PS3 Online

x S U P R A x

CAG Veteran

Does any one use their PS3's for Online use? I own an Xbox 360 and have Xbox Live, I was just wondering if it was any good.

- x S U P R A x
It's crap compared to the 360 but it gets the job done. Game I've played are Resistance, Fight Night and Ride racer with minimal lag
What wired headsets work with it?

For me I'm just glad it's free, as I don't play online enough for it to be worth hundreds of $$ for Live.
Thanks! If I finally find another 20GB PS3, I'll try to get that along with the memory card reader.
Logitech's headset for ps2 would probably work too.

Though I wonder if any usb headset would work really. Since many bluetooth headsets that work with cellphones work, so I wouldn't be surprised if common usb headsets worked too.
the ps3 browser is pretty decent. USB ports work perfectly with keyboard and mice too. It is definetly the best browser out of any console.
[quote name='Wolfpup']What wired headsets work with it?

For me I'm just glad it's free, as I don't play online enough for it to be worth hundreds of $$ for Live.[/quote]

Hundreds of $$$ for live? What are you smoking? Retail price for 1 yr of live is 69.99 and it comes with a headset! Or you can get the camera bundle at amazon for $64.99 that includes 2 arcade games and UNO plus the camera , headset and 1 yr of live.... hundreds of dollars... :lol:
I've used both...LIVE and PS3. The PS3 seems ok for FREE, but you can really tell the difference in the services. However, Sony has time to improve, but I still play my 360 more.
[quote name='oasisboy']Hundreds of $$$ for live? What are you smoking? Retail price for 1 yr of live is 69.99 and it comes with a headset! Or you can get the camera bundle at amazon for $64.99 that includes 2 arcade games and UNO plus the camera , headset and 1 yr of live.... hundreds of dollars... :lol:[/quote]

At $60 a year for live its quite fair to see hundreds of dollars spent for live considering you have a system for multiple years.

The PS3 online service is no where near as good atm but it works perfectly well for playing multiplayer games. The only real question is how much they will improve it over the next 6 months or so.
[quote name='Wolfpup']What wired headsets work with it?

For me I'm just glad it's free, as I don't play online enough for it to be worth hundreds of $$ for Live.[/QUOTE]

$4 a month = hundreds of $'s?

For those with 60GB and WiFi, how easy is it to get going? I think I'd almost rather have the 20GB version if the WiFi is goofy.
I feel ps3 online games are better because i get no lag at all. Like FNR3 on 360 got lag almost every game but PS3 is just fine. However it doesn't give as many options and features as xbox live. But it is a good thing how it is only one gamertag for the online games. Also it is free..... maybe they will add features through firmware
[quote name='nasum']$4 a month = hundreds of $'s?

For those with 60GB and WiFi, how easy is it to get going? I think I'd almost rather have the 20GB version if the WiFi is goofy.[/quote]

wifi is a problem on LINKSYS BRAND B and G if the firmware on the router has not be upgraded. But other brands work fine.
[quote name='nasum']$4 a month = hundreds of $'s?

For those with 60GB and WiFi, how easy is it to get going? I think I'd almost rather have the 20GB version if the WiFi is goofy.[/quote]

It's get's going pretty fast....until you start browsing. I don't know about you but browsing on the PS3 has been the slowest experience I've ever had, next to browsing on 56K.(And I have a keyboard and mouse too)
[quote name='nasum']

For those with 60GB and WiFi, how easy is it to get going? I think I'd almost rather have the 20GB version if the WiFi is goofy.[/quote]

Setting up the Wifi it was a piece of cake. It took me 2 minutes (if that much).
I haven't tried PS3 online yet, but it should be fine for me. Personally, I dislike paying $50 a month for online. The 360 does have a lot of options, but I'm starting to question whether it's worth it or not, because I only play online multi-player 1-2 times a month (at the most). I'm more of a single player gamer.

What I like about PS3 online is that I'll never have to pay for service, and I can still play a multi-player games 1-2 times a month (unlike XBL Silver).
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I haven't tried PS3 online yet, but it should be fine for me. Personally, I dislike paying $50 a month for online. The 360 does have a lot of options, but I'm starting to question whether it's worth it or not, because I only play online multi-player 1-2 times a month (at the most). I'm more of a single player gamer.

