OK, now I hate the USPS, 40+ packages and now this...

I've sent probably 40 or so packages(alot of CAGs didn't do feedback I think) since I started trading/selling on here and yesterday, I learned that the package I sent had the contents damaged finally.

In a great trade, I was shipping out 40 or so guides(they're sitting here anyway) for an XBox from another CAG. So, naturally, I used a regular sized cardboard box and taped the hell out of it to ensure it wouldn't come open during shipping.

I had received notes from other CAGs I've dealt with before that their guide packages looked beat up and muddy in some cases, but none had EVER had actual damage to the contents.

Of course, the beast of a box I sent out on the 11th weighed in at around 53 pounds, so yeah, it was definitely in the heavyweight mail division.

Well, yesterday, the package arrived at its destination and had apparently gotten wet in transit. Two guides were ruined, others were wrinkled/crinkly, but most were fine.

Thing is, with my past good luck with the postal service, I had never even thought of insuring the guides. And, I don't have copies of either of the ruined ones to send along at the moment.

Whose fault is it? And, have you ever received guides or other items that were damaged en route? I'm just curious, as this has kind of put me off dealing with the postal service on this level ever again. Small bundles are OK(though I think some mailmen honestly are sadistic and take pride in tossing around peoples stuff), but something of this size, never again.
I just don't use usps, always ups. It's nobody's fault, but I would probably paypal him the difference for the ruined guides. If nothing else, you have a reputation to worry about.

Edit: I've completed about 50 trades online, with more pending.
I don't do Paypal and I just found a copy of one of the ruined guides. I want to make amends somehow, but I think the postal service should do something too, even without it having been insured, since someone obviously got it wet en route and I know it left here in one piece.
Post Office wont do nothing. Either forget about it and just move on and/or send out replacement guide for the damaged one. Theres nothing you can do about it with the Post Office considering no insurance is purchase.

No insurance = automatic loss and a waste of time trying to claim/do something about it.
Did you use Media Mail because you have to package your items like a tank if you are. Like wrapping them in two layers of plastic garbage bags, then using 2 cardboard boxes to double box your packages. If you are using Priority then you can send them in normal packaging because USPS takes good care of them. I've sold a Wii, DS Lite, and PS2 on eBay before via Priority Mail and the boxes always arrived in pristine condition. Same when I received items through Priority.
First of all very good deal getting a Xbox for 40 guide. At that size and weight it would be better to use UPS, since insurance is free.
This stuff happens. I've shipped out probably 500 packages since I started dealing online and it's just part of the game. I consider myself fortunate in that I've only had about 4 packages lost and another 4 damaged. The only way you can possibly prevent any losses from this kind of thing is by insuring every package, and that's pretty much ridiculous since it'd run you an extra ~$2 per shipment. Instead, I recommend figuring out some guidelines by which you're going to trade...sort of a cost-benefit analysis. Over the years I've tweaked mine a bit, but now they're basically:

Value 100 - Always insured, period. If it's a console package or something, I may use UPS since it tends to be cheaper once the weight of a shipment gets a little higher. I would go nuts if something like this got lost and I had to cover it out of pocket, so I never risk it. Basically, you've gotta ask yourself what value for you is too high not to insure, and always insure above that point.
Even if you insure with usps don't they require you to give them the package and it's contents? That wouldn't have done you any good in a trade situation anyway.
I use them all the time and never had anything damaged. i ussually buy the insurance just in case something dose get damaged and the person im dealing with is a :censored: . I always wrap books up in plastic wrap or put them in a ziplock bag just in case its wet wherever they end up.
See, this is the first package I've had with actual damage. And, I sent it Parcel Post for the first time ever, due to the sheer weight of it. I had thought about cramming 2-3 of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes with the guides, as I've always been able to get 13-15 to fit in there without busting it wide open, but I decided to go the cheapass(or so I thought) route and use Parcel Post.

I looked into UPS and between their fees and all, it wasn't cost effective($31-35), plus like I said, I hadn't had a problem with the USPS up to that point.

