OTT 3.0 Upgrade - News, Updates And Progress - Dark Theme & EVERYTHING Else Coming Soon!

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Shit that was last night. I thought it was Saturday. Oh we'll it'll repeat.

Amazon recently put up a ton of the classis Star Trek paperbacks from the 80s 90s and 2000s I used to read as a kid on Kindle. They're around 8 bucks and some are really really good.

I recommend Final Frontier, Kobyashi Maru, doctors orders. The Vulcan academy murders. The Indic epidemic. Yesterday's son. Time for yesterday. Spocks World. The pandora principle. Double, Double And there are a ton more.

If you're looking for a great read for your kindle I highly recommend you pick these up. This was one of the first licensed book series and one if the best. The stories were very well written and high quality. And since this was before the whole licensing craze (Star Wars, Halo, Warcraft, etc) they don't try to do a ton of crazy stuff with the universe. More like a continuation of the original series or fleshing out more backstory.

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I read through allot of those. Idic epidemic was great. I recall it to this day. I picked up them at a garage sale for quarters back in the early 90s.
I know reading is lamesauce but IDK why A World of Thieves is not a more popular book. I swear it's one of the better books I've ever read but nobody I've ever talked to knows what it is.

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went to best buy. bought a dell laptop. 30 minutes after starting it up i am locked out due to typing in my sign on password wrong.
back to the store.
Sweet Jesus. Someone created a hentai tentacle card game and put in on kickstarter. And nearly 100 people have contributed $5000 in the first couple days.

That is just so creepy.

This is from the FAQ.

Tentacles and schoolgirls?! That's terrible!

Our goal from the start has been to attempt to dispel the commonly held stereotype that tentacle themed creatures bear any sort of inherent malice. We believe that characters, much like people, should not be judged by the stereotypes around them, but by their own individual actions. It is in this spirit that we hope to use our art to create a world that fosters love and understanding regardless of external appearances and prejudices.
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And with the help of Ranjeesh and Adam (Secretly Apu) they restored the Dell Laptop back to factory settings since I had locked myself out of it 30 minutes after starting it up.

Never try entering a password when you have a kid each tugging on your forearms.

Finished Vanquish. For a game that doesn't take itself very seriously, that had one hell of a dark ending.

Was fun to play though. Glad I only played on casual, and nothing harder.

decreased, big time.

many threads seem to just have one or two posts a day now. look at this thread.

It was dead before, but now?

It was really slowing down even before 3.0, especially in the Off Topic forum. It's even worse after 3.0. It seems like even the deals forum is more dead than it's ever been.

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I have bought quite a bit from this sale. Still waiting on a Street Fighter v Tekken deal and a Lost Planet 2 deal. A lot more quality deals than the Winter Sale.
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I hate the fact that I bought Crusader Kings II for $19.99 on Steam not 48 hours before it was dropped to $9.99 and they won't credit me...oh well, no more Steam games for me this sale.  Heck, I even asked them to make the $10 difference store credit so I can pay retail for the Civ V expansion...So, if they don't want to work with me, then they don't get any more of my money.


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Have you guys noticed if the forum traffic has increased or decreased since 3.0?

decreased, big time.

many threads seem to just have one or two posts a day now. look at this thread.

It was dead before, but now?

It was really slowing down even before 3.0, especially in the Off Topic forum. It's even worse after 3.0. It seems like even the deals forum is more dead than it's ever been.
The problem with me is that it still seems buggy as hell. Slow response time, pages never finish loading and I just get white screens, errors posting. Most of the time I dont even bother trying. Wonder if Cheapy thinks this was a good idea or not.


I hate the fact that I bought Crusader Kings II for $19.99 on Steam not 48 hours before it was dropped to $9.99 and they won't credit me...oh well, no more Steam games for me this sale. Heck, I even asked them to make the $10 difference store credit so I can pay retail for the Civ V expansion...So, if they don't want to work with me, then they don't get any more of my money.