What I like about PS3 online is that I'll never have to pay for service, and I can still play a multi-player games 1-2 times a month (unlike XBL Silver).[/quote]

It's $50 a year, not a month!

With the Gold version of Xbox Live I:
a) have video conversations with friends out of state
b) chat and play games with friends in England
c) download movies in HD (rent them) from xbox live.

The online weaknesses of the ps3 are:

a) No video chat
b) Can't Download HD movies
c) there is no standard headset to use for chatting
d) Not enough demos to download
e) Speed of downloads is fucking slow
f) The interface is like comparing Windows XP to MS-DOS
h) No achievements
i) etc...

I am sure eventually the online features of the ps3 will improve but damn they suck compared to the 360...
[quote name='oasisboy']It's $50 a year, not a month!

With the Gold version of Xbox Live I:
a) have video conversations with friends out of state
b) chat and play games with friends in England
c) download movies in HD (rent them) from xbox live.

The online weaknesses of the ps3 are:

a) No video chat
b) Can't Download HD movies
c) there is no standard headset to use for chatting
d) Not enough demos to download
e) Speed of downloads is fucking slow
f) The interface is like comparing Windows XP to MS-DOS
h) No achievements
i) etc...

I am sure eventually the online features of the ps3 will improve but damn they suck compared to the 360...[/quote]

Except it still sucks to download HD Movies, hell it sucks to typically rent movies unless you use a service like netflix. Plus Sony will have this feature very soon and you can download PS1 games.

Who needs a standard headset? As far as i'm aware almost any USB headset will work fine on PS3.

I could really care less about video chat, if i want to see people flashing me and giving me the finger i'll go to a high school.

Of course there aren't alot of demo's. The ps3 just launched while the 360 has been out for over a year.

Interface seems fine to me, and FYI some of us actually prefer MS-Dos to buggy microsoft word, at least DOS won't crash on you ;-)

You failed to mention on of the biggest problems with the PS3. If you go to download a demo thats all you can do atm. You cant play any games or browse while the demo d/l's in the background. I'm sure this will be changed in a firmware update but it should be mentioned.
[quote name='Brian9824']

1. Except it still sucks to download HD Movies, hell it sucks to typically rent movies unless you use a service like netflix. Plus Sony will have this feature very soon and you can download PS1 games.

2. Who needs a standard headset? As far as i'm aware almost any USB headset will work fine on PS3.

3. I could really care less about video chat, if i want to see people flashing me and giving me the finger i'll go to a high school.

4. Of course there aren't alot of demo's. The ps3 just launched while the 360 has been out for over a year.

5. Interface seems fine to me, and FYI some of us actually prefer MS-Dos to buggy microsoft word, at least DOS won't crash on you ;-)

6. You failed to mention on of the biggest problems with the PS3. If you go to download a demo thats all you can do atm. You cant play any games or browse while the demo d/l's in the background. I'm sure this will be changed in a firmware update but it should be mentioned.[/quote]

1. The only thing that might suck is the waiting time to download the movie, but at least you have that option if you are stuck in the snow (Denver) and cant go out to rent a movie. Ah! the ps3 "Will" have that option... when? who knows!. Yes, you can download ps1 games... to your PSP! how many games do they have? less than 30? awesome!

2. I am CAG, therefore I do not want to pay for a headset, with the 360 premium you get the headset and you dont have to worry about spending $$ for a headset that should come with the console... did I mention no HD Cables are included with the ps3? oops! how about hdmi cables? no, oops again...

3. Ahh, you have no friends (or your friends dont play online). I have friends from college that I can see thru vision, as a matter of fact the other day my mom talked to my aunt through vision (my cousin got the camera too). Both of them liked it, it was weird though...

