Reduced Price Game Guides: Thread Seven and a Half.

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Checked out a few GS on the way to the bank, they pulled everything off the shelves already. Found a .Hack//G.U Vol 1 mixed in with some other guides, went up to the cashier, said to his manager "I thought we pulled these from the shelves", scans it, tells the manager its not even in the inventory, and they give it to me. Not a complete loss, but no N3 or Dead Rising.
I had mostly horrible luck today. The first EB I stopped at was the only one that I was able to get a few guides from, only due to the fact that a new guy was working there and his manager was too busy to speak to him when he tried to ask about the guides. I went by several other stores, but at each I heard a different sob story. One guy would certainly lose his job if he sold/gave me Virtua Fighter 5, another had to take a WoW Art Book from me so that he could "destroy it immediately."

The last store I tried had always been great about giving me guides, but this time everything was behind the counter and they wouldn't even let me see them. Since I'm planning on buying Persona 3 at release w/ credit I've recently accumulated, I tried to bribe them with the possibility of a pre-order. Much to my surprise, this didn't work.

I did manage to get these:

Zelda: WW
Devil Summoner
Red Steel

All are available for trade. I'm looking for Okami, Tales of the Abyss,
Valkyrie Profile 2
and Dragon Quest VIII.
Found most that I was seeking.
LOL I actually called my fave store and spoke to the manager at about 11 a.m. today. I asked him if I was too late for yesterday's dropped, which ones are you seeking? Had all but Zelda WW and the FFs...he put them aside for me till 1...this time brought him a 6 pack ... long over due ....
The rest were setting on the floor for others to take as they saw fit!
Argh. I know they were on the shelves last week. But most were pulled...except one hidden OKAMI. (Not for trade, sorry.)

I purchased Chulip with it which probably allowed it to slide. I saw a Gameshark 2007 book but I didnt care much for it and I didnt want to push my luck. I can always try for that next week, but I'm just happy I got Okami's guide.

I got a Tales of the Abyss guide - the only other guides I'm still looking for from this drop are Valkyrie Profile 2 and Zelda: Wind Waker. I've got a few more stores to hit up tomorrow...
I guess I might have to toss my local EB a pre-order and see if they'll let some penny guides slide.

Can someone compile together a coherent post with all of the pennied guides, so we can have a coherent list of what's pennied at this go-round?
[quote name='shrike4242']I guess I might have to toss my local EB a pre-order and see if they'll let some penny guides slide.

Can someone compile together a coherent post with all of the pennied guides, so we can have a coherent list of what's pennied at this go-round?[/QUOTE]
it is posted 2 pages ago

Battlefield 2142
Dead Rising
Dot.Hack//G.U Vol 1
Dragon Quest VIII
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3 version)
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy X-2 (reg version)
Gameshark Ultimate codes 2007
Godfather (PSP/XB360)
Hitman Blood Money
Kingdom Hearts 2 Limited Edition
Legend of Spryo: A New Beginning
MLB 2k7
Neverwinter Nights (NOT the world builder one, that was got pennied a while ago)
Ninety-Nine Nights
Penny Arcade Vol. 3
Phantasy Star Universe
Resident Evil 4 (non Wii version)
Shadow Hearts from the new world
Star Trek Legacy
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Summoner
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault
Tales of the Abyss
Valkrie Profile 2
Virtua Fighter 5
World of Warcraft Art book
Xenosaga 3
Zelda:Windwaker Prima guide
[quote name='62t']it is posted 2 pages ago

