Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

[quote name='jdawgg76']I think there are
seven to eight short homestead missions and you're done. Then there is a new stranger mission available afterwards that concludes the story.
If you haven't completed the "I Know You" stranger mission
do it BEFORE you do any more story missions as it goes away after the homestead missions are done.

I'm 71% complete and i beat the last mission, i want to complete the game 100% and i've never heard of "i know you" stranger mission does this mean that using this save i won't be able complete the game 100% please someone let me know because luckily i do have other game saves i can play from.
[quote name='Halo05']Was he
death or the devil or something? I did the whole mission chain and his messages to John were pretty cryptic. That and they were spread so far apart that I don't remember what all he said.

Finished the game two days ago, amazing ride. Is there
anything after the credits other than more free roaming?

Sorry for the slow response, but most opinions I see think he is either what you mentioned, or possibly
God. I was leaning more towards God since he wasn't leading you down a negative path at any point, but more providing you with opportunities to make your own moral choice. I'm not religious in any way, shape, or form, so I could be way off base, but it seems like the Devil would have been more of a negative influence. Either way, I thought it was a really cool inclusion from R*.
[quote name='Fjordson']Sorry for the slow response, but most opinions I see think he is either what you mentioned, or possibly
God. I was leaning more towards God since he wasn't leading you down a negative path at any point, but more providing you with opportunities to make your own moral choice. I'm not religious in any way, shape, or form, so I could be way off base, but it seems like the Devil would have been more of a negative influence. Either way, I thought it was a really cool inclusion from R*.
[/QUOTE]I think you're right. END GAME SPOILER INCLUDED!!!!
He provides moral choices to John, but doesn't really steer him one way or the other. The Devil would try to trick or encourage John into doing bad things. It would be cool if there was an effect from the choices John made, like John survives the story if he made good choices or at least what's written on the tombstone is different depending on his choices, like He died a good man or Outlaw to the end, etc.
So some of the co-op missions are a bit harder than expected just because the amount of enemies shooting from all directions. Going on that moutainside in the rain surrounded by machine guns and canons. One wouldnt know to even go up that hillside and just stay in the fort area taking on enemies if playing it the first time. Also the river co-op have enemies just running through tall weeds and bushes. The herding and saving the kidnapped woman was least interesting. I wish they included more single player side mission/games in the free roam section other than the the gang shootouts.
[quote name='KongaKing']How much is left to the game? i am kinda getting burnt out on it and want to cross it off my list. I am at
Just got my family back and spent like 10 mins getting new cows. Wow how much fun.
Is there much left?[/QUOTE]

I freaking HATED the herding missions. On one of them, I had no idea why the mission wouldn't end and after several minutes realized one stupid cow was stuck in a fence outside the ranch. Took several pushes to move him back so the cut-scene would trigger. That turned out to be the most frustrating part of the whole game for me! lol.

Overall the game was just great -- my main gripes were, yeah, the cows and also the Mexico portion of the game. Really felt the game dragged big-time during those sections. Perked up again near the end, though with all that wide open space and great areas I was surprised there wasn't more to do in them...but I guess after 20 hours I had probably had enough.
Yeah, I loved the Mexico missions. The atmosphere was really cool and unique compared to the two American regions. I'll admit that it didn't do much plot-wise, but R* open world games have always been more about the smaller sub-stories of the mission contacts rather than the overall narrative, IMO.
Its funny you can chase thieves/prisoners that run away from lawmen. Catch and return them.The lawmen proceeds to shoot the guy. Meanwhile, maraston gets honor points. By mistake, I run over the lawmen with my horse and turned into a wanted person myself. I'm already getting burned out on this game with only several missions into mexico. I find it kind of annoying how it relies on cut scenes a bit much to end missions. Like when you save bonnie or the train missions in mexico, etc.
Is anyone else having dueling trouble? I started like 5-0, then I lost about 3 in a row. Can't seem to understand why.

Oh, and by the way, if you're looking to get the $5000 bounty challenge, go to El Presido with a buddy and kill everyone there to get a bounty (there's only about three people there), then sit in the gatling gun and kill all the cops coming up the road while your friend mops up all of the cops you don't kill , and in about 15-20 minutes, you both should have a $5000 bounty.
[quote name='rly723']How many more missions are left? I just finished the shootout with the mexican army in the church.[/QUOTE]

Quite a few. You still have an entire area left to explore.

