Official Gears of War 2 Discussion Thread

thanks guys.. i remember hearing about this but completely forgot about it with all the holiday stuff... i've been at like 48 or 49 forever now haha and I haven't played much since I picked up mw2

maybe i'll try some guardian tonight i think once i hit 50 it'll unlock a few achievements
[quote name='Redeema']Something I would never advocate under normal circumstances happened last night while playing submission on River, (the most atrocious map for a disorganized team) we were getting killed by two guys on torque bow to the point where their top guy had 50 kills+ and ours was only at 11. This went on for about half an hour and they weren't even slightly interested in playing the actual game, so we were getting nowhere in a hurry. This guy was level 81 and was 99% accurate with torque. I swear he never missed. I don't know how someone could be that lethal that they could hit you on the run, in mid-dive, through windows, through the cars, etc. I ended up quitting, which I never do because I'd rather take the 1500 point penalty than stay and let them continue to kill me and my team before we can even really leave the spawn point. It was abysmal and I hope with all my tiny little black heart that they somehow got no points for being douches.

Made up for that match and then some ten minutes afterwards.[/QUOTE]

Unplug your internet and you'll get disconnected without losing points.
Wow i just played 2 guardian games in a row where we came back and killed their leader in a 2 - 2 game and then the host quits before we can finish the game. Talk about sore losers. This never happens to me, but wow two in a row! LOL
Title update 6 is about out. They are basically bringing back player matches! Finally, I may actually get into the multiplayer in gears 2.

Title Update 6 makes these new improvements:

Adds a new public multiplayer match option called Social Xbox LIVE (aka player matches), open to anyone who owns all downloadable maps (that is, All Fronts Collection). We'll be having a promotion that will dramatically reduce the cost of the All Fronts Collection.
You can join Social Matches in progress and can quit any time without penalty, although players who quit a match early don't receive earned experience (XP) from that match.
Social matchmaking lets your party join a match in progress. If a match is not found, your party hosts a new match, filling any empty player slots with bots.
Social Matches automatically cycle to the next map without further matchmaking.
Teams are rebalanced between matches based on XP level without splitting parties.
If you quit, your spot is taken by a bot until a new player joins the match. That new player can join while the match is in progress.
If you join a match in progress, you are assigned a team based on XP level and party size.
If you join a match in progress, you replace a bot at the earliest opportunity: at the first bot's death for respawning game types (for example, Annex) and at round completion for Warzone, Execution, and Wingman.
Social leaderboards become part of the War Journal.
Renames Public Matches to Ranked Xbox LIVE Matches to differentiate these from Social Xbox LIVE Matches, and adds some improvements to these matches.
Improved host selection using bandwidth testing and previous hosting data has been added.
Before the match begins, teams are balanced based on XP without splitting parties.
Renames Private Matches to Custom Xbox LIVE Matches and makes these matches invite-only.
Adds the ability to join Horde sessions that are in progress.
In Social Horde, you can join a session in progress through matchmaking and you are able to continue your session from the last wave you failed without starting over.
In Ranked Horde, you can join a session in progress only through invites.
If you join a session in progress, at the end of the session you receive the score you achieved during the time you spent in the session.
Improves the precision of weapon selection using the D-pad.
Improves client-side hit detection for ballistic weapons.
Exploit Fixes
Title Update 6 fixes these possible exploits, where under certain circumstances:

Execution rules could be ignored when using certain weapon types.
On the Subway map, you could get outside of the playable environment by sliding into cover and rolling between a train car and the side of tracks.
On the Blood Drive map, you could get outside of the playable environment in various locations.
Players could grief other players on Submission, Annex, King of the Hill, and Guardian games by preventing the objective from being completed while racking up experience. Title Update 6 adds match time limits to each of these game types to prevent this practice.
General Fixes
Title Update 6 fixes these other issues as well:

An issue that could cause your profile to be overwritten, erasing XP level, and achievement progress.
An issue that could cause a campaign save slot to be overwritten if you previously chose to continue without saving and then signed in.
Title Update 6 makes these balancing changes:

Changes the Gnasher Shotgun pellet pattern to increase hit consistency.
Changes the Guardian game type to select the leader based upon XP level (highest to lowest).
Ill probably jump back into this game once i get bored of red dead redemption. Im level 87 and would like to get to level 100 at some point. Wish they would do some double or triple XP weekends. But those changes sound good, just hope most games arent filled with bots. I guess that could be a good or bad thing depending on what teams they are on. As far as picking the guardian with the highest level, im going to hate that, because im level 87, and i hate being leader especially in the first rounds because its usually the 2nd rounds that have frags. LOL. First rounds have inks. -_-
I wonder if you can boost achievements in social matches. Because if you can I may finally go back and get the normal 1000g for Gears 2. If not, on the shelf it stays.
I read through the whole list and didn't see anything about fixing the host advantage, which I heard would be included. Although it sounds like added range to the shotgun is true (it'll shoot straighter now I think). Only thing I don't like is time limits...either I'm going to want to keep killing noobs or I'll get annoyed watching people camp for 4 minutes to get a draw.
[quote name='KingBroly']I wonder if you can boost achievements in social matches. Because if you can I may finally go back and get the normal 1000g for Gears 2. If not, on the shelf it stays.[/QUOTE]

They have actually already changed the wording of the MP achievements so it looks like you will be able to boost them in Social (Player) matches.

