PS3 60gb available at, Non Bundle


Seems like the 60gb PS3 is available for online order at Best Buy. And it's not a bundle either. Saw it on fatwallet, figured I'd repost it here for anyone who wants one.

I'm just glad I sold my 4 systems for 2000 each before the prices dropped. I will eventually get a PS3 because it has potential (and final fantasy would be reason enough to buy it). I am one of the angry gamers who doesn't like the selection of games and the way sony has marketed their console.
[quote name='Collectordragon']I don't know why people always think rich people are the ones buying expensive items. Many rich people are cheapskates. It's one of the reasons they become and stay rich. On the other hand the people who spend money like there's no tomorrow are often the people who live in crappy apartments which is one of the reasons they live in crappy apartments.[/QUOTE]

Well that depends on how rich the people are. Also some rich people are cheap but they are not usually cheap when it comes to gifts for their children.
[quote name='tayaf69']I'm just glad I sold my 4 systems for 2000 each before the prices dropped. I will eventually get a PS3 because it has potential (and final fantasy would be reason enough to buy it). I am one of the angry gamers who doesn't like the selection of games and the way sony has marketed their console.[/QUOTE]

Wow..that's impressive. How did u manage to grab 4?
[quote name='forgrim']fuck, what would you be doing buying a goddamn 600 dollar gamesystem (3% of your salary) in one day when you can be doing other great things with it (investing, 502, etc.) [besides army free housing, etc., i guess its 20k in disposable income, does it even get taxed? i almost joined the army corp of engineers but decided i'd rather not.][/QUOTE]

If you are in a war zone you get a bonus and tax free. Otherwise you pay income tax just like everyone else.
[quote name='daroga']I'd think that a year's worth of nice dinner dates with your wife would be a far better way to spend $600 than a PS3, but that's just me. :)[/quote]

Unless your wife is a video gamer as well. My bf and I bought all three systems (though we are certainly not rich), but that's how we enjoy spending our time. ;)
[quote name='Indiana']If you are in a war zone you get a bonus and tax free. Otherwise you pay income tax just like everyone else.[/quote]

Dude, total respect... good luck over there and best wishes to your family! Hopefully, the government pull you guys out soon, so you guys can play games here :)

Anyway, i'm not saying the PS3 is not expensive, but again, it's not like Sony not taking loses on the unit and it's not like they put a gun to your head to buy it. So, IMO, let people buy what they want and leave them be...

I can afford both Wii and PS3, but still, the reason i'm here, b/c i'm a CAG :)
[quote name='Serpentor']
I can afford both Wii and PS3, but still, the reason i'm here, b/c i'm a CAG :)[/QUOTE]

You get points for rhyming.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']Buy a 20GB model and it's only $500, where a Wii and 360 costs $650 together.

PS3 > Wii + 360.

Anyway, I have a friend who wants one, but cannot find one (in his area). I should let him know.
Most can't tell if EB/Gamestop has one; therefore, no one asks.
Pretty much. The 20GB model is more comparable to the 360, but for $100 more, you get HDMI and blu-ray, which is definitely worth it.[/QUOTE]

and HDMI is useless without the $50+ cord.

And as of this point in time: 360 >> PS3, Wii >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3, Wii60 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS3

Unless of coarse you're really hankering for some Resistance ;)
[quote name='Indiana']Well that depends on how rich the people are. Also some rich people are cheap but they are not usually cheap when it comes to gifts for their children.[/QUOTE]

There are plenty of rich people who would think a PS3 at full price is a waste of money and would outright refuse to get their kids something that expensive when another system like the 360 or Wii would be just as good or even better. They would also refuse to give money to eBayers because they don't like being ripped off. On the other side of the coin the kids I've known who've had the most money spent on them for holidays are kids from the lower middle class. It's also been the families without a lot of extra money who've gone on the most lavish vacations and have the biggest TVs. That type of spending and mentality is one of the reasons they aren't in a higher income group.
[quote name='simpsonps121']HDMI cords can be found for $10ish.