[quote name='menikmati']Going to put a couple of hours in to push myself to get 100% in the game, I'm at the 90% mark about now.[/QUOTE]

One of the things I wish I would have done is more bounty missions when they appeared. It's a pain to go back and do bounty missions after finishing the game.
Has anyone defeated Khan the Jaguar in free roam, and if so, how? I've gotten around to killing about 4-5 jaguars until one gets me in the back. I have tried sitting in the cabin, but none of the jaguars ever seem to find me, of even come anywhere near me.

There was one time, however, when I walked into the area, without killing anything, and it said I found Khan, but he didn't appear on my mini-map.

Someone please help. I spent probably an hour on it last night only to come up empty handed.
[quote name='matto1233']Has anyone defeated Khan the Jaguar in free roam, and if so, how? I've gotten around to killing about 4-5 jaguars until one gets me in the back. I have tried sitting in the cabin, but none of the jaguars ever seem to find me, of even come anywhere near me.

There was one time, however, when I walked into the area, without killing anything, and it said I found Khan, but he didn't appear on my mini-map.

Someone please help. I spent probably an hour on it last night only to come up empty handed.[/QUOTE]

I sat in the cabin and killed cougars over and over till he poped up on my map. Even then i had to wait for him to come to me so i could shoot him through the door. Try to kill 1 or 2 cougars then go in the cabin and try killing some from there, maybe pop in and out of the door to get easier shots.

I did the same thing with the bear, its so easy to sit in the bear claw cabin where you can shoot out of each side and kill bears till the one you are hunting appears.
Are there any raccoons in the New Austin/Mexico area? I havent unlocked the Great Plains yet but I wanna get the challenge done. Also, does bait help with these critters or does it only attract big predators?
I quit trying to do 100%....pointless to me

Nah nah nah. I put in all that hard work just to finish the game. I'm not about to go hunting for wild animals and such.
[quote name='strongpimphand']I quit trying to do 100%....pointless to me

Nah nah nah. I put in all that hard work just to finish the game. I'm not about to go hunting for wild animals and such.[/QUOTE]

I never go for 100% in Rockstar games, but I really wanted to for RDR. It helped that going for 100% was sort of a natural progression in the game. I wanted the Legend of the West outfit, which required all the challenges to be complete. And I wanted other outfits as well, which required other tasks to be completed. The only parts that really felt like a chore were the last few bounty missions.
Woah... these coop missions are not really designed for 2 people. Looking for some more help if anyone wants to join in... XBL is faceturd. PM me or just invite me with CAG in the message and we can try to take some of these down.
[quote name='faceturd']Woah... these coop missions are not really designed for 2 people. Looking for some more help if anyone wants to join in... XBL is faceturd. PM me or just invite me with CAG in the message and we can try to take some of these down.[/QUOTE]

Added you.

Just got 100% along with the 500 pistol/revolver kill and Dastardly achievements today. Will probably whore out the other single player achievements tomorrow while trying to find competent people for co-op.
[quote name='rly723']How are people riding buffaloes in free roam, is this some unlockable feature?[/QUOTE]

Yes you unlock new mounts when you level up, and unlock special mounts like buffalo, white buffalo, even a zebra when you prestige enough times. I think im on my 3rd prestige level 20, but havent done it in a while. I dont really see the point in leveling up more if im not going to play MP. Even though i thought it would be cool to unlock all the mounts/legendary characters.
Are people getting much replay value out of this game? Or will it probably be collecting dust by later this fall? I'd probably have no interest in doing the single player again. If their free roam was more detailed w/ side games, missions i would enjoy it more. Or they have additional DLC episodes similar to the GTA series.
[quote name='rly723']Or they have additional DLC episodes similar to the GTA series.[/QUOTE]

I'd bet good money that we'll see GTA-style DLC episodes. Probably before the end of the year.
[quote name='faceturd']Woah... these coop missions are not really designed for 2 people. Looking for some more help if anyone wants to join in... XBL is faceturd. PM me or just invite me with CAG in the message and we can try to take some of these down.[/QUOTE]