I mean, sure, the occasional guide package ended up mucked up on the outside, but never damaged. I guess I placed too much of my trust in them though, huh?

And, at the value I would've had to declare on the guides(if I went by a generic cover price of $19.99 each), it would've cost another $5-7 to insure it, with no guarantee that they would even want to pay out if this happened.

Oh well, you live and you learn I suppose.
My guides are sandwiched with cardboard flanks and wrapped in a plastic guide to prevent just that - moisture from getting in.

How much did 53 lbs of guide cost? (I'm extremely lazy tonight and not bothering to look it up online, heh.)

Count your losses and hope the XBox doesn't arrive destroyed...
I was the guy who traded the Xbox (BTW has that arrived yet?). I'm not sure there was anything else that could be done in this situation. The guides were packed pretty well and everything. The water seems to have leeched through the box and into a few of the guides, so I think maybe someone left the box on wet ground for a while or something. Or maybe the delivery truck was leaky (we had some strong rain in the last couple of days). In any case, I don't hold IAmTheCheapestGamer responsible for it. I suppose in the future you could wrap the guides in a plastic bag or garbage bag to help protect them.
[quote name='Caliburn']My guides are sandwiched with cardboard flanks and wrapped in a plastic guide to prevent just that - moisture from getting in.

How much did 53 lbs of guide cost? (I'm extremely lazy tonight and not bothering to look it up online, heh.)

Count your losses and hope the XBox doesn't arrive destroyed...[/quote]

The guide bundle, with DC cost $26.22 total to ship via parcel post. I was going to send via media mail, but the one guide had a DVD with it and I'd been told prior that certain types of media like that could not be sent media and I might risk losing my shipping cost if they opened it and inspected it completely(which I was also told they do on some media mail packages).

I normally do pack guides with plastic wrapped around them, but I didn't have any extra static wrap laying about, plus like I said, I trusted the postal service to get the package there unharmed like usual.

Oh and icruise, it didn't arrive yet, which is shocking since the package left Philly on the 17th at 5 am. I mean, normally when I was sending packages(which get scanned along their route usually, but not the last couple times), I was able to track it step by step till it got there.

Your guide package, however, was marked 'accepted' till it was marked delivered.

I AM however expecting it to come today by the end of the day, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed it made the trek alot safer than those guides did. I may just have to spring for UPS next time(since their cost was $31, which would've been the cost plus insurance from the USPS), since they insure it free up to x amount.
always use plastic bags or something to wrap up whatever it is in the package...you gotta take into account if is pouring outside it is very hard for us carriers to keep everything dry...the mail gets wet and that is that...

think how easy envelopes start to fall apart in the rain, checks, cards, etc...i dont know how many times i had to let letters dry out before i can handle them without destroying them

oh and you should not have any problem sending those guides via Media mail...some clerk was being difficult
[quote name='Jedi1979']always use plastic bags or something to wrap up whatever it is in the package...you gotta take into account if is pouring outside it is very hard for us carriers to keep everything dry...the mail gets wet and that is that...

think how easy envelopes start to fall apart in the rain, checks, cards, etc...i dont know how many times i had to let letters dry out before i can handle them without destroying them

oh and you should not have any problem sending those guides via Media mail...some clerk was being difficult[/quote]

The same clerk I always deal with at my local PO is the one who told me bout the restrictions and this and that. And, believe me, when shipping out massive amounts of guides before, I've always shipped with plastic bags wrapped around everything. But, I just took all of mine to a store locally that recycles them. Go figure, huh?

I was going to ship all via those priority mail flat rate boxes, but I wanted them all to get there in one shot. That'll teach me to stop being a cheapass and actually send them in a way I trust.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The same clerk I always deal with at my local PO is the one who told me bout the restrictions and this and that. And, believe me, when shipping out massive amounts of guides before, I've always shipped with plastic bags wrapped around everything. But, I just took all of mine to a store locally that recycles them. Go figure, huh?

