Rant: Gamecrazy Preorder



So I was all set to pick up Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for PS3 today. It's supposed to be in stores TODAY. I called the store and they are not getting shipments UNTIL THE 21ST! What the hell is the point of a preorder if you can't even get the game the day it comes out? So I'm out five bucks and no RSV2.
[quote name='Blackout542']So I was all set to pick up Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for PS3 today. It's supposed to be in stores TODAY. I called the store and they are not getting shipments UNTIL THE 21ST! What the hell is the point of a preorder if you can't even get the game the day it comes out? So I'm out five bucks and no RSV2.[/quote]

Return the preorder?
How are you out of $5? If you want to get it somewhere else, just have them transfer that $5 to store credit & buy something else there. Yeah, I know it sucks that they won't give cash back, but at least you can get it back in some form. [quote name=' Mr Unoriginal']Just curious, does the pre-order slip thing say they guarantee it by a certain day?[/quote] Nope. Much like they don't guarantee that everyone will receive pre-order bonuses.
?? GameCrazy gives cash back on preorders.. assuming you paid with cash originally, of course.

And I don't know what store you talked to, but the guy HAD to have been ill-informed. Every store should have Vegas 2 tonight. Give them a call back around 7pm. It's literally in transit right now. Most stores won't get it until after 6pm tonight, but it should be in stores TONIGHT.
I've had GTA4 preordered since last August when it was supposed to be out in October.

[quote name='RandyTsai']ure an idiot.[/quote]

Thanks. :roll:

Scorch I didn't know you could get your money back in cash. Thanks for the heads up.

I can understand if the game was coming in to the store tomorow or something, but getting the game the 21st is crap. The website has it in 3/18. The point of a preorder is to get the game when it comes out, not 3-4 days later, when I could just go to another store and buy it. The store I preordered at is filled with retards, so hopefully the guy was wrong.
[quote name='Blackout542']Thanks. :roll:

Scorch I didn't know you could get your money back in cash. Thanks for the heads up.

I can understand if the game was coming in to the store tomorow or something, but getting the game the 21st is crap. The website has it in 3/18. The point of a preorder is to get the game when it comes out, not 3-4 days later, when I could just go to another store and buy it. The store I preordered at is filled with retards, so hopefully the guy was wrong.[/quote]

3/18 is actually the shipping date (was in Gamestop today talking to an employee about it) of RSV2 and it seems that Ubisoft does this with all of its games. Any release date Ubisoft gives is actually the day before the game is available unless, like Scorch said, you call in the evening to see if they have in already.
[quote name='Blackout542']I can understand if the game was coming in to the store tomorow or something, but getting the game the 21st is crap. The website has it in 3/18. The point of a preorder is to get the game when it comes out, not 3-4 days later, when I could just go to another store and buy it. The store I preordered at is filled with retards, so hopefully the guy was wrong.[/quote]

He has to be wrong. All stores should be same-day shipping it tonight.. it's a company wide thing. I know my store is slated to get 60something 360 copies and 30something PS3 copies tonight. As I said, check around 730 or 8pm. A lot of the planes delivering to the midwest were delayed by an hour or two because of the huge storm, but they're still scheduled for tonight.

3/18 is actually the shipping date (was in Gamestop today talking to an employee about it) of RSV2 and it seems that Ubisoft does this with all of its games. Any release date Ubisoft gives is actually the day before the game is available unless, like Scorch said, you call in the evening to see if they have in already.

Err.. any release date that ANY company gives is the day before the game is available unless it's street dated.. only really high profile releases are street dated.. or movie based games.. Halo, Smash Brothers, MGS4, Gears of War.. all were street dated. RB6V isn't. It'll be in stores tonight. If it's not, i'm crackin' skulls. I have my LE version paid off.. I guarentee we won't get any limited editions.. we're slated to only get the standard versions tonight.. which is okay, because only OCD collectors (like me) care about the LE of Vegas 2.
This isn't entirely relevant, but I could've sworn the commercial I saw on TV last night for Vegas2 said it was available 'Thursday'.

