Puzzle Quest (DS) -- About $15 at Costco


5 (100%)
Hi. I was at a Costco in Southern California today and I saw a ton of Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords for the Nintendo DS for about $15. I'm not sure if this deal is typical for all Costco's, but if you don't have the game, it's worth checking out because $15 is a great price for such a fun game.

My local Costco is in El Centro, CA, which is VERY Southern California, about a 2hr drive from San Diego toward the US/Mexico border. I doubt this deal is for my local Costco only -- From my experience, Costco deals are typical throughout most stores.
It's coming out for XBLA next week at the same price ($15). If you haven't played it, you might want to check it out there, as you'll get achievements as well, if you're into that.
[quote name='Shagrath']It's coming out for XBLA next week at the same price ($15). If you haven't played it, you might want to check it out there, as you'll get achievements as well, if you're into that.[/quote]

and... you know... online!

Thanks OP, I'll be looking for one this week!
[quote name='dchrisd']Hi. I was at a Costco in Southern California today and I saw a ton of Puzzle Quest Challenge of the Warlords for the Nintendo DS for about $15. I'm not sure if this deal is typical for all Costco's, but if you don't have the game, it's worth checking out because $15 is a great price for such a fun game.[/quote]

Which part of Southern California? I haven't seen Puzzle Quest at any of the Costcos I frequent in San Diego lately, let alone for 15 bucks. I would totally be on this if it's around here.
I would rather have this portable than have some silly achievements...
this is an absolutely great pick up and play portable game...best part is in addition to the easy pick up and play, there is an extended depth through the RPGish upgrades and map travel, and story (weak though it is)

This has been the game I have put the most hours in on my DS. Recommended.
Saw it today at Best Buy with yellow clearance sticker. I think it was $11.99. Not sure if that is YMMV. Definitely great game.
[quote name='Xevious']Isn't this game available for the PSP too? If so, I don't know which version to get.[/QUOTE]
Tough call. PSP certainly looks better and has some little voice acting, but there's a bug in it that doesn't make it unplayable, but does make it harder. Sole like the stylus controller better, others feel it makes it easier to move the wrong piece (which will incur a penalty in the game). Either way, you're getting a pretty great game. I'm probably springing for the 360 version as well for home use.
[quote name='atatpilot3']Which part of Southern California? I haven't seen Puzzle Quest at any of the Costcos I frequent in San Diego lately, let alone for 15 bucks. I would totally be on this if it's around here.[/quote]

I was at two Orange County Costcos this week, and they didn't have Puzzle Quest, either. Great deal if you can find it.

PSP or DS...doesn't really matter. As I said in another thread, either pick the system you use most, or pick the one you use least if you want it to get more love.
[quote name='Shagrath']It's coming out for XBLA next week at the same price ($15). If you haven't played it, you might want to check it out there, as you'll get achievements as well, if you're into that.[/QUOTE]
Achievements, multiplayer both on one console and online, and rebalanced. The type of rebalancing that 6 months extra dev time gets you.
Costco in Gaithersburg, MD barely had a selection. They even sold Lumines II for a sticker price of $39.99.
Confirmed at Cumberland Mall Costco in Atlanta as of last week. I believe it's $15.99 to be exact. They had about 8 copies at this location.

I got the DS version back at release and can vouch for its greatness. It's highly addictive. Story is serviceable at best, but the leveling up/weapons/spells aspect will keep you playing.

Can't imagine not playing with the stylus. That and the absence of the PSP version's bug (and the DS has the same limited use of voice as the PSP, I believe) lead me to favor the DS version over the PSP's snazzier graphics.
The Costco in Tukwila, WA has Puzzle Quest (DS) for this price as well. I bought it at full price when it came out and thought it was worth every penny, so I would definitely recommend it at half price. :)
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