PS3 Online

[quote name='Blackout542']xbox live has had a while to become what is has. you could say ps3 has had that too, but really no. It seemed like Sony ignored online for PS2(or if they didn't, gave as little attention as possible). Hopefully Sony gets behind online and actually sticks with it.[/QUOTE]

But so did Microsoft last generation. They did nothing special with their online portion except the short, but failed 'Arcade' disc. There was nothing special about it, much like Sony's.
[quote name='gizmogc']Launch 360's came with the media remote. I don't remember if it was just the premium or if the core was included.[/QUOTE]

Yea, someone pointed that out. So, since this whole discussion started with the comparison of the PS3 core's features vs. the 360 premium's, i'd say it would be fair to include "blu-ray movie" on the PS3 side too.

[quote name='gizmogc']As for the play and charge kit...The 360 also came with an option of putting normal batteries in it (and still does). PS3 does not.[/QUOTE]

Does that matter? You do realize that the whole reason the rechargeable batteries came up was because we were comparing the PS3 core to the 360 premium. In that argument, it is somewhat irrelevant to note that the 360 has the option to NOT use a feature standard with the PS3. We were comparing what you get for $500 with the PS3 and what you get for $400 with the 360, remember?

To be honest, I'm not even sure why you brought up the fact that the batteries needed to be replaced anyway. We were talking about PS3 core vs 360 premium, and someone added that, technically, the ps3 includes a "play and charge kit" type of feature for free, while the 360 charges you for it. Your response was that Sony's batteries need replacing, which is not only completely irrelevant to his point, but would also apply to the 360s play and charge kit, so it is pretty much a moot point. Not sure where the whole "needs to be replaced" thing came into play. It really has nothing to do with that topic.
[quote name='dpatel']Yea, someone pointed that out. So, since this whole discussion started with the comparison of the PS3 core's features vs. the 360 premium's, i'd say it would be fair to include "blu-ray movie" on the PS3 side too.

Does that matter? You do realize that the whole reason the rechargeable batteries came up was because we were comparing the PS3 core to the 360 premium. In that argument, it is somewhat irrelevant to note that the 360 has the option to NOT use a feature standard with the PS3. We were comparing what you get for $500 with the PS3 and what you get for $400 with the 360, remember?

To be honest, I'm not even sure why you brought up the fact that the batteries needed to be replaced anyway. We were talking about PS3 core vs 360 premium, and someone added that, technically, the ps3 includes a "play and charge kit" type of feature for free, while the 360 charges you for it. Your response was that Sony's batteries need replacing, which is not only completely irrelevant to his point, but would also apply to the 360s play and charge kit, so it is pretty much a moot point. Not sure where the whole "needs to be replaced" thing came into play. It really has nothing to do with that topic.[/QUOTE]

What the hell is this topic about anyway? Now we are comparing the $400 Xbox to the $500 PS3? See post #90 where I confirmed the launch 360's came with a remote.

Atleast MS gave us a choice to use AA batteries instead of sending the entire controller in to be replaced.

Regardless I am done with this thread. Its on the Sony board and very few others will venture over here. Compare the systems/bundles however you want, fact is PS3 is warming the shelves right now and a Nintendo product is flying off. How this has to do with the initial start of the thread (PS3 vs. 360 Online), I have no idea.
[quote name='whoknows'][quote name='gizmogc']6. 360 Core = $300. PS3 Core = $500. Big difference in money.[/QUOTE]
Not really a fair comparison since the PS3 "core" is closer to the 360 Premium than it is to the 360 core in features.[/QUOTE]

I just told you what the discussion was about. This is what started the whole comparison thing. We were saying that the PS3 core comes close to matching the Premium in features, with only a few differences. One of them being the "play and charge kit". To which you responded that the controllers needed to be replaced. Which, I still don't see the relevance of that statement. Its not like the fact that you have to replace them is going to somehow change the fact that it is no longer an extra feature you get with the PS3, which the 360 charges you for.

And, as far as giving you choices goes. For the most part, I really don't think the "choices" MS gives us are that great. The choice to go with HD-DVD or not was a great one. This choice of using standard batteries or buying a play and charge kit isn't that great, in my opinion. Maybe if the controller was cheaper without the play and charge kit, it would've been better, but because a 360 controller + play and charge kit will be quite a bit more than than the PS3 controller, I have to go with that one. I realize we don't get a choice to use batteries, but personally, I can't see any advantages to using a battery. Don't know of many people who would opt for batteries over rechargeable if the price is the same. I do realize that these things do die out after some time, but I also understand that the time it takes for that to happen, I may not even be using the controllers any more. I'm not exactly sure on the time frame though.

The 360 also doesn't give us any choices as to what OS we want to use, or what accessories we use. By that I mean that only 360 brand accessories will work on the 360. The PS3 allows the use of almost any keyboard, mouse, headset, and harddrive.

The 360 also gives us the choice of buying a harddrive or not. I honestly think this was a mistake though. I could see why they did it, since they were afraid of pricing themselves too high, but looking back, it would've been better to have a standard hdd. I would rather have a higher rate of HDD owners to ensure that the HDD gets used to the fullest. I realize that the number of users who own the HDD shouldn't determine its support from developers, but judging from what I have seen so far, it seems like developers are more inclined to use the PS3 HDD, which may be attributed to the fact that it is standard. We are seeing several PS3 games allowing gamers the option to install on the HDD to reduce load times, whereas none of the 360 games allow this. I realize that 360 games COULD do this, but for some reason, they choose not to. I believe, had the 360 HDD been standard, it would've been a different story.
[quote name='gizmogc']What the hell is this topic about anyway? Now we are comparing the $400 Xbox to the $500 PS3? See post #90 where I confirmed the launch 360's came with a remote.[/QUOTE]

We have been comparing the two systems for a while. Is it that hard for you to keep track of your own discussion? You started with the PS3 core vs 360 core comparison, someone responded by arguing that the PS3 core is more like the 360 premium in features, which you can't see to invalidate, so I am assuming you agree with.

I never denied the remote being bundled in. Like I said, you started the comparison of the PS3core vs the 360core, which brought about the argument that the PS3 core and 360 premium are more similar in features. I haven't seen you refute that, so I guess you agree that your comparison of the two cores was not valid.

[quote name='gizmogc']Regardless I am done with this thread. Its on the Sony board and very few others will venture over here. Compare the systems/bundles however you want, fact is PS3 is warming the shelves right now and a Nintendo product is flying off. How this has to do with the initial start of the thread (PS3 vs. 360 Online), I have no idea.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe anyone was really talking about sales here. It really seems like you just threw this in here to make yourself feel like you've accomplished something, as if the number of sales of your console has anything to do with how much enjoyment you get out of it.
bread's done