4. Nah, excuse. The 360 had quite a lot of demos from day 1.

5. If you prefer MS-Dos to Windows, then you must be a little bit older than the rest of us :lol:.

6. Good point. Someone said in the sony boards that this problem is supposed to get fixed around March... we will see if this happens...
For all of you that are excited about free online multiplayer with the ps3. I will just say that we are talking about the same company that hyped the 1080p feature yet didnt include component cables or HDMI cables with the console. Don't be surprised if a 1 yr from now Sony starts charging $4.99 a month to use their online services...
And microsoft is the one that hyped the 360's next gen graphics and it took a firmware update down the line before it could even output in 1080I or P, i forget which one. The same company who said there weren't any problems with their launch units and have since then extended the warranty TWICE to cover their asses. Heck for the sake of argument we have Nintendo which has been sued for illegal business practices in the past by threatening to cut off supplies of systems to stores unless their products recieved premium locations in store. Any company you look at is going to have a host of problems, deceptions, lies, and poor decisions.

In general downloading movies and tv shows is kinda iffy. Movies at least aren't bad but whats the point in paying $2-3 per episode of a TV show that can't be transfered off the 360's hard drive and can only be played back via 360? Especially when you can buy the boxset for less then what you'd pay for the entire season. Granted its in HD but thats some pretty big disadvantages.

As far as the headset sure you can buy a premium, and then you have to go buy a network adapter to actually use the online since they give you the headset but no way to go online. OOPS. Sony does it the other way and gives you the ability to go online but no headset. Yes you can get a $20 adapter for going online with the 360 and yes you can get a $20 headset for ps3 so it all evens out I suppose.

Your forgetting that the 360 also uses an already existing network with XBL. I never used XBL when it first came out but how many demo's did it have then, how much functionality of video chat, downloading movies, games, etc? Your comparing a system thats a month old to a system thats been out for 3+ years and wondering why XBL works better? As i've said repeatedly you can't judge the quality of the PS3 online service yet. In 6 months or so it will be the real test to how well it can hold up.

All the other functionality like video chat, downloading movies, etc is nice and all but i'm buying a game machine. If i want to talk with my friends i can use my computer and a host of free programs and software that allow real time video chat to do so much easier then a 360 since many of my friends don't own one. It's a nice feature sure, but this is a GAME console we are talking about which both Sony and Microsoft keep forgetting.

Also unless I am mistaken Sony has video chat or will have it soon. I haven't explored every feature of the PS3's online yet.

Also PS1 games will be playable on PS3 via firmware patch that comes out soon if its not already out. As far as a limited number of ps1 games the system is barely a month old for heaven's sake. How many virtual console games do you see on the Wii that are MUCH easier to upload?

If you want to compare the 2 fine but at least point out the facts. Your comparing a service that just launched to a service thats several years old and has gone thru numerous updates, patches and fixes. Yes XBL is better atm, NO ONE is denying that. But will the difference be that noticeable in 6 months? Thats the big question.
[quote name='apokalipze2']I doubt Sony's online service is going improve. You get what you pay for folks[/quote]

See statements like that are just stupid. They have already made several improvements to their online service and have announced several more they are working on. The Wii's online service is free and they have improved it as well. They want people using their online services, browsing their online stores and buying stuff. Plus the online service is one of the systems selling points.
[quote name='Brian9824']

1. And microsoft is the one that hyped the 360's next gen graphics and it took a firmware update down the line before it could even output in 1080I or P, i forget which one.

2. The same company who said there weren't any problems with their launch units and have since then extended the warranty TWICE to cover their asses.

3. In general downloading movies and tv shows is kinda iffy. Movies at least aren't bad but whats the point in paying $2-3 per episode of a TV show that can't be transfered off the 360's hard drive and can only be played back via 360?

4. As far as the headset sure you can buy a premium, and then you have to go buy a network adapter to actually use the online since they give you the headset but no way to go online. OOPS.

5. Your forgetting that the 360 also uses an already existing network with XBL. I never used XBL when it first came out but how many demo's did it have then, how much functionality of video chat, downloading movies, games, etc? Your comparing a system thats a month old to a system thats been out for 3+ years and wondering why XBL works better?

6. As i've said repeatedly you can't judge the quality of the PS3 online service yet. In 6 months or so it will be the real test to how well it can hold up.

7. All the other functionality like video chat, downloading movies, etc is nice and all but i'm buying a game machine. If i want to talk with my friends i can use my computer and a host of free programs and software that allow real time video chat to do so much easier then a 360 since many of my friends don't own one.

8.But this is a GAME console we are talking about which both Sony and Microsoft keep forgetting.