Just throwing that out there.
[quote name='007']This isn't entirely relevant, but I could've sworn the commercial I saw on TV last night for Vegas2 said it was available 'Thursday'.

Just throwing that out there.[/quote]

Most game companies do this to cover all bases. Some stores will have them Tuesday, most on Wednesday, but all on Thursday.

Why even pre-order, you can probably find them in stock all around your area.

Now this is something I don't understand. Preordering costs you nothing extra and guarantees you a copy. Instead of wasting gas running from store to store and hoping someone has it, wouldn't you just rather go ahead and pay $5 of the cost and go to a store that you KNOW has it?
[quote name='Tecka']Why even pre-order, you can probably find them in stock all around your area.[/quote]

I would assume that, like me, most people pre-order stuff to take the "probably" out of the equation.
[quote name='Tecka']Why even pre-order, you can probably find them in stock all around your area.[/quote]

I used to think like that too, until GOW COO came out and I had to go to a couple different stores to find a copy.

Scorch, the store I preordered at is full of assholes. This just adds to the pile of shit that store has pulled: refusing me the old school games, terrible help from the employees, can't get on a certail deal because "you need an MVP card", employees taking preorder bonuses, etc. The store literally goes through new employess every couple of weeks. There is only one cool employee there, but the other guys are shitheads. I wanted to get the game today or tomorow since I'm on spring break. I don't want to wait until the weekend when I don't have a lot of time to play.
[quote name='Scorch']Did you try going back tonight? All stores got 'em in.[/quote]

I want my cash back, too.
1-2 years ago I put $5 down for Castlevania:portrait of Ruins at a GameCrazy (I was after the 20th anniversary bonus pack). Later I was out the bonus pack because the joker at the store gave out the bonus packs instead of reserving them for those who preordered.

Needless to say I decided not to pick the game up and left the $5 there. Now is there a way to get it back? As much as possible I rather spend that $5 at ANOTHER GC than this joker store.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I believe any store credit at Game Crazy that is not claimed after 6 months goes to them, that's what's on the receipt.[/quote]

This is true for available store credit, but once it's locked on a preorder, it's there for years. I had a guy come in not too long ago that preordered Unreal Championship on XBox back in 2003.. it was quite the funny scenario, as he put $5 on it, and we were selling it for $4.99 used.

So it should still be on the account, provided it wasn't used for anything else.
People still pre-order? Why? Not like this game was released in ultra limited quantities. Every store that sells games is going to have a bunch of these, just go in and get it next time. On second thought better get that Madden pre-order in early who knows if they will be able to make more then 10,000 copies this year so you better reserve it early just in case.
[quote name='jimbodan']People still pre-order? Why? Not like this game was released in ultra limited quantities. Every store that sells games is going to have a bunch of these, just go in and get it next time. On second thought better get that Madden pre-order in early who knows if they will be able to make more then 10,000 copies this year so you better reserve it early just in case.[/quote]

People pre-order stuff in order to avoid the hassle of finding it. For instance, there is a GameStop about three blocks from my house. If I have the game pre-ordered, I know I can just go there and get it. Simple. If I don't pre-order it, and it isn't there, then I'd have to drive about 10 minutes to the nearest store that sells games...and maybe they won't have it. Seeing as pre-ordering doesn't cost a penny more, what is the issue here?
[quote name='Scorch']Did you try going back tonight? All stores got 'em in.[/quote]

I called around 630, guy said they didn't get any in and weren't going to until the 21st, so I just went over to Gamestop and picked up a copy. I have no idea what is wrong with that store but they're pretty clueless. I'll have to go there and get my money back.

I very rarely preorder, but sometimes I don't want to go through the hassle of driving around to pick up a game. If it's a game I'm really into, I'll preorder it at the place near my house to avoid the hassle of driving around or them not getting enough copies, which for some of the games (RPGs, very few big name games), sometimes happens.
I know all of our stores had them today by 2pm....And when I ran my GC we did 10% off when it was late. Corp used to send out a message on the Intranet. Don't know if that still holds true?
bread's done