Battlefield 2142----FT
Dead Rising
Dot.Hack//G.U Vol 1---FT
Dragon Quest VIII
Fight Night Round 3 (PS3 version)
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy X-2 (reg version)
Gameshark Ultimate codes 2007---FT
Godfather (PSP/XB360)---FT
Hitman Blood Money
Kingdom Hearts 2 Limited Edition---WANTED
Legend of Spryo: A New Beginning
MLB 2k7---FT
Neverwinter Nights---FT
Ninety-Nine Nights---WANTED
Penny Arcade Vol. 3
Resident Evil 4 (non Wii version)
Shadow Hearts from the new world
Star Trek Legacy---FT
Shin Megami Tensai: Devil Summoner---FT (ONLY FOR ANOTHER RPG GUIDE)
SOCOM US Navy Seals Combined Assault---FT
Tales of the Abyss
Valkrie Profile 2
Virtua Fighter 5---FT
World of Warcraft Art book
Xenosaga 3---FT
Zelda:Windwaker Prima guide[/quote]

Well here's what I've got available. I got lucky at a couple of stores after being denied at my "most likely to receive store". lol
I'm really lucky, I guess -- there are two really nice gamer girls that work at a semi-local (8 miles away, not really on the way to anything) GS. They let me by the pennied guides (although there wasn't much -- I did get Red Steel, Spyro, another .hack and Devil Summoner, though).

But while I was there, it turns out that they restocked on PSX games XD A run for penny guides and possibly a game or two so I'm not just buying guides turned into a $100+ purchase (I ended up getting 120 games or so).

I'll post the list to the thread later.
[quote name='62t']it is posted 2 pages ago[/quote]I couldn't tell with all the posts for guide wants mixed in with this thread in the last couple of pages. :whistle2:s
Grrr, I got denied at both my stores that had anything. First store, I've dropped a ton of trade-ins and pre-orders and the gal that was working there knows me. I pick up only 5 of the guides, leaving some rest out and bring them up. She scans one and makes a funny face, and then scans the rest and says that she "was gone the last two days so she had forgotten to pull them." She's usually cool so I didn't push it.

I go to my next store to try it and pull 5 guides again (only had a nickel on me) and the guy rings them up and then refuses to sell them. I tell them that if they're out I should be able to buy them but he still refuses. I really hate the new DM around here.
[quote name='sonderiaom']Grrr, I got denied at both my stores that had anything. First store, I've dropped a ton of trade-ins and pre-orders and the gal that was working there knows me. I pick up only 5 of the guides, leaving some rest out and bring them up. She scans one and makes a funny face, and then scans the rest and says that she "was gone the last two days so she had forgotten to pull them." She's usually cool so I didn't push it.

I go to my next store to try it and pull 5 guides again (only had a nickel on me) and the guy rings them up and then refuses to sell them. I tell them that if they're out I should be able to buy them but he still refuses. I really hate the new DM around here.[/quote]

LOL Sounds like the guy here, sonder, since he has ordered them to 'destroy' the guides anymore instead of just chucking them. Otherwise, if I knew where their dumpsters are, I might be inclined to take a little dive for some of the more sought after ones.

I keep trying to have my one friend go in and grab them for me when I spot them on the shelf, since she is 'unknown' to them, whereas I only usually come in when there's a phenomenal trade deal or I see a game I've been looking for is in stock on their site or some stuff pennies.

But UNFORTUNATELY, when I first started grabbing penny guides, she and I ran all over creation(with her car) under the guise of Ebaying them and making some 'serious cash'. Needless to say, I learned that guides hold ZERO value for too long, unless they're RPG guides or old ones.

I guess maybe I should try and break that pattern of only going in when there's a deal and try and get super chummy with some of the employees, though they seem to always be switching them around, so it's kinda hard to make friends when people get fired or quit or move up or whatever every couple months.
I did like how at one gamestop they allowed me to buy the 2 .hack guides i found since they missed then when they pulled. His logic was since it was still on the floor it was allowed to be sold.

I won't get mad if they don't have em on the floor and refuse to sell, as long as they aren't an ass if they screw up and leave em on the floor.
So why do the stores take them off the selves and not just allow them to be bought. I bet they take them for themselves and sell them some place else like ebay. Crooks.
Got lucky today at the one GS I can still count on to put guides aside for me.