9. Also unless I am mistaken Sony has video chat or will have it soon. I haven't explored every feature of the PS3's online yet.

10. Also PS1 games will be playable on PS3 via firmware patch that comes out soon if its not already out. As far as a limited number of ps1 games the system is barely a month old for heaven's sake.

11. If you want to compare the 2 fine but at least point out the facts. Your comparing a service that just launched to a service thats several years old and has gone thru numerous updates, patches and fixes. Yes XBL is better atm, NO ONE is denying that. But will the difference be that noticeable in 6 months? Thats the big question.[/quote]
1. The 360 has been able to output 1080i since Launch Day. The update released recently was to increase the output to 1080p. :roll:

2. Microsoft is not perfect, and yes we all know "the red circles of death" with the 360 but why are you complaining about Microsoft extending their warranty? I applaude them for doing this. Sony on the other hand are completely ignoring the issue of ps2 games looking like shit on the ps3 (try sly 3 and see for yourself). The sony boards are loaded with people complaining about this and how Sony is ignoring this issue. All of this after Sony promised complete backwards compatibility with ps1 and ps2 games, and how Microsoft couldnt say the same for xbox games running on the 360. Actually the few xbox games that work on the 360 look better on the 360 than on the original xbox (try Black or Halo 2).

3. I dont know about you but I always watch my shows on my TV, if you want to transfer them to your computer then buy them from Itunes.

4. It seems that you dont own a 360. You dont need to buy any stupid adapters in order to be able to play online :lol:. You can buy the wireless adaptor if you want wireless but the console comes with LAN connection and cables. :roll:

5. xbox live has been running for a while but it has only been a year or so since the "New Version" that includes the achievements , the marketplace, etc. Sony has had online service since quite a while also (didnt the ps2 slim consoles had online functionality?). Sony has had time to improve their online service (as much time as Microsoft) and all we get is the current online service? Please...

6. I really dont expect miracles 6 months from now. It has been almost 1 month and a half since launch and I havent seen any major difference.

7. If all you want is a gaming machine then buy an Atari! Sony and Microsoft are both pusing for entertainment centers with their consoles. It took me 5 minutes to install my camera and have a video conversation with my friends. Believe it or not, it looks better than most "free" software available for video chatting. As a FYI, you can use the Xbox camera with your pc (through the usb connection).

8. I will say it again, both Sony and Microsoft are pushing for an all in 1 entertainment center. If you dont like that then dont buy their consoles :lol:

9. Hmmm, the ps3 already has video chat? Really?

10. No patch yet my friend.... man you need to do your research...

11. Sony has had plenty of time to come up with something as good as XBOX live, no excuses at all. Microsoft is doing almost all the right things to make me think that the 360 is better than a ps3 (at this moment, we will see what happens in the future).

Finally, you completely ignore the fact that the ps3 DOES NOT include Component or HDMI cables. WTF was Sony thinking???
[quote name='apokalipze2']I doubt Sony's online service is going improve. You get what you pay for folks[/quote]

Agreed, it is a matter of time before you have to pay $$ for the ps3 online service. I give it 1 year tops before this happens. There is no such thing as free in this world..
Oasisboy it seems like you don't bother reading what people type.

#1. I said 1080I or 1080P. I specifically said i couldn't remember which one it was.

#2 . Just pointing out that microsoft has vehemently denied any problems with their systems yet have extended their warranty twice in less then a year to fix the problems that supposedly don't exist. Thier original warranty was a joke anyways. At least PS3 shipped with a year warranty which should be minimum for any system over $200.

#2.5 Once again its been a month and Sony HAS released several patches already to fix alot of PS1 and PS2 games. Also they currently have over 7700 or over 97% games playable on the PS3 compared to Microsoft not even being able to hit the 50% mark. Once again some of those games might have some issues with not looking as good but they are improving it.

#3 I just find it idiotic to have to carry a 360 around if I want to watch a movie or TV show at someone elses house. If you BUY a TV show you should be able to burn it to a dvd and watch it on any TV or dvd player instead of having to re-dl the show off XBL anytime you want to watch it. Unless you don't mind having to buy 5 HD's since you can't upgrade from the ludicriously high priced 20 gig HD the 360 has.

