pm problems


CAG Veteran
hey, i was wondering why the pm i send dont show up on my sent box? the ones i recieve do show up. its been like this since i made the account, and its kind of annoying not knowing if my msg got sent or not. any help is appreciated
Have you double checked to make sure this option is checked, at the bottom of the PM area? Should be a check box right next to it.

Save a copy of this message in your Sent Items folder.
no, i send messages but it doesn't save the message to the sent folder. it just says "Sent Items contains 0 messages." but i sent the message. so it should be saved there but there is nothing.
it says this: Sent Items contains 0 messages.
You have 15 messages stored, of a total 50 allowed
i didn't delete them, it just wont save the sent messages when i reply or send a new message

The only way it'll save your a copy to your sent items is if the highlighted portion is checked. Unless I'm misunderstanding exactly what you are trying to do.
[quote name='JP']

The only way it'll save your a copy to your sent items is if the highlighted portion is checked. Unless I'm misunderstanding exactly what you are trying to do.[/QUOTE]THANKYOU! I feel so dumb right now lol I went to my edit and checked the box.
bread's done