Skate 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - Game is out right now!

[quote name='The 7th Number']Man some of these challenges are hard. The one you are talking about took me forever. I think its all about luck sometimes. I swear the one where you have to manual hop and manual gap the tree planters, i swear i did it a few times and it wouldnt register. That one is massive hard, and they only give you 30 seconds. Only pro challenge i have left is the girl one.

Only properties i bought so far was the 50k one. I raked in a ton of cash betting on death races. I guess as long as you retry till you win, you wont lose cash. I just kept betting as much as i could for every race. I think i have about 300k.[/quote]

later stuff in the street and vert competitions are where you rake in more cash. the races barely get you anything really.

[quote name='ArJay2k8']Tip for anyone having problems with the G.I.R.L. challenge....
540 is your best friend.[/quote]

that's what I do, but getting them both to fall is a bitch.
Yeah the "can you spell G.I.R.L." challenge is hard because you dont get to start. So its hard to last long enough so you get to set the trick. Plus some of the moves are so close to another move, sometimes its hard to nail the trick. Not to mention making it over the rail. You dont really get much room to get a good push. There are a few challenges that seemed hard as hell, till i backed up a few feet to get that extra room to get another push in.

Some of the challenges are weird though. Like some of them seem like you are supposed to do them in one line. But i ended up doing some piece by piece. Like one where you jump over 2 trash cans, then jump a ramp to nail a grind. I jumped over both trash cans, went back to the beginning, and then nailed the jump/grind. Not that im complaining.
I cam in knowing most of the challenges weren't line specific, so it wasn't that hard as long as that's known. personally, I think anything timer based is bad for this game. forcing the player to rush in a game that should just be to chill out skillfully is the worst thing this game does.
Maybe I haven't played skate in a while but it feels like it is much harder to do tricks in this one than it was in .skate. I can't tell you how many times I have tried doing a kickflip or heelflip only to have it result in a shuv it...

I'm selling my game btw if anyone wants it
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This game pisses me off because sometimes it feels like the challenge is impossible. For instance, Thrasher mag wanted me to do a ramp to leg plant, to another ramp stunt. Sounds easy enough. But there are gaps between the ramp, middle cement block where you leg plant, and between the other ramp. Now when i planted the leg, the guy would never jump long enough to get to the last ramp. No matter if i landed right at the edge of the middle section, he couldnt jump over enough. I finally passed this thanks to my board hitting the last ramp 50% on, then i was able to kickflip on to the ramp all the way. But that seemed pretty ridiculous.

Another one is the handplant on the basketball backboard. It seems like i can never set the ramp up right. Its too close and i end up hitting the backboard with my skateboard and bailing. Then i move it 1 mm out more and now its too far away. Its really annoying. I tried like 40 times and hand planted once, which ended up falling on my face cos he came down where there was no ramp.
I having trouble doing the handplant on the basketball backboard photo shoot. It usually ends up like with one of these scenarios ...
1. I go up, and come down with no trick
2. I hit the bottom of the backboard
3. My board sticks into the ramp and i dont even get lift off
4. I bail and the ramp flips over and i need to re adjust it.

Go to my profile, i updated 2 videos of this challenge and ive done this like 80 times and cant get it. I did manage to hand plant once, but i ended up coming down where there wasnt a ramp and bailed.
I wish the Skate 2 site wasn't so broken. Don't know how many videos I've rated while signed in and yet still can get that achievement. Same with the importing a graphic achievement.
[quote name='The 7th Number']I having trouble doing the handplant on the basketball backboard photo shoot. It usually ends up like with one of these scenarios ...
1. I go up, and come down with no trick
2. I hit the bottom of the backboard
3. My board sticks into the ramp and i dont even get lift off
4. I bail and the ramp flips over and i need to re adjust it.

Go to my profile, i updated 2 videos of this challenge and ive done this like 80 times and cant get it. I did manage to hand plant once, but i ended up coming down where there wasnt a ramp and bailed.[/quote]

I got it a long ass time ago, but yeah it's a pain in the ass. there's a very easy workaround though.
I just did the backboard hand plant. I guess my problem was pressing RB between the top of the ramp and the top of the backboard. When i had to hold RB before i even touched the ramp, then press up on the LS.