As far as #4 i should specify that not everyone can run cables through their entire house when they aren't near their router. My router is on the other side of the house from me so I need a wireless adapter to hook my systems up. Granted this is a problem not everyone has but its a factor alot of people need to take into consideration.

#5 slim PS2 didn't have an online serive persay. Certain games could be played online but it was on an Ad Hoc basis, more akin to how different PC games have different online setups and ways to connect.

#9 YES PS3 has voice chat. In fact you can go ahead and look here and watch CheapyD and JoyStiq use the video chat and comment on how its BETTER then that of the 360

#10 I said if it wasnt out yet it would be.

I haven't once said that PS3 > 360 or any idiotic statements like that. The PS3 is actually in a very similar situation as the 360 at launch with alot of the problems it is. Of course the 360 will be in a better position right now as its been out longer and has had more time to work out the bugs.
[quote name='Brian9824']

#1. I said 1080I or 1080P. I specifically said i couldn't remember which one it was.

#2 . Just pointing out that microsoft has vehemently denied any problems with their systems yet have extended their warranty twice in less then a year to fix the problems that supposedly don't exist.

#2.5 Once again its been a month and Sony HAS released several patches already to fix alot of PS1 and PS2 games. Also they currently have over 7700 or over 97% games playable on the PS3 compared to Microsoft not even being able to hit the 50% mark. Once again some of those games might have some issues with not looking as good but they are improving it.

#3 I just find it idiotic to have to carry a 360 around if I want to watch a movie or TV show at someone elses house. If you BUY a TV show you should be able to burn it to a dvd and watch it on any TV or dvd player instead of having to re-dl the show off XBL anytime you want to watch it. Unless you don't mind having to buy 5 HD's since you can't upgrade from the ludicriously high priced 20 gig HD the 360 has.

#5 slim PS2 didn't have an online serive persay.

#9 YES PS3 has voice chat. In fact you can go ahead and look here and watch CheapyD and JoyStiq use the video chat and comment on how its BETTER then that of the 360

#10 I said if it wasnt out yet it would be.

I haven't once said that PS3 > 360 or any idiotic statements like that. The PS3 is actually in a very similar situation as the 360 at launch with alot of the problems it is. Of course the 360 will be in a better position right now as its been out longer and has had more time to work out the bugs.[/quote]
1. if you cant remember exactly, then dont type this info as a fact. Is that too much too ask?

2. and 2.5- If Microsoft has vehemently denied any problems with the 360 then why are they extending the warranty? That is call "Acknowlodging a problem and solving it". Sony is vehemently denying the ps3 issue about running ps2 games (look at the Sony Boards). Patches my ass, Sony promised full ps2 and ps1 games running on the ps3 with NO ISSUES. That has not been solved.

3. Haha, that is called "Buy a DVD". You are not supposed to carry your Hard drive to your friends house to watch a show or a movie. Right now there is no such thing as buying a downloadable show or movie and burning it to a DVD.

5. Sony should have worked on developing a Live Marketplace or something since the time they created a LAN connection on a slim ps2, dont you think?

9. So what Cheapy says is the word of God? good for him if he likes it, I personally dont.

10. Linky?

Why didnt you reply to my point 6, 7 and 8?

Why didnt you respond to my comment about the lack of HD cables with the ps3 console? Hmmm...
6 is your opinion there have been several updates to the online stores and service since launch. 7 and 8 are also opinions. Alot of people have expressed anger over being forced to buy into the entertainment center arguement when all they want is a game system. Thats one of the Wii's strongest points.

I'd like a link from you saying where Sony promised "full ps2 and ps1 games running on the ps3 with NO ISSUES" since you seem to be the undisputed expert of everything gaming.

Lack of HD cables is an issue sure, it forces us to go out and buy a $15 component cable to use with the PS3, sure its a minor pain but hardly a major deal.

