PS Vita Deals & Discussions Thread


292 (100%)
Since I thought the cheap 3DS games thread was a good idea. I thought I would start one for the PS Vita. I will maintain this site a few times a day going forward. Post links up to new deals and I will add them to the OP. Anyhow, here we go:

Updated 2/5/2014


Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational $15.50

Lumines- Electronic Symphony $18.49

MLB 12 The Show- $5.88

Silent Hill: Book of Memories- $11.68

Spy Hunter- $14.89

Gravity Rush- $18.53

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time- $19.12

Need for Speed: Most Wanted- $15.99

Persona 4 Golden - $19.99

Best Buy:


Call of Duty Black Ops: Declassified $19..99 New/ $17.99 Used

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This subforum is by no means representative of the whole. Also, people here still wait for clearance and sale prices. CAGs aren't going out and buying games full price on day1 in order to support the industry, like you are suggesting in the back of your head.
I actually do go out and buy specific games at full price at launch. (or perhaps pre-order them) I don't do it very often, but it happens. The real issue with the Vita is that in such a scenario, I am considerably more like likely to acquire a PS4 copy of the game instead of a Vita copy, if that option exists. The PS4-Vita crossover does not work in favor of the Vita, especially where full-price retail purchases are concerned.

For a game released on both the PS4 and Vita at the same time, I am far more likely to pick up the PS4 copy, and wait for the Vita version to go on sale. If the game is Vita-only, then the scenario changes.

people don't buy Vita games until they go on clearance. If games sold, stores would carry them.
If stores had carried a large library of games for the Vita all along then maybe they would have sold them. It's crazy to think for most of the Vita's life it had as many physical retail games as the PS4 and XB1. Yet most stores had a pittifully small representation of those titles. The main Walmart here had 1 or 2 rows of games for the Vita while the DS & 3DS had more than 1 to 2 full cases. So in a sense the lack of retail presence all along made the system look dead. Also the memory card prices didn't help.

People buy vita games at launch, just not enough to matter. Every system has clearance games and stuff... and people are cheap so they buy them of course.

Forgive me, but I am re-posting this (from the Japanese Niche board) to double my efforts:

I have a question for the CAG Vita clan:

Since Bamco is royally screwing us on Hallow Realization, have any of you considered where to pre-order the VITA version from?  I saw that Rice Digital has is for $44.99, but is there another preferred place for us?  Also, have any of you pre-ordered God Eater 2 Resurrection in anticipation of Bamco giving us the finger on that one as well?

Just making my plan of VITA attack. :whistle2:k

Thanks again for the suggestions!

If stores had carried a large library of games for the Vita all along then maybe they would have sold them. It's crazy to think for most of the Vita's life it had as many physical retail games as the PS4 and XB1. Yet most stores had a pittifully small representation of those titles. The main Walmart here had 1 or 2 rows of games for the Vita while the DS & 3DS had more than 1 to 2 full cases. So in a sense the lack of retail presence all along made the system look dead. Also the memory card prices didn't help.

People buy vita games at launch, just not enough to matter. Every system has clearance games and stuff... and people are cheap so they buy them of course.
Many stores did have a large library for the Vita in the beginning. Then they discovered that (relatively) no one was buying it. Then they lost money on clearing out stock because shelf space costs too much to waste on crap that isn't selling. If the system and games sold, they would still be in stores. Sony would still be supporting it. But that's not how it played out. It's not a conspiracy. It's common sense.

Many stores did have a large library for the Vita in the beginning. Then they discovered that (relatively) no one was buying it. Then they lost money on clearing out stock because shelf space costs too much to waste on crap that isn't selling. If the system and games sold, they would still be in stores. Sony would still be supporting it. But that's not how it played out. It's not a conspiracy. It's common sense.
Agreed. I remember the local Fry's and Best Buy carried literally every new Vita release for the first year or two and then scaled back as the shelves kept filling up and nobody was buying. Even Target had most of the first party and major publisher stuff initially.

Many stores did have a large library for the Vita in the beginning. Then they discovered that (relatively) no one was buying it. Then they lost money on clearing out stock because shelf space costs too much to waste on crap that isn't selling. If the system and games sold, they would still be in stores. Sony would still be supporting it. But that's not how it played out. It's not a conspiracy. It's common sense.
I never saw much support for the system in any retail stores here except GS... and even they only got a fraction of the new releases with very little actual shelf space dedicated to the system. If it doesn't look like a big deal people won't buy into it when the other systems nearby get so much more shelf space. To an outsider like myself (at the time), the Vita seemed dead on release. Overpriced memory cards and the launch lineup mostly seemed completely uninteresting. As someone that would pretty much check any store for game deals, the Vita seemed like it had no support at all. It's nice though that other people in other areas got to see massive Vita support. I personally, just never saw any of it.

