old EBGames morning update thread 6/30-8/10

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39 (100%)
Instead of editing the first post, I'm just going to put the finds at the end of the thread with everyone else. Here, I'll post the interesting links that I have, in case you're looking for something.

Playstation used sorted by price, high to low

Dreamcast used sorted by price, high to low

Super Nintendo used sorted by price, high to low

Sega Genesis used sorted by price, high to low

NES used sorted by price, high to low

Xbox used sorted by price, high to low

PS2 used sorted by price, high to low

GC used sorted by price, high to low

Gameboy Color RPGs

New (as in sealed) Xbox, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) PS2, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) GC, sorted by price, low to high

New (as in sealed) all products by price, low to high

All preplayed products by price, high to low

All preplayed products by price, low to high

Accessories sorted by price, low to high

(These aren't from today, they're just here so you can find them)



Persona 2

Rival Schools

Suikoden II

Valkyrie Profile



Sol Divide

Tales of Destiny

Threads of Fate




Gunbird 2

Power Stone 2

Project Justice

Mars Matrix



Robot Alchemic Drive


Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner


Gitaroo Man

Component AV Cable (only 99 cents)


Arx Fatalis


Herzog Zwei

Shining Force 2

Phantasy Star 4



Super Nintendo

Secret of Mana


Mario RPG

Chrono Trigger

Ogre Battle

Romance of the Three Kingdoms II
[quote name='Follandboy']Thanks man.

Is the only reason you looked for that game because I posted that it was on their site for $5.99 on Friday?[/QUOTE]

yea thats why i think they wont come i mean only 3000 made and they had what 3 in friday and 2 in today. Seem odd they could turn up 5 of them then again look how many REZ they are turning up. might be a while as well if my foot is broke i wont be doing any driving for 4-6 weeks. good thing i got a stack of unopen games
There's an auction on ebay thats gonna end soon for NCAA College Basketball 2K3. It's going for .99 w/ 7.99 shipping if you're interestd Follandboy.
[quote name='slidecage']yea thats why i think they wont come i mean only 3000 made and they had what 3 in friday and 2 in today. Seem odd they could turn up 5 of them then again look how many REZ they are turning up. might be a while as well if my foot is broke i wont be doing any driving for 4-6 weeks. good thing i got a stack of unopen games[/QUOTE]

Yup, thats right and I had all 5 in my cart and ended up with none by the end of the order. Here's hopeing that tommarow with be as good of an update as today.
[quote name='Maklershed']There's an auction on ebay thats gonna end soon for NCAA College Basketball 2K3. It's going for .99 w/ 7.99 shipping if you're interestd Follandboy.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for your help.
Thanks for the La Pucelle post... been looking for that for a while now. And with the EB promise of case and manual, definitely worth the $17 (stupid sales tax).
[quote name='PimpBot2000']was it the gamecube version? only the gc version is rare.[/QUOTE]
Ya, it was the GC version. WIsh I had a link. I can't find any on ebay right now, but some idiot trying to sell it for 45.00.
[quote name='Follandboy']Yup, thats right and I had all 5 in my cart and ended up with none by the end of the order. Here's hopeing that tommarow with be as good of an update as today.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad you ended up with 0 if you tried to buy all 5...
[quote name='dafoomie']I'm glad you ended up with 0 if you tried to buy all 5...[/QUOTE]

No, I was not looking to buy all 5 of them.

I had 1 in my cart on Friday when all 3 were bought on me and I had 1 in my cart this morning when all 2 were bought from me. I just wanted 1 for my collection. Like everyone else I hate people who hoard games.
[quote name='Follandboy']No, I was not looking to buy all 5 of them.

I had 1 in my cart on Friday when all 3 were bought on me and I had 1 in my cart this morning when all 2 were bought from me. I just wanted 1 for my collection. Like everyone else I hate people who hoard games.[/QUOTE]
Oh, nevermind then.