I'll post the link later saying where PS1 downloads can be played on PS3, i have to look thru IGN for it. Lets see you post a link saying where Sony promised "full ps2 and ps1 games running on the ps3 with NO ISSUES"
[quote name='Brian9824']See statements like that are just stupid. They have already made several improvements to their online service and have announced several more they are working on. The Wii's online service is free and they have improved it as well. They want people using their online services, browsing their online stores and buying stuff. Plus the online service is one of the systems selling points.[/quote]I'll believe it when I see it. I still doubt we'll get anything that comes to close to live.
[quote name='Brian9824']

I'd like a link from you saying where Sony promised "full ps2 and ps1 games running on the ps3 with NO ISSUES" since you seem to be the undisputed expert of everything gaming. [/quote]

"In an Electronic News interview, Reeves said: "Sony is very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right. They tested game after game after game. When there were about 40 PlayStation 1 games that didn’t work properly, that didn’t pass their criteria for quality."

Here is the link to the Sony board with complaints about ps2 games looking horrible on the ps3:

Double Booyah!
[quote name='oasisboy']Booyah!!!

"In an Electronic News interview, Reeves said: "Sony is very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right. They tested game after game after game. When there were about 40 PlayStation 1 games that didn’t work properly, that didn’t pass their criteria for quality."

Here is the link to the Sony board with complaints about ps2 games looking horrible on the ps3:

Double Booyah![/QUOTE]
I don't see where it says Sony promises perfect backwards compatibility.

Furthermore I don't see why every topic in the Sony forums turns out like this, where are the mods? Almost every other thread in the PS3 forums at least turn into flamefests.
[quote name='Brian9824']And microsoft is the one that hyped the 360's next gen graphics and it took a firmware update down the line before it could even output in 1080I or P, i forget which one. The same company who said there weren't any problems with their launch units and have since then extended the warranty TWICE to cover their asses. Heck for the sake of argument we have Nintendo which has been sued for illegal business practices in the past by threatening to cut off supplies of systems to stores unless their products recieved premium locations in store. Any company you look at is going to have a host of problems, deceptions, lies, and poor decisions.

In general downloading movies and tv shows is kinda iffy. Movies at least aren't bad but whats the point in paying $2-3 per episode of a TV show that can't be transfered off the 360's hard drive and can only be played back via 360? Especially when you can buy the boxset for less then what you'd pay for the entire season. Granted its in HD but thats some pretty big disadvantages.

As far as the headset sure you can buy a premium, and then you have to go buy a network adapter to actually use the online since they give you the headset but no way to go online. OOPS. Sony does it the other way and gives you the ability to go online but no headset. Yes you can get a $20 adapter for going online with the 360 and yes you can get a $20 headset for ps3 so it all evens out I suppose.

Your forgetting that the 360 also uses an already existing network with XBL. I never used XBL when it first came out but how many demo's did it have then, how much functionality of video chat, downloading movies, games, etc? Your comparing a system thats a month old to a system thats been out for 3+ years and wondering why XBL works better? As i've said repeatedly you can't judge the quality of the PS3 online service yet. In 6 months or so it will be the real test to how well it can hold up.

All the other functionality like video chat, downloading movies, etc is nice and all but i'm buying a game machine. If i want to talk with my friends i can use my computer and a host of free programs and software that allow real time video chat to do so much easier then a 360 since many of my friends don't own one. It's a nice feature sure, but this is a GAME console we are talking about which both Sony and Microsoft keep forgetting.

Also unless I am mistaken Sony has video chat or will have it soon. I haven't explored every feature of the PS3's online yet.

Also PS1 games will be playable on PS3 via firmware patch that comes out soon if its not already out. As far as a limited number of ps1 games the system is barely a month old for heaven's sake. How many virtual console games do you see on the Wii that are MUCH easier to upload?

If you want to compare the 2 fine but at least point out the facts. Your comparing a service that just launched to a service thats several years old and has gone thru numerous updates, patches and fixes. Yes XBL is better atm, NO ONE is denying that. But will the difference be that noticeable in 6 months? Thats the big question.[/QUOTE]

Wow, you really
[quote name='oasisboy']Hundreds of $$$ for live? What are you smoking? Retail price for 1 yr of live is 69.99 and it comes with a headset! Or you can get the camera bundle at amazon for $64.99 that includes 2 arcade games and UNO plus the camera , headset and 1 yr of live.... hundreds of dollars... :lol:[/QUOTE]

I guess Brian9824 already addressed this, but yes, hundreds of dollars. Or are you going to throw out your 360 after one year? Assuming an average console life cycle of 5 years, Live costs you $250 (baring any discounts which most consumers won't find).

