Pro Wrestling discussion topic--WWE, AEW, ROH, Impact, New Japan, indies

Matt and Jeff are both known for being a bit eccentric and weird. Jeff's house has all sorts of weird sculptures and what not around his yard. Matt's pretty normal in comparison. Super weird promo, but I kinda liked it. Something different and the feud between Matt and Jeff in TNA has been way better than it ever was in WWE.
That promo was some White Castle of Fear shit.

So fucking weird. And I always liked Matt Hardy too.

Is that really where he lives? Jesus that's a weird setup. It's like they just found a random plot of land and built a huge house on it but didn't have enough money after to do anything else.
From what I learned from his message board when the whole Lita-Edge thing exploded, that is his home and he built it on a piece of land not too far from where they grew up and their dad is still at.

I haven't paid attention to TNA for a long time, but what. the. fuck.
This promo has spawned one of the greatest memes of recent history. If you are bored at work, school, or anywhere today look up #keyboardmatt on twitter. Some of these things are awesome.

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So, Hunt knocking out Lesnar at UFC 200, followed by him jobbing to Reigns in August. Maybe Undertaker can show up and make him tap out with no controversy the following month. And maybe THEN Triple H can Pedigree him like 5 times the next night on Raw before kissing Sable.

...not that he'll give a shit as long as he gets paid. And holy shit, he must be GETTING PAID.

I'm looking forward to Cody working indy-style matches, mainly just to see what he does different from WWE style.

"What a maneuver!"

Saw in the Observer wins / losses for 2015 that Bray Wyatt was 28-132-2. That's .175. He's slightly ahead of The Ascension and Adam Rose. But Bray Wyatt, you sir are no Summer Rae (11-47 / .190).

Takeover predictions:

Joe wins by escape, Demon still not traditionally defeated. Shinsuke, Almas win. Not sure on tag titles with the rumors of American Alpha maybe coming up sooner than later. Asuka isn't losing, but what becomes of Nia losing another title match?
Takeover predictions:

Joe wins by escape, Demon still not traditionally defeated. Shinsuke, Almas win. Not sure on tag titles with the rumors of American Alpha maybe coming up sooner than later. Asuka isn't losing, but what becomes of Nia losing another title match?
Seems pretty spot on. The card is very predictable, but should be a killer show regardless. Really excited for Nakamura vs. Aries too.

I dropped the network after WM, so I didn't watch, but was the NXT show just not that exciting? Surprised no talk about it yet. Read the recap and did find it funny the supposedly Smarkier Than Thou Full Sail crowd chanted "who are you" at Paul Ellering.

I dropped the network after WM, so I didn't watch, but was the NXT show just not that exciting? Surprised no talk about it yet. Read the recap and did find it funny the supposedly Smarkier Than Thou Full Sail crowd chanted "who are you" at Paul Ellering.
While the camera was focused on Paul Ellering, I was under the impression the crowd was chanting towards the two big men in the ring.
While the camera was focused on Paul Ellering, I was under the impression the crowd was chanting towards the two big men in the ring.
That was the impression I got also. It was a general, "Y'all came out of nowhere... Why are you getting the push to beat up American Alpha?"

Andrade Almas's finisher was terrible. They said he hit Dillinger with double knees in the corner, but it really looked like Almas just destroyed his own testicles by smashing them against Tye's skull. Looked way more painful for the guy delivering the move.
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That was the impression I got also. It was a general, "Y'all came out of nowhere... Why are you getting the push to beat up American Alpha?"
Those two guys have been working the NXT live events as of late and have been working under the name Agents of Pain, they have a great look that I feel the tag-team division is lacking right now. A couple of power house big men with Paul Ellring as their manager have my attention, looking forward to seeing more from the trio. I really enjoyed Takeover: The End. Every match was enjoyable and IMO American Alpha and The Revivial stole the show last night, hell of a tag-team title match between those four. The main roster could also take some notes at how to work a cage match, that was much more enjoyable than any recent cage/asylum matches on the main roster.

Those two guys have been working the NXT live events as of late and have been working under the name Agents of Pain
I wish it was actually Agents of Pain. Maybe they changed it, but they're now going by "Authors of Pain". They should form a stable with Paige and her "page" move puns.

Anyone who thinks a wrestling smark crowd was chanting "who are you?" at Paul Ellering strikes me as the same person who thinks Bernie was screwed out of the DNC nomination.

Holla back at us when you exit candyland - they were obviously chanting it at the two names, bland jamokes in the ring.

Anyone who thinks a wrestling smark crowd was chanting "who are you?" at Paul Ellering strikes me as the same person who thinks Bernie was screwed out of the DNC nomination.

Holla back at us when you exit candyland - they were obviously chanting it at the two names, bland jamokes in the ring.
They were obviously chanting at The Headhunters 2016, but to be fair most of the kids at Full Sail were 2 or 3 years old the last time Ellering was on WWE TV. It wouldnt be too surprising if they didnt know who he was.

I'll admit I knew who the guys in the ring were and not Ellering, but that's because I've seen Authors of Pain live at least twice. More important is I'm pretty sure the chant started before he even came out.

I'm very excited for the Finn vs Shinsuke match that's coming. 

