PSN has returned. What freebie games are you getting?

I was loving Cowboy Bebop until Edward showed up and pissed me off. So now I call it a really good show, even though
Edward left. She needed to leave sooner though.

As for PSN, everytime I arrive in this forum I misread the SOCOM thread as "3 years strong. PSN is down". I hope it's up by Tuesday.
[quote name='Cage017']I was loving Cowboy Bebop until Edward showed up and pissed me off. So now I call it a really good show, even though
Edward left. She needed to leave sooner though.

As for PSN, everytime I arrive in this forum I misread the SOCOM thread as "3 years strong. PSN is down". I hope it's up by Tuesday.[/QUOTE]

Oh, I know you didn't just talk bad about Ed! Let's take this outside.
I like Cowboy Bebop as well as Big O, but it seems like Adult Swim on Saturday nights is moving away from showing either series anymore.

As for PSN coming back, I hope it takes a little while longer as I've been messing around with some of the glitches in GTA Episodes in single player that were so much fun in multiplayer. But within the ability to get 8 RPG's when getting into a heli in single player like you do in mp it's just not the same.

I've also started going back through the single player modes on the GTA games and may finally start on my backlog soon if this takes any longer.:razz:
[quote name='Buuhan1']Oh, I know you didn't just talk bad about Ed! Let's take this outside.[/QUOTE]

If it lessens the blow any, I'm refering to her dubbed voice. Hell if I know how she sounds in Japanese with subs. Same goes with Shin Chan whom I also can't stand.

With all the Adult Swim content on the Playstation Network, how come they don't include Perfect Hair Forever? That show was hilarious.

PS: The Big O is my second favorite anime.
[quote name='DirkBelig']There are two kinds of people: Those who love Cowboy Bebop and GODLESS HEATHENS!!!

That said, if they try and make a live-action film version with Keanu Reeves as Spike, I'm gonna give him something to look sad about![/QUOTE]

Totally misread this to the point that I though you were making a live action Cowboy Bebop movie because you wanted something to do while PSN was down.
[quote name='Oaxan']Speaking of... I didn't like Neon Gen either.
The only Mecha I liked was Code Geass.[/QUOTE]

Hated Code Geass. Ditto for Neon Gen...though the new one is interesting, i'll probably check it out sometime as I heard it was a more complete story.
PSN still isn't up. I'm in deep shock!
I'm waiting on them to update the blog and say it will be another week or a few more days.:roll:
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One of my favorites is Berserk, I came to know of its existence ass backwards. I played and loved the Sword of the Berserk game for Dreamcast, then I found out that it was based off an anime. :lol: Rented it from netflix, loved it, bought it, bought it again when it was remastered and re-released, bought the manga up through current when it went on sale.

Apparently they are in the process of redoing it with a series of theatrical films.


Interesting, so I wonder how many other times that group has bought amazon processing space to carry out attacks? Could Amazon be liable for negligence? Hopefully payments to amazon left a paper trail which leads back to culprits.
Thanks to this whole fiasco I was finally able to go through RDR and wow the game is amazing lol

I've had it since launch and only played the Multi.

Now off to the next neglected game in my backlog.
[quote name='GTmaster39']I knew they we're connected somehow, and everyone thought I was crazy.[/QUOTE]

I still think you are crazy; but for different reasons.
[quote name='jello44']I still think you are crazy; but for different reasons.[/QUOTE]

Just wait till we get back on GT5, then I'll show you crazy lol.
It was odd for all of that stuff to go down on a single day. It did seem a bit too coincidental, but what this basically means, if it's true, is that we'll find out who did it.
I have to chime in and put my two cents in again. I have been rummaging through the gaming blogs and can't help but laugh. The reason is simple: Everyone is running amok and selling their PS3's and games. Here it is a couple of weeks later and now we got people just giving their items away. I see the ads on Craigslist that say they are getting rid of their PS3's because they are moving, need the cash for their car, collecting dust. Jeezus, it seems like everyone is moving and all the cars they have have synchronized to die on them right about the time PSN went down. Just hilarious.

