Price of Xbox 2


75 (100%)

April 12, 2005
Next Xbox for $299?

Following up on the MTV/Xbox news, Goldman Sachs predicts in a research note today that the next-generation Xbox could be released as early as October or November at a retail price of "perhaps about $249-$299."

David Becker of CNet points out that the prediction is a departure from other analysts who "have been predicting Microsoft might try to push it up to $400."

All told, Goldman Sachs analysts say they expect Microsoft to ship about 3 million units of the next Xbox in the fourth quarter of this year, while continuing to ship the current Xbox console, to address the lower end of the market, even after releasing the new console. The analysts write that it would "seem imprudent" for the company to discontinue the current Xbox "given that Xbox 2 would probably not be available in sufficient quantities to meet demand for the seasonally strong December quarter." They note that their conversations with the company suggest it is, in fact, "unlikely" that Microsoft will stop shipping the current Xbox after releasing the new one.

Meanwhile, Xbox Live's Major Nelson is literally counting down the seconds until the program airs.
Their's no way I'd pay over $300 for a console. I hope it does sell for $300, Or I'm not getting any consoles this year =D
they'd be dumb to sell at more than $300. People still remember the last generation selling at $300, and the alternatives to an Xbox 2 are cheaper as it is, by a significant margin. $249 would be a very sweet spot, but I think $299 is very reasonable. Either way, we'll find out in a month.
I would be shocked if Xbox 2 sells for anything less than $350. If you are willing to pay $250 for a psp you sure as hell can pay at least $350 for Xbox next. I don't like it but that's reality. If you want better graphics and performance you have to pony up a few more bucks for it. What sucks even more is the possibility of game prices going up. That's what worries me.
[quote name='kill3r7']I would be shocked if Xbox 2 sells for anything less than $350. If you are willing to pay $250 for a psp you sure as hell can pay at least $350 for Xbox next. I don't like it but that's reality. If you want better graphics and performance you have to pony up a few more bucks for it. What sucks even more is the possibility of game prices going up. That's what worries me.[/QUOTE]

Well at $250 PSP is not selling that well.
How long does it normally take for the first price drop on a system? I want one but I can't afford that much for a system.
The Xbox 2, Next, 360, whatever the hell it's called, would seem like it wouldn't be priced above $300. It's a decent price, especially if it comes with what is being said.
[quote name='kill3r7']I would be shocked if Xbox 2 sells for anything less than $350. If you are willing to pay $250 for a psp you sure as hell can pay at least $350 for Xbox next. I don't like it but that's reality. If you want better graphics and performance you have to pony up a few more bucks for it. What sucks even more is the possibility of game prices going up. That's what worries me.[/QUOTE]

It's exactly as 62t says. Sony was expecting to really hit it off with the PSP, but their assumptions that people are willing to pay the price of a new PS2/XB as well as two brand new games for a dinky little portable (not to mention trying to sell it off by saying "Oh! But it comes with a charger, a video, etc...!") were wrong. I mean I could get a PSP and one of the not-so-thrilling launch titles, or I can buy six of the hottest new games for PS2/XB/GCN, then wait for a price drop as well as potentially better games to be released for PSP. I can't speak for you, but to me, the six games sounds like a better deal. Of course this wouldn't apply for people who are already having trouble clearing their shelves of unopened games.

The price raise in games is gonna kill the industry. I'm really quite satisfied with how games are now. Everyone's trying to make the graphics better, trying to make it more real, but that's why I play games. I don't want them to seem too real. They're trying to get people to buy off on who has the better graphics. All I've heard about is how the PS3 is gonna be so much more powerful than the Xbox 2. I don't care. I want to know how the gameplay is going to be. Is the controller going to have a smoother feel? Are the developers currently signed for the console making games with long play times, a good story, and interesting action? So long as I can tell an arm from a foot, I'm perfectly happy with the graphics. That's why I like older, classic games. People didn't have many options then, so they had to sell their games based on pure gameplay, not how sweet the graphics look. It's nice to see enhanced graphics, but I don't want it if it's going to raise production prices, make development periods longer, and ultimately kill good gameplay.
You know there is an xbox 2 forum, which already has this and much more, even what the system looks like so please check it out, not enough people post up there
[quote name='Kaijufan']$350 is the most I will pay for a videogame system, unless the launch software really impresses me.[/QUOTE]

Haha so really you will pay whatever the company wants you to?
Here's what i did last xbox launch. Buy it from BB along with the replacement plan. Before the two year period is up, and after the price has dropped, send it back saying its not working. They send you a BB check for your original purchase price, and you buy the xbox again at the reduced price. Apply the change left over to a new game or something.

Regardless, i'm probably not going to buy it at launch unless it comes with a Masterchief suit packaged in a kick ass tin case with flames on the side.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Haha so really you will pay whatever the company wants you to?[/QUOTE]
Well, I suppose I have limits. I would never pay over $500 for a system, and the launch lineup has to be really, really impressive for me to part with more then $350.
I have a 3DO unit that was $600 or $700 when it was released. I waited one year after release and got it new for a steal at $450.

With the consoles becoming more advanced, with more features, we have to expect to pay more, but if the big 3 want to get theses things off the shelves, they do have to be reasonable on the price. I think $300 is a good base, not many people are going to want to spent over that.

I would pay whatever, because I'm a video game fool.

I am afraid I may get carpal tunnel syndrome and won't be able to play anymore games after a few more years, but by then I won't need my hands, I can use my voice. Ever play Lifeline for the PS?
I don't even like having to spend more than $200 for a new console. I doubt I will be buying it a launch...a system has to be really good and have alot of games I want before I will even consider going into the $300 range...and there is nothing I've seen so far that makes me want to jump out and buy a Xbox2.
Quick question for you guys - what kind of headset is that guy wearing in those pics on the Major Nelson site?

This is the only thing I've been able to find and I'm not even sure what it is to be honest:

I usually play at night after my wife goes to bed and this would be perfect for those occasions.
bread's done