New shirt dump

Sami Zayn


Tye Dillinger


Finn Balor




Last and certainly least, Golden Truth


Anyone who thinks a wrestling smark crowd was chanting "who are you?" at Paul Ellering strikes me as the same person who thinks Bernie was screwed out of the DNC nomination.

Holla back at us when you exit candyland - they were obviously chanting it at the two names, bland jamokes in the ring.
Now if he had brought Rocco out with him...

I kind of like the VaudeVillians shirt.

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New shirt dump

Sami Zayn


Tye Dillinger


Finn Balor




Last and certainly least, Golden Truth

I know shirt design/aesthetic and such is highly subjective, but the amount of hate that Golden Truth shirt got was ridiculous. It is a way better design than 99% of WWE shirts. I'd wear it.

That Vaudevillians design is great, too. Not exactly sure who that Balor shirt design appeals to. It kinda just looks like an ugly video game shirt, or 00's nu-metal band tour shirt... Never mind, guess I know exactly who that shirt is supposed to appeal to. ;)

I wish it was actually Agents of Pain. Maybe they changed it, but they're now going by "Authors of Pain". They should form a stable with Paige and her "page" move puns.
Yeah I realized that the other day. Authors of Pain is infinitely less cool of a name, but I dig the team so-far. Love Ellring bringing back that old school tag-team manager role back to wrestling.

I'm surprised no one mentioned Impact not airing when it was supposed to. They aired a loop of commercials with about 10 seconds of the live show. Apparently, they aired the episode in full some 2 hours after it was set to start. Then TNA announced a replay for Wednesday. So I set that to record, but even that didn't work since the guide updated and recorded fucking Dirty Dancing instead.
I'm surprised no one mentioned Impact not airing when it was supposed to. They aired a loop of commercials with about 10 seconds of the live show. Apparently, they aired the episode in full some 2 hours after it was set to start. Then TNA announced a replay for Wednesday. So I set that to record, but even that didn't work since the guide updated and recorded fucking Dirty Dancing instead.
Can't mention what I don't know about.

Maybe there's just a bunch of malaise about WWE right now? Which is fascinating considering Rollins is back - but I guess either Rollins isn't enough to bring old fans back, or OTOH, everyone is so convinced that the plan is to keep the belt on Reigns long term that nobody feels invested in the product. Kind of a "I'll come back when it's interesting again," with interesting meaning "when someone other than Reigns is on top" or "when the title is in actual jeopardy."

Which is unfortunate, since Styles had some killer matches with Reigns (well, the first one definitely). Styles/Cena could be really surprising, but I guess viewer apathy = people not caring to see Cena bury an indie darling by using his indie credentials against him.

I'm really looking forward to MitB, thought Raw was bits of awesome surrounded by trash. I'm excited for Rollins to be back but agree that I'm not as invested because I don't believe he'll win. 

LU Six to Survive was pretty good. Nice to see a company acknowledge the crowd's favorite.

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I haven't had the chance to watch a ton of wrestling lately, as I'm just so busy my head is spinning.

So, two questions:

1) is Miz off of WWE tv right now? I watch enough to be able to follow, but I can't recall where he's been.

2) any of y'all live near Toronto?

I haven't had the chance to watch a ton of wrestling lately, as I'm just so busy my head is spinning.

So, two questions:

1) is Miz off of WWE tv right now? I watch enough to be able to follow, but I can't recall where he's been.

2) any of y'all live near Toronto?
I think he's off filming a movie.

I haven't had the chance to watch a ton of wrestling lately, as I'm just so busy my head is spinning.

So, two questions:

1) is Miz off of WWE tv right now? I watch enough to be able to follow, but I can't recall where he's been.

2) any of y'all live near Toronto?
Making Marine 5 with Social Outcasts and Naomi.

Lawler might get by, both he and fiance (who is 27) were arrested and based on the story I read it was even.

Late edit for a link:

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All 32 competitors.

Delighted and surprised to see Yoshihiro Tajiri in there.

Also stoked for:

Zack Sabre Jr

Tony Nese

Arya Daivari (Shawns' lil bro)

THEE Brian Kendrick

And very very much rooting for Drew Gulak.
I am also stoked to see these guys in a WWE ring. Also really stoked to see Cedric Alexander, Noam Dar, Kota Ibushi, TJP, and Jack Gallagher (I want Jack to join the Vaudevillians so badly too!)

Making Marine 5 with Social Outcasts and Naomi.

Lawler might get by, both he and fiance (who is 27) were arrested and based on the story I read it was even.
When it happened to Adam Rose, they claimed they had a zero tolerance policy with domestic violence incidents. So that leaves no room for interpretation. If you're involved in one, you should face the penalty.

So we'll see if it really applies to everyone or just underused talent they were planning to release anyway.

When it happened to Adam Rose, they claimed they had a zero tolerance policy with domestic violence incidents. So that leaves no room for interpretation. If you're involved in one, you should face the penalty.

So we'll see if it really applies to everyone or just underused talent they were planning to release anyway.
Lawler was suspended indefinitely, WWE released a statement this morning after the news broke. I could see him getting released with the brand split upcoming and new talent including announcers likely to be introduced to both shows.

bread's done