I got to go back to my original post and say this will pass. This whole incident has shaken down the ones who probably would have not stuck around anyways or really wanted an Xbox 360 and needed an excuse to get one. Respectfully, a gamer does what a gamer has to do. But use PSN going down as an excuse is rather lame and getting old at this point.

Here is the deal: Eventually the 360 and PS3 will be going offline in favor of the new systems within a few years. How will you deal with that. I plan on having such a backlog of games, it would take me forever to get through them. Why do I want to stop with PS3? Simple. There are just so many games that gamers forget to play or want to play, but never really sit down and play them. I would rather have a 200+ collection of games than a new system that has to still work out its kinks.

In essence, it hasn't really been difficult. If people just relaxed and took the time out to play what they have, they would realize what they are missing out on. People, especially gamers, are so quick to jump on the next big thing, when really, the crown jewel is in front of them.

And by the way, any real gamers want to hit me up when PSN comes up, you have a ally in your gaming corner.
[quote name='GTmaster39']Just wait till we get back on GT5, then I'll show you crazy lol.[/QUOTE]

I'm actually looking forward to GT5 CAG Nights, if you guys are still up for them...300-500HP seems to be the sweet spot for some fun races. Maybe 250HP depending on the car.
[quote name='SynGamer']Hated Code Geass. Ditto for Neon Gen...though the new one is interesting, i'll probably check it out sometime as I heard it was a more complete story.[/QUOTE]
You have no soul, I
[quote name='SynGamer']I'm actually looking forward to GT5 CAG Nights, if you guys are still up for them...300-500HP seems to be the sweet spot for some fun races. Maybe 250HP depending on the car.[/QUOTE]

Depends on the night, Sundays suck for me, because of my work schedule I am either working or sleeping.
Ok off topic question lol. But since the PSN is down I really need something to play. Should I get Fallout:NV or Demon's Souls? I've played both before and just have an itch to play one again, which would you all recommend? THANKS :D
[quote name='emokid9963']Ok off topic question lol. But since the PSN is down I really need something to play. Should I get Fallout:NV or Demon's Souls? I've played both before and just have an itch to play one again, which would you all recommend? THANKS :D[/QUOTE]

id say demons souls. theres alot to do and you cant get everything in just one playthrough. im almost done with my first playthrough myself due to the psn outage.
[quote name='lokizz']id say demons souls. theres alot to do and you cant get everything in just one playthrough. im almost done with my first playthrough myself due to the psn outage.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about getting that again. But one of the reasons I sold it was because it pissed me off lol! And I really liked the online hints, which arent there now because of the outage.
I have a level 140-something character on Demon's Souls. One of my friend's asked to borrow it while PSN has been down so I decided to fire it up and play it for a few before handing it over. I was in the Valley of Defilement near a giant and he chased me down and beat my face in. I turned it off and went to take it to my friend...
The longer we wait, the more, better stuff Sony will probably end up giving us.

Sony: "MAG FOR ALL!"
US: "YEAH!" *Downloads* *Doesn't play ever*
[quote name='guardian_owl']One of my favorites is Berserk, I came to know of its existence ass backwards. I played and loved the Sword of the Berserk game for Dreamcast, then I found out that it was based off an anime. :lol: Rented it from netflix, loved it, bought it, bought it again when it was remastered and re-released, bought the manga up through current when it went on sale.

Apparently they are in the process of redoing it with a series of theatrical films.


Interesting, so I wonder how many other times that group has bought amazon processing space to carry out attacks? Could Amazon be liable for negligence? Hopefully payments to amazon left a paper trail which leads back to culprits.[/QUOTE]

Yes. Berserk is amazing. Never seen the anime (outside hbi2k's abridged version) but follow the manga and words cannot express the greatness. It's my second favorite series after One Piece. It's so amusing those 2 are my favorite series because they are like the complete opposites of eachother.
So any idea what is going to happen with the weeks worth of rockband stuff that hasn't been released? Will Harmonix drop it all on there at once?
I used google translate to copy this from the Japanese website. Not much to report but I like how we've gone back in time 19 years (Great Scott, Marty!). http://translate.googleusercontent....e.html&usg=ALkJrhgD-EiHnWWRXf-hY_L59KjdjhDb6A

“PlayStation Network”/“Qriocity” 12 May 1992 in Japan 2011 "PlayStation Network" / "Qriocity" service resumed progress

"PlayStation Network" and "Qriocity" and continued failure, I am sorry indeed.

