Shooting in Conn. School

[quote name='Finger_Shocker']

Hey guys you got to read this shit****

Read the guy's manifesto, you have to ask yourself who is the good guy or the bad guy..

FYI: The LAPD shot up a car they assumed was driven by the perp and instead it was a car driven by innocent people who was injured with bullet wounds.


Oh please. He killed a girl and her fiance because she was the daughter of a former police chief. Were the innocent people dead?
[quote name='elessar123']Oh please. He killed a girl and her fiance because she was the daughter of a former police chief. Were the innocent people dead?[/QUOTE]

Yes and police never kill innocent people and cover it up....:roll:
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Yes and police never kill innocent people and cover it up....:roll:[/QUOTE]

I think you watch too many movies.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Have higher knife deaths?[/QUOTE]

That statistic doesn't count. Stop comparing apples to oranges. :roll:
[quote name='elessar123']I think you watch too many movies.[/QUOTE]

I think you don't watch enough NEWS ..

And yes that totally justify the cops shooting out a car, that they ASSUMED was possibly the "bad" guy...:booty::roll:
[quote name='perdition(troy']Have higher knife deaths?[/QUOTE]
Assuming you're talking about the UK, the overall murder rate is still 1/4 that of the US'. The roll-eyes apples-to-oranges is overall violent crime.
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']I think you don't watch enough NEWS ..

And yes that totally justify the cops shooting out a car, that they ASSUMED was possibly the "bad" guy...:booty::roll:[/QUOTE]

Did you read the actual news? There was no cover-up. They saw a truck matching the description near a house they were guarding that was driving slow and without headlights on. Did they behave poorly? Yes. But it wasn't completely unwarranted. You would have done the same thing in their shoes.
[quote name='elessar123']Did you read the actual news? There was no cover-up. They saw a truck matching the description near a house they were guarding that was driving slow and without headlights on. Did they behave poorly? Yes. But it wasn't completely unwarranted. You would have done the same thing in their shoes.[/QUOTE]

Yes and I would be arrested for reckless endangerment right after...

I guess those cops will be arrested right after this emergency lockdown ends. I guess because of this emergency, the cops have full authority to knock down and go door to door on private property, and do whatever is necessary with pure impunity

Yes and the LAPD is such a honorable police force, never have they ever been corrupt.

You live in CA, maybe you remember the RAMPART scandal.
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Yes and I would be arrested for reckless endangerment right after...

I guess those cops will be arrested right after this emergency lockdown ends. I guess because of this emergency, the cops have full authority to knock down and go door to door on private property, and do whatever is necessary with pure impunity

Yes and the LAPD is such a honorable police force, never have they ever been corrupt.

You live in CA, maybe you remember the RAMPART scandal.[/QUOTE]

Not that I agree with what you are saying, but you give them this power when you put the entire burden on them to defend us when a lot of us are perfectly capable of defending ourselves.

You don't like the power they have? Stop giving them more.
[quote name='Knoell']Not that I agree with what you are saying, but you give them this power when you put the entire burden on them to defend us when a lot of us are perfectly capable of defending ourselves.

You don't like the power they have? Stop giving them more.[/QUOTE]

Yes we give them power, but that power should be limited...

Checks and balances.

And yes if we give them power, they have a even greater responsibility to use it properly, they should mandate all PO to read spiderman comics :lol:. Which sadly is not the case these days.
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Yes we give them power, but that power should be limited...

Checks and balances.

And yes if we give them power, they have a even greater responsibility to use it properly, they should mandate all PO to read spiderman comics :lol:. Which sadly is not the case these days.[/QUOTE]

That isn't the case though.

You are giving them greater responsibility, but telling them to as a collective act flawlessly, and to know the future or else gtfo.