The haul:

Kingdom Hearts II Limited Edition guide (available for trade) PENDING OUT!
Xenosaga Episode III (available for trade)
Xenosaga Episode III (available for trade)
.hack//G.U. Vol.1//Rebirth (available for trade)
SOCOM U.S. Navy Seals: Fireteam Bravo 2 (available for trade)

N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
Sonic and the Secret Rings
Battlestations: Midway
Fight Night Round 3
Major League Baseball 2K7

Only missed out on the Virtua Fighter 5, Phantasy Star Universe, Valkyrie Profile 2, Eragon, Bully, and Star Trek: Legacy guides. (Hint, hint!) :)
[quote name='Joseph Condello']So why do the stores take them off the selves and not just allow them to be bought. I bet they take them for themselves and sell them some place else like ebay. Crooks.[/quote]The way it was explained to me is that the publisher credits them for any unsold guides provided that they claim and/or prove they destroyed them. It's more profitable for the reseller to destroy them than to give them away or sell them for $0.01.

Anyone feel free to correct me if I got it wrong...
[quote name='62t']one store said they have to destroy them and actually did that in front of me[/quote]That would elicit three responses from me, in the following order: shock, then anger, and finally...vomiting. Destruction of books...any book...makes me sick. Bit of a bibliophile, I am. And it is my contention that vomit is less enjoyable to clean up than glitter.
Got Virtua Fighter 5 and .hack guides. They had two of each, but I only tried one since I didn't want to overdo it. I alos saw Battlefield 2142 and NWN guides, but passed. He gave them to me and seemed mad they were still on the floor.

Also got a GoW2 guide for a penny at BB. Found one without stickers over the original UPC.
[quote name='Joseph Condello']So why do the stores take them off the selves and not just allow them to be bought. I bet they take them for themselves and sell them some place else like ebay. Crooks.[/quote]

Actually, that's what the one Best Buy employee was doing for a while, she was hawking them on Ebay after they dropped at a local store.

So, for her being a total greedy b and not leaving even ONE guide, when I bought the one guide(The Warriors) from her on Ebay, I left her negative feedback and screwed up her once perfect feedback score. My excuse: She overcharged me on shipping, which she actually did, she did the .99 auction, but charged $5-7 for shipping.

Oh and 62t, after my last major haul before the 'you must destroy the guides' edict came down from the district manager, I went back to try and nab some of the remaining guides(back when Suikoden IV and Tactics pennied) and they said 'I could have them but they had to rip the cover off'. And, they did it right in front of me too, which was quite painful to watch.
I dived this one GS which had been destroying the guides and I found out they still were. I'm just not sure if I want guides that are in that condition. I'm tempted to go back since I didn't feel comfortable doing a long dive while they were still open.
Not too much luck today; they had all been pulled. A really cool manager just gave me an Okami he had behind the counter when I asked about that specifically, and at another store, a XenoSaga II had managed to escape purge for about a year.
Does anyone know if GoodWill takes guides? I have some i want to get rid (don't get excited, its crap like Juiced and The Movies)
well I tried 1 store today that I knew had multiple .hack guide. I saw them behind the register so I was excited. they had a few more like shadow hearts new world, tales of the abyss and vf5. he immediately told me there were not for sale n needs to b sent back to corporate. I told him if I preoder a game would he give it to me. he said hed have to overide it to their original price. he was really being a dick. so no luck once again.
[quote name='erehwon']I dived this one GS which had been destroying the guides and I found out they still were. I'm just not sure if I want guides that are in that condition. I'm tempted to go back since I didn't feel comfortable doing a long dive while they were still open.[/quote]

I've been SOOOO tempted to dive at the stores by me with standalone dumpsters, but as you said, you're not sure what condition they'll be in.

The one EB is next to a Subway and I'm not sure if they share a dumpster, while the other standalone store is right next to a tattooing/piercing place.

