Official Free ______ Referral Thread (II) - All Referral solications belong here

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[quote name='splinky321']Is there anyone needing a ref for anygift4free? I'm looking to start that site, I want that xbox battery charger, so when I get my 360 I'll be all set.[/quote]

I wish i was on that site. :D
[quote name='splinky321']Is there anyone needing a ref for anygift4free? I'm looking to start that site, I want that xbox battery charger, so when I get my 360 I'll be all set.[/quote]

Hope you find someone soon.
[quote name='jnrbud2002']There is, and

I wish you all the best.[/quote]

Thanks for the info! I'll try it out.
MacBook Pro RECEIVED! I'm using it right now to type up this post.

It came in a HUGE ASS but beat-the-fuck-up box though. The damn thing was like 5x the size of the actual box the laptop was in surrounded by a lot of air packet bags.

Contrary to the many opinions about the heat, it does not run that hot. I wear fairly thin jeans and I can feel a little warmth, but nothing that will ruin your testicles.
[quote name='menikmati']MacBook Pro RECEIVED! I'm using it right now to type up this post.

It came in a HUGE ASS but beat-the-fuck-up box though. The damn thing was like 5x the size of the actual box the laptop was in surrounded by a lot of air packet bags.

Contrary to the many opinions about the heat, it does not run that hot. I wear fairly thin jeans and I can feel a little warmth, but nothing that will ruin your testicles.[/QUOTE]

How small and portable is it? I'm thinking of getting one for my mom because she doesn't have a computer, so it would be easy for her to carry around and do her business/work.
[quote name='Technique']How small and portable is it? I'm thinking of getting one for my mom because she doesn't have a computer, so it would be easy for her to carry around and do her business/work.[/quote]

I don't know of the exact dimensions, check the Apple page for the tech specs. I am for sure that it is exactly 1 inch thin tough. It weighs my guess to be 4.5-5lbs. The screen display is nice and large with 15.4 inches and widescreen.

I would recommend the regular MacBooks for your mother, the smaller form factor (it's still thin though) and almost half the cost of the MacBook Pro would suit her well.
Greetings. I'm from Toronto (Canada) and I'm new to this sort of thing, but it seems that it works for everyone. Two questions: 1) is there some sort of guide that will help me start out on getting some of this stuff?, and 2) are there any good sites that allow Canadians to get the stuff?

Thanks in advance.
That's sweet man, I hope I can get one soon, but I doubt it. How long ago did you sign up for the site in the beginning, so I can get an estimation on how long it'll take me if I decide to go for it?
[quote name='splinky321']That's sweet man, I hope I can get one soon, but I doubt it. How long ago did you sign up for the site in the beginning, so I can get an estimation on how long it'll take me if I decide to go for it?[/quote]

It was by far the hardest freebie site I've ever done, it makes all those 1-credit for 1 referral iPods look like chump change. I got scammed 2-3 times over it for a big loss (I paid a lot for those referrals).

WWDC is happening next week and the new Core 2 Duo chips might be coming out in the new MacBooks, so the performance increase would be well worth it.

I started the site back in May, so it took me around 2 months to actually complete the site.

If you don't need the bigger screen and the graphics chip, I would go for the regular MacBooks. You can get the 11 referrals and instead of getting the MacBook Pro, you can get $1900 PayPal and then buy one of the regular MacBooks and have a nice chunk of change in your pocket leftover for your other needs.
How did you get scammed? Did you pay first?

EDIT: Grats, of course. How much, in the end, did you spend on referrals (trades and ref-for-ref trades) to get the macbook? I'm thinking of doing it, but considering the time investment, I may hold out and buy an imac instead).
[quote name='TheBigBoi']Greetings. I'm from Toronto (Canada) and I'm new to this sort of thing, but it seems that it works for everyone. Two questions: 1) is there some sort of guide that will help me start out on getting some of this stuff?, and 2) are there any good sites that allow Canadians to get the stuff?

