Shmup News & Discussion

Ive read on xbox achievements website that since these shmups are made in japan that all the achievements are in Japanese too (even if the game is region free and has english in the menus and whatnot). Is that true?
whooo! look what I got!!


Shoot 1up is also out on xbox live indie for I think $1...

Ima get that too, poor man's espgaluda.

[quote name='limelight022']Ive read on xbox achievements website that since these shmups are made in japan that all the achievements are in Japanese too (even if the game is region free and has english in the menus and whatnot). Is that true?[/QUOTE]it depends on the game... if a japanese game maker wants to title their achievement some nice english word like "JOHN SMITH" then that'll be the name altho the description will most probably be in japanese, but if the achievement titles are all in japanese such as with Mushihime then your achievement list will have japanese words in it.

having english menus is irrelevant... that's a UI design decision...
pretty expensive... it was like ~$87 after tax...

I got it at Japan Video Games store in souther cali, so it's like paying a premium to have it in hand now while everyone else waits for their ncsx or p-a shipment to arrive

anyways game is HARD!!! I miss my easy peasy mushihime ;_;
[quote name='JEKKI']according to siliconera, konami jus trademarked Otomedius in the US;

I just noticed this actually and nearly shit myself. This is the closest to Gradius VI it looks like we're gonna get. And thats fine!

$87 is a lot but its not like a fps thats a dime a dozen...whew thats tempting because i really like shmups but looks like im going to regretfully wait on that one. Hopefully DeathSmiles will be out here in the states soon for some online shmupness.
[quote name='Thomas96']I need some side scrolling SHUMP action... I never really liked vertical shooters[/QUOTE]

Keep an eye on Death Smiles then, its a horizontal shmup.

And dont forget Shoot1UP is on XBLIG for $1, although that one is vertical. But hey, its $1!!!!!!
I have my sammy lcd fixed in tate mode and mame set to vertical for all my shmup goodness. :)
[quote name='limelight022']Keep an eye on Death Smiles then, its a horizontal shmup.

And dont forget Shoot1UP is on XBLIG for $1, although that one is vertical. But hey, its $1!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Well, it's mostly vertical, with horizontal and diagonal (!!) sections if you take the alternate paths.
Space Invaders Infinity G and Space Miner are fun, but I agree that the precise controls needed for bullet hell have not been possible thus far on the current iphones. Still, unless the price was ridiculous, I can see myself getting it just for the sake of getting it.
I tried to play gee gee gee gee baby baby baby on infinity gene's song mode...

dang that stage is impossible...
Has anybodys copy of EspGaluda II arrived from PlayAsia yet? The wait for that and my LP of the Beatles White Album is killing me.
I second the recommendation for You Will Die. Extremely difficult , though.
It saves highscores via XBL but at the end of the game, it'll also give you a code so you can submit your score to an online scoreboard.
I think its a great deal for $1 but I'm biased since I wrote it.
I'm not a fan of Space Invaders Infinity Gene so much, but I really enjoyed Sky Force Reloaded (iPhone/iPod touch). The touch controls work well and it's a pretty good shooter. Sky Force (not Reloaded) isn't quite as good, mainly because of an annoying level where you can't shoot - I hate that level. In any case, neither is quite a bullet hell, I don't think. My guess is they are going to tame Espgaluda II down substantially in order to make it playable on the iPhone, which could work out fine. Who wants a full on version of Espgaluda II that is pretty, but completely unplayable? Better to have fewer bullets and actually be able to have fun with the game.
No official release date for US Deathsmiles yet. Tentatively looking at a July release, but there is currently a lack of news and general lack of preorder info.
That is totally totally awesome...all that for $49.99 is an amazing value. I can't wait for Amazon to put up their preorder...
played summadat Cho Aniki 0 over the weekend.

the good thing is they didnt fukk up the hit box detection so all is well there.

the bad thing is I cant play shmups with a dpad anymore :/ I need a stick... plus the small screen doesnt help either which overall provides a detriment to my personal playing precision.