I'm just kicking myself because I could have bought it for about $26 from EB, but I didn't because the re-release was supposedly around the corner.
[quote name='Maklershed']There's an auction on ebay thats gonna end soon for NCAA College Basketball 2K3. It's going for .99 w/ 7.99 shipping if you're interestd Follandboy.[/QUOTE]

can y0u post a link if its over with all i see is 30-40 bucks ones that sold
Weird, I went through and ordered about $25 worth of PS1 games and a Magic Pengal last week only to check on my order today to find out it never went through. I never recieved a confirmation email either so I'm assuming that the system just didn't log in the trade. Needless to say I'm a little pissed.
[quote name='rywateska']Some random cheap, but decent looking, PS1 games left over:

http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/119972.aspIt might not be that bad… http://www.ebgames.com/ebx/product/230942.asp 3.99 b/c[/QUOTE]

Actually its is that bad. =)

Anyway, my backordered Dreamcast that I ordered shipped on Monday through USPS. I ordered with SAVER shipping. Are they shipping it Priority, because its not like they can ship it via Media Mail. Heh. I can see it now, the DC is going to be stuffed into one of those bubble envelopes.
[quote name='yoursisterspretty']Actually its is that bad. =)

Anyway, my backordered Dreamcast that I ordered shipped on Monday through USPS. I ordered with SAVER shipping. Are they shipping it Priority, because its not like they can ship it via Media Mail. Heh. I can see it now, the DC is going to be stuffed into one of those bubble envelopes.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they come in a standard EB Pre-Owned system box (about the size of a PS2 box). It's the same size as the boxes they send all their systems in except for the GC & Xbox (and handhelds, obviously), due to their odd sizes.
ugh .. my copy of R.A.D. has been on Open Order status for almost a week now. First time I have had anything not ship within a few days. Is this normal ? I would have thought they would have just backordered the order or cancelled it by now.
[quote name='rperez1025']I completely understand! :D Thanks for the price![/QUOTE]

don't get the disney mix unless you want to play a bunch of lame disney songs that have the easiest DDR Steps ever.. its really lame and over rated..
[quote name='AdvOfJet']ugh .. my copy of R.A.D. has been on Open Order status for almost a week now. First time I have had anything not ship within a few days. Is this normal ? I would have thought they would have just backordered the order or cancelled it by now.[/QUOTE]

I ordered R.A.D. on 7/18 and got it yesterday. Shipping information showed up the day after I ordered it. Sounds like there might be a problem. Usually, if an open order sits for a long time, it ends up being cancelled. Of course, I've also had orders show as "open" even after I received them.

Just shoot them an email and see if they'll tell you what's up. They do allow for a very limited number of backorders, so perhaps they're waiting for another one to show up in stock before they send it to you. Never happened for me (always been cancelled), but if you're an optimistic person...
i got my Tales of dest 2 for ps1 today just the game discs no book no manual. they are going back tomorrow cause Tales 2 isnt worth 25 bucks just disc only

Dont they send you Emails saying your items shipped. I never got an email they shipped yet when i go into ordrers it shows

my 2 Brigandine shipped today
my 2 NCAA College Basketball 2K3 gamecube

all shipped today.

IF anyone is interested in DISC ONLY BRIDADINE GAME let me know cause if these come DISC ONLY Im going to take them back to the store
I got my Tales of Destiny 2..disc only as well. Not only that, 2 of the discs were apparently stuffed into a cdholder of some sort...hard to tell what kind of cd holder since it is in pieces now. I didn't realize it was 3 discs and almost tossed the padded envelope, only to find the last disc floating stray in the package. One of the discs got scratched up by the pieces but it seems OK..hard to tell since it is disc 2. The other discs are mint :(

I want to go return it, but after putting the game into the ps2 just to test it, I ended up playing it for an hour and a half and don't want to give it up now. Oh well, maybe I will ebay it off after I finish it, or maybe I can plow through to disc 2 to test it before the return period is up.
[quote name='GreenMonkey']I got my Tales of Destiny 2..disc only as well. Not only that, 2 of the discs were apparently stuffed into a cdholder of some sort...hard to tell what kind of cd holder since it is in pieces now. I didn't realize it was 3 discs and almost tossed the padded envelope, only to find the last disc floating stray in the package. One of the discs got scratched up by the pieces but it seems OK..hard to tell since it is disc 2. The other discs are mint :(