Thanks in advance.[/quote]

Sent you a PM. Hope it will help.
Any 1 wana help me out on this one please!
i have 2/10
Just sign up and do the offer called iwon, it requires no Credit Card and takes no more than 5 minutes. (you can seriosly even time it, and if it takes more time, just quit)

Thanks a bunch and if you help with mine, ill help with yours!
[quote name='menikmati']It was by far the hardest freebie site I've ever done, it makes all those 1-credit for 1 referral iPods look like chump change. I got scammed 2-3 times over it for a big loss (I paid a lot for those referrals).

WWDC is happening next week and the new Core 2 Duo chips might be coming out in the new MacBooks, so the performance increase would be well worth it.

I started the site back in May, so it took me around 2 months to actually complete the site.

If you don't need the bigger screen and the graphics chip, I would go for the regular MacBooks. You can get the 11 referrals and instead of getting the MacBook Pro, you can get $1900 PayPal and then buy one of the regular MacBooks and have a nice chunk of change in your pocket leftover for your other needs.[/quote]
I was forced to go first since I had a low TR rating. The other one was caused by a DQ a couple of days after payment. Fortunately, someone on FiPG saw that I was scammed and did a referral for me for free.

For all my referrals, I paid PayPal for the referral, no ref-for-ref trades. Overall, I spent around $700 where it should have been ~$500-600 if it wasn't for the scammers. CAG played a large part in it as I got 5 out of the total 11 referrals needed just from this thread.
Please answer my question. I will ask again (also I will refrase it to make sence(if it didn't the first time) For all the people that got free stuff, do the receipts come with the items that came in the mail? Also, is there a way I can get a free Halo graphic novel?
[quote name='EarthKing']Please answer my question. I will ask again (also I will refrase it to make sence(if it didn't the first time) For all the people that got free stuff, do the receipts come with the items that came in the mail? Also, is there a way I can get a free Halo graphic novel?[/quote]

Receipts aren't usually included with the free items. I myself have gotten over $500 via paypal.. as cash is always the best option. If you do go the cash route you can buy yourself the graphic novel because I have never seen it offered.
[quote name='menikmati']I don't know of the exact dimensions, check the Apple page for the tech specs. I am for sure that it is exactly 1 inch thin tough. It weighs my guess to be 4.5-5lbs. The screen display is nice and large with 15.4 inches and widescreen.

I would recommend the regular MacBooks for your mother, the smaller form factor (it's still thin though) and almost half the cost of the MacBook Pro would suit her well.[/QUOTE]

Is there a site that you can complete for a regular MacBook?
Does anybody know about the blockbuster offer -- if I did a 2-week free trial (not for any website, just for my own benefit) ...can I still do the $9.99 Blockbuster offer on the same credit card? Or is that offer only for people who first sign up??
[quote name='Technique']Is there a site that you can complete for a regular MacBook?[/quote]
Other than OfferCentric's Notebooks which are notorious for their OODs that nobody will do unless you offer them a lot of cash, it's either Macs.free4me or the DIY scene. I saw another person recently got a regular MacBook for 18 offers DIY, so go that route if you can manage doing all those offers.


It goes from the 2.0Ghz White, 2.0Ghz Black and 2.0Ghz MacBook Pro, and I believe the bottom one is 18 referrals.

But for Macs, I would just get the 11 referrals, $1900 PayPal and get the base MacBook models (even better w/ student discount) for your mother, then you can have ~$800 for your trouble.
[quote name='pchangover']Receipts aren't usually included with the free items. I myself have gotten over $500 via paypal.. as cash is always the best option. If you do go the cash route you can buy yourself the graphic novel because I have never seen it offered.[/quote]

Really? Man, my friend got a reciept on with his ipod. Oh well, thanx.
[quote name='menikmati']MacBook Pro RECEIVED! I'm using it right now to type up this post.

It came in a HUGE ASS but beat-the-fuck-up box though. The damn thing was like 5x the size of the actual box the laptop was in surrounded by a lot of air packet bags.

