Painted My Genesis Model 2 - Thoughts?, Opinons? - PICS ADDED - 56K Warning


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I painted my genesis model 2 last night with krylon fusion paint, I will post pictures up later today after i reassemble it. My question is does painting systems increase the value?

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[quote name='mgriff']I painted my genesis model 2 last night with krylon fusion paint, I will post pictures up later today after i reassemble it. My question is does painting systems increase the value?[/QUOTE]

I say it all depends on the color and if you did a good job or not :)
Here are the pics:

Looks nice, its even in Sega blue. I think that black could use a little more color though, at least on parts of it. The buttons on the Megadrive were red like on Sonic's shoes, I dunno how that would look though. It looks great, makes me wonder why most consoles look as bland as they do.

I wish my Genesis 2/Sega CD looked like that.
Wow! Thats a really good looking paint job! I think I will do the same to one of mine. How did you get it around the stickers?

I don't think it will raise the value since they are cheap anyway. I would say that painting a system decreases the value due to it being modfied. This is really only true for older systems, with newer system it might help the value.
[quote name='dtarasev']Wow! Thats a really good looking paint job! I think I will do the same to one of mine. How did you get it around the stickers?

I don't think it will raise the value since they are cheap anyway. I would say that painting a system decreases the value due to it being modfied. This is really only true for older systems, with newer system it might help the value.[/QUOTE]
Well, somebody painted their 360 the same color and it tripled the value. I don't think this helps its value as a 'collectable' per se, but its certainly worth more now since you can't exactly get these anywhere. Especially for more common older systems like this, but you'd never do something like that to anything rare.
hmm.. i do this in my spare time, might there be a market for it on here? :whistle2:k

EDIT: looks good man! maybe some red on the feet "thingies" and on the cd tray cover, with white on the stripe/outer rim?
[quote name='danny-o']I need to paint my snes. its nasty looking with that yellow.[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea actually. Mine looks awful.
I'll just echo what everyone else is saying. Looks great!

Is that a spray paint? I can't spray paint for ass. Always get streaks and drips.
I 've painted some dreamcast systems, and I might do the same for my nes & genesis. I would love to do the ds/sp systems. But I'm afraid I'll fuck the screens, or get alot of dust in there...
[quote name='Deadpool']Is that acrylic paint?[/QUOTE]
It's the krylon fusion paint made for plastics..
Very nice paint job.

[quote name='gunm']Cool. I think my old genesis is hiding somewheres...if I only had an airbrush...[/QUOTE]

Just goto WalMart and get some Krylon spray paint. It works great for painting consoles.
bread's done