San andreas already going for $100 on ebay

Good luck finding this in any local chain store. Media Play, Target, Best Buy, Circuit City, Walmart, EB, Gamestop and Toys R Us have all pulled the game, at least in my area.
100 dollars why?

WOOOOO, it has a hidden sex game that is hard to get to I better buy one mow for 100 bucks. Cause those other 4 million copies made make this ssooooo rare.
I can't wait to get out tomorrow. I called circuit city, and the girl was wicked rude, like, yeah, you CANNOT buy those anymore. Okay, so anyway, I put a couple on hold at FYE, and EBgames said they might sell me one tomorrow. The big box stores aren't likely to have them, but I have some good FYE credit to use. Also, I placed an order tonight a where it is $27, but it was immediatly put on backorder. I wonder if Target will have them?
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']i bought 9 copies at microcenter =][/QUOTE]

I hate you.
You took my copy.

I'm just a little jealous
Quick question, are they re-releasing an edited version only, or are they re-releasing it with an AO label? Cause if they are only re-releasing it with edited content, then this could remain hard to find. Also, does anyone know if the Guy Game is coming back into print? I know that one was pulled b/c of the sexual content.
27 is a good return seem to be going for the 60-80 range...i think the 100 was a least based on what i am seeing now.

I don't know if i should try to unload all my copies now, or see if the price jumps up.
I'm thinking that this is just a temporary thing....a quick $250 profit isnt bad anyway =]
I should have brought all those copies at Compusa when they were selling it for $30...

Eh, I still have my PM copy from BB sealed and tucked away to be played. Maybe I will Ebay the game if it comes to it.
woot, I have a sealed xbox copy that is already up to a total price of 52.99

it is a 5 day auction that ends tommorow

(on a side note my oop swamp thing dvd is up to $50+ with like 6 days to go...)
[quote name='partygirlie21']Cause if they are only re-releasing it with edited content, then this could remain hard to find. [/QUOTE]

Yeah, because there are only 4-5 million copies in circulation. Maybe a bit hard to find sealed, but not used.
[quote name='partygirlie21'] Also, I placed an order tonight a where it is $27, but it was immediatly put on backorder. I wonder if Target will have them?[/QUOTE]

How do you know it was put on backorder, did they e-mail you?
Went everywhere and could find NONE! Then I went to CD Warehouse and found 2. I got those and hit NO ONE changed their prices yet so I bought a few. Hopefully I will get them soon and will start my auctions!
[quote name='tayaf69']Went everywhere and could find NONE! Then I went to CD Warehouse and found 2. I got those and hit NO ONE changed their prices yet so I bought a few. Hopefully I will get them soon and will start my auctions![/QUOTE]

Your auctions won't doa s well because everybody is going to flood the market with their copies. The ones going so high were put up before this whole controversy came to a head. I bet that there is about 5 times as many copies being put up today as there was a week ago
[quote name='jlarlee']Your auctions won't doa s well because everybody is going to flood the market with their copies. The ones going so high were put up before this whole controversy came to a head. I bet that there is about 5 times as many copies being put up today as there was a week ago[/QUOTE]

But unlike other auctions, this game wont be released ANYTIME soon. I think people will be paying higher prices for a while. I could be wrong though, but I am willing to give it a try.
I really don't know how "sealed" games demand so much money. I mean you could fake the seal of a game really easy. There doesn't seem to be a part of the game you can't fake when it comes to a sealed game.
[quote name='tayaf69']But unlike other auctions, this game wont be released ANYTIME soon. I think people will be paying higher prices for a while. I could be wrong though, but I am willing to give it a try.[/QUOTE]
Yea but there are so many copies already out there. I actually put a copy up too, I have been trying to sell it for a while anyways.
Will any copies actually come out with the AO label that would have the mini game "unlockable" i.e. first printing of game but just with different cover. If they do I'm thinking that may be more rare because 1. of the adult label and 2. if it has the mini game, it would be the same as the M version.

If there are AO versions and Rock* changes the game so it gets back an "M" rating, then the AO versions will become rare. I'll be looking out for those.

Pooky- how much profit did you make?
If I can get to EB tomorrow I may pick up a few copies and then see how it shakes out as to whether I list them or return them in a week.

For now, some places are going to sell it with the AO label . . . others won't sell it at all (all the big stores will probably not have it).

I assume that Rockstar is going to release the game without the Hot Coffee content and then it will be available as it now (at Target, Walmart, BB, CC). Then the original game will be worth more.

