Silicon Knights is Suing Epic over Unreal Engine 3


7 (100%)
Thought this was pertinent to this forum.

The lawsuit that the widely used Unreal Engine 3 “did not work as Epic represented it would and, moreover, Epic has been unable or unwilling to fix it.”

Silicon Knights goes on to say that Epic “never intended to deliver Unreal Engine 3 as a fully functional game engine as promised,” and that Epic merely licensed the engine to collect fees from developers in order to fund its own development of Gears of War on 360.

Silicon Knights president Denis Dyack had this to say in a statement.

We have had extensive problems with the Unreal Engine 3 that Epic has been unwilling or unable to rectify. For more than a year, we have been trying to reach an agreement with Epic to resolve these issues without resorting to litigation, but were unable to come to reasonable terms with Epic. Regrettably, we are now forced to go to court in order to achieve satisfaction. We remain hopeful, however, that we can reach a reasonable business resolution with Epic at some point.”

Epic Vice President, Mark Rein, responded by saying:

This morning we were served with a lawsuit by Silicon Knights. We believe the claims against us are unfounded and without merit and we intend to fully defend against them.
I really hope this game doesn't skip this console generation. I am really looking forward to it... but so many delays...
while dennis dyack might bitch a lot, there have been several games that were supposed to be using the unreal engine that have either been delayed a lot, or cancelled.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

Also, Denis Dyack is an idiot.[/quote]
Really? The court will decide if it's the stupidest shit they've ever heard. For some strange reason, I doubt you have any idea whether you know A) the contractual intricacies of Epic & SK's game engine licensing agreement, or B) how well the conditions of the agreement were met.

It's not like a Jack Thompson lawsuit. As for Dyack being an idiot, well, fine, that idiot made one helluva game in Eternal Darkness. And I'm sure that idiot has a team of lawyers handling this ordeal with him.
bread's done