Since We're All gamers.

[quote name='Alex Murphy']I don't do Twitter, Myspace, or Facebook.[/QUOTE]

Same, find it a waste of time and a potential liability in the long run.
[quote name='odin08']Same, find it a waste of time and a potential liability in the long run.[/QUOTE]

Same here.

I do CAG though... could that be a liability? Nah.
Real gamers should be wasting their time playing games instead of wasting time on Twitter, MySpace, and/or Facebook.
[quote name='vinny']real gamers should be wasting their time playing games instead of wasting time on twitter, myspace, and/or facebook.[/quote]
[quote name='Vinny']Real gamers should be wasting their time playing games instead of wasting time on Twitter, MySpace, and/or Facebook.[/QUOTE]

Or posting on CAG?

Kind of ironic to say "real gamers" shouldn't waste time goofing on online networks when you're posting on one!
[quote name='Alex Murphy']I don't do Twitter, Myspace, or Facebook.[/QUOTE]

THIS. A million times this. I've only ever used MySpace and that shit was a joke. I don't even remember my login/password for it.
[quote name='62t']Facebook is a really good way to keep in touch with friends and family[/QUOTE]

why not just call them?
[quote name='lokizz']why not just call them?[/QUOTE]

Because it is a lot easier and faster to get in touch with people who you don't keep in contact regularly. I won't be able to see pictures of my cousin's newborn baby who is halfway across the country without facebook. Thanks to facebook I was also to get in contact with people I havent talk to in 10+ years.
[quote name='62t']Because it is a lot easier and faster to get in touch with people who you don't keep in contact regularly. I won't be able to see pictures of my cousin's newborn baby who is halfway across the country without facebook. Thanks to facebook I was also to get in contact with people I havent talk to in 10+ years.[/QUOTE]

they could send you pics by phone or email them to you or why not do video conferencing through your computer?
[quote name='lokizz']they could send you pics by phone or email them to you or why not do video conferencing through your computer?[/QUOTE]

Facebook is a lot more easier than mass email or try to contact each person individually.

I also have no interest in twitting, but does an account since there are lots of free stuff offer through them.
Facebook is great as you can keep in touch with people without putting much time and effort into it.

It's a great way to keep tabs on college friends around the country, extended family etc. Yes phone calls etc. are the way to go with close family, close friends etc., but I keep in some level of touch with a lot more people since joining Facebook than I did before as I just don't have time (or interest) to deal with long distance friendships otherwise.

And even for close family and friends it's an easier way to share photos vs. sending them out individually etc.

In short, it's just super convenient and a way for busy, self-focused people like myself to keep some semblance of contact with distant family and friends, reconnect with old friends I haven't seen or talked to in years etc.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Facebook is great as you can keep in touch with people without putting much time and effort into it.

It's a great way to keep tabs on college friends around the country, extended family etc. Yes phone calls etc. are the way to go with close family, close friends etc., but I keep in some level of touch with a lot more people since joining Facebook than I did before as I just don't have time (or interest) to deal with long distance friendships otherwise.

And even for close family and friends it's an easier way to share photos vs. sending them out individually etc.

In short, it's just super convenient and a way for busy, self-focused people like myself to keep some semblance of contact with distant family and friends, reconnect with old friends I haven't seen or talked to in years etc.[/QUOTE]

This. Especially with all of the old classmates angle. I arranged one get together using it and saw some people I haven't kept in touch with as much as I wanted to.

Close friends and family I will call and make the effort to see. People who I don't want to lose complete touch with but can't always find time to talk to I keep up with on facebook. It's all relative to who you are. Someone in college who sees their friends constantly, and could give a toss about the rest will have the "F--- it" attitude towards social networking. Others might not. I'm a working adult in the office 9+ hours a day, plus commute time, cooking and cleaning for self, and even a little gaming here and there. Hard to see everyone. So I like these sites.

My twitter is plenau I keep it protected due to the high amount of spammers, just send a message. Facebook I try to keep to people I know in real life.
[quote name='Lord_Kefka']T I'm a working adult in the office 9+ hours a day, plus commute time, cooking and cleaning for self, and even a little gaming here and there. Hard to see everyone. So I like these sites.

Same. It's great for keeping tabs on friends, classmates etc. for people with full schedules of work, family etc. Can log in a couple times a week and see what's going on with people you'd never find time to call or otherwise keep in contact with.
bread's done