As we told the other day with the latest information in regard to future service restart, will be conducted in stages on a regional basis to ensure the safety of our customers.
We are preparing to be able to resume service as soon as possible in Japan, and is now doing the verification stage for ensuring the safety and security, providing more advanced. Server to complete the relocation of more secure facilities, further strengthening the encryption, firewalls and expansion of new customers with peace of mind again "PlayStation Network" and "Qriocity" to stay in a We support the most. The monitoring and the introduction of warning systems facilitate early detection of cyber attacks, subjected to a system upgrade intended to eliminate vulnerabilities, established a system to ensure information management to protect important personal information of customers We.

For those of you committed to ensuring safety, but would take some time for some time now, humbly thank you for your understanding. For the latest information, this website will guide you at any time.
To everyone of our customers and partners, we deeply apologize for the inconvenience and inconvenience.
At this point the only reason I'm even bothering to keep my PS3 is the Disgaea series. If it wasn't for that I would have traded it in last week.

I ended up buying a year's worth of XBox Live (I had not paid for live since I got a PS3 2 1/2 years ago). Also, from now on I will never again buy a multiconsole release on the PS3. My friend is doing the exact same thing. Sony messed this up really bad and I doubt many people who own both consoles will bother with anything on the PS3 unless it is an exclusive.
just finished my finals today and started to play mgs4. beginning has been kind of shaky. I cant really stealth my way anywhere i've been shooting everyone in my sights to survive. does it get better with time? i just got to the part where you talk to derbin gun dealer.
I also have both, and a Wii, and will still buy a majority of my games on Ps3 just because the system itself is more reliable and a 250GB hard drive isn't overpriced like at MS. Also, was that rumor true that MS forced valve to charge for l4d DLC?

I just won't give Sony ANY personal info anymore. At least not real info.
[quote name='jaydepps']I have both systems and I will continue to buy most of my games for the PS3. Not gonna hold this against them.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']I also have both, and a Wii, and will still buy a majority of my games on Ps3 just because the system itself is more reliable and a 250GB hard drive isn't overpriced like at MS. Also, was that rumor true that MS forced valve to charge for l4d DLC?

I just won't give Sony ANY personal info anymore. At least not real info.[/QUOTE]
You do realize you can swap out the stock HDD in the PS3 for a SATA 5400rpm 2.5" laptop hdd of what whatever size and that it's not limited to whatever Sony slaps in the console, right?

As for MS overcharging for accessories, Sony does it too(their chatpad, Bluetooth headset and especially the fuckin' Dual Shock 3 all come to mind).
Just fucking face it...

PSN screwed you; there is no denying it. XBL costs 35 bucks a year (yeah, you can get it on sale all the time), but I've been playing everything, but SOCOM online.

I'm just saying... PSN fuckED UP!!
I still support the Playstation 3 since the day my came in the brown card board box from a giant brown ups truck, I got mine for 129.99 (99 bucks+tax! in 2008 super lucky buy it now price) and I have cherish my BC 80GB for not only bringing me to current generation goodness but for also letting me revisit many enjoyable PS2 titles I played from jr high to high school and for the awesome classic ps1 rpgs from my time in browning road elementary. I will support Sony despite its troubled times. PS3 CAGs pull through strong the PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware! PS3 CAGs where and how did you get your PS3 maybe some PS3 purchase stories will help us through time =3
[quote name='200STM']I still support the Playstation 3 since the day my came in the brown card board box from a giant brown ups truck, I got mine for 129.99 (99 bucks+tax! in 2008 super lucky buy it now price) and I have cherish my BC 80GB for not only bringing me to current generation goodness but for also letting me revisit many enjoyable PS2 titles I played from jr high to high school and for the awesome classic ps1 rpgs from my time in browning road elementary. I will support Sony despite its troubled times. PS3 CAGs pull through strong the PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware! PS3 CAGs where and how did you get your PS3 maybe some PS3 purchase stories will help us through time =3[/QUOTE]

