Pre-ordered from Amazon, Game takes 7 working days to ship?


CAG Veteran
Hey guys I have a problem with Amazon.
So I pre-ordered NBA 2K10 on Amazon on Oct. 1 and used Free Super Saver Shipping. It said the item will ship once the items are in stock. The game releases on Oct. 5 (yesterday) and it says In Stock on the amazon website. So I check the order status and it says "Estimated ship date: October 13". So I'm like wtf? Shouldn't it ship like a day or two after it's in stock? So I call them up and at first they tell me "Oh you ordered with Super Saver Free Shipping, that takes 5-9 days to ship" and I said NO, it takes 5-9 days to DELIVER. The shipping time of the item should NOT be changed because of this. So she says okay let me look more into it, so she then tells me that it is the distributor that has to ready the item and confirm that they have it and then send it to Amazon, which is why it takes a week plus to ship my item, then on top of that wait for it to be delivered. Is this justified? Is there anything I can do about it? I can't even cancel it because it's already in the "process" of being shipped. Please tell me there is something I can do about this. Thanks.
Also, is this how all pre-orders are dealt with from Amazon?
The game comes out on the 6th. Also, FSSS sucks dick.

On a happier note, I preordered from Amazon and they shipped my game yesterday. It's going to be delivered today :bouncy:
Also, if I bought the same game at best buy, and returned the one I get from amazon TO best buy (to save the hassle of shipping out to Amazon), would that work? I'm assuming they use the same serial for their inventory.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']The game comes out on the 6th. Also, FSSS sucks dick.

On a happier note, I preordered from Amazon and they shipped my game yesterday. It's going to be delivered today :bouncy:
It's what you should expect with free shipping. Their estimates are usually a little high. They just say it'll take longer to cover their asses in case it does get delayed.

Is this your first order with them?
Amazon is one of the best, if not the best online retailers ever.
FSSS saves you money and takes a little longer. They usually estimate the shipping date. That estimate is really what it is, an estimate. I've have things come just as fast as two day shipping with FSSS.
I wouldn't bitch about it. You saved $10+, you could have paid for faster shipping.
Or just go to the store and buy a copy and return your amazon copy when you get it.

Also my amazon prime with two day shipping still hasn't shipped either. If that makes you happy.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']It's what you should expect with free shipping. Their estimates are usually a little high. They just say it'll take longer to cover their asses in case it does get delayed.

Is this your first order with them?[/QUOTE]

No it is not my first time, I have shipped plenty with Amazon which is why I chose FSSS in the first place because it generally takes as long as standard shipping does. And secondly, why does the delivery option CHANGE the shipping option? Like it takes them a certain time to ship it, and then they pay for the delivery fee which is what we pay extra for. I assumed that the time it takes for them to actually ship it was universal with all shipping options, and just the delivery times were different. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Close this thread, just got shipping confirmation LOL.

The following items have been shipped to you by
Qty Item Price Shipped Subtotal

--------------------------------------------------------------------- items (Sold by, LLC):

1 NBA 2K10 $52.99 1 $52.99

Shipped via USPS

Item Subtotal: $52.99
Shipping and handling: $4.49

Super Saver Discount: $-4.49

Pre-order Guarantee: $0.00

Promotion Applied: $0.00

Promotion Applied: $-5.30

Total: $47.69

Paid by Visa: $47.69

This is how all free shipping from Amazon works. They take their time and add about a week to the total shipping time from purchase to delivery.

Don't complain: it's free!
I use FSSS for everything from Amazon (with one or two exceptions a year *cough* COD MW2) and I usually dont have any problems.

I've thought about upgrading to Prime, but with a few exceptions, I'm not one of those 'have to have it on release day' people. I'd rather wait a few days and save a few bucks.
Ordered Operation flashpoint on the 3rd. It was "released" to the US on the 6th. It's now the 9th and still sitting at "yet to be shipped". The shipping estimate says the 13th. They better be ready to ship it fucking fast.
I have used FSSS in the past and I usually received the item within 3-4 working days. You are getting the item for free so there shouldn't be any complaining.
It is annoying that they don't ship the games out a few days before the release date but I still love Amazon and all their cool deals.
bread's done