Please don't waste your money on The Last Airbender

[quote name='utopianmachine']

If you love the cartoon series, don't let this film blaspheme your memories of it. [/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up. Kinda figured it was going to crash and burn.
[quote name='ZeroFactorial']Meh. I was interested in the movie, and I'm not going to let the critics make my decisions for me like a sheep. Still going to see it.

I'll decide if it sucks for myself.

Shamalama deserves for me to at least give it a chance. I, for one, actually really liked Lady in the Water. It was kind of an age of innocence type of fantasy movie.
You don't see much of that nowadays. People seem to have lost all hope for humanity, even though there are still good people in the world.[/QUOTE]

wow you liked lady in the water? i tried watching that flick 3 times and i couldnt make it past 20 or 30 mintues before i either fell asleep or changed the damn channel. im sure avatar tla will make tons of money because of the same reason the transformers films and spiderman 3 made alot of money. damn shame too because if it does do well ther will be another......and another.......and another.
[quote name='kirby145']People were expressing their opinions during the movie.

For example

Katara: Aang we need to get back to whatever... (Pronounced as Ahng rather than Ayng)
Audience member:"That's bullshit"

Also Sokka was somehow pronounced Sow-ka. Iroh was Ear-oh. The earthbending kid looked like maybe a 5 year old how is he supposed to have a mustache at the end of the series

Firelord: So what you're saying is that my son is the blue spirit.
Zhao: YES. (end scene)
Audience: Hilarious laughter[/QUOTE]

Probably one of the best experiences in a movie theater, and a vindication of American society in general, is when audiences are collectively awesome and laugh at unintentionally hilarious parts.

I remember when I was hiking through NH, I stopped at a movie theater in VT for civilization and ended up seeing Public Enemies. There was this part in the movie where this law enforcement agent does a somersault with tommy gun in hand, and Michael Mann decided to slow-mo the whole thing. The whole audience just exploded with laughter.
[quote name='Strell']You can't make shit shittier. So an Unbreakable sequel wouldn't bother me.[/QUOTE]

oh you can. godfather, shit. godfather 2 shittier, godfather 3 shittiest.
[quote name='dead of knight']can the movie industry please stop giving this fucking hack movies?

I'm watching the clips on rt that were posted. Was m. Night deliberately trying to troll america with this?[/quote]

[quote name='ZeroFactorial'] I, for one, actually really liked Lady in the Water. It was kind of an age of innocence type of fantasy movie.[/QUOTE]Hahaha. Good stuff. Good show. I laughed, then I cried. :applause:
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']oh you can. godfather, shit. godfather 2 shittier, godfather 3 shittiest.[/QUOTE]

Please leave the room now. The grownups are talking.
Eh, I'm still super excited to see it. Shyamalan is my favorite director. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of his movies, despite what naysayers and those people who simply have to complain about something think about them. Unbreakable is easily my favorite film of all time.

You guys can all sit here and bitch and whine on the internet, but in the end... you're still just sitting somewhere typing on a forum trying to feel a sense of community in your extremely knowledgeable and righteous attacks on a movie, and M. Night is out making fucking movies, yo.

Don't worry. All I am seeing this year is Toy Story 3, Harry Potter, and Tron Legacy. This movie or even the series never interested me.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah like Troll. And who doesnt like Troll :lol:[/QUOTE]

hey now dont go bad mouthing troll i love that movie and no im not joking i really like the movie alot. now the sequel i can do without. you want to pick on a movie make fun of the munchies or every criters film after critters 2. but LEAVE MY TROLL ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously its a good film.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Damn, I'd love for the first Critters to come out on Blu-Ray. At least Night Of The Creeps got released.[/QUOTE]

night of the creeps was awesome. gotta love all the diff endings.
[quote name='Dunvane']Eh, I'm still super excited to see it. Shyamalan is my favorite director. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of his movies, despite what naysayers and those people who simply have to complain about something think about them.[/QUOTE]

