Ratchet & Clank Future: ACiT - Gen. Discussion & Info

Anyone else feel like R&C is treated like the Red Headed step child of the Sony family? Seriously this is like the I dont even know how manyth year in a row where the game wasnt really features at E3 just kind of put in a corner some where as a O yeah R&C is getting a sequal if you care kind of thing.

Dont get me wrong I am thrilled they are still putting out good R&C games....it could have went the way of Sly Cooper....but its still disappointing this series doesnt get more respect.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Anyone else feel like R&C is treated like the Red Headed step child of the Sony family? Seriously this is like the I dont even know how manyth year in a row where the game wasnt really features at E3 just kind of put in a corner some where as a O yeah R&C is getting a sequal if you care kind of thing.

Dont get me wrong I am thrilled they are still putting out good R&C games....it could have went the way of Sly Cooper....but its still disappointing this series doesnt get more respect.[/QUOTE]

I agree. They could have cut some of that shitty "play create" game and showed a bit of Ratchet IMO.
Am I the only one hoping that the loopy old war bots from Tools of Destruction are in this one as well?
Ratchet and Clank definitely doesn't get enough respect. I like many modern gamers play a lot of different games and we're lucky to finish them usually. I've played through Ratchet and Clank Future 4 times now and its been fresh and enjoyable everytime. I'm super excited for the new one and if they had shown the video from their demos at E3 during the show, it would have easily been better than some of the wasted time doing other things.

The new Full Moon Show's been released, which is the second video podcast they've done. Not much is shown, as it's mostly just a reel of what the guy in the Ratchet suit did at E3.

They do reveal that Charles Martinet, the voice of Mario, is voicing an unannounced character in the game. They do mention what will be in the next show, which will be out around the time that Comic Con takes place, so they will be showing off the weapons contest winner, showing off the Clank time control gameplay along with a screenshot, and mention that A Crack in Time will be playable on the show floor.
Invalid parameters on the video, but the link works fine.

I want one of those shirts SO bad, but I just can't go to CC this year. I might have to search ebay or something for it.
Man so I just finished R&C ToD and that was a biiiiig disappointment. Dont get me wrong it was still a damn good game.....it was just a let down in every way making it an 8 where I usually view the series as a 10.

The weapons wernt as big/destructive as usual and capped out at level 5. The new mod system didnt provide as much as previous ones and when you combine those two things it just made the weapons feel so much lamer then in past games.

It seemed as though the characters in this one didnt get enough on screen time meaning I just didnt feel connected to any of them including the boss which made it feel pretty anti climatic beating the final boss. There just didnt seem to be enough cut scenes which really had any interaction with the other characters in the world and there definitely wasnt as much humor as in past games. I felt like when I beat the game it should have only been 50-75% over.

Finally when I beat the game I usually end up having only a weapon or two maxed out and there are usually 3 or 4 weapons I was never able to purchase because I just didn't have enough bolts.....this time I ended up with like 6 weapons maxed or more and would have had more but I just didnt feel the need to bother with a lot of them. And I had bought every weapon in the game with tons of bolts left over. Not to mention lack of wrench upgrades.

O and the arena was another huge let down. I blew through it in no time. There wasnt even any grind/platform challenges or many special types of matches...total let down.

Unless the game has a ton of new stuff in the replay mode(which it usually doesnt)this was just a huge huge let down.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Man so I just finished R&C ToD and that was a biiiiig disappointment. Dont get me wrong it was still a damn good game.....it was just a let down in every way making it an 8 where I usually view the series as a 10.

The weapons wernt as big/destructive as usual and capped out at level 5. The new mod system didnt provide as much as previous ones and when you combine those two things it just made the weapons feel so much lamer then in past games.

It seemed as though the characters in this one didnt get enough on screen time meaning I just didnt feel connected to any of them including the boss which made it feel pretty anti climatic beating the final boss. There just didnt seem to be enough cut scenes which really had any interaction with the other characters in the world and there definitely wasnt as much humor as in past games. I felt like when I beat the game it should have only been 50-75% over.

Finally when I beat the game I usually end up having only a weapon or two maxed out and there are usually 3 or 4 weapons I was never able to purchase because I just didn't have enough bolts.....this time I ended up with like 6 weapons maxed or more and would have had more but I just didnt feel the need to bother with a lot of them. And I had bought every weapon in the game with tons of bolts left over. Not to mention lack of wrench upgrades.

O and the arena was another huge let down. I blew through it in no time. There wasnt even any grind/platform challenges or many special types of matches...total let down.

