[/quote]
....yes you can.

When you create a Tickle account, you use that exact same account for purchasing the tests, you're just going from unsubscribed to the Premium Membership in between tests. After the 7th day, they should have your credit card on file so that the only thing you need to press are "Buy the results."
[quote name='DungDude0']What are the cheapest offers that I can do without hving a credit card on the site?[/QUOTE]

EDIT: Columbia House apparently doesn't require a CC. BUT, it isn't cheap, since you have to buy movies from them.
[quote name='Silencer']Anyone want to trade small offers? I just made an account for This50buxisfree ...[/quote]

Could've signed up under me :cry:
I think eventually you have to break out the Credit card, or do like me and use a bank card. I usually keep enough money in the bank account to do the offers and not much more. If I need more, I add it from my other account.
b/c this site doesn't use html. Try [ url=YOUR LINK ][ img ]your image link[ /img ][ /url ]. Add in your links and delete the spaces in the brackets.
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