Silent Hill Arcade Shooter: WTF did I just see?

It looks like a PSone game with super-anti-aliasing.

No, I didn't see it in action. It was shown at some show in Japan and it actually seemed to be playable. I don't know if there's any videos of it, but you can tell in the screens that the textures and polygon count are ass. House of the Dead 4 looks like it was hand-crafted by Jesus Christ himself compared to this (and I have played HOTD4, and it's awesome).
Perhaps it's like Bizarro land. So now there will be a really good House of the Dead game in the vein of the 3 good Silent Hills. Maybe...yes...please?
[quote name='hinkbert']Perhaps it's like Bizarro land. So now there will be a really good House of the Dead game in the vein of the 3 good Silent Hills. Maybe...yes...please?[/QUOTE]

HOTD4 has been out for several months in the US and it is awesome. The graphics are outstanding and you use a MOTHERfuckING MACHINE GUN.

If you have any Gameworks near you, they might have it. I really hope it comes to a console.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']HOTD4 has been out for several months in the US and it is awesome. The graphics are outstanding and you use a MOTHERfuckING MACHINE GUN.

If you have any Gameworks near you, they might have it. I really hope it comes to a console.[/QUOTE]

I love the HOTD games. I thought that the arcade at the mall near me had the machine, but apparently they no longer do. I just think it would be funny if Sega decided to make a totally serious and atmospheric HOTD as a fuck you to Konami for intruding in on its zombie arcade shooting action.

I don't know, I think I just come up with strange thoughts sometimes.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']It looks like a PSone game with super-anti-aliasing.

No, I didn't see it in action. It was shown at some show in Japan and it actually seemed to be playable. I don't know if there's any videos of it, but you can tell in the screens that the textures and polygon count are ass. House of the Dead 4 looks like it was hand-crafted by Jesus Christ himself compared to this (and I have played HOTD4, and it's awesome).[/QUOTE]

i didnt even know HOTD4 existed, Im still playing HOTD one at mr. gatti's with 25cents a play. :booty:
[quote name='Dead of Knight']HOTD4 has been out for several months in the US and it is awesome. The graphics are outstanding and you use a MOTHERfuckING MACHINE GUN.

If you have any Gameworks near you, they might have it. I really hope it comes to a console.[/QUOTE]

My local bowling alley has it and I too can attest to its awesomeness.:cool:
Reality's Fringe;2674397 said:
Silent Hill won't work as HOTD. I'ts not built on that kind of atmosphere.

SH5 now plz, a real one.

It could work if they put in some real effort. Unfortunately what we have here is not even a half-assed effort.
it seems like they have some good ideas...zombie nurses are rad.

but can we just delete this thread and pretend the game doesn't exist?
[quote name='Apossum']
but can we just delete this thread and pretend the game doesn't exist?[/QUOTE]


People must be informed about how Konami is further ruining one of their premier franchises.
It kind of looks like a graphics card problem. I have noticed when you play pc games that lower end or ancient graphics cards can"numb" (no details , blurry, and the colors are not vivid) the picture and it looks very similar to those screen shots.
I wonder if its hardware trouble or if they are intentionally going for the hazy low resolution look. - Although no crazy high end GC can improve the simplified model quality.
- Or maybe they are pumping it out fast so they can port it quickly to the ps2 before its lifecycle ends.

I don't know but it would be sad for them to treat such a loved franchise with such disrespect if this is really how the game looks..
I guess I'm old-fasioned, but I generally like to reserve judgement on a game until someone (anyone) has played it. Let's put aside the fact that they look like a suped-up version of SH2 for a minute, there's no footage of the game yet.

I'm sure in the end, it'll be another House of the Dead, a fun but shallow arcade experience. People need to stop spazzing out and over-reacting, especially when it comes to something as superficial as graphics.

EDIT: Just looked over the pics again and noticed Pyramid Head!! Oh, and evidently I must be the only one in the thread to actually look over the pics, as they are really, really good. People seem to forget that SH games come has an (intentional) grainy look to them.
Reality's Fringe;2674397 said:
Silent Hill won't work as HOTD. I'ts not built on that kind of atmosphere.

SH5 now plz, a real one.

Yeah I agree, I think after part 4 was released the company took a break to re do the whole series...maybe as extreme as RE4 had of a remake.
Graphics look the same as any silent hill game, but the premise is underwheming, an arcade silent hill shooter? why'd they bother... Time crisis 1 even looked better than this.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']HOTD4 has been out for several months in the US and it is awesome. The graphics are outstanding and you use a MOTHERfuckING MACHINE GUN.

If you have any Gameworks near you, they might have it. I really hope it comes to a console.[/QUOTE]

a few months? i saw it a san jose over a yesr ago...
Doesn't this pretty much just shit in the face of everything the series stands for?

Wheres the tension about having only 4 shots and 5 enemies? What about the exploring? Rail shooter with unlimited ammo? Sa-weet... but not.
[quote name='Over easy']I figure they purposely made them all grainly and blurry because it's Silent Hill.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people are saying this, but why would they gimp themselves? If they are going to spend the money on the cabinet and the whole system for a competitive arcade release, they have to know they wont get many people wanting to play it if it looks 5 years old right out of the gate?
Maybe they don't plan on charging $1 a play?
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']A lot of people are saying this, but why would they gimp themselves? If they are going to spend the money on the cabinet and the whole system for a competitive arcade release, they have to know they wont get many people wanting to play it if it looks 5 years old right out of the gate?[/quote]
[quote name='Vegan']Graphics don't irritate me, but Silent Hill just isn't about guns-a-blazing.[/QUOTE]

neither was RE and now it's all guns a blazin'.
The main thing that bugs me about it is that, despite fan's disagreements on SH4, the series has generally been outstanding. Now with "this", there is officially a black sheep, a sore thumb that's going to stick out. (I really didn't like SH4, but it's grown on me. Still my least fav, but certainly not so bad anymore.)

I still await to see how Origins will be, and actually the arcade shooter is making me laugh! The characters look more like generic horror movie teens then your typical SH character. Better to laugh at this game then get upset by it. I bet also it's not going to be canon. Maybe like the comics, it'll be its own thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that black guy is the first black character in SH, so I guess there's one thing right with this game so far. Also, I love the "Hold Your Fire!" message in one of the Pyramid Head screens! It's PH! You should shoot him on sight!

Crappy as this game seems to be, I'm not going to lie. I want to play it, and certainly would love a port. IGN has an article about it. Seems it'll be based somewhat off Silent Hill 2. Joy.
Damnit, just when I thought they couldn't possibly do anything worse than SH4..

Konami? :cry:

EDIT: Check out this image I found on another forum..

"If we run away here, the nightmare won't end!"
Pardon me while I burst into an uncontrolable fit of laughter. :lol:
Well, I think it looks cool. If I ever see it in one of the few arcades around here I'll play it assuming it doesnt cost anything outrageous ($1+ is what I consider outrageous). Luckily, the arcade around here has Biohazard: Gun Survivor which is a badass game.
[quote name='DiscoDuck8k']EDIT: Check out this image I found on another forum..

"If we run away here, the nightmare won't end!"
Pardon me while I burst into an uncontrolable fit of laughter. :lol:[/QUOTE]

You have to admit though, the cabinet is kind of cool.
Geez, that pics shows Numb bodies from SH3 and the burning hallway from SH2. Now I'm defintely sure this game is just a what the hell kinda thing.
bread's done