So I had a bit weirdness happen just now on the way home from work. I work overnights and this was 5am, I stopped at the grocery store, did a little shopping, and as I was walking out the alarms went off throughout the whole plaza. I stood there looking around like "I didn't do it." and kept standing there waiting for someone to come looking. As I was waiting I noticed an old man, walking between the entrances (each on either side of the entry way, a good 200 feet apart.). He would keep walking back and forth, and on his way back he would take a cart and walk out of the store and down the whole plaza, and then walk back put the cart back, and walk back and forth between the entrances again. It was like he is stuck in a loop, or something. Keep in mind, I live in Buffalo New York and we just got about a foot of snow dropped on us, it isn't exactly hospitable weather to be wandering in.

So noone is showing up for the alarm, so I start walking to my car with my cart, and I keep looking back, hoping the old man will break the loop. Nope, so I sit in my car thinking I should go ask if he is ok. He says, "Yep!" and keeps walking. So I go back to my car and sit there watching, and he keeps going. Finally some store managers come looking because of the alarm. Everyone ignores the old man, and they go back inside. Then the police come, and I think maybe they will notice as they are investigating what caused the alarm to go off. Nope. They just walk around shining lights into store windows and such as the old man walks right past them.

Finally I get out of my car again and walk up to the cop, and tell him that I think this old man needs help. He has been walking back and forth endlessly over and over again. He say's he will check on him, the next time he walks by. As I'm walking back to my car I hear him ask him if he needs something and the old man says no and keeps walking. Cop goes back to what he is doing hopefully keeping in mind that this old man is still walking back and forth. I still don't feel 100% confident someone will take care of this old man, but I work at a bank I don't know who to call. The authorities know, the only other people I can think of that can help would be a hospital or ambulance of some sort. But I would think the Police would call someone, and I really hope they will, because I was getting far too many looks just sitting in the parking lot watching while they were investigating, it is 5am after all and I was kind of sticking out, so I left.

So on my way home, I see cop headlights behind me, going a lot faster than me, especially in this hell of a storm thats happening, so I know it's a cop. I think, oh maybe he's just in a hurry, but no, he follows me all the way home and sits in the intersection at my street and watches me pull into my driveway and bring my groceries into my house. The only thing that made him move from the intersection was a car behind him.

So all in all, I really hope someone helped that old man, because about 10 cops seemed to be doing a whole lot of nothing except ignoring him. And that isn't meant to bash cops either.
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[quote name='elessar123']Did you read the actual news? There was no cover-up. They saw a truck matching the description near a house they were guarding that was driving slow and without headlights on. Did they behave poorly? Yes. But it wasn't completely unwarranted. You would have done the same thing in their shoes.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't matching the description. If that is what you would do I hope you aren't allowed near firearms.
[quote name='Strell']Obviously the solution is to clone everyone in America and do a buddy system. You and your clone will be inseparable. One of you is evil. But only the scientist who made you knows! And sometimes, that scientist's evil clone made you, and if you ask him, he'll lie!

But we're getting off track here. See, now you have TWO people with guns. Because, because you see, then there's a good guy with a gun for every bad guy with a gun! And as I've been told so many times before, whenever someone starts fucking shit up, the good guy steps in and becomes the hero! Everybody wins! That way only bad people die from shootings!

Gosh, I'm disappointed none of you other people are smart enough to think up this ....*snicker*...bullerproof plan! Bhwahahahahaha![/QUOTE]

You know, that might have been funny... if you hadn't spelled "bulletproof" wrong.
[quote name='Strell']I have more to add to my masterful plan of dealing with guns.

See, I heard somewhere - and I forgot where - that women who are raped can shut down their bodies and not be affected by it. OBVIOUSLY we all just need to activate our internal termination process when getting shot. That way nothing bad will happen. Unless you are evil, in which case you don't need to turn anything off. You can die. Also we should just stay away from bullets at all times. If you see one flying toward you, just politely move in some other direction. That way, you aren't asking for it anymore, even though all clothing and human flesh tastes delicious to bullets, who salivate at the very thought of ravaging your life force.