so the stages seem to be divided into parts, but when u die u respawn immediately. However when u game over and continue, u start all the way back at the start of the stage. So for one, I dont understad why they would divide the stages up if they dont serve as checkpoints (altho they do change he backgrounds up). Secondly, as a result u cant beat the game for the sake of beating it by credit feeding unless u really get better at the game.

but in stage 2, which is as far as I got, the backgrounds are so noisy that I have so much trouble differentiating what is a danger and what is part of the background, so u die a lot for no reason.

so yah, I cant really give it a fair judgment since playing the game has given me quite a challenge.
I like shmups too

got the "Mushihimesama-hutari Black Lavel" [sic] expansion on XBLA the other day...a bunch of new modes/scoring systems for me to fail at ecstatically.
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Espgaluda on iPhone is freakin amazing!!

Esp 2 on xbox is real complicated IMO, but iPhone version really dumbs down the mechanics n makes it real fun!!

I'm actually typing this from iPhone rite now so I'll explain more once I get to a real keyboard
Im back!!

so basically ESP2 is played Space Invaders style with slide movement and auto shot always turned on laser mode.

in basic control mode, you have 2 icons for awake mode and barrier mode. I thought the game was a little dumbed down, but apparently you can indeed go into level 2 awake mode so the scoring system as far as I can tell is exactly that of ESP2. The only difference is since you're doing slide movement you are not bound by movement speed. This makes the game VERY easy actually, despite being bullet hell.

There's an expert control mode also which adds 2 more buttons, a toggle for shot on/off and a toggle for shot type so u can switch from laser to regular shot. but I may be wrong as I havent actually tried it yet...

also apart from normal mode, there's an iphone mode. In the new exclusive mode, you cannot move when you go into awake mode. You stand idle and a counter begins to build, and when you exit all the bullets turn to gold with your score multiplier dependent upon the counter. So basically, you need to cancel out of awake mode before you get hit. However, if you touch your ship as bullets are about to hit you, they cancel out into gems. I am not sure if this decreases your multiplier counter but I would assume it does as the system would make sense to be a risk/reward type deal. Also Im not sure if iphone mode has level 2 awake.

other than that, fantastic game but eats battery like a mofo. I was at 100% this morning, went to 2% around noon and had to turn my phone off until I got back to my car charger o_O
Would be nice if some of these came out on the droid. All we have is Space War, Radiant and Sky force. All three are very basic and not that good.
I don't think I understand awakening mode/gold pieces in ESPGaluda 2. you tap awakening, can't move, bullets slow down while a multiplier goes up...the bullets turn into gold pieces depending on the multiplier IF you turn off awakening mode before getting hit? And you have the option to touch enemies/bullets, but then they don't turn into gold? And do your gold pieces deplete only when you're under 100 green gems?

crazy ass scoring system. thanks for any help.

almost got sick to my stomach playing this on a rocky bus ride today! I'm one of those people who can't read in a car without getting sick...was hoping it wouldn't work the same with games :(
u talkin about in iphone mode rite??

I play mostly arcade mode so I dont understand the new scoring exactly, but the point seems to be to stay in awake mode as long as possible so that your multiplier goes up higher while at the same time trying to have as many bullets on screen as possible so each one cancels and adds to your score.

since you're immobile, the touch mechanic is a defensive feature allowing you to escape harm from incoming bullets, also allowing you to collect more green gems thus extending your allowed awakening time. The other alternative to keep you alive would be to exit awakening and thus bullet cancel. However dont forget that bullets will move off screen eventually thus reducing your maximum score so on a case by case scenario you would need to decide which option is best.

Ill play more iphone mode sometime to see what else it's about.
Espgaluda II on the iPhone is absolutley amazing. I never would have thought a game like this would have translated so well. Mind you, I haven't played the original, I just mean a game like this in general. Control is superb, better then any other shooter on the iPhone. I'm addicted. I prefer the arcade mode to the new iPhone mode, but I probably given the iPhone mode a fair try yet - I started on arcade and want to stick with that until I master it. Anyway, absolutely get this game if you have an iPhone 3GS (sadly, iPod touch users have to wait until an update).
bread's done