Contrary to the many opinions about the heat, it does not run that hot. I wear fairly thin jeans and I can feel a little warmth, but nothing that will ruin your testicles.[/QUOTE]

Congrats man, that is one SUPER hard site to complete. It's nice to see you finally have the MacBook after all that hard work.
$20 paypal for doing my offer. I've got feedback here for those skeptical.

I still need 1 more for my free ps3 from giftfiesta:

my offer still stands for my ps3 preorder site from giftfiesta.

alright, it looks like giftfiesta just raised the amount of referrals needed for a ps3. I now need one more referrals. so I"m 11 out of 12. I will pay 20 bucks per referral via paypal. PM me if you're interested along with your email address.

some of the better offers include:
blockbuster online (this one'll cost you 5.06) (free)
there's one called living christian that says it's free
Hey, i was thinking about doing some refferalls for people, but I have a total n00b question:

how far do you have to go in to the signing up process for it to count as a refferal? I i sighned up under someone and just put in my inofrmation, would that count?

or would i have to actually complete the offer for it to count. Reply and i might just do some offers for you people.
[quote name='LarryGe']Hey, i was thinking about doing some refferalls for people, but I have a total n00b question:

how far do you have to go in to the signing up process for it to count as a refferal? I i sighned up under someone and just put in my inofrmation, would that count?

or would i have to actually complete the offer for it to count. Reply and i might just do some offers for you people.[/quote]

Just sent you PM about this.
chodax, a bit of advice. This isn't a charity house. Begging will get you nothing more than scorn. I *know* the offers may be free, but there's still no incentive for anyone to sign up under you; as a consequence, nobody will without an explanation as to what's required, and no personal incentive to sign up.
[quote name='mykevermin']chodax, a bit of advice. This isn't a charity house. Begging will get you nothing more than scorn. I *know* the offers may be free, but there's still no incentive for anyone to sign up under you; as a consequence, nobody will without an explanation as to what's required, and no personal incentive to sign up.[/quote]


You have to be patient.
[quote name='EarthKing']Please help me guys!

I need 3 for a DS (click on the pic for link)

I need 6 for a PSP (the 4 that says "Pending Completion" were just me trying to pull a fast one on the site)

Please help me out. I really need these by Friday.[/quote]

Please I will trade. But I don't have a CC so I need a "free" offer. Please...::(
[quote name='Silencer']Does anybody know about the blockbuster offer -- if I did a 2-week free trial (not for any website, just for my own benefit) ...can I still do the $9.99 Blockbuster offer on the same credit card? Or is that offer only for people who first sign up??[/QUOTE]

bump my question
[quote name='Silencer']bump my question[/quote]

I really don't think it would be wise to do that again.

Seeing that you did the offer already and you will use the same credit card - I doubt it will work.
[quote name='chodax']Whats a good way to get people to sign up for you then?[/quote]

I figure the best way is to offer some incentive. Otherwise, ask yoiur friends who you know are always online to even complete it.
[quote name='Silencer']bump my question[/QUOTE]

i believe since they already have your info that you won't get credit for doing it again. It's too risky to try with the same card IMO.
After working my ass off for some paypal funds, I'm now offering 20$ for anyone that signs up on my link in my sig and goes green. Plenty of 5$ tickle tests.
[quote name='gigan54']i believe since they already have your info that you won't get credit for doing it again. It's too risky to try with the same card IMO.[/QUOTE]

well, I didn't do any offers the first time I signed up...just for myself.
And I'm still paying the same amount of money as if I didn't do the offer ($9.99)

Hmm, risky indeed.
im thinking about trying for a free ds, but a lot of my friends wont use a credit card even if an offer is free. Can i use my debit card for myself and for more than one of my referrals? If so, can it be the same offer, or is it best to do 4 different ones. Thanks
[quote name='splinky321']I heard that tickle tests are going away at midnight, so hurry and get those in[/quote]

Is that why says:
Notice: Do not worry if you see tons of offers missing, we are deleting and readding them in an effort to prune out all the old inactive offers :).
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