Unless the game has a ton of new stuff in the replay mode(which it usually doesnt)this was just a huge huge let down.[/QUOTE]

In 2nd pplaythrough the weapons get stronger and go up to level 10. You will be hard pressed to upgrade all of them. Still, I'm kinda confused. You seem to complain that the weapons are too weak and game is too easy. Did you get RYNO? That weapon is super destructive.

Well, I agree that this game is easier then is predecessors, partly because you get healed at each shop and more checkpoints, but I like it this way. The previous R&Cs were too difficult for me (to the point that it was not fun but frustrating).

I also found this one a lot funnier then the previous ones. The disco ball, the pirates making snow angels, etc.
How much has the formula/game mechanics changed from past Ratchets? I ask since I'm on a media blackout from this game. Highly anticipated for me. :)

It hasn't changed much since the original-- only marginal things like mods, and now we're on the sixth or seventh installment in eight years.

There are going to be several pre-order bonuses available at a few different stores that offer different extras:

Discovery Package – Explore the Insomniac Moon, a special level that resembles the layout of the Insomniac Games’ offices! Scattered through this museum-like level, you will discover a moon’s worth of extra content that didn’t quite make it into the game.

Power Package –The Power package includes an exclusive weapon skin for one of Ratchet’s weapons. You will also start the game with extra hit points, and Ratchet’s brand new Cryo Mine Glove, a weapon that freezes enemies! (This pre-order program goes into effect over the next few weeks.)

Bolt Package – The thrifty gamer will find lots to love in this exclusive Bolt Package! Start the game with two of Ratchet’s most bolt-centric power-ups — the Bolt Magnetizer and Box Basher, and you will discover your galactic bank account has already loaded with 5,000 bolts when you start the game.

Space Package – The Space Package offers an exclusive hotrod skin for Ratchet’s ship, the Aphelion. You also will start with 5,000 bolts as well as an exclusive Ratchet & Clank PlayStation Home Avatar Skin!
As far as I can see, Amazon is getting the Bolt Package, GameStop is getting the Moon Package, and neither Best Buy or GameCrazy have any info about these on their site yet.

While it's kind of BS to do exclusive pre-order bonuses that are available only at specific stores, the Bolt and Power packages seem like the weakest since they only let you get access to certain items earlier than you would normally. The Discovery package offers an entire level that seems like the best bonus to go for and the Space Package at least offers a Home costume for ebayers or people that was to do Ratchet cosplay in their apartment with that machinima add-on that came out a while ago.
Moon bonus is the best and agree it's BS.

The Insomniac guy over at GAF stated however that any extras will be made available to the community eventually. (like the skins will be released for free, moon as well)
That's good. Anybody that gets seriously upset didn't bother to look at what's being offered since most of it is fluff with two skins, some extra bolts or hit points, and two somewhat useful items (level and Home costume). Supposedly, most of it is available now, so determined CAG's could get most everything without wasting anything but some time and effort.
They said that they will be revealing something else in their panel besides the weapon contest winner, which I'm guessing will be Co-op or MP.
I hope it's not multiplayer (Even though it probably is given that there have been a few Ratchet games with MP). I'm so sick of every game having some kind of multiplayer element to it, even though it's not something a lot of people are going to play. I'd rather have co-op.
Sigh. I wanted the Moon Package. Why oh Why did it have to go to Gamestop?

Since I have to choose between supporting Gamestop and ordering from /anywhere/ else other than them, I going to hope that the Moon level is something that can be unlocked with effort. No preorder for me.
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The winner of the weapon contest was the Spiral of Death. Not sure what happened to the surprise that was supposed to be announced at the panel though.

Insomniac also revealed the Constructo line of weapons.

That comes in two parts, the Constructo Pistol and Constructo Bomb glove, each a highly customizable weapon.

The pistol features multiple stocks, barrels and ammo types, including single shots, auto shots, charge shots, ricocheting bullets, and rounds explode on contact. The look of the Constructo Pistol varies wildly from upgrade to upgrade, with one clearly showing a flamethrower type barrel.

The Constructo Bomb Glove is similarly varied, with napalm, shrapnel, and explosive bombs adding variety to the wearable weapons, as does an option to alter the area of explosive effect. Mods for both Constructo weapons can be found throughout the galaxy, rewarding exploration of the Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time universe.
I guess the surprise was just two new weapons that have some customizability to them.
Comic-Con was huge for Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time. On Wednesday night, we revealed the winner of the Captain Qwark’s My Blaster Runs Hot contest, the Spiral of Death, and showed footage of the weapon in the game. We also let the press try their hand at the new time puzzles that Clank will have to complete.