[quote name='The Mana Knight']I haven't tried PS3 online yet, but it should be fine for me. Personally, I dislike paying $50 a month for online. The 360 does have a lot of options, but I'm starting to question whether it's worth it or not, because I only play online multi-player 1-2 times a month (at the most). I'm more of a single player gamer.

What I like about PS3 online is that I'll never have to pay for service, and I can still play a multi-player games 1-2 times a month (unlike XBL Silver).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that's my situation EXACTLY, and I know we're not alone. I concede that Live is probably great for hardcore online gamers, but for gamers who just use it once in a while it's a ripoff. It means we either pay a ton of money for almost nothing, or else have to completely forgo playing online.

For some reason people like us are NEVER addressed by magazines/web sites, etc. I'm sure we make up a large % of gamers-it wouldn't even surprise me if we're the majority and the people for whom Live makes sense are the minority.

BTW, I just saw that Youtube video with Cheapy. The voicechat quality on the PS3 is 10x better than the 360. The 360's is embarrassingly bad (no idea why). I'm really glad to see Sony's done a better job.

As for these "it's free so it can't be as good!" posts...the Live features are free and have been for years on PC. It's basically an instant messenger combined with a game finder. The voice quality is the worst I've ever heard. Worse than a phone, worse than a cell phone, and worse than any online voicechat feature I've used. I've placed free calls over the internet over a 56K modem that sound MUCH better than the 360's voicechat.

Clean up the interface a bit and make sure games use the same friends list, and I can see it being as good or better for the core features (if it lets you play games and has better voice quality...for free).

And there's every reason to expect Sony to continue adding/adjusting features, as they've been releasing updates to the PSP constantly for the last year and a half.

Oh, and that one comment about the 360 having more demos....huh?

The PS3 even has a demo for Genji and Resistance up if I'm remember right. It took MONTHS for Microsoft to get up a Perfect Dark or Kameo demo, and they still don't have a Gears of War or Viva Pinata demo more than a month after their release. The 360's interface was really clunky at launch too. It's not fair to compare it now after two major update to the PS3 at launch.
I don't see anyone acting like a Sony fanboy, just anti-Sony people randomly bashing it per usual.
I don't have any of the new systems yet. I just play em non stop at my friends house. I'm still waiting for oasisboy to post a single link showing where Sony promised 100% backwards compatibility with no problems. Until then meh.

I'll be getting a 360 before a PS3 for the simple fact it has more games out that i'd play. Mostly games coming out march/april.

I suppose if pointing out numerous statements that are wrong makes me a fanboy then i'm a fanboy
I should get back on topic for the original poster. For playing games the PS3 online service so far is surprisingly good with little to no lag at all. The main faults lie in the layout.

For instance you can't download a demo and browse thru the store or play a game at the same time. That is being worked on and will be fixed. Some people have reported slow downloads and others have reported blazing fast downloads so its hit or miss. It might be possible that the system works better on certain networks then others but no one has figuired it out yet.
[quote name='Brian9824']I'm still waiting for oasisboy to post a single link showing where Sony promised 100% backwards compatibility with no problems. [/quote]
You asked me for a link ( where Sony said that ps2 games were going to run perfectly fine on the ps3 and I gave it to you. Here is the statement that pisses me off because they are not holding it true.

"In an Electronic News interview, Reeves said: "Sony is very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right.

Now, after reading this, tell me, have they fulfilled this promise? Hmm, take a look at the sony boards. 117 pages already of complaints and discussion of the ps2 games looking like crap... Why are there 117 pages and growing? Hmm...

Here is your precious link with Sony advertising 100% compatibility of ps2 and ps1 games running perfectly on the ps3...

One of the advantages of the PlayStation 3 that Sony's been touting is that it's fully backward compatible with games for the PlayStation 2 and even the original late 1990s-era PlayStation 1. In other words, there's no need to scrap your collection of old games: you can still play PS2 favorites such as Grand Theft Auto, SOCOM, and the upcoming God of War II while you wait for those franchises to make their inevitable jump to native PS3 versions, replete with all the attendant high-def eye candy.