What the fuck, i just wasted 500 dollars on big blacks ass. I was supposed to do this thrasher challenge where i put a rail between 2 ramps and skate it all in one sequence. Well i did like 6 times and it wouldnt give it to me. What the hell am i supposed to do? I jump off a ramp, nail a grind, land on the other ramp. Isnt that it?
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[quote name='The 7th Number']What the fuck, i just wasted 500 dollars on big blacks ass. I was supposed to do this thrasher challenge where i put a rail between 2 ramps and skate it all in one sequence. Well i did like 6 times and it wouldnt give it to me. What the hell am i supposed to do? I jump off a ramp, nail a grind, land on the other ramp. Isnt that it?[/quote]

I think on the last ramp instead of just landing you need to trick off it. so it should be: ramp up, jump, grind, jump, ramp up, jump.

I pretty much beat the game last night. The only things I haven't done is the Pro S.K.A.T.E. game, I need to find the rest of the spots, and drain the last of the pools.

Anyone have an image of the map that has all the locations?
[quote name='Rodimus']I think on the last ramp instead of just landing you need to trick off it. so it should be: ramp up, jump, grind, jump, ramp up, jump.[/quote]

Thanks, but this is a reason why security sucks, oh and you have a time limit too with this challenge. Both those things suck in this game. Times running out and 4 security guards are standing in front of the ramp. How are you supposed to do that then? roar

2 questions.

1. How do you upload a photo?

2. I saw a dude wearing head phones, how do i get those for my character? and are there any codes to enter that gives you extra clothes?
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Holy shit, if you flick the LS down he takes a step back! I didnt know that till now. lol Still shitty walking controls.

Here is my Skate 2 Swanton Bomb. :D
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[quote name='fart_bubble']I wish the Skate 2 site wasn't so broken. Don't know how many videos I've rated while signed in and yet still can get that achievement. Same with the importing a graphic achievement.[/quote]

You can rate videos/photos on your 360 :D
[quote name='The 7th Number']Holy shit, if you flick the LS down he takes a step back! I didnt know that till now. lol Still shitty walking controls.

Here is my Skate 2 Swanton Bomb. :D[/quote]

geeze, wouldve been nice to know you can step back a while ago.
I still cant beat "can you spell G.I.R.L." challenge. I restarted it till the first guy bailed. I eventually go to set the trick and did a lot of moves, but they pretty much got them all. Its annoying sometimes because they do two pushes and they clear the rail every time with a lot of height. When i do two pushes im lucky to get over the railing. I know i should try 540s, and i was but i wasnt able to land any.

Is there a way you can change shoe sponcers? I know you can change board sponcers. But i picked Etnies and all their shoes suck in the game. I should have picked DC or Osiris.

Here is a funny vid i saw

also seen one where a dude went off a ramp and dunked his board into the basketball hoop. But i cant find it. :(
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Does anyone know where
The secret ramp is in slappys? I just finished the game, and he mumbled something about telling me about something, and said i would find it. There is a room in the back(where you learn to ollie in the demo, before you move the trashcan to enter slappys). After the ollie you go left and there is a room with a ramp. But its pretty weak for it to be a secret. I was always hoping the old park from skate 1 demo was still alive somewhere. But if this room is the secret, its a pretty big let down.
yeah same here. I couldn't figure it out, tried pumping, kicking, taking shortcuts, and none worked. I just said fuck it and did my last team film challenges and beat the game. I guess the last race doesn't count for anything.
as long as you keep doing tricks through the gates, you should have plenty of time. Just keep in mind that you have to be in the air as you go under the gates to get time
[quote name='fart_bubble']as long as you keep doing tricks through the gates, you should have plenty of time. Just keep in mind that you have to be in the air as you go under the gates to get time[/quote]

tricks get you more time? didn't know that.
Yeah that was a bitch till i found out doing tricks gain you more seconds. Just watch out on the last lap you take a different route, to the center of the pool.