Definitely. Try doing them 2 player co-op on advanced. Holy schnikes.
[quote name='reddjoey']There are two pieces of DLC due by the end of summer[/QUOTE]

There's a lot of potential for this game just through DLC alone. A lot of untapped areas, or areas we saw in passing in the story that weren't used for much else...
Anyone else having an issue killing small animals such as armadillos, rabbits, or birds? I shoot them and they disappear, without the kill registering, and I can't even skin them either. I lost a wager to kill 4 bird because of it. I actually killed about 10, but they didn't register.
[quote name='matto1233']Anyone else having an issue killing small animals such as armadillos, rabbits, or birds? I shoot them and they disappear, without the kill registering, and I can't even skin them either. I lost a wager to kill 4 bird because of it. I actually killed about 10, but they didn't register.[/QUOTE]

I think they "disappear" because your using too powerful of a weapon on a small animal. Try using a pistol, and not a shotgun. :lol:
[quote name='The 7th Number']I think they "disappear" because your using too powerful of a weapon on a small animal. Try using a pistol, and not a shotgun. :lol:[/QUOTE]
That's it! Thanks!
I had the same problem hunting beaver a while back. Turns out the Buffalo Rifle is good for completely obliterating them. Not good when you're trying to skin them.
Yeah the first time I used the shotgun on a small animal I couldn't stop laughing at how it completely blew it apart, didn't think it would be that realistic.
Finishing up single player in this today but I can't decide if I want to spend time on co-op/multi-player or just move on to another game since my backlog is so big
I love Red Dead Redemption, but I just can't seem to find people to play with often. I want to start this thread up for people that play RDR a lot that can meet each other here and play online since the Outlaws to the End Co-op pack is out now. Post your gtag, rank and how often you're on. I will update this post with a list of gamertags that respond to this thread. Add me as well to your friends list:

GT: DemonicNihilist
Rank: 10(?)
When I'm Online: Whenever
Okay this is annoying, only a couple missions form finishing the single player storyline. But i'm stuck on the Uncle trying to break in the wild horses. Any help? Do i use the LS in the opposite direction of the camera ( a youtubevideo mentions that) or in the opposite/same direction of marston leaning or the horse is jumping to L or R. I've tried keeping the thumbstick centered with a slight push to either direction or completely pushing it, neither has worked. BTW, there last few missions with marston doing daily ranch chores, going hunting with his son, shooting crows to save his corn has seemed kind of useless and filler.
This game seems to be so damn hard to legitly level up now. It's like they kept making it harder and harder for those that were doing cheap ways to get higher and are just screwing those lower now. I've been around level 17 for a bit now...
[quote name='rly723']Okay this is annoying, only a couple missions form finishing the single player storyline. But i'm stuck on the Uncle trying to break in the wild horses. Any help? Do i use the LS in the opposite direction of the camera ( a youtubevideo mentions that) or in the opposite/same direction of marston leaning or the horse is jumping to L or R. I've tried keeping the thumbstick centered with a slight push to either direction or completely pushing it, neither has worked. BTW, there last few missions with marston doing daily ranch chores, going hunting with his son, shooting crows to save his corn has seemed kind of useless and filler.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how people struggle with the horse breaking missions. If he is sliding off to the left, you move him to the right. Sliding to the left, you move him to the right.
[quote name='matto1233']Huh?[/QUOTE]

Someone posted their own seperate thread about a RDR game night and I gave the link to this thread. A mod joined the threads together apparently and didn't delete my post.
Wasnt satisfied with the ending, it was okay i guess. I finished the single player missions and only 70% completed. I guess i can do the side missions and other mini games they pick it up with the "new character". I probably dont have interest in the rest of single player, will continue with multiplayer definitely
I would really love to see some expansions to this game a'la liberty city stories, etc. Good news is that I think they'll do it too, as they seem to have put a lot of time and effort into creating this ip to just use it for a single release

Do you think they'd go as far as adding a new wilderness area? I could see where they could utilize some of the area on top of the map for a new area, or even
do something like have a place where you take a plane ride to a new area so they don't need to integrate it into the current world geographically. They refer to airplanes several times throughout the game (including referring to a nationwide tour of planes in the last mission) so it would be a neat tie-in/integration to the story
bread's done