PS HOME Free Items / Clothes / Freebies Wiki

[quote name='djbooba']Well, I think I just scored one of those VIP vouchers from a friend of mine.[/QUOTE]

Awesome, congratulations. If your friend can get a second one, can I have it? :D LOL
[quote name='hellmutt']Call me cheap bastard.[/QUOTE] There's nothing cheap about not wanting to pay money for virtual items. It's quite sane and practical. I question the mental health of anyone who thinks it is rational to spend money on a t-shirt worn by a fictional video game character. I can understand wanting your character to look cool, but I don't see how it can be worth even a single penny. Anyway, what's up with the weird balloon people? They're a bit freaky. I think I liked Home better when mostly everyone looked at least remotely normal. But then again, I guess it's what makes things interesting.
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[quote name='djbooba']Well, I think I just scored one of those VIP vouchers from a friend of mine.[/QUOTE]

Wouldn't suppose it's a multi use code is it? -_- wish i could get one
[quote name='NightWolf90']Wouldn't suppose it's a multi use code is it? -_- wish i could get one[/QUOTE]

No they are not multi-use. They are one time use codes though multiple people supposedly can use them if redeemed at the same moment since one was "given" away on PlayStation's photos on Facebook for Comic-Con as they took a close up of all the vip cards with one facing up and then a bunch mystery cards face down with sly cooper on them.


I'll include the photo and link for those who may not like to use Facebook or may not believe me.
(Photo courtesy of PlayStation and it's affiliates and I claim no ownership to it.)

well i had to try both codes just now nope didnt work tho the first time i entered the code it seemed like it was taking a long time thinking if it was going to give it to me lol
[quote name='Wolfen2k7']I did it and got 19k and didn't get the space -.- does the score have to be before the multiplier? or after? -.-[/QUOTE]

I don't think it mattered either way.

EU Home:

Quixotic statuesque statue - Diesel store


Flags fly forever for foreign frogs - Diesel store


HK Home:

Scribble Shooter Arcade Cabinet - Click on the Scribble Shooter under Featured Spaces through the navigator. Then click on the toolbox icon.


Bad news for the Irem fans out there...

Irem Closing

Bad news just in, Irem who have made many a great space and items for PlayStation Home have confirmed they will stop work on PlayStation Home and will also be removing the following spaces from Home on the 1st September 2011.

Spaces to be removed:

  • Irem Square
  • Gathering Place for Spelunkers
  • Seaside of Memories
  • Sparkle in the Void of Space
  • Fields of Ge Kito
  • Waiting Battle Field
  • Irem Headquarters Floor 2
  • Irem Headquarters
Irem School Life & Irem GINDAMA Hymane Shopping Street will remain for now, buts its unclear for how long they will stay.

Irem have also confirmed that starting in August all items on Home for sale will be removed from the stores, apart from items in the Irem School Life space.

It's not yet confirmed what will happen with other regions, but its very likely the content will be removed also, but any content you payed for should remain, so if you have been putting off buying a Irem item, i would get it now before its to late.
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Everyone with a JPN account, make sure to get your Welcome Back stuff from the PSN store, includin' the apartment for Home. It's the first option, then the first option again when you're in the PSN store.
if anyone gets ahold of one of the e3 or comic con voucher codes for home i trade a psn card for it pm me and we can talk details
I'm more interested in the Sly Cooper cards. I'm a HUGE fan of Sly Cooper and with the 4th installment announced I'm intrigued as to what is on those cards. I'm assuming they are different from the other cards since the other cards(VIP PS Home vouchers) have no Sly Cooper items.

If someone manages to get one of the Sly Cooper cards then please PM me as I would love to have whatever is on it, if not the card itself :D

If it happens to be the VIP voucher, then I would love to just have the card. PM me :D
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[quote name='NovaKane']
Bad news for the Irem fans out there...


WTF?!??!?! You have got to be kidding me. I
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Dead Island coming to PlayStation Home (LINK)

Deep Silver have released five deathly PS Home-related screenshots for their upcoming zombie game. The game offers players an exclusive opportunity to further deepen their Dead Island experience through Home’s Total Game Integration campaign.

