Seller effed up customs form and it cost me


144 (100%)
So I bought a game off ebay for the playstation 2. The game was sealed, although part of me thinks it was resealed just because the shrink wrap seems loose but maybes it's just because it's an older game. IGN lists the MSRP as 19.99 so there is no legitimate reason to mark it as $59.87. As a result of this I had to pay like 12 something in tax on the game. Considering I only paid like 15 for the game I was not happy having to pay 13% sales tax on almost four times what I paid for the game. The worst part of this whole thing is that the person I bought it off to the best of my knowledge is CAG. Do I leave negative feedback or try and sort this out with them. I am certaintly not pleased with how the transaction went.
MSRP is 19.99 but can you BUY it at that price anymore? My guess is that he claimed it to be $60 for insurance purposes in case the package go lost or damaged in transit
As far as I know it had no insurance or DC. The game is shadow of the colossus. I'm sure that game is nowhere near worth $60. I've never ever had a seller declare a game with that high a value. All of them put between $10 and $20 and mark it as a gift. And I have boughtem a shitload of games. What is a reasonable request to make from this seller.
I was the one that sold you the game, and the only thing I can think of is that (somehow) the amount got screwed up and/or misread. I know for a fact that I didn't mark it anywhere near that amount. However, I've PMed you about it and I'd like to take care of it soon. Like I said, since it was a screw up on my part somehow, I'll be happy to PayPal you the amount that you had to pay in taxes.
I used to work for an international shipping company. IIRC, you can refile the declarations of contents form and lower the price. Even better, you might be able to mark it as a gift to avoid taxes all together.
I would really rather just PayPal him the money for taxes and forget about it. The thing I'm concerned about is that I have no idea how it got marked as that high of an amount. He only paid $16.25, shipping and all. I always mark my games at right around $15. It's just weird. Either way, magiic, if you'll PM me your PayPal email I'll send you $12 for the trouble.
I'm still going to refund your money regardless, but could you PM or email me a picture of the customs form? I'd just like to see if it's my handwriting on there or if someone tampered with it for some reason before it got to you. I've had a few problems at the post office where I mailed your item, but not in awhile.
[quote name='BoSoxFan900']I was the one that sold you the game, and the only thing I can think of is that (somehow) the amount got screwed up and/or misread. I know for a fact that I didn't mark it anywhere near that amount. However, I've PMed you about it and I'd like to take care of it soon. Like I said, since it was a screw up on my part somehow, I'll be happy to PayPal you the amount that you had to pay in taxes.[/QUOTE]


And this is why you should privately PM your trading partner as a first step.
[quote name='magiic']I've never ever had a seller declare a game with that high a value. All of them put between $10 and $20 and mark it as a gift. And I have boughtem a shitload of games. [/QUOTE]

I'm not saying you did/do it, but I hate people who demand we mark our items as "gifts". That's illegal, and we do not do that.

It's gotten so bad that we've had to put a disclaimer in our auction descriptions that we WILL NOT declare the item you bought as a gift, and if you have a problem paying taxes on your purchase, DO NOT bid on our auction.

But people still do, and they still DEMAND (not ask) that we list their items as "gifts". Which we don't, and then they pax taxes and complain to us that we "didn't do what we were told to do".

I love getting those whiney emails.
[quote name='ImmortalfWd']I used to work for an international shipping company. IIRC, you can refile the declarations of contents form and lower the price. Even better, you might be able to mark it as a gift to avoid taxes all together.[/QUOTE]

If I read this correctly, marking it as a gift avoids customs fees? Even if the gift is worth $1,000?
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