PSNOT 3.0 - Let's Talk About University of Kentucky, Baby!

what problems are there? frame rate and load times or more?
the frame rate is pretty tanked actually - I played it when you were still playing it and the frame rate was (mostly) fine. I played it right after the last patch and was amazed at how bad it's gotten - it was chugging just turning the camera in a small town, traveling was at times almost nauseating because of the herky jerky framerate. I had to stop playing it completely. not sure how they went from a fairly functional, pretty fun game with long loading times sometimes to a game that still has long loading times sometimes but is much less playable or enjoyable.

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the frame rate is pretty tanked actually - I played it when you were still playing it and the frame rate was (mostly) fine. I played it right after the last patch and was amazed at how bad it's gotten - it was chugging just turning the camera in a small town, traveling was at times almost nauseating because of the herky jerky framerate. I had to stop playing it completely. not sure how they went from a fairly functional, pretty fun game with long loading times sometimes to a game that still has long loading times sometimes but is much less playable or enjoyable.
I wouldn't be as annoyed by this if Avalanche said they were working on a patch to fix things, but they haven't said anything that doesn't involve DLC.

the frame rate is pretty tanked actually - I played it when you were still playing it and the frame rate was (mostly) fine. I played it right after the last patch and was amazed at how bad it's gotten - it was chugging just turning the camera in a small town, traveling was at times almost nauseating because of the herky jerky framerate. I had to stop playing it completely. not sure how they went from a fairly functional, pretty fun game with long loading times sometimes to a game that still has long loading times sometimes but is much less playable or enjoyable.
well that sucks. I was going to rebuy it and the DLC at some point. Maybe they will fix it 2 years from now and I can play it then for $5.

speaking of less enjoyable, I did manage to finally finish one of these assassins creed chronicles games (China).  it ended up being ok, not great.  I actually like the runner levels more than anything - they should've just made an endless runner.

I definitely don't understand how vig (and so many other people) platted this monstrosity though.  it feels like figuring out how to shadow gold most of the levels for the high score would be such an annoyance.  and it feels like it would take forrrrever to get through all three games (at least) two times each.  

speaking of less enjoyable, I did manage to finally finish one of these assassins creed chronicles games (China). it ended up being ok, not great. I actually like the runner levels more than anything - they should've just made an endless runner.

I definitely don't understand how vig (and so many other people) platted this monstrosity though. it feels like figuring out how to shadow gold most of the levels for the high score would be such an annoyance. and it feels like it would take forrrrever to get through all three games (at least) two times each.
They seemed fun on Vita. Maybe that's your problem.

They seemed fun on Vita. Maybe that's your problem.
I'm sure it has a lot more to do with stealth games being the worst thing on the planet.

Once I started playing the game like I normally play AC games I had a lot more fun - using hiding places as a temporary place to stage a giant murder spree plus a lot of running assassinations. being so painfully squishy is annoying when I get caught but I more or less adjusted. I ended up with a lot of crappy scores.

Checked to see if Downwell PS4 was still showing as "Add to Cart" in the store for me, and it is, but also checked the Vita version and now it says Add to Cart instead of Download too. Nice?

And yeah that game I was playing yesterday is really fun.  They actually made the parkour more fun as it somehow feels more organic now even if there are clear hand holds on all the cliffs and walls.  The tag team body slam move is still really cool even after doing it a few times.  As always they have a metric ton of quips and funny one liners that never seem to get used more than once or twice.  Naughty Dog really did do another amazing job making this game.

And yeah that game I was playing yesterday is really fun. They actually made the parkour more fun as it somehow feels more organic now even if there are clear hand holds on all the cliffs and walls. The tag team body slam move is still really cool even after doing it a few times. As always they have a metric ton of quips and funny one liners that never seem to get used more than once or twice. Naughty Dog really did do another amazing job making this game.
Typing all that instead of just "Uncharted 4"...why?

Going to try and get a ticket or two for the E3 Experience.  Is there any registration I need to do before hand to make it quicker?  Or do you just have to wait until the window opens?