As an extension to this, children can just hide under their desks, which is statistically the safest place in the world.

I probably need a third prong to really solve this.

OH. The X-men.

There, done.[/QUOTE]

Are you tying all this while having a seizure? Because it sure looks that way.

I know you're being sarcastic, but none of this is amusing.
[quote name='Fukurou']Are you tying all this while having a seizure? Because it sure looks that way.

I know you're being sarcastic, but none of this is amusing.[/QUOTE]

You know, that might have been funny... if you hadn't spelled "tying" wrong.
[quote name='Strell']You know, that might have been funny... if you hadn't spelled "tying" wrong.[/QUOTE]

This is the exact reason why I never play grammar police. It never ends well.:)
I feel pretty embarrassed this happened in my neck of the woods. Hard sometimes to ask for more gun laws and enforcement when the ATF bungles things as bad as they did here.

Just the start of the article.

"The door had no deadbolt. The few scratches and marks told police the men had little trouble prying it open. Hard to believe it was all that stood between the burglars and a storefront full of goods belonging to federal agents running an undercover gun sting.

And who would imagine the thieves would have unfettered access to the place for three days, propping open the door with a shoe and returning the next day with a moving truck to finish the job?

But that's what happened as burglars hit the ATF's Fearless Distributing storefront in Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood in October, making off with nearly $40,000 worth of merchandise - maybe more, according to interviews with neighbors and police reports newly obtained by the Journal Sentinel."

The only redeeming part of this is that it was not guns that were stolen.!page=1&pageSize=10&sort=oldestfirst
[quote name='cancerman1120']
The only redeeming part of this is that it was not guns that were stolen.[/QUOTE] They did have guns stolen. They lost three guns, one being a fully automatic rifle. Their SUV was broken into and the full auto rifle is still out there.
[quote name='Mad39er']They did have guns stolen. They lost three guns, one being a fully automatic rifle. Their SUV was broken into and the full auto rifle is still out there.[/QUOTE]

Sorry that was a separate thing that happened a few weeks prior. I read the article yesterday and I forgot about the SUV break in. That makes it even worse.
If the ATF had real leadership it might help. Of course "some" people don't even want the ATF to be able to enforce gun laws in the first place, otherwise they wouldn't have interfered with the appointment of a director.
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']Hey guys

Arpaios and Steven Seagal is teaming up to protect your school

Its glad to see Seagal taking a break to help out LEO when he is not at home abusing his wife[/QUOTE]

He's a black belt, good for him for volunteering his time to help out his community in ways other citizens can't.

[quote name='elessar123']BTW, I saw a picture of the truck that was shot at because they thought it was the cop killer. Hope the cops do get severe punishment, because that's obviously excessive force.

[URL=" [/QUOTE"] [/URL][/quote]

That woman and her family are going to be set for life. That was almost as bad as the cops in NYC hitting all the bystanders a few months ago.
[quote name='perdition(troy']He's a black belt, good for him for volunteering his time to help out his community in ways other citizens can't. [/quote] By being a deadbeat dad and professional asshole with an Asian fetish?

Segal abandoned his family in Japan and is notorious for being the biggest asshole on sets. He would go out of his way to smack extras, stuntmen, and his co-stars in the nuts to "test their abilities." SNL even did a skit on it. This is on top of being a worse abuser than what Chris Brown did to Rhianna. People in the industry really hate this motherfucker.

What he's doing has far less to do with helping the community and more about showing off how much of a tough guy he is. You don't strike me as the type of person to be this naive.