If anyone needs help with "Can you spell GIRL?" Then look no further. Yes its a cheat way to beat it, but that challenge is almost impossible. Click here to see how to complete it.
Skate 2 Black Box studio from EA were all fired so do not expect any DLC or patches or bug fixes

lead poisoned post mover thanks alot.
Black Box consists of roughly 350 people, and according to the article, about 115 were pink-slipped. That leaves ~235 people left at Black Box, more than enough to keep things going...nice try.
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Ive been playing online and its pretty fun. Mostly Hall of Meat. Im pretty good at it.

I seen someone using a pro, and another person playing as a skeleton. Anyone know how to do this?
online is most fun with the freeskate activities. I finished all but the spots in career so the next thing is to do those and finish a few achvmnts. after that, all online.

the game is alot better outside of career mode... a million times.
[quote name='The 7th Number']

I seen someone using a pro, and another person playing as a skeleton. Anyone know how to do this?[/quote]

I've heard that it uses your last skater from single-player freeskate. I haven't tried it yet though.

oh, and the skeleton skater is Dem Bones, you get him/it when you finish all the Hall of Meat challenges.
The "Filmer Pack" DLC is up for 600 points

- Advanced Controls
- Custom Watermarks
- Up to 5 minutes can be recorded
- Extra gear for your skater

... Now that is a lot of points for this "filmer pack". I dont get how extra gear for your skater should be in with this "filmer" pack. But if anyone decides to buy this, please let us know what additional skater gear you get.
[quote name='BostonCollegeFan']Does the actual game have dialog that responds if you've made a girl character? In the demo they kept calling my girl "He" and "him".[/quote]

I don't think so. Creating a girl was more of an afterthought.

Thanks for the trick posted above. Gonna give it a shot later.
Wow online sucks apart from Hall of Meat. HOM is really fun. But other modes suck.

I was doing Jam, and my guy is hard to get momentum, and half the moves i do end up worthless. I always come in last. Then there was one spot by the danny way mega ramp where you have to go into a sewer hole and come out and hit this half pipe. Only problem is that every time i hit that half pipe my guy would go flying over it, and not come back down inside the half pipe. I wasnt even pressing the left stick up or anything.

Then i decided to do some deathrace, cos i was really good at it in skate 1 and it was one of my favorites. Well they really screwed it up this time. One thing that sucks is when you hold LT+RT it no longer makes you faster. Its like i press LT+RT to gain speed going down a hill and here come other people just pushing with their legs going faster. What the fuck? It seems like maybe doing tricks make you go faster, not sure, but this is a death race not a trick contest. Why did they fuck that up.

Another thing i hate about death race is the spawning. I spawned once behind a log to start the race so i had to go around it while others were well on their way. Then if you bail from a curb or any other 3 inch bump, it spawns you right in front of the same bump. So you have to get off your board, walk over the curb, then get back on your board....and well that takes a while. Presious seconds are wasting away while this is going on.

I Dunno it just seems like this skate game isnt as good as the first one. More tricks sure, but there seems to be a lot of little things that piss me off. Unless i just dont remember those things from the first game.
In Skate 1, LT+RT really didn't make you go faster--at least not in my experience. If you did a lot of small ollies while going down a hill, you would go faster. Also, if you constantly pushed and leaned forward as you pushed forward, you would go faster. From the way you describe it, it sounds like that hasn't changed. That kind of stinks though, because constantly pushing and jumping as you skate is pretty unrealistic, not to mention kind of annoying to play.

spawning behind a log sounds like crap though (no pun intended, haha).
Making the plunge tommorow after repeatedbly playing the demo for like 7 hours straight.