i got my first ps3 when the mgs4 bundle came out. my main reasons for getting it were it was cheaper, came with a game and with a ds3 controller.
[quote name='200STM']I still support the Playstation 3 since the day my came in the brown card board box from a giant brown ups truck, I got mine for 129.99 (99 bucks+tax! in 2008 super lucky buy it now price) and I have cherish my BC 80GB for not only bringing me to current generation goodness but for also letting me revisit many enjoyable PS2 titles I played from jr high to high school and for the awesome classic ps1 rpgs from my time in browning road elementary. I will support Sony despite its troubled times. PS3 CAGs pull through strong the PS3 is an awesome piece of hardware! PS3 CAGs where and how did you get your PS3 maybe some PS3 purchase stories will help us through time =3[/QUOTE]
I picked up my 40gb using credit and cash from FYE. The cash came from selling my prior gen gaming collection(PS2/Xbox games) for $450 shipped to someone here on CAG and the credit came from flipping seasons of the tv show 24 that I bought up in NY state at a thrift store for $5-6 per set to FYE for $12-15 per set.;)

I actually had the first game for it though(GTA IV Special Edition) the night before I went for the PS3.:lol: That I got from Wally World at midnight on release day.
[quote name='wwe101']just finished my finals today and started to play mgs4. beginning has been kind of shaky. I cant really stealth my way anywhere i've been shooting everyone in my sights to survive. does it get better with time? i just got to the part where you talk to derbin gun dealer.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it gets lot better. If you think you can't get across a section you could always use your Mark I the mini Metal Gear and just go around shocking people, but I think thats cheap so don't really use until you've tried all of your options. I've actually started my new game back up and I'm going for a no kill game play (using only tranquilizer gun). The main reason why I think MGS is such an awesome series is the story so if you haven't really followed along your gonna miss a bunch.
My PS3 was purchased on a ebay auction at around 2am pacific time. The seller and original owner was in need of quick cash because he told me he needed to pay off his rent and he had his 80GB BC motorstorm ps3 bundle for sale at a quick buy it now price of $99.99. I quickly got onto his deal despite the fact I was looking for a 60GB originally but heck a ps3 for around 100 bucks (it came out to be 129.XX with shipping and handling) I got it. The PS3 was a little dusty with a couple of scratches and had smelled of smoke (ewwwww), the ps3 was a motorstorm bundle but he told me he didn't have the game but he had a 2nd sixasis controller and 3 ps2 games (gtaIII,Socom II and Call of duty II). I must say I am glad with my purchase and my risk of getting a ps3 at that price worked off well I even got the original box and I was able to register it under my name. My ps3 is working and in good condition I take very well care of it and I plan to add a good size hard drive to it soon as I have gil (cash) to do so. =3
Reuters says there are still issues needing to be fixed.

As late as Thursday a few flaws were still in the system. Geeze...

Bumgarner's research showed that the problems with Sony's systems are more widespread than the company has acknowledged. Sony has said that only its PlayStation Network and Sony Online Entertainment systems were hacked.
Most of the flaws that Bumgarner discovered were in other Sony networks -- that of the Sony Corporation of America, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Sony Electronics Corp.
"They've been running in circles for the past three weeks," Hypponen said.
Go Jack go!

[quote name='KaneRobot']I guess it takes all kinds. Jesus.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to feel really bad for you guys when this winds up happening to Microsoft.

You know, for the lulz, as Anon would like to say.
[quote name='Organization_XIII']I think the MGS series relies way too heavily on the storyline of past games - if you even understood them fully without 3 or 4 playthroughs of those even.[/QUOTE]

The only ones I've actually played were Sons of Patriots, Snake Eater, and MGS:4. True, you do have to understand the story to appreciate it. I went back on the web and read up. Snake Eater REALLY tied everything together... possibly best game I've ever played (story wise, just amazing)
bread's done