A Dead Island themed mini game will be available to PlayStation Home visitors in which players must prove their skills in crafting items and pit their abilities against attacks from a rampaging zombie horde. The mini game can be by up to 4 players in different play styles. In total there are 10 mini-game challenges needed to be completed once all 10 are completed the player is awarded with an exclusive in-game weapon “Exploding Meat”.

Hopefully, we'll get some free PS Home items...
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Watch 2011 EVO World Finals in PlayStation Home (

There is a lot of info on what is being streamed when but if you log in each day (Fri, Sat, Sun) you will get an item.

From PlayStation Blog:
Attendees will receive a line of exclusive PlayStation Home/EVO virtual items: Visitors on Friday will receive a limited edition EVO t-shirt for their PlayStation Home avatar; on Saturday players will be rewarded with a special fighting stick companion item; and on Sun all viewers will receive a replica of the EVO trophy for their PlayStation Home personal spaces.
[quote name='djbooba']Watch 2011 EVO World Finals in PlayStation Home (

There is a lot of info on what is being streamed when but if you log in each day (Fri, Sat, Sun) you will get an item.

From PlayStation Blog:
Attendees will receive a line of exclusive PlayStation Home/EVO virtual items: Visitors on Friday will receive a limited edition EVO t-shirt for their PlayStation Home avatar; on Saturday players will be rewarded with a special fighting stick companion item; and on Sun all viewers will receive a replica of the EVO trophy for their PlayStation Home personal spaces.[/QUOTE]
wow thanks for the update on this, i love fighting games and free home stuff based on fighting games :D
[quote name='ZombieToast']That's not against the rules. As long as it wasn't obtained illegally, you can sell items that were obtained through giveaways, promotions, etc.[/QUOTE]

But you can't sell digital items/codes for digital items. They remove auctions for DLC/Home items/Avatar items/etc. all the time if they are reported.
I've gotten all but one of the UFC items. I started by doing the exercising. NOT the way to go. People who want to get them all, go to the card trading game and then park your avatar on the bench for 3 or 4 days with the controller L3 pressed up to keep your session active. You will get tons of cards, and each set trades out for 10K points. Good luck.
[quote name='georox']But you can't sell digital items/codes for digital items. They remove auctions for DLC/Home items/Avatar items/etc. all the time if they are reported.[/QUOTE]
This is true. DLC is allowed, but items such as these are not allowed according the policy, although I hardly ever see such auctions get removed. I also don't see most allowable digitally-distributed auctions get removed even though 99% of them are listed incorrectly.

None of this is relevant, though, because the seller claims to ship the actual card in the mail, thus not making it a digitally-delivered item.
hey guys any word on when and what will be in the japan welcome back home package? any one know what all 40 items are in the starter pack 2 in the ps store the discriptions are always so veigue? i like to know what it is before i buy something
[quote name='hellmutt']I've gotten all but one of the UFC items. I started by doing the exercising. NOT the way to go. People who want to get them all, go to the card trading game and then park your avatar on the bench for 3 or 4 days with the controller L3 pressed up to keep your session active. You will get tons of cards, and each set trades out for 10K points. Good luck.[/QUOTE]

I've never seen the card trading game where is it located? All i see is exercises & trivia game.
[quote name='vic_x51']I've never seen the card trading game where is it located? All i see is exercises & trivia game.[/QUOTE]

It's on a platform up the staircase. If you are interested after you check it out, add me as a friend on PSN and invite me to join you, I can gift you a ton of cards I have.
JP Server - Granzella Beach space is now open. (Pics from Playstation forums):


Visiting the space for the first time gets you a free tattered white shirt and jeans (m/f - note, it will automatically put you in the clothes). This is what the outfit looks like (doesn't include seaweed head piece):


Has the same underwater game as the IREM beach. Reentering the space does the same trick as the IREM beach (resets so you don't have to wait for the next prize) -- managed to get a single earring and the seaweed head item (see pic).
[quote name='Jerajdai']JP Server - Granzella Beach space is now open. (Pics from Playstation forums):


Visiting the space for the first time gets you a free tattered white shirt and jeans (m/f - note, it will automatically put you in the clothes). This is what the outfit looks like (doesn't include seaweed head piece):