While critics may all agree this film sucks hard, no one can account for personal taste. If you see it and like it, I'll be happy for you. I feel like I wasted $20 bucks.
[quote name='lokizz']hey now dont go bad mouthing troll i love that movie and no im not joking i really like the movie alot. now the sequel i can do without. you want to pick on a movie make fun of the munchies or every criters film after critters 2. but LEAVE MY TROLL ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously its a good film.[/QUOTE]

I've got it in my netflix queue. Mostly because of the actors

I want to see Sonny Bono playing the hippie. Elaine from Seinfeld playing the sexpot. And that lawyer from Law and Order playing the goofy dad - that takes the cake. That kareoke scene is the shit!

Unfortunately it comes with Troll 2 Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
[quote name='camoor']I've got it in my netflix queue. Mostly because of the actors

I want to see Sonny Bono playing the hippie. Elaine from Seinfeld playing the sexpot. And that lawyer from Law and Order playing the goofy dad - that takes the cake. That kareoke scene is the shit!

Unfortunately it comes with Troll 2 Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood[/QUOTE]

yeah i saw this again maybe a year or so ao and i was surrised at all the famous people in it. i saw it as a kid so of course i love it its not that bad of a movie.

btw i dont know if anybody has seen this video or not but its worth a view lol
[quote name='Dunvane']Eh, I'm still super excited to see it. Shyamalan is my favorite director. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of his movies, despite what naysayers and those people who simply have to complain about something think about them. Unbreakable is easily my favorite film of all time.

You guys can all sit here and bitch and whine on the internet, but in the end... you're still just sitting somewhere typing on a forum trying to feel a sense of community in your extremely knowledgeable and righteous attacks on a movie, and M. Night is out making fucking movies, yo.


Shyamalan responds to film criticism:

"I don't know what to say to that stuff. I bring as much integrity to the table as humanly possible. It must be a language thing, in terms of a particular accent, a storytelling accent. I can only see it this certain way and I don't know how to think in another language. I think these are exactly the visions that are in my head, so I don't know how to adjust it without being me. It would be like asking a painter to change to a completely different style. I don't know."

[quote name='utopianmachine']Shyamalan responds to film criticism:

"I don't know what to say to that stuff. I bring as much integrity to the table as humanly possible. It must be a language thing, in terms of a particular accent, a storytelling accent. I can only see it this certain way and I don't know how to think in another language. I think these are exactly the visions that are in my head, so I don't know how to adjust it without being me. It would be like asking a painter to change to a completely different style. I don't know."


Nice excuse.
he knows he fucked up but instead of admitting he did hes gonna pull a uwe boll and try and say its not the film but the people who are watching it.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Shyamalan responds to film criticism:

"I don't know what to say to that stuff. I bring as much integrity to the table as humanly possible. It must be a language thing, in terms of a particular accent, a storytelling accent. I can only see it this certain way and I don't know how to think in another language. I think these are exactly the visions that are in my head, so I don't know how to adjust it without being me. It would be like asking a painter to change to a completely different style. I don't know."


"I shit gold, even if no one can see it's gold. That's the twist."
Tried to convince the wife that we shouldn't go after reading some reviews. However, she's a movie junkie. Man, what a waste of film!!
It's horrible story telling, acting, and just awful. I cannot think of one thing that was done well in the movie.
Saw it Fri. night with a friend. Bad choice of actors. I would have preferred Asians like the cartoon. Some of the acting was stiff and the 3D effects were few. The preview 3D was great though.

One good thing I will say about it though - it followed the cartoon pretty closely.
[quote name='2DMention']

...One good thing I will say about it though - it followed the cartoon pretty closely.[/QUOTE]

Of course it did.