I remember cancelling a Vita preorder after seeing multiple articles about the Vita's initial failure in Japan. They had a sharp drop off in sales after launch week, and were hovering around 10,000 units sold per week (3:1 to 3DS sales) by the time it hit the US. All I had interest in was Persona 4 Golden, and that wasn't even a launch title. AT&T dumping their stock is the only reason I have one.

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I never saw much support for the system in any retail stores here except GS... and even they only got a fraction of the new releases with very little actual shelf space dedicated to the system. If it doesn't look like a big deal people won't buy into it when the other systems nearby get so much more shelf space. To an outsider like myself (at the time), the Vita seemed dead on release. Overpriced memory cards and the launch lineup mostly seemed completely uninteresting. As someone that would pretty much check any store for game deals, the Vita seemed like it had no support at all. It's nice though that other people in other areas got to see massive Vita support. I personally, just never saw any of it.
No idea where you're coming up with this stuff when Vita had a presence of 1-2 sectionals in every Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and Gamestop. You're letting some sort of weird personal bias or opinion get in the way of the facts. From a retail/sales perspective these Vita sections should have come down in 2014 considering no one was buying it and stores weren't stocking new games.

Vita has been dead at B&M retail for years and we still have people in this thread making proclamations that it's just now dying or it's not dead yet.

I think Sony didn't do enough to promote the system, and as usual had messed up pricing. They should have been more aggressive with bundling the vita and PS4 and dropped the price of the memory cards to sell them near cost instead of at a huge profit. Then people would have bought more PSN content. They could also have bundled a year of PS+ with new systems to move units. Then the lack of compelling first party games after the launch year hit and dragged down interest in other software.

Sony mismanaged the latter half of the PSP life-cycle, and put in one good year of support for Vita. Those guys make good hardware but they have some horrible product management strategies for their handhelds.
Hey, longtime CAG lurker here with a question. I picked up a PSTV on the cheap but of course now I need a memory card for it. I'll be using it exclusively for playing physical games, so do you think an 8GB memory card is sufficient? I don't care about demos or apps or anything. Just physical game saves/patches.

Hey, longtime CAG lurker here with a question. I picked up a PSTV on the cheap but of course now I need a memory card for it. I'll be using it exclusively for playing physical games, so do you think an 8GB memory card is sufficient? I don't care about demos or apps or anything. Just physical game saves/patches.
I am a relative Vita newbie but the only sizable challenge that comes to my mind are the expansion packs associated with BL2. I have it digital so I am not sure if they put those on the cart or not. Other than that you should be okay.
Hey, longtime CAG lurker here with a question. I picked up a PSTV on the cheap but of course now I need a memory card for it. I'll be using it exclusively for playing physical games, so do you think an 8GB memory card is sufficient? I don't care about demos or apps or anything. Just physical game saves/patches.
Usually patches aren't massive. A lot of Vita games aren't just pysical though so bigger is better. 8 gigs isn't terrible 4...yeah that sucks.

No idea where you're coming up with this stuff when Vita had a presence of 1-2 sectionals in every Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and Gamestop. You're letting some sort of weird personal bias or opinion get in the way of the facts. From a retail/sales perspective these Vita sections should have come down in 2014 considering no one was buying it and stores weren't stocking new games.

Vita has been dead at B&M retail for years and we still have people in this thread making proclamations that it's just now dying or it's not dead yet.
Just real life shopping for games. I may not have bought at launch but I paid attention to the Vita. Same for the 3DS which I didn't even get till after I picked up my Vita because I didn't care for much of the library. You must live in a part of the country where stores were better. Here the Walmarts had one to two rows in one game case with Vita games before phasing them out. Usually allso in the same case were older PS3 games. DS/3DS had 1 to 2 full cases. The stores here just never stocked the stuff in any meaningful numbers. The closest Target had a small area with a few games. The nearest Best Buy's never had much of any Vita stuff (though to be honest most of their game selection has been terrible for years now).

Yes Vita has been dead at B&M for years... I don't think it ever was very much alive at B&M stores.