But I agree that the 20Gig is sort of pointless.

The 20GB of what is pointless? I think The Mana Knight was saying that for $100 more than the top Xbox 360 model, you can get HDMI and a Blu-ray drive by getting the 20GB PS3. (It doesn't make sense otherwise, since the 20GB PS3 has both HDMI and Blu-ray.)
At its price, and considering it's a Blu-Ray movie player as well, I'll get one if and when they go to a one-year warranty, as Nintendo has had on all of its systems, and as MS has no gone to on the 360. I can't see paying $600 (or $500) for a piece of home electronics and only getting a 90-day warranty. I know Sony is losing money on the hardware, but as a consumer, I'm not going to shell out that much cash without getting a reasonable manufacturer warranty out of the box.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']and HDMI is useless without the $50+ cord.;)[/quote], my friend. hdmi cables for under 10 bucks shipped.:D
[quote name='msu89dawgs']At its price, and considering it's a Blu-Ray movie player as well, I'll get one if and when they go to a one-year warranty, as Nintendo has had on all of its systems, and as MS has no gone to on the 360. I can't see paying $600 (or $500) for a piece of home electronics and only getting a 90-day warranty. I know Sony is losing money on the hardware, but as a consumer, I'm not going to shell out that much cash without getting a reasonable manufacturer warranty out of the box.[/quote]

Yeap, agree to that... Is there a reason why Sony only offer 90-day warranty on the PS3??? Sounds like they don't have confident in their product... Of course, i'm not saying that to discourage people from buying (i'm still buying it, but just want to gather more info, i'm not in hurry to own one).
[quote name='Serpentor']Yeap, agree to that... Is there a reason why Sony only offer 90-day warranty on the PS3??? Sounds like they don't have confident in their product... Of course, i'm not saying that to discourage people from buying (i'm still buying it, but just want to gather more info, i'm not in hurry to own one).[/quote]

90-day is pretty common for a manufacturer warranty, but they may have to go 1-year to counter what MS has done.
[quote name='zman73']I dont know if the comment about know one knowing if EB/GS has PS3's so no one asks holds full validity... they are the same way with their Wii's, but people still ask about them, my visit to an EB yesterday yielded 2 calls about Wii's and one direct customer inquiry about them, and no I am not piling on the PS3, I think for the technology it IS a good price, but won't get one until I get a deal on one, by then there will be more games I want[/QUOTE]

it seems like that is the most asked question at the Eb stores i go to. I ask about the ps3 and wii, mostly out of curiousity not because i wanna buy one and they say, "no we dont have any and people keep asking that today". So YMMv about people not asking about the systems. tho i do live in los angeles, and much more people than in other areas..

I did play one of the driving games for the ps3 for about 2 minutes while they were looking for the discs for the games and dvds i bought, and i must say the ps3 has incredible graphics, but it will likely take some time for the developers to fully maximize the ps3's potential. Therefore, i can wait, or just not get one at all.
I think this it is funny that this is still in stock for 2 days and with no bundle after being out for less than two months. It further shows the PS3's non acceptance especially compared to the Wii and Xbox 360.
[quote name='Serpentor']Yeap, agree to that... Is there a reason why Sony only offer 90-day warranty on the PS3??? Sounds like they don't have confident in their product... Of course, i'm not saying that to discourage people from buying (i'm still buying it, but just want to gather more info, i'm not in hurry to own one).[/QUOTE]
The in-box warranty is 90 days? News to me. I can't find that anywhere online.