Making a new person every 20 minutes was annoying so it'd be nice to be able to play for once lol.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']In Skate 1, LT+RT really didn't make you go faster--at least not in my experience. If you did a lot of small ollies while going down a hill, you would go faster. Also, if you constantly pushed and leaned forward as you pushed forward, you would go faster. From the way you describe it, it sounds like that hasn't changed. That kind of stinks though, because constantly pushing and jumping as you skate is pretty unrealistic, not to mention kind of annoying to play.

spawning behind a log sounds like crap though (no pun intended, haha).[/quote]

Are you sure about the LT+RT didnt make you go faster in the first game? I thought it did. Maybe i was just good?...

Another thing i hate about death races that i forgot to mention is the fact that people can take short cuts in certain races. I mean a couple races have a few designed short cuts. But some people know where to go, and i dont see that really as fair game. In Skate 1 didnt they make you go through the goals? And if you missed 2 in a row then the race would be over for you? In Skate 2 you can just take a shortcut to the last goal if you have enough time. Its pretty dumb.

And another thing, its like there are 3 places to race and a varient of each one. So it seems like you are always doing the same 3 races.
Mountian Top is broken when you try to play S.K.A.T.E. on it. You can do one push and do a trick right onto the stairs and it will count. Plus you can do a trick and grind on the railings and it counts.
Alright fuck it. Part of being a gamer is just taking the plunge into some things. I am going to pick this up and hope for the best.
Game is great so far, except for one challenge in particular: the Oi! Let's Skate Thrasher challenge. All I can say is stupid, stupid, stupid. Not only do you have to handplant a handrail WAY above the half-pipe, the rail isn't even to the fucking ramp! How am I supposed to plant something THAT I CAN'T REACH?! On top of that bullshit, there's some jackass skating around IN THE SAME PLACE I AM WHILE TRYING TO DO THE CHALLENGE, constantly knocking me off my board as I'm trying to gain speed. I'm sorry, I have to ask: WHAT THE fuck WERE THEY THINKING?! Anybody have any tips for this one?
[quote name='Soodmeg']Alright fuck it. Part of being a gamer is just taking the plunge into some things. I am going to pick this up and hope for the best.[/quote]

Go for it. It can be frustrating, but I don't really understand all the hate for it. I'm not awesome at this game (I can't even win an online match) but I beat every mission in career mode and loved every minute of it, even the frustrating parts. When you finally finish a difficult mission you get a great sense of accomplishment.

The game has a lot of playablity from career mode, online ranked or freeskate, veiwing or making footage, exploring for spots, creating spots, etc.
Yeah this game is frustratingly difficult haha. Love it though, can't not go back to it.

Took me forever to do the manual challenge from Rob :(. Not looking forward to Oi!

Although, I think i'm going through the game too fast or something, as all i've been doing is challenges and not really just skating around. How long is this game?
So I just cracked this open and created a guy. Just first and for most...this game has the worst set of non white person create a player features I have seen in a game in a long time.

It actually made me laugh because I remember back in the day when you could only make a white guy or some type of horrible combination of every other race combined and it always came out looking like a really dark white guy.

Ah well, on to the game.
haha yeah. Every time I make a black guy I always have to put the aviators on him for it to not look like dark white. Just something with the eyes I think. Except if i'm not careful he ends up looking like Kanye West with those weird ass sunglasses he wears. Which I guess is cool if you like Kanye West. Skateboarding.

Just wait until you try to make a decent looking girl. Shades of Oblivion.
The create a player definatly lacks, but the first one was awful too.

If you play through career you find most of the good skate spots. The only things you'll have to look for are own spots and some pools. Not sure how long it took me. I'll have to check the game clock. But I'm gonna guess 15 - 20 hours.
When you skate in a half pipe or bowl, is there something you can do to prevent your skater from leaping out of the bowl, or over the half pipe? I dont press up on the LS and sometimes he still ends up jumping out or over, when all im trying to do is go up and back down the ramp. Seems like its just random.
Yes, there are a few factors that will make jump out of the bowl/half pipe. Pressing forward on the LS makes you go over. Sometimes I do this by accident since I want to pump for more air. The trick is to use the triggers to pump. Also make sure not to air over a curve or corner of the pool. Your character will not magiclly follow the edge of the pool.
bread's done