I was going to ship all via those priority mail flat rate boxes, but I wanted them all to get there in one shot. That'll teach me to stop being a cheapass and actually send them in a way I trust.[/quote]

Fedex is the way to go. :cool:

52 lbs from PA to IL is $22 with no discount (get a free account for like 10% off i think) and $100 of insurance
The place I went to initially with the guides ships via Fed Ex and UPS and even the postal service, so I figured it was one stop shopping. I went in to buy a box to pack the guides with myself while I was there.

They offered to 'pack it for a small fee'. I said 'no no, I can pack it'. It fell on deaf ears, as they took my stuff to the back and proceeded to pack it. I figured, 'ok, for maybe $5, I'll let them professionally pack it'.

So, 10 minutes goes by, they come back out with the box, now packed and filled with packing peanuts even. I ask the girl the total damage, kinda snickering, figuring it's probably $30-35, right?

WRONG!!! They wanted $15 fucking dollars for their 10 minute packing job and other extraneous crap fees. The Fed Ex charge was ONLY gonna be $22, so $32 is for you shitheads packing the fuckin thing? GTFO of here. Grand total was $54 fuckin dollars....Give me a break.

I said 'I'll pay you for the box, but those packing charges are ridiculous, I was gonna pack it myself'. So, I paid for the box and left to go to the post office with them.
I've sent big boxes of guides like that via Media Mail with no problem...I wouldn't use Parcel Post as that's a lot more expensive...DVDs are media, by the way, so it wouldn't matter that a guide had a DVD with it. Actually, DVDs qualify for Media Mail and technically strategy guides don't since they usually have advertising in them, although I've never heard of any being sent back. Lots of post offices will send back comic books and magazines if you try to ship the Media Mail, although those qualify for a bound printed matter rate that is almost as cheap as Media Mail.

Personally, I take the gamble and ship all my guides and comic books via Media Mail...as well as large lots of video games...although if the boxes were ever searched at the local post office...they would definitely send all that stuff back to me. According to them, only books, cds, computer software, and DVDs qualify for Media Mail. No video games, comics, or strategy guides. Every post office in the country will give you different rules for Media Mail because it just isn't defined very well in their rulebooks and is open to interpretation by the local postmaster.
I went to a combo UPS/Fed Ex store which ALSO deals with USPS mailings, but like I said, they were exorbitant in their pricing, not that I wanted them to pack anything anyway.

I'll just stick to using the priority mail flat rate boxes from now on I think though.
I asked the mail person around here that same question...What if my package gets wet and ruined?? (like they lay your package on your porch in the rain) They told me that the Mail carrier IS Responsible and would have to replace it!!!
Water damage to a package can happen with any carrier I have had it happen with UPS luckily it did not affect the contents even if you bought insurance I would not go through with the trouble of filing an insurance report for 2 guides just refund the person the difference it is easier.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']See, this is the first package I've had with actual damage. And, I sent it Parcel Post for the first time ever, due to the sheer weight of it. I had thought about cramming 2-3 of those Priority Mail flat rate boxes with the guides, as I've always been able to get 13-15 to fit in there without busting it wide open, but I decided to go the cheapass(or so I thought) route and use Parcel Post.

I looked into UPS and between their fees and all, it wasn't cost effective($31-35), plus like I said, I hadn't had a problem with the USPS up to that point.

I mean, sure, the occasional guide package ended up mucked up on the outside, but never damaged. I guess I placed too much of my trust in them though, huh?

And, at the value I would've had to declare on the guides(if I went by a generic cover price of $19.99 each), it would've cost another $5-7 to insure it, with no guarantee that they would even want to pay out if this happened.

Oh well, you live and you learn I suppose.[/QUOTE]

you would have to show proof that you or the buyer paid 14.99 for each of those guides. If you have no proof in what you paid, i doubt they would gave you a penny even if you had insurance.

i only ship usps ever since the UPS dude working behind the counter dropped and BROKE my sega cd back in 1997. You knew the system was broke as soon as he dropped it.

hand package over to person
UPS counter person drops the item and you could hear it break when hits floor

Me; You just broke it
Worker: Well that is what insurance is for.

they then made me ship it and file for the insurance once the other party got it and found out it was broken.
That's what I hate about insurance, you seem to have to keep every receipt so you can have proof you once paid x amount for it or else you get whatever they decide. Also how often do they open and check media mail boxes?
I don't know, but that was my main fear with sending guides with cds/dvds, since I was told(which is apparently wrong according to Jedi1979)that they would be shipped back to me and I would lose my shipping cost for sending ones with them in it.