Can someone clear this up for me, with a link, rather than all this hearsay?
I saw 4 of the 60g in stock at the local target earlier guess they just sat there after people figured out that they no longer can make profit off them. :lol:
[quote name='panasonic']At my local BESTBUY they had 5 wiis and 6 PS3s for sale. I didn't buy the wii but maybe BB got a restock again.[/QUOTE]

where's your local bestbuy?
*****BIG NEWS***** At a local Walmart, they had 2 PS3's 60G in stock. And someone was buying one!! $$$SONY SCORES$$$
[quote name='panasonic']PS3 has 1 year warranty The 360 had 90 days. Stop posting bullshit[/QUOTE]

Actually, now the 360 has an extra 1 yr on top of those 90 days.
[quote name='pinoy530']Actually, now the 360 has an extra 1 yr on top of those 90 days.[/QUOTE]
Actually, Microsoft extended the Xbox 360 warranty *to* one year, not *by* one year.
My toysrus got restocked on them on tuesay, about 16 units. Still have 14 left. It's simliar in our other stores in the district, to the point the DM is really pushing for stores to push the product.
Finally... I'd be very interested in knowing how many they had available. I'm still a little bitter about having my order canceled by them a few weeks ago...
If you think about it, maybe it's a good thing for Sony that the PS3s aren't selling. I mean, they are losing money on each console sold...
[quote name='spincut']so it's been settled, BOTH the ps3 and 360 have 1 year warranties (dont know about the Wii).[/QUOTE]
The Wii has a one year warranty, but you can extend it for 3 more months just by registering it at
[quote name='panasonic']Sooooooooolllllllllllllddddddddddddd Oooooooouuuuuuuuuuuttttttttttt[/QUOTE]

I still see them instock
[quote name='froinlaven']If you think about it, maybe it's a good thing for Sony that the PS3s aren't selling. I mean, they are losing money on each console sold...[/quote]

:rofl::rofl::rofl: So true, so true.
I just came back from a company conference in Vegas with enough cash to buy a PS3. I haven't been to any stores yet, but I'm glad to hear they're readily available :)
[quote name='tbolt30']I still see them instock[/quote]

They were sold out last night but now appear to be back in stock.
My mistake on the 90-day warranty. I was sure I had read that that was the warranty period. With a 1-year warranty, I will be getting a 60GB PS3 soon. There are no compelling games for me right now, but with the Blu-Ray movie playback and gaming capability, $600 isn't really a bad overall price. Plus, I confirmed that my 57" Hitachi CRT RPTV will take a 720p signal, as well as 1080i, so I should be safe from any of the scaling issues people are seeing.

I'll pick one up when Amazon gets more in stock, and I can get one tax and shipping free.
[quote name='froinlaven']If you think about it, maybe it's a good thing for Sony that the PS3s aren't selling. I mean, they are losing money on each console sold...[/QUOTE]
Yeah I think they'd make a profit if they just stopped making Ps3's and quit the videogame business altogether. TITANIC! The Unsinkable ship!
i work at toys r us in richmond, va and we have had almost 20 60GB PS3's for about a week. we havent sold a single one. nobody wants them. 360's are still selling though
[quote name='sparklecopy']Yeah I think they'd make a profit if they just stopped making Ps3's and quit the videogame business altogether. TITANIC! The Unsinkable ship![/quote]
You want one of the companies that has made some amazing games to just die and stop making games.
[quote name='forgrim']1 year warranty + 1 year warranty if bought with a visacard...remember that.[/quote]
Does that also apply to visa debit cards?
its pretty much any visa card i think...check with ur visa card provider. I have a Chase Freedom card and it has extended warranty by what the warranty provides. If its a 1 year warranty, i get 1 year tacked on to t (1 year max)
[quote name='triplesixkiller']i work at toys r us in richmond, va and we have had almost 20 60GB PS3's for about a week. we havent sold a single one. nobody wants them. 360's are still selling though[/quote]
My Walmart still had 2 60GB PS3s before I went on vacation. I returned 2 weeks later and yesterday I still see those 2 untouched. Xbox 360 and Wii are gone though.
The bottom line is the systems are too friggin' expensive UNLESS you desire Blu-Ray.

I don't see any of these leaving the shelves anytime soon till tax rebates pile in. I know alot of people like to blow their tax refunds, as I have in the past on several gaming systems.
bread's done