Official NHL Not 15 (14) Discussion/CAG Team Thread - Headsets On Pants Off! New Team!

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Lol must have been while they were fixing it.  Because it is back down to 75% and the front page shows correctly now.

I am grabbing the overkill 4 pack for us so you guys dont need to get that it is only $3.74

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Lol must have been while they were fixing it. Because it is back down to 75% and the front page shows correctly now.

I am grabbing the overkill 4 pack for us so you guys dont need to get that it is only $3.74
Sweet! Awesome dude. I grabbed the rest of the stuff I didn't have. Kind of sad that the discounted Payday DLC is one of the most exciting things I've seen in the sale this far, haha. I actually miss playing that game. We kind of got pretty good at it.

In other news, I was all ready to call Comcast today to get our service switched to the new address...but when I connected our modem, it instantly picked up a signal and was pulling good speeds. Does Comcast have some system where they just know your modem and as long as the home is wired correctly it works? That just seems way too advanced for them.

I would think it was just the previous owners connection that hadn't been shut off yet, but the house was vacant for several months before we bought it. I is confused, lol. Either way, I'm not saying shit. We had a similar thing happen at our last apartment where the previous resident didn't turn off the service but I couldn't register our modem. I had to go to their office with a copy of our lease and stand in line for an hour. I'm definitely not doing that again.
I think Microsoft just pretty killed it at E3 this year.

Also, Time Warner has done that to us. They know our router and we have moved plenty of times with it still working.
The Rare Anthology and Backwards Compatibility sold it for me. Its amazing how much better Microsoft seems to be doing with Phil Spencer at the helm. MS got some point back in my book thanks to how he answered this interview question about broken games and early access (3:21:211 if the time stamp link doesn't work).

The guy on the right is Kudo (Kinect and Hololens guy); He has a "No way in hell im touching this one" look, while there's like no hesitation from Phil.

Also, new American Truck Sim trailer:

Meanwhile, NHL still looks like more of the same; only difference I see is that if you look at the jerseys, it doesn't look like they are playing in a hurricane anymore:

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The worst thing about NHL is EA knows it gets an automatic free pass just by bringing EASHL back. There could be Hercules checks and stick clipping all over the place and people will still gush about EASHL.

It's the exact "take a feature away just to add it back as 'new' later" thing that EA swore they didn't do. It's frustrating because it basically creates a world where they don't have to actually try.
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So, after trying to play legit, my friends and I are enjoying what we call Crazy CHEL. All penties off,icing off and injures on. It's fantastic.
So, after trying to play legit, my friends and I are enjoying what we call Crazy CHEL. All penties off,icing off and injures on. It's fantastic.
So, basically NHL Hitz then? Haha. That sounds awesome.

That's kind of like what I said EA should do. If they can't deliver a legit hockey sim experience, just give us all the crazy shit and at least make us laugh.

Nobody remembers incredible goalie saves, but they sure as hell remember checking themselves into the bench. :lol:
Yup, pretty much is NHL Hitz with running goald and it's so damn good. We go so far as to randomize league and team as well with a mercy rule of 14 goals. Because when it's Japan against Sweden, you need that rule. It actually makes the game a bunch of laughs and enjoyable! I suggest giving it a try!
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Going to have to miss tonight. Still getting settled in and I haven't even unpacked my 360 yet, haha. Sorry, guys.
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No sweat, I was expecting you to miss a week or two with a move.  It takes a while to get everything settled back in.

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Instead of playing 2's and hating ourselves, Alan and I were discussing playing Monday night (and hating ourselves then) if anyone will be around.  Rob, I know you had mentioned Monday nights as a possibility for you.

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Wow, that's awesome about Ark. II'll probably jump on that the next time a reasonable deal comes up.

And yeah, that's pretty bad about Arkham Knight. I bet it mostly has to do with Steam's new refund policy though. Probably a billion people requesting refunds who will then turn around and buy the game again as soon as a patch comes out. Probably just less of a headache this way.

You do have to wonder what message this sends to publishers about making sure their games are ready though. I know I wouldn't be mad to see this create kind of a QA test where the game gets pulled if it doesn't pass. Standards have been too low for too long. Arkham Knight not having the same rain effects as the PS4 version is ridiculous.

EDIT - Posted that before seeing AK had been pulled from every store and that WB actually apologized for it. That's crazy. I'm sure the quick Steam refunds didn't help, but they've got a lot of fence mending to do.
Last edited by a moderator:, that's stupid. I should be able to play tonight. My mancave (see also: garage) is still lacking air conditioning because so far this summer is being a complete asshole and it's been 90+ degrees for 2 weeks now, so every HVAC installer is slam booked (hopefully I'll have my system installed early next week though).

So, I'll be running ghetto fabulous tonight with my box fans pointed right at me. Not sure if anyone will be able to hear me in chat, but hey...I can play, haha. :)


LOL...damn, that's cold.

But there's no shame in being Mr. Underwood. I mean, he comes home to this...


So, whoever does the captions for Channel 4 News can probably eat a barrel of dicks for all Fisher cares, haha.

I hate to be "that guy," but holy smokes, for a 5 sentence article, that was terribly, terribly  written.

Mike Fisher isn't even capitalized. Run-on sentences galore. Lack of punctuation. And they didn't even link to either of their Instagram posts. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I hate to be "that guy," but holy smokes, for a 5 sentence article, that was terribly, terribly written.

Mike Fisher isn't even capitalized. Run-on sentences galore. Lack of punctuation. And they didn't even link to either of their Instagram posts. :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Haha, yeah, it is pretty bad. I was actually confused myself why Carrie Underwood was referred to as "the Queen"...without explaining the label in any though she actually is royalty of some kind, lol. Wonder what the writer was doing when he wrote that...maybe hanging out with this guy. :lol:


Yeah, I saw a feature on it the other day and thought it looked pretty cool (for a game resembling soccer, haha). I'd totally be down to play that assuming it has good team play and legitimate matchmaking. I wonder if you can play it with a steering wheel. :lol:
Yeah, it has configs for up to 8 players, so 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. It has crossplay w/PS4 as well, so there are plenty of pleyers. GB is playing it live right now, its crazy how much it resembles a real game of soccer/hockey. The GB West team are playing 1 D, 2 Strikers, while the East team is just chasing the ball all over like 4 year olds, and East is getting stomped.

Annnd after watching them play more, I'm sold lol.

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Oh, man...the reviews on Steam are hilarious.

You know a game is good when it's the last thing you think about at night and the first thing you want to do in the morning.

Rocket League made me forget to masturbate.

Rocket League is fantastic. Even my friends from the private forum I visit- guys who are critical of so many games- love Rocket League on PS4. I've already played through a season (with a team named "Assholes") and earned over half the trophies. It's so much fun.
Yup , put in 3 hours last night. It's pretty great.

Gameplay starts at 28:35

Some sweet plays from my games last night:

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At this point, cross-platform is just in the matchmaking/gameplay itself, so you cant party up/create a private game cross-platform,  but the devs said that they are aiming to get cross-platform parties in by end of summer.

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