Throughout the course of the show, attendees could check out the Krell Canyon demo at the PlayStation booth. There were also photo opportunities with Ratchet himself, as well as swag: an inflatable replica of Ratchet’s Omniwrench 2000.

All of this built up to Sunday, when we revealed all of this and much more to the public in our panel session. Creative Director Brian Allgeier, Project Manager Bryan Bernal, and Writer Todd Fixman were joined by voice actors James Arnold Taylor (Ratchet), Armin Shimerman (Dr. Nefarious), and Joey D’Auria (Allister Azimuth). The panel was moderated by Gamespot Editor-In-Chief Ricardo Torres.

We led off with some exclusive videos that those of you playing at home won’t be able to see until the final game releases, one involving Captain Qwark, and the other an unlockable video about the Agorian Warriors. Allgeier and company then discussed the story, and its theme of “throwing caution to the wind,” especially relating to the effect of Ratchet being with an older Lombax for the first time. One of the early highlights involved a verbal spar between Taylor and Shimerman, using the voices of Ratchet and Dr. Nefarious, respectively, as they sat together on stage talk about Nefarious’s temperament issues.

Discussion then turned to Clank and his whereabouts after being kidnapped at the end of Tools of Destruction. Bernal revealed that Clank is being held at the center of the universe (give or take fifty feet), in a secret facility known as the Great Clock. Clank gains new time abilities and has some brand new indie-inspired time gameplay.

For more about Clank and the first footage of his gameplay, check out this video:

Next came a topic that is a series standby: weapons. The beginning of the discussion centered on the Weapons Contest event that occurred on Wednesday evening. The Spiral of Death was revisited and shown in case attendees hadn’t seen it. Winning fan designer Jackson Finley was recognized by Bernal, and the crowd gave him a huge round of applause. If you haven’t seen the Spiral of Death in action, check this video out:

Torres then moved onto the world reveal of a brand new line of weapons for A Crack in Time, The Constructo weapons. Brian Allgeier discussed how fans really enjoyed the ability to specifically tailor weapons to their own playing-style with modifications in Deadlocked and Up Your Arsenal. He announced two new weapons, the Constructo Pistol and Constructo Bomb Glove, and revealed some mods that longtime series fans will love – the video below shows and explains more.

The voice actors discussed their work on the game and how much fun they have had working with these characters over the years. James Arnold Taylor discussed how Ratchet’s voice is really his voice, and as such it’s really one of his easiest characters to jump into (which he did repeatedly throughout the panel). He also mentioned that it was only during this past year that he met David Kaye, the actor who voices Clank, as game voice actors typically record their sessions separately.

Armin Shimerman told attendees he generally has to take the next day off after recording Nefarious due to the amount of screaming a session involves, especially due to his perception of Nefarious screaming a lot more in this game. However, this didn’t dissuade him from screaming for the audience, including the classic yelling at his butler, “LAAAAAAAAWREEEEEENCE.” Newcomer to the franchise Joey D’Auria discussed voicing the first new male Lombax in the series, and how much he’s learned from the other voice actors, particularly Taylor. He also discussed how Azimuth’s character arc and how impressed he has been with the evolution of gaming as a storytelling medium.

We recently announced that we were partnering with DC Direct to bring fans the first Ratchet & Clank action figures. These long-awaited figures, including Ratchet, Clank, Nefarious and Qwark, were brought on stage to give fans a chance to see them before their release on December 2nd.

Before the Q&A, attendees were treated to the world premiere of the brand new trailer for the game, which you can watch below. The trailer includes the first glimpse at a new level in the game, Axiom City.

Finally, the group then took some fan questions. Highlights included a young fan who asked about the RYNO. Before anyone on the panel could answer, the fan proceeded to remind the panel of what each RYNO from each game did to crowd laughter and applause. Allgeier confirmed the RYNO as well as the Tools of Destruction fan-favorite, the Groovitron, will return in A Crack in Time. A fan asked if multiplayer would be included, to which Allgeier said the team was focused on closing the story arc started in Tools of Destruction and Quest For Booty while creating an epic single-player experience (also bringing applause). Another fan asked if The Plumber would return, to which Fixman revealed that he indeed would.

