Resident Evil 4 $20 and other Capcom price drops at Best Buy

Thanks OP ill have to check this out this week at some store near me.
Im getting a ps2 this holiday since i never had one and i want to catch up on great games such as this and the KH series.
Picked up RE4 yesterday. The price was still 39.99 on tag but it rang up as 19.99. Now I get to see what all the fuss is about.

Thanks very much, OP. Was waiting for this drop for a long time now.
I am pretty sure Resident Evil Deadly Silence is also $19.99 at Best Buy.
That price was on the tag behind the one copy at the Rochester Hills, MI store. I passed on it because I already had it.
Please let me know if I got any of this wrong...

RE4 is $19.99 because it's becoming a GH title, and the copies people are getting at Best Buy don't have the GH sticker? I remember Circuit City had RE4 Platinum Edition for $16.96 for those lucky enough to find it. I don't remember the difference between the PE and regular edition of RE4.

I read that Gamestop has a Buy 2 GH titles for $30 deal, but I doubt Gamestop consider RE4 a GH title yet, so this deal won't work.

I guess what's important is that $19.99 is the new permanent price for RE4, so there is no hurry picking them up in the store unless we want to avoid getting one with the GH sticker, and other stores should have RE4 at this price soon.
Just got back from WorstBuy after picking this game up. I grabbed a GGC on the way up front and asked if I could use the coupon. The woman at the register said "I don't see why not." and rang up the game and applied the coupon. I hand her payment and she stops and asks "Don't you want to use the gift card?" I give her a blank look and respond, "I just asked if I could use the coupon." Her response, "You mean you pulled this off the rack and brought it up? I could lose my job!" To which I rolled my eyes and said, "Look, I'll put a penny on the card if you're really worried about losing your job. " Sheesh, just another reminder why this particular store is one I tend to avoid. Last time they wanted to deny a price match on Beyond Good & Evil because the cover art in their OWN ad was slightly different than the final cover and they hadn't updated their in-store pricing.

Anyhow, got my copy for $15 and change. Now I have something to do when the snow hits :) had to get a PRICE MATCH on Best Buy's OWN AD, and then they WOULDN'T DO IT!?! Geez has this place gone downhill!
Yep, Resident Evil: Deadly Silence is also $19.99 at Best Buy.

Another drop that took effect this past Monday (though not Capcom): Me & My Katamari for $19.99.
[quote name='Puppy'] had to get a PRICE MATCH on Best Buy's OWN AD, and then they WOULDN'T DO IT!?! Geez has this place gone downhill![/quote]

it's just one location. my 3 local BB stores never do anything like this, and they're generally pretty cool.
bread's done