Sept 2010 @Gamer Magazine Coupons ($130 in savings)


My store got the new @Gamer magazines in today with some pretty good coupons. All coupons are good from 8/29 - 10/2.

:360: $15 off Splinter Cell Conviction
:360::ps3: $20 off Red Dead Redemption
:ds: $15 off Dragon Quest IX: Sentinals of the Starry Skies
:psp: $20 off Metal Gear Solid Peacewalker
:360::ps3: $15 off Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days
:360::ps3: $20 off Final Fantasy XIII
:wii: $15 off Metroid: Other M
:360::ps3: $10 off Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

In order to use these, you have to purchase the book @ $5.99, and be a Reward Zone Gamer's Club member (free). All coupons should be working correctly now.
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Yesterday I saw a banner at Best Buy for a new 007 Goldeneye game. Looks like it's only for Wii though. Anybody know anything about it?
I just got back from Best Buy this morning and it worked for Splinter Cell. The lady behind the counter could't believe it, but it worked.
East coast here - was able to get a $5 copy of Splinter Cell Conviction this morning. Thought it wasn't going to work at first because she rang up the coupon and it showed up as $0.00. She read the coupon and was like "oh, this won't work because it's a sale price" so I played dumb and said "oh, really? My brother just got this yesterday and it worked", so she looked back at the register for a few seconds and pressed some button and then the $15 off prompt came up. Mag + SC:C for $11.xx. Definitely not bad...

Now I just need a sale on Kane and Lynch or RDR...
[quote name='Jerajdai']East coast here - was able to get a $5 copy of Splinter Cell Conviction this morning. Thought it wasn't going to work at first because she rang up the coupon and it showed up as $0.00. She read the coupon and was like "oh, this won't work because it's a sale price" so I played dumb and said "oh, really? My brother just got this yesterday and it worked", so she looked back at the register for a few seconds and pressed some button and then the $15 off prompt came up. Mag + SC:C for $11.xx. Definitely not bad...

Now I just need a sale on Kane and Lynch or RDR...[/QUOTE]
Yep, that's what happens to me all the time, but if I try to make up an excuse, they always call a manager over that shuts me down. I think I'd rather just pay $20 than have to put up with them.
Hmm, if it's coming up as $0.00, I think it'll be a YMMV situation the rest of the day. Was definitely going to get it, but now I'm not so sure. It'd just go to the backlog anyways.
[quote name='dragonjud']Hmm, if it's coming up as $0.00, I think it'll be a YMMV situation the rest of the day. Was definitely going to get it, but now I'm not so sure. It'd just go to the backlog anyways.[/QUOTE]
I think that's because they rang up the coupon before the game, but I could be wrong. I just know I'll get shot down anywhere I try this, no matter what order they ring it up.
I didnt think mine would work either cause it popped up as 0 then it asked her something. She scanned the coupon then I think after she scanned the game.She just hit a button and had to type in the amount.
[quote name='dragonjud']Hmm, if it's coming up as $0.00, I think it'll be a YMMV situation the rest of the day. Was definitely going to get it, but now I'm not so sure. It'd just go to the backlog anyways.[/QUOTE]

The coupon shows up as a 0.00 item because you don't pay anything for it. It triggers a $15 off discount when the cashier totals the transaction.
[quote name='Abeja']I didnt think mine would work either cause it popped up as 0 then it asked her something. She scanned the coupon then I think after she scanned the game.She just hit a button and had to type in the amount.[/QUOTE]
Yep, that's be the point in which I'd get shot down. I guess I'll just grab it for $20 and save me the trouble of yet another poor experience of a Best Buy coupon-baiting scam.
[quote name='drawingboard']I think that's because they rang up the coupon before the game, but I could be wrong. I just know I'll get shot down anywhere I try this, no matter what order they ring it up.[/QUOTE]

For my situation, she rang the game up first then the coupon.

[quote name='kataztrophik']The coupon shows up as a 0.00 item because you don't pay anything for it. It triggers a $15 off discount when the cashier totals the transaction.[/QUOTE]

This -- I think the cashier I had just needed to try finishing the transaction and that is what caused it to work. She didn't do an override or anything. She only pressed one Got my game so I'm happy.
[quote name='Abeja']I didnt think mine would work either cause it popped up as 0 then it asked her something. She scanned the coupon then I think after she scanned the game.She just hit a button and had to type in the amount.[/QUOTE]

Im sorry. I didnt remember it right. She didnt have to type in the amount, it just asked her something about the coupon and she just hit a button like Jerajdai had said. There was even another guy there at the end of the checkout like overseeing her or something? Like they do at the grocery stores with self-checkout but one right there at the end.