Everyone on the panel had a fantastic time. We here at Insomniac want to send a big thank you to all of our fans who came to see us and asked questions and came up afterwards to chat with us, ask for autographs, and take photos. We also want to send out a big thank you to James, Armin and Joey for taking the time to participate and see their fans. A huge thank you goes out to Ricardo Torres for moderating the panel, as well. We also are grateful to everyone at Comic-Con for giving us the opportunity and space to present new features and video directly to our fans. Finally, we want to thank everyone at Sony Computer Entertainment who helped put this together, including all of our PR/Marketing folks as well as all of the event folks who helped us out on the floor when trying to hand out thousands of inflatable wrenches.

That’s all for now – we hope you enjoyed this recap of the panel and the videos. Next up for us is GamesCom in Cologne, Germany, where we will reveal a bunch more new stuff, including the first look at our Space gameplay.

We’ll try to answer your questions in the comments – but as I’m writing this from a plane, Bryan Intihar may chime in as well.

Thanks for all your support! It was great to see so many of you at Comic-Con!
There are a few videos/trailers in the post, so check those out after reading the entire thing.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Clank and his whereabouts after being kidnapped at the end of Tools of Destruction. Bernal revealed that Clank is being held at the center of the universe, in a secret facility known as the Great Clock.

Allgeier said the team was focused on closing the story arc started in Tools of Destruction and Quest For Booty [/QUOTE]

Doesn't make sense. 1st paragraph makes it look like they completely ignored the events in Quest for Booty.
I love how this one seems really different and uses some innovative features.
I was worried this was going to be more of the same.

I'm excited!
I preorderd at gamestop yesterday since I went out there to pick up the $20 warioland shake it. The employee didn't even know about the discovery package until I inquired about it. I noticed my receipt didn't say anything about it either so I'm wondering how this preorder bonus works. Online it says when you pick the game up you will receive a download code for the moon. Does gamestop put the preorder bonus info on the receipt usually or no?
I played the demo for the last game again since I sold my copy away. Looks so dated now compared to this. Funny how that happens so fast now huh? Anyway, I REALLY want to play CiT now. I miss the bomb glove, I hope they have a weapon similar again.
Isn't that what the Constructo Bomb Glove is, just with more options?

The Constructo Bomb Glove is similarly varied, with napalm, shrapnel, and explosive bombs adding variety to the wearable weapons, as does an option to alter the area of explosive effect. Mods for both Constructo weapons can be found throughout the galaxy, rewarding exploration of the Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time universe.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Isn't that what the Constructo Bomb Glove is, just with more options?[/QUOTE]

Oh ok. I haven't been keeping up with his game at all, but that sounds cool.

I just remember liking the fact that Ratchet had a "mini nuke" in the palm of his hand in previous games. Glad to see they are keeping with bringing that type of weapon over again.
Tools of Destruction pulled me back into the series after interest fell off. If it builds on that then I'll be happy.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']
Edit: Also, it was mentioned in the last Full Moon Show that the Insomniac Museum bonus that GameStop is offering is unlockable in the game, so you're only getting it earlier.[/QUOTE]

Woot! This is great news. Off to preorder this.
Space fights were never "on rails" in Ratchet and Clank. Still, I'm interested in the new space traveling, I just hope they haven't decreased the amount of new planets for it.
There were a few types of "space battles" actually. I can't remember which ones where in which game. Or if both kinds were in the last game. But there were on rail levels like FriskyT shows, and also some "free flow spherical" levels. I believe one you were in a space station or something and had to fly to different points to shoot machines.
[quote name='willardhaven']Space fights were never "on rails" in Ratchet and Clank. Still, I'm interested in the new space traveling, I just hope they haven't decreased the amount of new planets for it.[/QUOTE]

the only one that was fully 3d i believe was the one in the second one every other r& C space shooter portion was pretty much on rails.
Haha Red Stripe is tasty. What red stripe are you guys talking about? I think the new box art looks much better than the horrible Spider Man font on the old boxes. Will the Spider Man font be on the clear plastic case?
[quote name='dallow']Farewell Red Stripe.

Multiplayer sounds good, hope for more details later![/QUOTE]

It's most likely a placeholder since there was no announced multiplayer. I think I remember the multiplayer question being shot down at the live interview.

[quote name='bjstucker']Pre-ordered this earlier this week still have to get QFB do you need Future tools of destruction to play it?[/QUOTE]

No, you will not.

New trailer for the round of previews that are coming tomorrow/today. I notice a Heavy Rain-style QTE presentation, where the button or combo is placed on the item/gadget so it doesn't take up much real estate on the screen. I also think I noticed Maurice LaMarche's voice in the space sequence, as it sounds like Quark is arguing with either Lrrr, Morbo, or the Horrible Gelatinous Blob.
bread's done