Smallville Rules *Spoilers*

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Does anyone more familar with the comics know why lex wears the glove later on? I thought we were about to get the answer to that but the mark went away
[quote name='jlarlee']Does anyone more familar with the comics know why lex wears the glove later on? I thought we were about to get the answer to that but the mark went away[/quote]

Didn't him wearing a krypo ring poison him? I think thats why he cloned a new body later on - maybe the glove was the midway point? I dunno, didnt really read the comics, just the 'Death and Life of Superman' novelization
[quote name='cag1000']
I'm prob just saying Kara in my mind since I'm 99.99% sure that is Supergirl's name in the comics but you are probably right it was probably Raya. Anyone hear the name clearly?

Not Kara or Pariah. It was Raya - I had closed captioning on while watching the thing, and she's credited for the episode as being Raya. Mystery solved!
[quote name='Demolition Man']Good episode. But can the writers stop with having Lois say that fucking annoying "hey Smallville" shit now? Thank you.[/QUOTE]

Hi, My name is Will and I approve this message.
Yea we have been annoyed by her calling him "Smallville" for a few seasons now fucking gay.

So this episode moved the story along for THREE major reasons.....

1. First episode establishing Lois's desire to be a reporter and her first job as a reporter.

2. Clarks super breath power has increased showing he's becoming stronger and more "Superman"

3. We come closer to the JLA with the addition of Green Arrow. We knew he was coming this season. But I'm pleasantly surprised and the "corny" factor has decreased for me. When he calls Bornio and lands the arrow on Bornio on the big ass globe to end the episode that was a fucking great ending. And oh yea the promo for his costume having a hood looked actually pretty nice.
[quote name='Stink_Pickle']Lana is turning into such a self-rightous?SP? bitch.[/quote]

Yes she is. And I am really starting to hate her more and more with each episode.
Plant girl=hottie from the Aquman tv pilot
Phantom Zone=way they can have weekly baddies without dredging up the tired old kryptonite infected Smallville citerzens

I heard they were gonna use her this season. Those creators must have felt real bad that show was canceled and brought 2 of them over.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Thats a good idea, except the Chloe face, :rofl:

Because she is a made up, IIRC, for the show. So maybe her death will be the protaganist for Clark and Lois to work for the Daily Planet. Just my two cents.[/QUOTE]

I've only read through page 24 because I just finished watching Season 5 on DVD with some friends (who got hooked on Smallville late in the game and have been trying to catch up). I have this season safely saved on my DVR at home but haven't been able to watch yet, so forgive me if Season 6 has already eradicated this possiblity.

Nevertheless, we were all talking and based on the notion that characters in Smallville are often not who they seem, get "possessed" or taken over by computer programs, etc - I think it would be really cool if Smallville pulled a switcheroo with Chloe and Lois. I think it's do-able, since Chloe doesn't actually exist in the comics in some weird way it could even explain her lack of existence in the comics - because she was there the whole time.

Have Lois die or have to leave Earth or something and due to....(enter convoluted plot twist - which is not entirely foreign to the Smallville world - here)...Chloe takes on the name "Lois" and works her way up the Daily Planet. I think her character would generally fit, and I'm sorry but she is just so much more likable than Lois as a character.

Clearly Lana is out, but I'd like to have a strand of hope for Chloe as the faithful sidekick and romantic interest for Clark. Heck, even give her amnesia - no problem there. The writers are going to have to somehow at some point going to have to explain how nobody suspects Clark Kent to be Superman anyway.

Just a pipe dream I guess. Sweet little Chloe - I like her!
I know I said this last week, but gods damn I love Ollie. That was fucking badass when he shot the soda tab. Can't wait for next week when he finally premieres as Green Arrow.
[quote name='karsh']I know I said this last week, but gods damn I love Ollie. That was fucking badass when he shot the soda tab. Can't wait for next week when he finally premieres as Green Arrow.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean. I thought the character was going to be lame but every time he's on screen he just nails it. The only thing better would be Bruce Wayne.

Oh and the classic Green Arrow duds were great!
Damn, Louis is so fucking hot. Loved her in that costume :drool:

Since Aquaman got canned, it would be sweet if they make a Green Arrow show...That I'd watch.
[quote name='Pookymeister']Better go rent The Butterfly Effect 2 then :)[/quote]

:whistle2:k Really? I guess I will. I know she did a topless scene in The House of the Dead movie but that was pre-boob job. Any chance of skin on Butterfly Effect?
In the honor of the wrestling topics I am going to start a new Smallville thread since we are past 500 posts on this one. I'll have the new one started up in a few minutes. :D
[quote name='Demolition Man']In the honor of the wrestling topics I am going to start a new Smallville thread since we are past 500 posts on this one. I'll have the new one started up in a few minutes. :D[/quote]

So uhh, where is this new topic at?
[quote name='Demolition Man']In the honor of the wrestling topics I am going to start a new Smallville thread since we are past 500 posts on this one. I'll have the new one started up in a few minutes. :D[/quote]

I thought I read somewhere that the 500post limit is no longer an issue.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I thought I read somewhere that the 500post limit is no longer an issue.[/quote]

Yeah, its no longer an issue at all, due to the new(er) servers.

I say we just ride this until the end of the current season, then start a season 7 thread, if there is going to be a 7th season.
[quote name='craven_fiend']Yeah, its no longer an issue at all, due to the new(er) servers.

I say we just ride this until the end of the current season, then start a season 7 thread, if there is going to be a 7th season.[/quote]

Works for me.
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