[quote name='drawingboard']Yep, that's what happens to me all the time, but if I try to make up an excuse, they always call a manager over that shuts me down. I think I'd rather just pay $20 than have to put up with them.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I thought when it came up with something, but as soon as she just hit a button, I was cool. I looked at the card reader for the total and swiped my card, and it said 5.33$.

Thanks CAG what an awesome deal BTW. 11$ or 5$ the game is definitely worth it.
[quote name='crazedracerguy']How does $11.24 = $5???? I judge you an idiot, since you can't do simple math... and because you had to have the checkout person tell you what we had already been saying for days.

I wish the coupons were still free, but this is the way it is for now. I am sure this month that one of the other coupons will come in to play and allow me to flip a game to make up the cost of the magazine.

Once they change the mag to have 1 $20 coupon, no one will buy it, anyway, and they'll go back to the old way of doing things.[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing his math is fine if you do the $5 game plus the $6 mag and add a smidgen of tax in there...$11.24. A huge portion of people here are having to buy the mag in the order, that scenario makes sense to me.

I wouldn't bet on Best Buy going back to free coupons so quickly should this mag endeavor go down in flames. They just don't seem to think like that, but I could be wrong.
For me when I tell my friends about this deal, I end up picking up copies for them all. They get charged the $11 per for being too lazy to go get them on their own.
When I did mine they never said anything about sale price, she just rang it up and I got the discount. There was another person standing right next to her though telling her what to do but it didn't seem anything was overridden or anything like that. I didn't have to say a word.
Well Im about to go to a different Best Buy that the online stock says they have in stock at this store now just to hope i can get it for $5+$6 for the magazine.Wish me luck.!
Back from my Best Buy. Worked like a charm. Ask the kid behind the counter if I could buy the mag first, then use the coop. Said no prob, almost like he knew about this deal. Worked like a charm. $5.34 out the door. $11.70 something with the mag. Not bad! Unwrapped my copy now! Hah.
Bought it for $20 didn't really matter to me as I really wanted this game didn't find the magazine so whatever it's still a good deal for me.
For those looking to get the deal, the magazine will likely be in the games area, if it's not with the rest of the mags near the checkout area.
the mags were right in front of the tv with the ps3 modnation racers demo. they had at least 10 mags left and 10 splinter cells left. cashier didnt care to take coupon, i just opened the mag and had him scan the barcode(accidently scanned 20 off rdr first). all good. he said it wouldnt work more than once per person, but i had him rescan it and worked fine for 3 games. worked out well cuz i just got my $25g.c. in the mail from my cod black ops and lbp2 preorder from bestbuy this week. yeah i might subscribe too. i dont like that i am involved in 2 pay to saves psn+ and now @gamer...
[quote name='supaet']game and magazine for 11 bucks. now really thinking about subscribing....[/QUOTE]

Most people here are concerned that after a few months, the coupons will be much worse. The magazine only promises $20 worth of coupons per issue. Just because the first two issues have had more than that doesn't mean the rest will. Most people are worried about that.
The sales price sticker says the sale ends today, so I got the magazine with all the fuzzy and happy reviews and used the coupon on the game.

Not sure why any cashier would freak out when they see the $0.00 after scanning the coupon and deny you. That is the "price" the coupon rings up as. The cash register screen doesn't even show a discount until the sale is totaled up.
YMMV Alert on the magazines being in stock its almost a 50/50 chance your BBY will have/not have newest issue in stock.
[quote name='Indiana Jones']The sales price sticker says the sale ends today, so I got the magazine with all the fuzzy and happy reviews and used the coupon on the game.