Old wording:
Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public)

New wording:
Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (not Custom)
so when is this update going to be released? at least every other damn game online (execution-warzone on map packs) is fucking laggy and it is annoying and ruining the online experience. it gets to the point to where most of the people quit. I don't understand how people who have shitty connections get host and I have a 20mb connection and never get host. epic needs to fix this crap quick..
[quote name='intoxicated662']so when is this update going to be released? at least every other damn game online (execution-warzone on map packs) is fucking laggy and it is annoying and ruining the online experience. it gets to the point to where most of the people quit. I don't understand how people who have shitty connections get host and I have a 20mb connection and never get host. epic needs to fix this crap quick..[/QUOTE]

I understand your point. People who ruin the online experience are also those whom choose to exploit a glitch and jump outside maps. These asshats 'attempt' to force everyone else to take an early quit penalty.

You've probably been host. In a room of ten players, your odds are 1:10. Although, it's difficult to tell when you are host. In horde, it's much easier, since you get to decide to continue if everyone is wiped out. :)

I mean, if you begin each round doing a shot gun test against a wall (to assess latency); there's a problem.
" Changes the Guardian game type to select the leader based upon XP level (highest to lowest)."

I'm not sure if this good or bad. If I'm host, that means I'll be the leader the entire game.
[quote name='BigPopov']yeah not really fancying the guardian change. As long as the dumb ass computer never is guardian I'm fine.[/QUOTE]

Yeah its dumb when the computer leader runs out into battle. But this is going to suck if the top rated player is the leader every round. Hopefully its just for the first round, and then it will go by who got most points/killed the other leader for the 2nd round.
Its rumored that All Fronts is going to be a deal of the week I think. If that happens, think they'll do double or triple exp? I stopped at level 50, but aside from getting 100 and seriously2.0, i have all the other achievements
[quote name='mike.m']Its rumored that All Fronts is going to be a deal of the week I think. If that happens, think they'll do double or triple exp? I stopped at level 50, but aside from getting 100 and seriously2.0, i have all the other achievements[/QUOTE]

I really hope they do a XP weekend. The only achievements i need are those two, and beating it on insane, and torching the beastriders or whatever they are.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah its dumb when the computer leader runs out into battle. But this is going to suck if the top rated player is the leader every round. Hopefully its just for the first round, and then it will go by who got most points/killed the other leader for the 2nd round.[/QUOTE]

I read it as they start with the highest ranked player as guardian and then it goes down the list with each subsequent round.

As much as I hate being the guardian, I do need that achievement for wins as the guardian.
Map packs are now reduced in price. All Fronts (a.k.a. all maps + bonus chapter) is 800; Dark Corners is 560, Combustible/Snowblind/Flashback are each 400. Also, there is supposed to be triple XP from 5/27 through 6/1.

Also, the update still isn't up. :bomb:
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[quote name='Callandor']Map packs are now reduced in price. All Fronts (a.k.a. all maps + bonus chapter) is 800; Dark Corners is 560, Combustible/Snowblind/Flashback are each 400. Also, there is supposed to be triple XP from 5/27 through 6/1.

Also, the update still isn't up. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

Ahhh, i might have to put down RDR to play some gears. Usually it takes me about 3 days to level up once. So if its triple XP wouldnt i be able to level up in 1 day? IDK its possible. 6 days is a long time to put RDR away for lol. But it would be nice to get to level 100 finally.
Well sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Guess I may pop this in after... 6 months or so of not playing. Anyone want to run through the campaign on co-op Insane, or co-op the DLC level?
750xp for one wave of Horde on Insane is enticing, especially since you can finish off a wave in 45 seconds or so. The 6.2 million xp I still need to go from lvl 50-> 100, not so much.

I wouldn't mind getting a group together to run through some social games to knock out some mp achievements over the weekend.
Wow, I might have to find my game after a long while of not playing. I'll definitely be down for Horde, send me a FR and I'll switch out RDR.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']750xp for one wave of Horde on Insane is enticing, especially since you can finish off a wave in 45 seconds or so. [/QUOTE]I forgot you can change the difficulty to get more XP. Time to play some Horde whenever the update releases.
[quote name='Matt Young']Well sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Guess I may pop this in after... 6 months or so of not playing. Anyone want to run through the campaign on co-op Insane, or co-op the DLC level?[/QUOTE]Down.

[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']750xp for one wave of Horde on Insane is enticing, especially since you can finish off a wave in 45 seconds or so. The 6.2 million xp I still need to go from lvl 50-> 100, not so much.

I wouldn't mind getting a group together to run through some social games to knock out some mp achievements over the weekend.[/QUOTE]Definitely down. I'll even fight off my RDR/Borderlands addictions for 3XP.
Cool, JDawg. When would be a good time to start? Would you like to wait till after the bonus XP thing is over?