Going to try and get a ticket or two for the E3 Experience. Is there any registration I need to do before hand to make it quicker? Or do you just have to wait until the window opens?
Just wait, the registration link should appear right at 10am PT, then let the website crash and have its issues, and about 25 mins later you should be able to lock in your tickets.

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Streaming some more Dark Souls 2 before bed.

Forward + R1 at the same time breaks the guard of enemies who are blocking with a shield and leaves them open for a counterattack.

You missed his sweet eagle drop intro. That character is like nemesis, he appears suddenly to kill you. Where you fought him is an early opportunity to beat him, but you only get one chance. Once you got knocked off he considered you a coward for running away, and phased out. I assume the reason those 3 enemies don't stand up during the fight is they are scared of him as he hunts all undead.

Can use items through inventory screen (one to the right of equip screen), don't have to equip them first.

Shield explanation

Ignore the left hand column, that's for when using the shield as a weapon.

Right hand column

the first 5 numbers represent the % of the damage that is blocked when you hold your shield in a guard position.

1st is physical (non-elemental) damage, 2nd is magic damage, 3rd is fire damage, 4th is lightning damage, and 5th is dark damage.

Physical is the most common type of damage in dark souls so it's good to use a shield that has a 100 rating for the first number, that means you will take zero physical damage when blocking that type.

The next four numbers are less important. How status effects like poison work in the game is when you get hit by it a meter starts to fill, if you get hit enough times with that status effect in rapid succession then you will be inflicted with that status effect until the meter slowly goes back down to zero. Those four numbers slow the rate the various meters go up when blocking (poison, bleed, petrify, and curse). I mostly just ignore those numbers when deciding between shields.

Sandwiched between those four numbers and the durability amount is the stability rating. This determines how much stamina is depleted when you block an attack, the higher the number the less stamina lost per blocked attack.

If at any time you forget what the numbers mean, or are unsure what anything on any of the menu's is, press select and a cursor will come up which will tell you in more depth what a stat does.

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Glad I scrolled through the past couple days of the thread if only for that wonderful fb meltdown that dude had. I drank a lot and watched a lot of sports this weekend. Was fun. Annual family crawfish boil too, hella good times. Finally got around to watching Civil War. Didn't like it nearly as much as I was expecting, was okay though. Something something something, anymore. 

I am really enjoying the game I was playing yesterday and again this morning.  

However they still feel the need to put in these tailing missions.  

They need to go fuck themselves. 

I got stuck on one (couldn't keep up) and gave up after an hour.  Even looked at a couple of videos. 

In AC Syndicate on chapter 6 there is a really fucking stupid tailing mission.  If you get stuck here the key is to drop down to street level ASAP and get a horse/cart.  Trying to stay with them via roof tops and the lame ass grappling hook isn't really possible.  So not evident to me how you are supposed to play this mission.  Got it on my first try this morning.

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I am really enjoying the game I was playing yesterday and again this morning.

However they still feel the need to put in these tailing missions.

They need to go fuck themselves.

I got stuck on one (couldn't keep up) and gave up after an hour. Even looked at a couple of videos.

In AC Syndicate on chapter 6 there is a really fucking stupid tailing mission. If you get stuck here the key is to drop down to street level ASAP and get a horse/cart. Trying to stay with them via roof tops and the lame ass grappling hook isn't really possible. So not evident to me how you are supposed to play this mission. Got it on my first try this morning.
Man I must be getting old, I don't remember any big tailing missions at all. Black Flag on the other hand...
Gone Home and 2K16, had no doubts about the leak. Gross as hell. Waiting for the full list still, no doubt the PS3 and Vita games will be monumental.

Man I must be getting old, I don't remember any big tailing missions at all. Black Flag on the other hand...
I think this is only the 2nd one and I am 2/3 done with the game I think. The other one wasn't bad. This one isn't bad if you do it like I mentioned in the spoiler.