Has the same underwater game as the IREM beach. Reentering the space does the same trick as the IREM beach (resets so you don't have to wait for the next prize) -- managed to get a single earring and the seaweed head item (see pic).[/QUOTE]

wish this was in US... looks so nice :)
Last showing of the Macross Frontier Live Concert at 8 PM Japan time (4 AM PST). You get an atomic ferret that sits on your head. Concert lasts an hour.
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Ive gotten the code multiple times for friends, on the same browser, but I usually have to close out everything and then open back up. Should work fine though! If not try a different browser (chrome or, and I cant believe I am suggesting this, i.e.). Good luck!
I entered the Evo space just now but didn't get any free reward. Do I have to stay there a while or something? Anyone else gotten the T-shirt already tonight?
I got my shirt but it took about three minutes or so. If you still don't get it, try going up to the screen in the theatre and pressing "X," it may help kick the reward in.
[quote name='Jam Of Truth']Oh, bugger. Is the code only given out once? I clicked over to open Notepad and the code vanished.[/QUOTE]

Ah, apparently closing the tab and reclicking the register button makes the code pop back up.
[quote name='djbooba']I kept hearing that it was upward of 8 minutes for the EVO reward to kick in.[/QUOTE]

All depends on your connection speed. I took me less than 8, but I have 20mbps download speed. DSL might be slower.
the evo fights were awesome i got to see some top players play yesturday. Oh and I got the shirt in like... 5mins of watching.

thanks hellmutt for the ufc game info, Ill add ya.
Picked up the joystick already in Evo. Get it early, save the stress!

vic_x51, I'll look for you; i'm usually on home around 10PM ish PST, although a bit less often on weekends.
Went to EVO this morning and got nada - was there for a while and the actual video never started (left and came back a few times - supposedly can restart the video feed by using the video link, but that option wasn't there). I'll try again later.

Anybody frequent the Japan server? Everyone is running around with what looks like a glowing green squirrel (snake?) on their head. Anyone know how to get this? I've been everywhere and can't figure it out - maybe it's from the Macross concert??

More Japan stuff -- went to the Sony Aquarium VR space (link) (sorry if this is old news) - first time in, you get 100 points. Go downstairs and and there is a blog you can check out - you get 100 points a day accessing it. Go to the toy capsule machine dispenser to get fish for your apartment (see pic below). Note: they are BIG, not like the tiny IREM fish. Better to hit the dispenser with 200 points as you get 3 fish (2nd option), 100 points gets you just 1 fish (1st option).



JP some more -- @ the Granzella space I managed to get a few more items from the underwater game: a ring, another earring, a matching earring for one I found earlier. The space also changes from day to night -- dropped in a few times and almost all of the time the space was daytime but one time I noticed it was nighttime (not sure if prizes change based on this - just thought it was interesting. Also appears to be kinda random and not dependent on current time.)
[quote name='Stealthcat']Jera, the green thing is from the Macross concert.[/QUOTE]

Meh...that figures. :( Of course I missed it too...thanks for letting me know!! :)
UFO Pop is back.

Also, there are 4 new zombie t-shirts that you get for taking the zombie survival quiz. It's the second terminal, the one near the mall. They were pretty easy to get.

I got every shirt on my first try (apparently I'm also the most likely to survive in a zombie apocalypse - all those zombie movie sure have paid off :)) except for "Zombie Friend" since I got "Zombie Survivor" twice. So, if you're a zombie fanatic like me, try to go for the most neutral answers while also throwing in 3 or so idiotic ones.
[quote name='Andami']UFO Pop is back.

Also, there are 4 new zombie t-shirts that you get for taking the zombie survival quiz. It's the second terminal, the one near the mall. They were pretty easy to get.

I got every shirt on my first try (apparently I'm also the most likely to survive in a zombie apocalypse - all those zombie movie sure have paid off :)) except for "Zombie Friend" since I got "Zombie Survivor" twice. So, if you're a zombie fanatic like me, try to go for the most neutral answers while also throwing in 3 or so idiotic ones.[/QUOTE]

Nice, thanks for the head's up! Here's the four shirts (not best pic - from PS Forums):

bread's done