Neither option is looking good right about I may have to truly give up hope on this drop, not that I wanted anything ANYWAY(cept maybe the WOW Artbook, but I'm not inclined to trade more than 2-3 guides for it, no cash).
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The one EB is next to a Subway and I'm not sure if they share a dumpster, while the other standalone store is right next to a tattooing/piercing place.[/quote]

Let's see...possibly find some .01 guides...possibly catch hepatitis...what to do, what to do...:whistle2:k
I'm confused.... if the DMs say that they need to either A) give proof of guide destruction, or B) send them back, then why do they just rip the covers off sometimes if they do sell/give them for a penny? Are they gonna send ripped covers to Prima and Brady and say "Hey... we destroyed this guide for you. Our credits, plz."
Didn't get much. I went to 4 GS and 1 EB. I got Shadow Hearts New World, Pokemon Ranger, and Phantasy Star. The guy at EB just gave me the guides. One of the employees seemed pissed I took the Shadow Hearts guide, lol.
[quote name='Chronis']I'm confused.... if the DMs say that they need to either A) give proof of guide destruction, or B) send them back, then why do they just rip the covers off sometimes if they do sell/give them for a penny? Are they gonna send ripped covers to Prima and Brady and say "Hey... we destroyed this guide for you. Our credits, plz."[/quote]Because they don't want you to resell them...and I think I've heard they do send the covers back, or are supposed to. If you look inside most any book on the publisher's page (publisher name/address, copyright date, etc.) it says:
If you purchased this book without a cover, you should be aware that this book is stolen property. It was reported as "unsold and destroyed" to the publisher, and neither the author nor the publisher has received any payment for this "stripped book."
Now having said that, I found that in a paperback book. I checked a couple guide books and couldn't find that notice. It may be on their website somewhere.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I've been SOOOO tempted to dive at the stores by me with standalone dumpsters, but as you said, you're not sure what condition they'll be in.

The one EB is next to a Subway and I'm not sure if they share a dumpster, while the other standalone store is right next to a tattooing/piercing place.

Neither option is looking good right about I may have to truly give up hope on this drop, not that I wanted anything ANYWAY(cept maybe the WOW Artbook, but I'm not inclined to trade more than 2-3 guides for it, no cash).[/quote]

I'll recognize your collection when you decide to sell it on ebay.

"Like new condition...unmarked pages...very light or no vegetable oil price stickers....italian dressing scent barely noticeable..."

:lol: !!!
Blocked at my EB again. This time for a .hack and Phantasy Star guide.

But enough of this gay banter...

Nintendogs: Pups has (finally) disappeared from the web site!
And yet You & Wii is still up...

Something is fishy. I think the other guides that have dropped out recently actually sold out online (after they went down to 9.99), but it seems like Nintendogs was literally taken off. The timing is right for a drop, so I'll drop by on my way to work and have them scan Rogue Galaxy.
I found a few more .01 guides at another EB:

Spyro: New Beginning
Yoshi's Island DS
Xenosaga III
Madden 07

This time I had no problems, with the guy just giving them to me. I left around 4-5 more Madden guides on the shelf. If anyone in the Raleigh area actually wants one, PM me and I can tell you where to go.
[quote name='neocisco']Let's see...possibly find some .01 guides...possibly catch hepatitis...what to do, what to do...:whistle2:k[/quote]

LOL Point taken.

And Richard Longfellow, I have never sold ANY of my massive stacks of guides online, though I did keep aside some of the original Oblivion guides and give them to a friend who is a well known buyer/seller on Ebay to try them out for me on there.

She told me they weren't worth the time, even if she jacked up the shipping costs on them. Oh well.....

As it stands, I'm just going to start grabbing single copies of guides for personal collection purposes anymore with maybe 1 or 2 'spares' for trading/selling here. Otherwise, it's not worth the hassle of having these sit around collecting dust anymore.

That being said, be on the lookout on my TL for a $1 a guide(plus shipping unless you're close enough to come pick them up) sale coming soon.