Not sure why any cashier would freak out when they see the $0.00 after scanning the coupon and deny you. That is the "price" the coupon rings up as. The cash register screen doesn't even show a discount until the sale is totaled up.[/QUOTE]
That's weird that the Splinter Cell sale price ends on a Sunday, since usually sales run Sunday to Saturday with new sales starting the next Sunday morning.
Found a whole stack of the magazine in the PS3 games section. Snagged Peace Walker for $20; I'm glad that these coupons last the whole month because I'll probably be getting RDR and DQIX too, but I don't have much money on me at the moment. Still debating whether or not I should Splinter Cell though!
[quote name='MechaGojira']Found a whole stack of the magazine in the PS3 games section. Snagged Peace Walker for $20; I'm glad that these coupons last the whole month because I'll probably be getting RDR and DQIX too, but I don't have much money on me at the moment. Still debating whether or not I should Splinter Cell though![/QUOTE]

Since i'm assuming you already purchased the magazine i don't even know why you would think about debating to get it or not? I mean come on $5 for a brand new recent released game a splinter cell game at that.
picked up Splinter Cell for $5 after trading it in for $32 about 3 months ago haha. I did buy the magazine too. Anyone think of returning the magazine once they are done with it?
My friend and I stopped in there this morning, and it worked fine for both of us. They didn't actually take the we probably could have bought one magazine between the two of us. But...wasn't going to try to push it, and would've been somewhat dishonest, as well.

Here's to hoping RDR or FF13 goes on sale while the coupons are active!
[quote name='arsenalcrazy8']picked up Splinter Cell for $5 after trading it in for $32 about 3 months ago haha. I did buy the magazine too. Anyone think of returning the magazine once they are done with it?[/QUOTE]
That would be hilarious, but I don't think most stores take returns on items such as magazines.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']That would be hilarious, but I don't think most stores take returns on items such as magazines.[/QUOTE]

LOL -- that would be. I'd bet that most BBs would refuse to do the return.
I have returned game guides(aka Star Ocean Last Hope International, which every GS by me has 4-5 of) before after buying them for other people on CAG who couldn't find them in their own area but later on backed out when I revealed I wanted MSRP for the guide and wouldn't trade for some guides I didn't need/want.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I have returned game guides(aka Star Ocean Last Hope International, which every GS by me has 4-5 of) before after buying them for other people on CAG who couldn't find them in their own area but later on backed out when I revealed I wanted MSRP for the guide and wouldn't trade for some guides I didn't need/want.[/QUOTE]

That's comparing apples and oranges, though. The two might both be reading material, but these magazines are being published and distributed by Best Buy AND contain valuable coupons. For all they know, you purchased the mag, got the cashier to scan the coupon and are now bringing it back (which is truthfully what we'd be doing).

My guess is that at least informed BB employees will stop the return. It's their discretion after all.
What i did two times LOL is i grabbed one of the retarded mags and 3 copies of SCC and told the cashier i wanted to rings these up seperately cuz the extra ones were for friends and then told her to scan the coupon in the mag each purchase and then when i was all done i left the worthless mag at the counter and out the door for 5 bucks a pop....not bad for a fairly new xbox 360 game!
Got the splinter cell deal with the magazine. Now I am invested in the magazine here is hoping for a price drop on Red Dead within the next couple of weeks. Would love to pick a copy up for $20! If next months coupons are good I think i will subscribe to get the $20 out of the way and hopefully enjoy the savings.
[quote name='ballbarfer']What i did two times LOL is i grabbed one of the retarded mags and 3 copies of SCC and told the cashier i wanted to rings these up seperately cuz the extra ones were for friends and then told her to scan the coupon in the mag each purchase and then when i was all done i left the worthless mag at the counter and out the door for 5 bucks a pop....not bad for a fairly new xbox 360 game!
Now that's balling if that really happened.
[quote name='ballbarfer']What i did two times LOL is i grabbed one of the retarded mags and 3 copies of SCC and told the cashier i wanted to rings these up seperately cuz the extra ones were for friends and then told her to scan the coupon in the mag each purchase and then when i was all done i left the worthless mag at the counter and out the door for 5 bucks a pop....not bad for a fairly new xbox 360 game!
Lol so you didn't even have to pay for the magazine good job.
Well, I kind of hoardo'd out today. I picked up 7 of 17(!) SCCs at the Mount Juliet Best Buy. I had eight coupons printed out, and I was planning on getting them a bit spread out among a few different Best Buys. But the cashier was really nice to me and let me do all eight, so I let her keep one of the coupons and games for herself. :D
Got my copy of SSC and mag for $11 + tax. Great deal on a good recent new game. Here is to hoping that Red Dead goes on sale sometime soon to use the other coupon.
got my copy today for $11 +. Pretty weird the CSR didn't know about the magazine, she thought it was free. I consider not telling her, but my natural honesty check in.

Its crazy my store had about 35+ copies with the preorder bonus, guess the game isn't selling in my area.
bread's done