PS2 + EB warranty question


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I'm planning on picking up a PS2 soon (probably in the next month). It will almost definitely be from EB since I'm still sitting on $250+ credit and I'm getting sick of shopping there.

Question 1: What is Sony's warranty on the PS2? I'm thinking it's a year, just want to be sure. Is their repair service still as horrible as it seemed to be in the hey-day of the DRE problems?

Question 2: How long/much is EB's extended warranty?

Realistically I will only be using this for a year or two until the PS3 gets a nice price drop and/or niche Japanese titles move to the Wii, but piece of mind is always nice.
PS2 warranty is a year for a new system. I just checked the manual for it, and it says a year.

EB's warranty is a year, though it's not additive. It wouldn't do anything useful on a new system purchase, though it would for the 90 days they warranty a used system. An EB rep can tell me differently, though everyone who's explained me how their warranty works says it doesn't extend the warranty timeframe.
Don't waste your time with the EB warranty, chances are you won't be using it in that year anyways. I've taken my PS2 apart and put it back together and it works like a charm, and I haven't heard any problem with newer model PS2's breaking.

But that money towards a game.
As long as the Sony warranty is a year out of the box, that should be good enough. I've never had any problems with a console, so hopefully it won't start now.
[quote name='Roufuss']Don't waste your time with the EB warranty, chances are you won't be using it in that year anyways. I've taken my PS2 apart and put it back together and it works like a charm, and I haven't heard any problem with newer model PS2's breaking.

But that money towards a game.[/quote]

Actually Roufuss, I've heard of the silver slim PStwos dying completely within 3-4 months of being bought and first used. In Japan, the silver slim had very bad compatability problems, many PS1 and PS2 games wouldn't play AT ALL on it. And, I've also seen DRE's on the slim, so Sony can revise the hardware as much as they want to, but it seems that problem is persistent.

Best bet is to get either a 39001 or 50001 'fat' model used but from a reliable source, as GS's stores will take in ANYTHING just about. From the condition of some of the games and systems I've seen from their stores, I'd be leery about buying a console from them.

And, since when did Sony start giving a YEAR on the PS2? I swear the slim I had(till I swapped with a local shop for a 50001) only advertised a 90 day warranty still.

Either way, to give even a year for an item you're paying $130 for is tantamount to defrauding consumers imo with their known problems with the PS2. But, then again, people took the 'free'(not if you count shipping the console at your expense to Sony) repair settlement for the class action suit instead of actually getting a better resolution.

From what I've heard, many people who've sent in PS2s either get back a half fixed console or one with different problems.

Ahhhh each their own though....good luck on whatever you decide on Botticus.
"Within the next month" turned into today when I had to suddenly run to EB for the B2G1F and penny guides... and realized I would need a PS2 to test the used games I had bought within 14 days or I could be screwed.

Snagged it minus the warranty. Figure with 3 other game systems to play, should the repair of any potential issues in the first year cause me stress with Sony, I'll suffer through it for the $20 savings.

I've got to believe Sony would be unhappy if they knew that 6 months after launch, game store employees were still vehemently warning you against purchasing the PS3 (mentioned what I said in the OP about only planning on needing the PS2 for a year or two until the PS3 was a worthwhile purchase).
bread's done