PSNOT 2.0 - I kind of want to subscribe to IndieBox.

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"You may experience a horrible smell for a few hours."

This is what I want to read in emails from building security. :headache:
It is exactly what I would want to read. I would immediately say...


Good article, though there's one error:

"For example, let’s say “Trophy Evaluator A” is extremely strict with the guidelines and is assigned to evaluate the Mega Man Legacy Collection. 6 separate Mega Man games, but all of them are similar and relatively short once you’re good at them. So “Trophy Evaluator A” decides that the game only gets a Limited Trophy List. “Trophy Evaluator B” is much more lenient with the guidelines and he/she is assigned The Escapists. 6 prisons to escape but they’re all pretty similar and the game isn’t all that long. But since “Trophy Evalutor A” is applying the guidelines much more leniently, The Escapists is granted a Full Trophy List with a Platinum."

"Evaluator" missing an "a" notwithstanding, that should be B, not A.

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any other ps3 cod ghosts extermination experts in here?

I know cro had it but I don't know if he would be able to join or not.

 Trying to find a group to finish up 100% the extermination dlc trophies. Completionist challenges are all I have left.

Anyone interested and leveled up, hit me up

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Good article, though there's one error:

"For example, let’s say “Trophy Evaluator A” is extremely strict with the guidelines and is assigned to evaluate the Mega Man Legacy Collection. 6 separate Mega Man games, but all of them are similar and relatively short once you’re good at them. So “Trophy Evaluator A” decides that the game only gets a Limited Trophy List. “Trophy Evaluator B” is much more lenient with the guidelines and he/she is assigned The Escapists. 6 prisons to escape but they’re all pretty similar and the game isn’t all that long. But since “Trophy Evalutor A” is applying the guidelines much more leniently, The Escapists is granted a Full Trophy List with a Platinum."

"Evaluator" missing an "a" notwithstanding, that should be B, not A.
damn, you read fast. i actually caught that mistake on my re-read but Wordpress published an older version.

The new version is up, it's the exact same except for the last section, you may want to check that out if you're interested or if you thought it ended super abruptly.

it wasn't even supposed to be meant as a brag, just to point out that we all really are into trophies and point out that i'm the lowest of us 3.

But i'll take it out since nobody is getting that.

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I'm not sure what a footjob is but it sounds wrought with danger. People don't have much experience manipulating the strength and accuracy of their feet.
GW3 crap

Times it took to defeat and 3-star Emerald boss:
Approximately 316 times

Times it to ok me to defeat and 3-star Opal boss 10 levels later:
Approximately 5 times

Da faq
Matt Dillon was hilarious in Something About Mary, and the terrible acting by Brett Favre was great...because MY packers are the greatest sports team ever #suckittherm
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bread's done