Right now there is a scramble to get the game period . . . how long it will last is anyone's guess.
make that 5 sold .....looking at completed listings, 50-70 is current going price for ps2 versions.
Xbox and PC can command a bit more.
WTF, I'm currently selling my copy but I listed it BEFORE hearing about this whole controversy thing... I was expecting to get 20-30, but it's currently at like 41 dollars, what a trip !
Don't understand why some stores are removing them if they're going to be putting it up again soon. Supposedly all copies that are on store shelves will have a AO ratings sticker over the M rating.

I checked around the video stores, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video still have it on the shelves. But for some reason, Family Video cleaned out all copies(PS2 & Xbox), yet The Guy Game still sits on the shelf(supposedly that was supposed to be recalled too). What's odd is that both Blockbuster and HV both had all copies rented out :rofl:
This is completely stupid. There are mail-order stores that have it in stock for $50. It is not recalled. It is out of production, but there are 10s of thousands of produced unsold copies. I seriously doubt Rockstar is going to dump them in the desert. And the new version will be out in less than three months. Not to mention the 8 million or so copies already sold. Why the hell anyone, much less the dozens if not hundreds of morons on ebay, would pay over $60 for this is beyond me. You can spend 5 minutes and find a site still selling it. Oh well, just more proof that way too many people have more money than brains.
[quote name='mietha']This is completely stupid. There are mail-order stores that have it in stock for $50. It is not recalled. It is out of production, but there are 10s of thousands of produced unsold copies. I seriously doubt Rockstar is going to dump them in the desert. And the new version will be out in less than three months. Not to mention the 8 million or so copies already sold. Why the hell anyone, much less the dozens if not hundreds of morons on ebay, would pay over $60 for this is beyond me. You can spend 5 minutes and find a site still selling it. Oh well, just more proof that way too many people have more money than brains.[/QUOTE]

They are recalled. I went to Target and went to pick up their entire shipment (6 games) but as I was checking out, the computer popped up with recall and I couldn't get them. No stores, even EB is allowed to sell this now
Glad I originally pointed this out :) I hope all the people that are actually hoarding (I bought 1 copy buy have not listed it yet, seeing how the next month hits it), are taking Cheapy's post into consideration. Donate, you are gonna atleast make around $25 profit on each, so donate $5... C'mon.
This "would have" been a perfect use of FYE credit . . . turning it into cash with some profit. But I bet FYE is not going to sell them.

The whole thing is kinda murky . . . the EB clerk yesterday told me they were selling but you had to be over 18 (I wonder if this is true--pulled from the website) . . . There are sooo many copies in the hands of sellers that I don't know if it is going to continue to spike on ebay for long . . . or maybe the true spike starts next week when the stock on ebay begins to dwindle (of sealed ones esp.)???

If you can get them for less than $50 then selling on ebay for $70 is great. But for me, buying them at $50 (even with my store credit) and getting $60 is really not worth it.
Paying upwards of 100 for a game that contains content that cannot be unlocked without additional tools just because it is being recalled and having the rating changed from M (17yrs) to AO (18 yrs) do you say...totally fucking idiotic. IT WILL BE RARE! Ha ha, we'll see. If you can sell them now, go for it, but don't expect this trend to continue.
Reality's Fringe said:
Paying upwards of 100 for a game that contains content that cannot be unlocked without additional tools just because it is being recalled and having the rating changed from M (17yrs) to AO (18 yrs) do you say...totally fucking idiotic. IT WILL BE RARE! Ha ha, we'll see. If you can sell them now, go for it, but don't expect this trend to continue.

I agree. I can't see this trend continuing. If you can jump on it now and sell some copies for a good markup, by all means do. But if you're hoarding a bunch of copies, don't come cryin' home to momma when it turns out you can't sell them for half of what you bought them for.
Just because someone bid 119 dollars for a game on Ebay doesn't mean they're actually going to pay it. By all means try and make a few bucks off this, but remember when something is too good to be true 9 times out of 10 it is. Make sure wherever you buy those hoarded copies from has a liberal return policy otherwise you might end up holding a large stack of coasters.
[quote name='supermariomelee']Don't understand why some stores are removing them if they're going to be putting it up again soon. Supposedly all copies that are on store shelves will have a AO ratings sticker over the M rating.

I checked around the video stores, Blockbuster and Hollywood Video still have it on the shelves. But for some reason, Family Video cleaned out all copies(PS2 & Xbox), yet The Guy Game still sits on the shelf(supposedly that was supposed to be recalled too). What's odd is that both Blockbuster and HV both had all copies rented out :rofl:[/QUOTE]

I think The Guy Game was pulled in CA only, due to a state court ruling. That's how I remember it anyway.
bread's done