[quote name='Wolfpup']I guess Brian9824 already addressed this, but yes, hundreds of dollars. Or are you going to throw out your 360 after one year? Assuming an average console life cycle of 5 years, Live costs you $250 (baring any discounts which most consumers won't find). [/quote]

Oh my gosh, $250 now that is waste of money during 5 years :lol:.

Your internet is probably $50+ a month, oh no, that is a waste of $$$ (thats $600 a year). I am assuming you have the free dial up internet because, I mean its free and why spend $600 a year with high speed internet when you can have it for free with dial up, I mean its the same thing guys!!! Yeah... :lol:
[quote name='oasisboy']You asked me for a link ( where Sony said that ps2 games were going to run perfectly fine on the ps3 and I gave it to you. Here is the statement that pisses me off because they are not holding it true.

"In an Electronic News interview, Reeves said: "Sony is very concerned about quality and backward compatibility. They want to get this right.

Now, after reading this, tell me, have they fulfilled this promise? Hmm, take a look at the sony boards. 117 pages already of complaints and discussion of the ps2 games looking like crap... Why are there 117 pages and growing? Hmm...

Here is your precious link with Sony advertising 100% compatibility of ps2 and ps1 games running perfectly on the ps3...

One of the advantages of the PlayStation 3 that Sony's been touting is that it's fully backward compatible with games for the PlayStation 2 and even the original late 1990s-era PlayStation 1. In other words, there's no need to scrap your collection of old games: you can still play PS2 favorites such as Grand Theft Auto, SOCOM, and the upcoming God of War II while you wait for those franchises to make their inevitable jump to native PS3 versions, replete with all the attendant high-def eye candy.

That still doesn't say "We promise to get every game working perfectly" and with the amount of games that are backwards compatible, yes, yes they have fulfilled their promise. The problem with a few games looking worse on the PS3 will probably be fixed with a patch. I am satisfied with backwards compatibility since every PS2/PS1 game I own works great.
[quote name='oasisboy']Oh my gosh, $250 now that is waste of money during 5 years :lol:.

Your internet is probably $50+ a month, oh no, that is a waste of $$$ (thats $600 a year). I am assuming you have the free dial up internet because, I mean its free and why spend $600 a year with high speed internet when you can have it for free with dial up, I mean its the same thing guys!!! Yeah... :lol:[/QUOTE]

This makes no sense. I pay $25ish a month and use it daily. It's expensive, but I don't have much choice. I have no reason to spend hundreds of dollars on something I don't use, that is a waste of money. Something could be $2 and still be a waste of money if I don't use it, while something else can be $3000 and not be a waste of money...
Oasisboy the very first line in that link you posted says
Sony's PlayStation 3 will play almost every PlayStation game, a senior IBM staffer has claimed.

Still haven't shown a SINGLE link where Sony says every single game will be backwards compatible. The link you posted where it claims every single game was said to be backwards compatible offers no sources whatsover or quotes. is written by that website. Its not anything officially said by anyone in Sony. Heck I can say Microsoft promised that every xbox would ship with a solid gold controller, doesn't make it true.

All Sony has said is its there goal for 100% backwards compatibility and launching the system at 97.5% backwards compatibility compared to xbox360's less then 30% backwards compatibility is a huge success.

And can you get off the backwards compatibility thing already its getting old. I have to admit i'm surprised you have the gut's to badmouth sony's backwards compatibility, you must really hate the xbox360's backwards compatibility since its nowhere near as good.

This thread was meant for ONLINE services, not backwards compatibility.
I'm giving up on him, i've already proven every point i've brought up but he's so stubborn he won't back down.

I've proven to him PS3 has voice and video chat which he claimed PS3 didnt, proved that downloaded ps1 games could be played on ps3 via firmware update, proved that Sony is updating their online service with new features, Sony is adding movies and other media content etc.

others have proven they have the demo's and the 360 doesnt even have a standard headset since the core system doesnt come with a headset so that point he made is just wrong. Getting sick of beating a dead bush.

Hopefully people who read this thread will use their heads and not listen to random ramblings of people who HAVE to be right and insist that Bill Gates is god and that we should all get down on our knees and worship him.

He seems to have ignored where i've repeatedly said that the 360 online IS better at the moment.
bread's done