Usually patches aren't massive. A lot of Vita games aren't just pysical though so bigger is better. 8 gigs isn't terrible 4...yeah that sucks.
Thanks. I ordered an 8GB for now as have only 3 games for it. Hope it will do for the time being as I patiently wait for a third-party alternative (that will probably never come). This is the first "system" I've owned where memories cards cost more than the actual unit!

Got a question. I've been (mostly) keeping up with Asian/English physical games, but I missed Samurai Warriors 4-II. Anyone know of any sites besides Play-Asia or Heavy-Arm that stock R3 versions of ps vita games?

Good luck. You might want to start with reading those pesky terms and conditions because no one is going to give a fuck just because you said I OWN EVERYTHING I BUY.
The courtroom is NOT a food court, despite the name. TaCoS have no validity there and a good lawyer will throw them out like a fat guy on a diet.

I preordered Shiren at Best Buy and used a few coupons and reward certificates. ...Then immediately after I finalized the order, I remembered that I have a ton of Gift Card credit.

Wasn't sure what would happen to my coupons if I cancelled the order, so I just said screw it. Least I'll be getting reward points this way.
Just received the copy of Neptunia Actuon U I ordered from gohastings the other day. Came sealed! I wasn't expecting that. I remember the order being for a used copy.
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"Best" Buy is a real hardass over price matching. They'll only do it with the Wal-Mart closest to that location, and if they're out of stock there, they won't bother checking other stores, even if they DO have stock.
So I was thinking about trading in my wifi vita and picking up a slim in the next 6 months or so when the inevitable clearancing begins. I haven't touched it in over a year. If I can get 100$ for it what are your thoughts?
No word on US physical releases for Civilization 2 Plus or XCOM on Vita, is there?
All is quiet on the homefront... too quiet.

So I was thinking about trading in my wifi vita and picking up a slim in the next 6 months or so when the inevitable clearancing begins. I haven't touched it in over a year. If I can get 100$ for it what are your thoughts?
There won't be any inventory left for the retailers to clearance out at this rate.

"Best" Buy is a real hardass over price matching. They'll only do it with the Wal-Mart closest to that location, and if they're out of stock there, they won't bother checking other stores, even if they DO have stock.
Mine don't do that, especially since the official policy is 25 mi radius.

I like my best buy had no problems but......My target on the other hand is shit with price matching. They wouldn't price match the GS in the same shopping center who had it because it was "not available online".

My BB is great with price matching.

They even match Amazon all the time without any complaints.
Same goes for the one I work at, a supervisor or manager will verify the price either with a weekly print ad supplied by the customer or will verify the price online, simple as that.

I honestly wish you the best of luck. I'd love little more than for a court to say "No, that's bullcrap. If you expect them to pay full price, then they own it, and you have to provide some method for them to retain it even if your service ceases to exist." And I think there is legal precedent for courts throwing out EULAs and ToCs for it being completely unreasonable to expect the average person to read and understand dozens of pages of legal-ese, but if you think you can just go "lol, I sue you" and get your games back with a snap of your fingers, you've got quite the reality check coming should it happen.

I also find it kind of weird that people are claiming that everyone in this thread waits for vita games to go on clearance when I feel like I see far more talk of buying things as soon as they launch for fear of them going out of stock.

Edit: Post was more inflammatory than I intended.
What ticks me off is sony has you sign a non sue bs contract in order to use the system. That should be illegal.

Thanks. I ordered an 8GB for now as have only 3 games for it. Hope it will do for the time being as I patiently wait for a third-party alternative (that will probably never come). This is the first "system" I've owned where memories cards cost more than the actual unit!
If you are lucky walmart is clearancing all vita mem cards and games out. I remember someone posting a 16gb card is 10$ which is a steal assuming you have a walmart that even still has them.

Besides that the best deal is 20 for a 16gb card during black friday assuming they do it again this year at amazon and gamestop.

Personally I would say you'll want a decent sized card since I didn't think I would buy digital titles either until they were on sale for 5$ or less. Now I own 4 I think physical vita games and like 8 or so digital ones.

Me 3!
If it helps some of my latest blu-rays from GH have come resealed.

Gamestop TIV is $64 cash, $80 credit. No luck involved.

anyone know of a cheap link thing for the vita...the wire that goes from the charger to the vita...the cords are coming out.. Called gamestop and they said 20 bucks..Looks like just a simple USB cable hook up i could pick up for 5

anyone know of a cheap link thing for the vita...the wire that goes from the charger to the vita...the cords are coming out.. Called gamestop and they said 20 bucks..Looks like just a simple USB cable hook up i could pick up for 5
Any micro usb from a component store should work.

bread's done