Either way, I'll stick to media mail and/or flat rate priority boxes next time, as a precaution, since the priority boxes always got there in one piece unless this time.
With so many people trading penny guides here, I am sure it would be easy to find replacements. If you post what guides were damaged, I am sure you would get some PMs from people offering up those guides.
True, but one of them was a harder to find guide, which many people would Ebay the price(jack up) on. I was lucky that I found the copy I sent out, since I had a couple prior, but people kept grabbing them and leaving all the others on my list(which I'm now pretty stuck with).
[quote name='Tremonti820']I asked the mail person around here that same question...What if my package gets wet and ruined?? (like they lay your package on your porch in the rain) They told me that the Mail carrier IS Responsible and would have to replace it!!![/quote]

i dont know about that....what if it wasnt raining when the package was delievered and then 2 hours later it starts pouring ...the mail carrier cant be responsible, and for anything that important it is always recommended to get a service which requires the reciever to sign for it this way it is hand delivered to a person
Ok, the guides in question were Tales of Legendia (pic 1, pic 2) and Half Life Episode One (pic 3, pic 4). Plus, as I was going through the guides today i noticed that the Guildwars Factions guide is also pretty messed up (pic 5, pic 6).

I don't expect IAmTheCheapestGamer to go to the trouble of tracking down replacements for these particular guides, but it might be nice gesture if I could get three other guides from his trade list to replace them. Would you consider that, IAmTheCheapestGamer?

The Tales of Legendia one is probably the most damaged, but I see that you can get it for $6.48 shipped on eBay (Buy it Now) so I may just do that.
I'd definitely consider it, though wouldn't be able to ship out till payday(Friday).

I always try to make sure those I trade with are happy with the deal and if not, I will try to rectify it. There is ONE glaring exception to that rule, that being the one person who sent me guides packed loosely in a HUGE bubble mailer. They were pretty dinged up when they got here finally(took forever it seemed too).

But, I felt kinda happy in a way because they then complained about MY package I sent them and how there was a 'small crease'(which was screwed up like that before I bought it, but at the time, I didn't sit here and go into explicit detail about the condition of guides on my TL) and how there was 'sticker residue' on the front and back cover, etc, etc, etc, etc.

I put the large 'disclaimer' on my TL due to that trade deal and I almost always ask people if they want to know about condition prior to me shipping. If I weren't such a total cheapass, I'd have probably invested in a digi cam by now and post pics of some of the rougher guides for those who will inevitably ASK.

Anyway, I'm ok with sending 3 replacement guides, icruise, but I noticed an almost inaudible click with the Xbox, which I don't get with my own system.

I'm in the process of looking for someone who could make me or find me a 'spare' hdd, in the event the hdd in one of my now 2 Xboxs DOES go. I was just wondering if you heard any such noises when you had it?

Oh and....I do have a replacement HL Ep 1 guide, but I think it's not mentioned on my TL for some reason. So, that would be ONE of the ruined guides I could resend, but I know Tales Of Legendia is impossible to get around here anymore(especially since the crackdown). The copy I sent you, I got from a mall about 40ish miles away in another GS district when I was up that way for work.

Anyway....I'll PM you with the info I've already put in here and hopefully this time the USPS won't make it their job to destroy the packaging again.
If it's almost inaudible, I probably wouldn't have noticed it, since I sat relatively far away from the Xbox while playing. I've had a number of hard disks (in computers) die on me, and it's always been accompanied by a pretty noticeable and persistent noise. It would also get worse over time, so keep an eye one it, but I think it's more likely that it's natural and just due the difference between HDD manufacturers or something. We can talk about the other guides via PM. Thanks.
bread's done