The director took the biggest moments from the First Book, and did the following with it:
1. Played lotto with which moments to pick from the Series.
2. Stitched those moments from step 1, and wrote his own awful dialogue.
3. Asked some really bad actors to perform said dialogue as awkwardly and lifeless as possible.
4. Throw in some special effects every few minutes to try and compensate from all the other garbage that was going on.
5. Called it 'Avatar, the Last Airbender'...and hoped the World would pay up.
[quote name='Dunvane']Eh, I'm still super excited to see it. Shyamalan is my favorite director. I've thoroughly enjoyed all of his movies, despite what naysayers and those people who simply have to complain about something think about them. Unbreakable is easily my favorite film of all time.

You guys can all sit here and bitch and whine on the internet, but in the end... you're still just sitting somewhere typing on a forum trying to feel a sense of community in your extremely knowledgeable and righteous attacks on a movie, and M. Night is out making fucking movies, yo.


Quit acting all righteous, it's your own choice to like crap, no one's forcing you. I enjoyed a few of M. Night's films and I'll defend those but to be honest I couldn't sit through most of them. Perhaps you have the patience of a saint and zero ability to appreciate quality but just because someone gets a lot of money to create a work of art out of his own feces and a whole city block in New York doesn't mean that anyone will or wants to like it. Art is mostly about audience participation and people don't want to watch bad movies or wade through crap. If M. Night wants to be appreciated as an artist then maybe he should be trying harder.

M. Night screwed up a fantasy movie where the characters do martial arts and launch fire/water/earth/air our of their hands or feet or whatever. That takes absolute ignorance of the content and fans and is a sign that he took the money to make a film that was out of his element. This isn't a difference of artistic opinions, this is an action flick that should have succeeded with the money invested into it. If the general consensus is that the character dialog and acting performance was sub par and the storyline was a direct duplicate of the animated series then what exactly did he direct? M. Night took on a project he obviously didn't care about or had no idea what to do with it and he cashed out. Directors do this all the time, but usually when they're this bad they don't use their real names...

My hope for a trilogy just died. It's like The Golden Compass all over again. :bomb:
[quote name='lokizz']i still dont get why he changed they way aangs name is pronounced.[/QUOTE]

I've heard that the genius M. Night thought it sounded more Asian. Then he cast a white boy to play the character.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I've heard that the genius M. Night thought it sounded more Asian. Then he cast a white boy to play the character.[/QUOTE]

wow if thats the truth hes an idiot. heres to hoping this shit film wont kill any chances of an animated movie. i will give him this though casting aang would have been really hard to do imo. im sure they could find tons of asian kids who looked like him but to pull of his personality on screen would have been difficult.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']Shamalamadingdong + Michael Bay + Uwe Bol = Most Epic movie ever![/QUOTE]

Agreed, assuming this movie is made by the 'will it blend' guy. :applause:
My friend dragged me to see it Friday. The only movie I've ever walked out of. Nothing about the whole thing was redeeming or caught my attention at all. At least with Revenge of the Fallen I can say "well, at least they got Peter Cullen to be Optimus Prime and he was bad ass in that fight scene." With this...NOTHING. Somehow M. Night has made a movie where it fails on every level. Story telling wise if you don't know any of the mythology of the series or characters, you're going to get lost and not know what is going on. If you're a fan, you're just going to be see your favorite cartoon getting raped because they needlessly change things.

I Mean the parts where I literally screamed in the theater was when they were with people who can control Earth and they can't fight back EVENTHOUGH THEY'RE SURROUNDED BY GODDAMN EARTH EVERYWHERE! Then the straw that killed the camel was when the Fire Nation suddenly stops and is held back by goddamn fog. fuckING FOG?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! fuck you M. Night and I literally hope someone shanks you with an ice pick after you've been expose for being a pedophile so no one cares that you died. Yes, I hated the movie THAT much.

That and besides THIS being the WORST cast movie possibly ever, all the actors apparently have an acting coach that learned from Keanu Reeves movies.

On the plus side after I left the theater I found an arcade with Medival Madness pinball table.
bread's done