Hah, nub. You never buy anything unless it's:

1) Daily Deal

2) Flash Sale

3) Community Choice

Anything else you wait until the last day. There's a small chance prices go up, but it's way more likely that they go down.

Hah, nub. You never buy anything unless it's:

1) Daily Deal

2) Flash Sale

3) Community Choice

Anything else you wait until the last day. There's a small chance prices go up, but it's way more likely that they go down.
That's the rub, it was on sale for $19.99, which is why I bought then proceeded to be on 'more' sale than it was earlier. :oops:

Even though I hardly ever play any of the Steam games I purchase, I've bought


System Shock 2

Mark of the Ninja

Alan Wake Franchise

Steam sale so far for me:

Hitman collection

Just Cause 2

Portal 2

As for Cag 3.0, I'm still hating the new overall look of it. I REALLY miss the "user CP" cause it would give me a quick list of all the threads I was subscribed to all nice and organized. This new one is just a big clusterfuck.

Spending the next 10-12 days off from work. Going to stay home and help the wife

recover from her
breast reduction

Much less :ps3: time to be had if I'm going to be the one getting up early with these three monsters. More handheld and phone gaming time, perhaps.

Seems like nearly every phone game is some variation of "match 3", "running" or "fling things".


Stupid CAG 3.0. Why you gotta make the spoiler take up a whole extra line? It's not like I hit enter up there after putting it. And why hide the spoiler in the BB Code Part?

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So far I have bought the following from the steam sale:

Hotline Miami

X Com: Enemy Unknown

Darksiders II

Borderlands 2

Thomas Was Alone

Bully: Scholarship Edition

Bionic Commando Double Pack

Doom 3 BFG Edition

NBA 2K13

Castle Crashers

Devil May Cry 3

Mark of the Ninja

Sleeping Dogs Dragon Master Pack

If I didn't have a shitload of Steam credit from trading shit in at Gamestop I wouldn't have bought half the shit I did.

Fellas - if you see Gunpoint on sale again, get it. Its awesome. Simplistic style but some of the puzzles are a bit tough. fucking with the guards is fun too.

EDIT: Aaaaand I beat it. Short game but fun.

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Windows 8 on this new laptop is horrible.

Clicking on the news "App" and the thing takes 30-60 seconds to load. 

Checking the news on my phone, I can read most of the days headlines in 60 seconds.

Fellas - if you see Gunpoint on sale again, get it. Its awesome. Simplistic style but some of the puzzles are a bit tough. fucking with the guards is fun too.

EDIT: Aaaaand I beat it. Short game but fun.
I wish the Special Edition was a bit cheaper, but I grabbed that anyway.

Managed to get my second Steam Summer Sale badge so far. I don't think I can get the third, but I'm sure the last set of stuff I get after seeing what's on sale tomorrow will put me closer on that front.

Speaking of summer sale badges - anyone have any dup Skyrim, Chivalry or Torchlight 2 summer sale cards they could give me? If the system allows me I have a few dup cards I could trade in return.

Speaking of summer sale badges - anyone have any dup Skyrim, Chivalry or Torchlight 2 summer sale cards they could give me? If the system allows me I have a few dup cards I could trade in return.
I believe I do (95% sure I do). When I get home I will double check.
Cool thanks.

BTW I got my first 'Trading card'. Anyone know how this differs from the other cards? I thought all cards are tradeable. I'm not sure why this is specified as 'trading'.

Also, got my first foil card yesterday (FTL).

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I haven't played PC games in over 10 years, but this sale is making me buy stuff.

Thankfully, there isn't much my laptop can run, and I have some self restraint.

  1. There's definately some psychology involved with "Limitied Time Offer." and "Price too good to pass up."
That sale is sweet- I ordered 2 ncaa hats and got my kid a puppet for $15 shipped to store.
Didn't think I was going to buy anything since my teams had a weak selection and all the 49ers stuff had a Superbowl logo, so fuck that, but then I saw that they have zubaz pants for ten bucks. Got myself a red/white.