That woman and her family are going to be set for life. That was almost as bad as the cops in NYC hitting all the bystanders a few months ago.
That remains to be seen.
[quote name='perdition(troy']

That woman and her family are going to be set for life. That was almost as bad as the cops in NYC hitting all the bystanders a few months ago.[/QUOTE]

That would be all so great... if it wasn't for the fact that its TAXPAYERS payout

How does the police or the gov't in LA suffer? They are just paying them back with the taxes they paid into the gov't


The cops can shoot and kill and have UNLIMTED funds to payout because ITS NOT THEIR MONIES... IT IS OURS

I do not see how there is any good from the lawsuit.. ANY COPS GOING TO PRISON? I rather take that tax monies and throw all these bums into prison for life
Lou fucking Ferrigno is in leagues with that dumbass too. Maybe he can teach folks how to stay calm when angry...:roll:
Anyone else see the irony in an action movie star doing this? I mean you've got someone who glorifies violence in his films training people about school security? Why not ask Bruce Willis to train airport security?
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']surprise arnold isn't also involved, he could do the Terminator 1 routine[/QUOTE]

I think you mean Kindergarten Cop.;)

Which is funny because he'd probably spend all his time and energy playing with the kids instead of posturing and playing dress-up like a rent-a-cop.
[quote name='Finger_Shocker']surprise arnold isn't also involved, he could do the Terminator 1 routine[/QUOTE]

He doesn't have any formal combat training that I know of. Chuck Norris on the otherhand.
[quote name='Strell']You know, that might have been funny... if you hadn't spelled "tying" wrong.[/QUOTE]
I tried to say "typing." And you spelled it the same way I did.
[quote name='dohdough'] By being a deadbeat dad and professional asshole with an Asian fetish?

Segal abandoned his family in Japan and is notorious for being the biggest asshole on sets. He would go out of his way to smack extras, stuntmen, and his co-stars in the nuts to "test their abilities." SNL even did a skit on it. This is on top of being a worse abuser than what Chris Brown did to Rhianna. People in the industry really hate this motherfucker.

What he's doing has far less to do with helping the community and more about showing off how much of a tough guy he is. You don't strike me as the type of person to be this naive.

That remains to be seen.[/QUOTE]

Oh wait... for a minute I thought you were talking about Christian Bale
[quote name='Fukurou']I tried to say "typing." And you spelled it the same way I did.[/QUOTE]
Fella's got to know when to just stop trying, man.
Are you guys for further regulation on alcohol consumption? It contributes to the deaths of WAAAYYYYY more people than guns and destroys peoples' lives in many other ways as well. Shouldn't the gov't step in and stop this scourge of our society? And, heck, its not even Constitutionally protected! And no arguments can be made about sporting, hunting, or personal defense uses either! It would make my job a heck of a lot easier as well.
[quote name='The Crotch']Hey, why aren't you guys up in arms about this heavily regulated thing that is the subject of constant scrutiny?[/QUOTE]

And isn't it great that all those regulations and constant scrutiny have prevented alcohol abuse and under age drinking?:applause:
[quote name='The Crotch']Hey, why aren't you guys up in arms about this heavily regulated thing that is the subject of constant scrutiny?[/QUOTE]

I accidentally bought a case of Coors Light once.

It certainly felt criminal.
[quote name='egofed']And isn't it great that all those regulations and constant scrutiny have prevented alcohol abuse and under age drinking?:applause:[/QUOTE]

Clearly the answer is armed guards in dorms and private houses.
[quote name='egofed']And isn't it great that all those regulations and constant scrutiny have prevented alcohol abuse and under age drinking?:applause:[/QUOTE]
And yet, we continue to throw millions of dollars into awareness and advertising campaigns with minimal interference from special interest groups or uproar from citizens just in the hope of possibly maybe lowering abuse by another percentage point.

It's pretty sweet, I'll admit.
[quote name='The Crotch']It's pretty sweet, I'll admit.[/QUOTE]

Then you think about sexual education, and I just want to leave this planet.
Just saw that Steven Seagal is training a bunch of armed volunteers to protect Arizona school children. I'm not sure if it's a wise choice to let a guy who got his ass kicked by a 70 year old man to be in charge of these "defenders of freedom."
They should just let the children watch that episode of Johnny Bravo that had Squint Ringo on it.

And if you know what I am talking about, you are a super star.
bread's done