As for Horde, I want the XP anyway (level 15) and I have not completed Horde on any of the newer maps. As long as the time you all play is a time when I am available, I'd love to join.
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']750xp for one wave of Horde on Insane is enticing, especially since you can finish off a wave in 45 seconds or so. The 6.2 million xp I still need to go from lvl 50-> 100, not so much.

I wouldn't mind getting a group together to run through some social games to knock out some mp achievements over the weekend.[/QUOTE]

Not sure I can play this weekend but I'd be down for knocking out some MP achievements I have hanging out.
[quote name='Matt Young']Cool, JDawg. When would be a good time to start? Would you like to wait till after the bonus XP thing is over?

As for Horde, I want the XP anyway (level 15) and I have not completed Horde on any of the newer maps. As long as the time you all play is a time when I am available, I'd love to join.[/QUOTE]Definitely want to wait until after 3XP to do co-op. I can usually play between 8PM or so until 1 or 2 AM EST. I need most Horde achievements and mp achievements actually. I like horde more due to my slower DSL causing many controller throwing fits during competitive mp, but I'm willing to play comp-mp as well. I need faster internet. The bullet lag I get sometimes and the CoD killcam can be sickening when I go up against players with much faster internet.
Hmm, triple XP? Last I checked I was at around level 34 or so and still need a good majority of those Horde Achievements. Only ones I got are Lost in Transition, Ride It All Night Long and Hoard The Horde. I Got all 50 waves of Blood on the Sand, but not level 50 so didn't get cheezmint. So suffice to say I'm down for some triple XP Horde.
do social games allow booting of players? i was in a few annex games and i got booted everytime my team was close to winning, if this is just a network problem or if you can actually boot people now, fucking lame.
Wow social xbox live matches are nice. I searched for a game and ended up with me and all bots, so i was host. Every game i played after that no matter if someone joined or not, i was still host the whole time. :D Thats pretty nice. I was able to level up to 88. Its nice that the matches start right away after one another. No more long wait, or voting. Just get to business!!!
Dont mean to double post but wow. I played again for 3 hours and got host again for every game. Its really wonderful. But the bad thing was that for most of the matches i had 4 bots, against sometimes full human teams. I lost a lot of matches but i did really well with my K/D and XP points. LOL. Hopefully i will continue to get host.
oh boy can't wait to start up this again. so I guess i can reach 100 now that social matches are in. are the xp breakdowns the same for ranked/social?
[quote name='Matt Young']Again... Sometime tomorrow, anyone? Horde? I don't care which maps; I need 'em all as far as the DLC goes.[/QUOTE]

Depends on the time. I will be out all night from 6pm est on.
Just got to level 89. Im thinking ill be able to rank up 5 levels during this triple XP period. So hopefully i can get to level 92 or 93. The last 7-8 levels will be a grind without triple XP.

I got 10,000 points in a match after going 28-2. Yeah the first two rounds were me with all bots. So i was 22-2 before people joined in. But some times when i am host, i get some odd number like 350 points no matter how good i did.

When im not host, in the begining of a match it stays dark for a few seconds and says whoever is the leader. By the time i get to run my whole team is half way down the map. Its really annoying, but only seems to happen in the first round of a map when im not host.
Anyone want to try some insane mode Horde right now? I have one other person. I'm alright at it, but never really tried it on insane. Send me a message if you guys are interested.
Markez, I can play in a half hour (10:30 pacific/1:30 Eastern) and that goes to anyone else who wants to play. I'd rather do insane Horde, but I'll play anything.

EDIT: Here's what I need for Horde:

Waves 1-10 on all Flashback maps
Waves 1-10 on Combustible maps as a team
Waves 1-10 on Snowblind maps
Waves 1-50 on any Snowblind map
Waves 1-20 on Way Station
Waves 1-30 on Allfathers Garden
Waves 1-40 on Memorial
Waves 1-50 on Nowhere
[quote name='kylerg']So you can boost in Social with bots now?[/QUOTE]

Nah, seems like when im alone with all bots, i always get 375 xp no matter what. So its pointless to do that, unless you like boosting your K/D ratio. But i dont care about that.

Man today i had a great match. In War Machine, a map i hate. It was me and bots vs 5 humans. i took out every member of the opposing guardian team when i was the only guy left. And it wasnt one by one either. Wish i had that on video. Then when the round was over they all left. LOL.

I also had a crazy ass round in fuel station, i think its the one without snow, where you can go on the rooftop. Anyway 10 seconds in i start blowing up the gas tanks and blow some guys up, shoot at the other gas pump and blow more guys up, until there was one guy left crawling i shoot him and round over. I really didnt think that match would end so fast. Of course it was against 2 guys and 3 bots. But still was pretty fast.

So i guess you cant boot someone from a social game if you are host, even though ive gotten messages saying the host has removed you from the game, please find another host. I guess this means they quit the game? Its just annoying because i killed someone and 2 seconds later the game ends because the host leaves.

I looked at my rank in social guardian and it was 39th LOL. My K/D is 2.0 so far. My K/D before this update was around 0.8 or 0.9. But then again the majority of the games ive played since the update, i was host.
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