I want to go return it, but after putting the game into the ps2 just to test it, I ended up playing it for an hour and a half and don't want to give it up now. Oh well, maybe I will ebay it off after I finish it, or maybe I can plow through to disc 2 to test it before the return period is up.[/QUOTE]

i wonder where the are getting these cheap basic cases at . This is the 2nd none game double case that broke apart when i opened it. EIther they are junk or im ripped them open too fast and breaking the cases .. yea all 3 of my disc are really messed up. i going to have to spend all day tomorrow in the hospital waiting for xrays on my foot so i will probally toss them up on ebay to see if anyone wants them if my foot ends up being broke (since i wont have a way to drive) if my foot is okay I will probally run them back to at local Eb store friday,,,
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']drat, it looks like my order for Rez didn't ship today, but my throwaway PS1 game did. :cry: I hope I'm lucky enough to get that filled eventually...[/QUOTE]

At this rate, I think your odds are pretty good. Is it open-and-cancellable? Or just open? Because Gitaroo Man sat at open-but-not-cancellabe from early Friday morning to sometime Monday afternoon when it shipped, and a couple of my orders have taken until the next day to ship out, instead of same day, lately.
[quote name='iammeiam']At this rate, I think your odds are pretty good. Is it open-and-cancellable? Or just open? Because Gitaroo Man sat at open-but-not-cancellabe from early Friday morning to sometime Monday afternoon when it shipped, and a couple of my orders have taken until the next day to ship out, instead of same day, lately.[/QUOTE]
Mine is open-and-cancellable at the moment. Was your cancel option removed when Gitaroo Man appeared again during last Friday's morning update?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']Mine is open-and-cancellable at the moment. Was your cancel option removed when Gitaroo Man appeared again during last Friday's morning update?[/QUOTE]

Gitaroo Man was open-and-cancellabe during the Friday update, and then went non-cancellable within a couple of hours afterwards. About that time, EB did an authorization on my credit card for the game. It stayed non-cancellable up until it shipped.
damn, I had a feeling that Rez might show up, unfortunately I'm on the west coast and the updates are at 7 eastern?

Over the past few months, it's been popping up at gamestops all over CA. Either there too far or I just can't get them to sell it to me!!!!
damn, I had a feeling that Rez might show up, unfortunately I'm on the west coast and the updates are at 7 eastern?

Over the past few months, it's been popping up at gamestops all over CA. Either they're too far or I just can't get them to sell it to me!!!!
[quote name='jngx80']damn, I had a feeling that Rez might show up, unfortunately I'm on the west coast and the updates are at 7 eastern?

Over the past few months, it's been popping up at gamestops all over CA. Either they're too far or I just can't get them to sell it to me!!!![/QUOTE]

I'm in CA too. Just wake up at 4 AM! I've only made the morning update maybe the total of 10 times...at 4 AM, I don't give a damn about Rez or Gitarro Man, haha.
[quote name='slidecage']IF anyone is interested in DISC ONLY BRIDADINE GAME let me know cause if these come DISC ONLY Im going to take them back to the store[/QUOTE]

You know you could wait until atlus.com restocks on instruction manuals to make complete sets of those Brigidines. They currently have the inserts in stock for Brigidine. Atlus.com restocks their inserts/manuals every now and then. ;)

[quote name='Morpheus']You know you could wait until atlus.com restocks on instruction manuals to make complete sets of those Brigidines. They currently have the inserts in stock for Brigidine. Atlus.com restocks their inserts/manuals every now and then. ;)


doubtful i had the game way back in feb and i check the site from feb to may (when i sold my copy..needed money) and they never restocked. I doubt they will ever restock older ps1 stuff)
[quote name='b0bx13']So...who's up for a game of "what time will the update start?"

I'm gonna go with 7:22 EST.[/QUOTE]

i go with 705-710

but i say todays update will be lame Might see a major update in snes stuff ??
All I've got to say is it better not be another 8:00 a.m. update. I've got to get some more sleep before heading to work, so here's to hoping for a 7:05 update.
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