With BF I spent most of the time on the ship anyway. I would do a few land based missions and get annoyed or bored and go back to sea for a couple days.

I really wasn't interested in this one but got it as part of buy 2 get 1 free on used games a GameStop. Been on my shelf for weeks. Decided to start it last week and see if I was even going to play it or just trade it or give it to my nephew.

I actually like this one a lot more then I thought I would.

I think this is only the 2nd one and I am 2/3 done with the game I think. The other one wasn't bad. This one isn't bad if you do it like I mentioned in the spoiler.

With BF I spent most of the time on the ship anyway. I would do a few land based missions and get annoyed or bored and go back to sea for a couple days.

I really wasn't interested in this one but got it as part of buy 2 get 1 free on used games a GameStop. Been on my shelf for weeks. Decided to start it last week and see if I was even going to play it or just trade it or give it to my nephew.

I actually like this one a lot more then I thought I would.
Yeah, I got it during the famous BB glitch and ended up really liking it. Much better than Unity. I actually need to pick up a copy again, got a free season pass back in January and want to run through the Jack the Ripper DLC.
Gone Home and 2K16, had no doubts about the leak. Gross as hell. Waiting for the full list still, no doubt the PS3 and Vita games will be monumental.
Maybe the free Plus games are underwhelming because better free shit is coming after E3 presentation to really knock or collective Level Up socks off?

Either way I'm excited to try that NBA 2Kwhatever version of RttS. And wasn't Gone Home that PC game darling that won all the awards even though it's a walking simulator with a story tacked on? I'd be interested in checking it out to see the hype.

  • NBA 2K16, PS4
  • Gone Home: Console Edition, PS4
  • Echochrome, PS3
  • Siren: Blood Curse (Episodes 1-12), PS3
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus, PS Vita
  • Little Deviants, PS Vita
Worst month ever?  Discuss

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I wonder if the blog post guys will be happy with 2k16. I'll probably boot that up eventually, haven't played a basketball game in a long time. Likely gonna skip gone home, all these walking sim adventure game things aren't my thing at all. 

yeesh on the rest of the lineup.

Shitty bottom of the barrell PS3 games I get, but you'd think they could find better Vita games still.

I'll stick with my better free shit coming during E3 theory.

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I'm not totally against sports games, would have been happy with golf or hockey, but basketball games have never clicked with me. Maybe they're better now, but I've never played one I enjoyed.

I guess both games are "good" (NBA is still like $30 and gone home is insanely $20 somehow) but neither game do anything for me at all. 

Worst of all is how much of a positive response this is getting.

Like I said, if I was told we'd be getting a $30 retail game and a $20 digital game I'd be plenty happy. I'm just not impressed with this month's choices. Other months will be better I'm sure.

Where's Tyler with the adventure game bitching about Siren?

And wow:



Siren: Blood Curse

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Hopefully we won't be reaching back to 2007 next month.

  • NBA 2K16, PS4
  • Gone Home: Console Edition, PS4
  • Echochrome, PS3
  • Siren: Blood Curse (Episodes 1-12), PS3
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus, PS Vita
  • Little Deviants, PS Vita
Worst month ever? Discuss
Are we allowed to discuss this list Tyler?

If so looks like nothing for me. Not big on sports games at all. I think it is part of EA access so I can not play it on both consoles (hope tyler doesn't see this).

Metro Redux for $9 seems like a good deal. The rest is shit, though.

Did anybody ever play Risen 3 for PS4? My understanding is that the PS3 game was shitty but I'm not sure if the enhanced version did enough to fix it to be worthwhile.

Blog posts seem real excited about 2k. Wonder if sony will take the hint and start dropping a couple more big name franchises in or at least some more well known indies for the PS4 lineup. They could probably keep doing whatever old shit for PS3 and Vita. 

Yeah, the PS4 games are at least somewhat laudable... the rest are absolute shit.

Wondering if they're testing reactions to begin their phase out of PS3/Vita games... if the majority are too busy praising the PS4 games then expect more shit sandwiches.

bread's done