Well, on everything BUT the RPG guides and hardcover books, of course. :booty:
I was at a Babbages that's about 40something minutes away from my house and I got Magna Carta, while looking for some guides. While looking on the self, I didn't find anything I wanted but did notice 2 SMT: Devil Summoners still there, and 2 FFXs still there. I don't know if it dropped but it's old so I thought it was.... Anyway I asked for FFX-2 but he said he had just dumpstered them. :( I wasn't willing to put on my dumpster diving jumpsuit.
Went into my local EB to pick up Wartech and found a Penny Arcade Vol. 3 they hadn't pulled off the shelf. The guy was a bit surprised at it still being there, though let me have it because it was on the shelf. :D I tossed him a pre-order on Eternal Sonata, so I think that was part of it.
Yesterday afternoon (Sunday) I was in an EB picking up another Enchanted Arms to trade at GameRush, and the store hadn't pulled any of their penny guides. I grabbed a Shadow Hearts FTNW guide and gave it a shot. The clerk didn't know what to do, and the manager thought about it for a few seconds, then said to just give it to me for free. I really wanted to grab the Hitman: Blood Money guide as well, but I suspect that if I'd walked up with multiple guides that just happened to be a penny, I would have been denied. I wasn't going to bother hunting penny guides after all the stories about stores cracking down, but now I might try another location for the Hitman guide. :D
[quote name='Chronis']I was at a Babbages that's about 40something minutes away from my house and I got Magna Carta, while looking for some guides. While looking on the self, I didn't find anything I wanted but did notice 2 SMT: Devil Summoners still there, and 2 FFXs still there. I don't know if it dropped but it's old so I thought it was.... Anyway I asked for FFX-2 but he said he had just dumpstered them. :( I wasn't willing to put on my dumpster diving jumpsuit.[/quote]
Babbages?! Where is there still one of these? I thought they'd all been changed to either EB or GS by now.
[quote name='shiningslade']Babbages?! Where is there still one of these? I thought they'd all been changed to either EB or GS by now.[/quote]

Actually, there was one in the one multi level mall out in Paramus I think. I guess changing all the signage would've cost Gamestop too much $$$, so they've left many stores signs alone.
Yeah, I swung by my local Gamestop yesterday, and their district manager had already dumped them all. And they had all the good RPG guides!

May have to trade some of mine. Anyone interested in a Dawn of Sorrow, Romancing Saga, Shining Force Neo, or Paper Mario: TTYD guide? I've got more, I just can't remember what I've got multiples of right now.
[quote name='SargeSmash']Anyone interested in a Dawn of Sorrow...Paper Mario: TTYD guide[/quote]Yes. PM'd. Point me to your trade thread if you've got one.
It'll probably be sometime tomorrow afternoon before I can get a list together. At that point, I'll entertain some offers, to all those that PMed me. :) That was quick, to say the least.
[quote name='SargeSmash']Yeah, I swung by my local Gamestop yesterday, and their district manager had already dumped them all. And they had all the good RPG guides!

May have to trade some of mine. Anyone interested in a Dawn of Sorrow, Romancing Saga, Shining Force Neo, or Paper Mario: TTYD guide? I've got more, I just can't remember what I've got multiples of right now.[/quote]

I'd be interested in some of those...specifically Paper Mario.

I went to the Port Richey, FL EB Games, and found a bunch of pennied guides; including two Xenogears. They refused to sell them to me and told me they were to be destroyed. At the Circuit City next door, I found a Final Fantasy I & II guide for $1.57 that they couldn't close the sale on...half an hour later, they told me they couldn't sell it. :bomb:
I wanted to attempted a dive today, but as I get to the enclosure of the the dumpsters, I noticed that employees of a nearby cafe were carting a few bins of trash. I said screw it, and went and got myself some lunch....
Actually got turned DOWN for the Penny Arcade 1 at my local GS a few days ago. Manager said they have to return it, blah blah. First time I've ever been turned down.

Went back tonight and it was back out on the floor :giggle:
I would've tried again but the same manager was working. Will wait for next time.
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