Didn't think I was going to buy anything since my teams had a weak selection and all the 49ers stuff had a Superbowl logo, so fuck that, but then I saw that they have zubaz pants for ten bucks. Got myself a red/white.
I hear the trick to get that awesome extra-balloonish look is to get them 1 size larger than you need and then get the waist and pant cuffs tailored to fit. Dropping the in-seam to about mid-thigh also works wonders.

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decreased, big time.

many threads seem to just have one or two posts a day now. look at this thread.

It was dead before, but now?
Today I was looking at the alexa numbers and damn- pageviews and (to a lesser extent) pageviews/user are dropping. As you stated- posts and user activity seem to really be dropping off even more so.

I would scrap this whole revamp: aesthetic, layout and code 'twere it mine. I watched all the Anticlown media sites fall through the floor after they went all white and trimmed page width. This smacks of that and they never fully recovered, even after they went back to black and darker schemes. I wonder if he (CheapyD) talked to a web design consultant or something, they always push dark themed sites towards a more user friendly white- everytime I've watched it done in a community driven environment
it has backfired.

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Today I was looking at the alexa numbers and damn- pageviews and (to a lesser extent) pageviews/user are dropping. As you stated- posts and user activity seem to really be dropping off even more so.

I would scrap this whole revamp: aesthetic, layout and code 'twere it mine. I watched all the Anticlown media sites fall through the floor after they went all white and trimmed page width. This smacks of that and they never fully recovered, even after they went back to black and darker schemes. I wonder if he (CheapyD) talked to a web design consultant or something, they always push dark themed sites towards a more user friendly white- everytime I've watched it done in a community driven environment
it has backfired.

I use tapatalk so most of the changes don't affect me directly but they affect other people, so those people don't want to post and then I have nothing to read so can't have a conversation.
Today I was looking at the alexa numbers and damn- pageviews and (to a lesser extent) pageviews/user are dropping. As you stated- posts and user activity seem to really be dropping off even more so.

I would scrap this whole revamp: aesthetic, layout and code 'twere it mine. I watched all the Anticlown media sites fall through the floor after they went all white and trimmed page width. This smacks of that and they never fully recovered, even after they went back to black and darker schemes. I wonder if he (CheapyD) talked to a web design consultant or something, they always push dark themed sites towards a more user friendly white- everytime I've watched it done in a community driven environment
it has backfired.
Post this in the CAG 3.0 thread. Maybe it will open their eyes a little.

I think he feels the same way that you guys do. At least that is what his twitter feed on the front page reflects.

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My biggest problem is navigating forums. Even finding the deals forum - which is something you'd think would be first and foremost on the forum priority list - is a hassle to locate.

And thanks for those cards Casey. I was able to upgrade my summer sale badge to level 2.

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Morning, OTT.

Someone please explain to me exactly these Steam Cards do?  Are they just collectibles?  If I get a set, do they unlock coupon codes?

I seem to be unlocking some, although the Berserker Card in TL2 is eluding me for some reason.

Morning, OTT.

Someone please explain to me exactly these Steam Cards do? Are they just collectibles? If I get a set, do they unlock coupon codes?

I seem to be unlocking some, although the Berserker Card in TL2 is eluding me for some reason.
All you need to know is that they're things you should send to me. All of them.

I actually joined and spent maybe $15 in this steam sale. So much for being independent.

May not get around to playing any of these, although it might be fun to play a traditional point and click adventure game again.

Taking the wife in to get drains removed. She need two nights in the hospital. I haven't even turned on my  ;ps3: for games since....Tuesday night?

CAG 3.0 is definitely worse than it was before. I don't think it's really terrible or anything, but it's not better. I'm on another forum (just small group of gaming friends) and we all pitched in for vB5... only to just recently switch back to our out of date vB4. At least we had the option of going back. We'll check in on vB5 periodically and see if it ever improves and we aren't going to fret over it. If you think this forum got worse, you should try going from vB4 to vB5. In a way that makes me more tolerant of the downgrade here - it doesn't seem nearly as big of a deal.

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