Sonic Rivals (PSP) is listed at $19.99 in the Sears ad 12/10 - 12/24


25 (100%)
Not sure if this is a price mistake or an actual sale but Sonic Rivals is listed at $19.99 in this week's Sears ad. It's normally $40 everywhere else.

Edit: Looks like a sale since the website also lists it for $19.99, but it is sold out.
Is this any good? I was going to pick it up, but from the reviews it sounds like it's sort of a race-like racing against other characters, rather than a normal platformer?
I was wondering if it's true, because I definitely want the game. I'm going to check Sears out to confirm this.

I definitely want this game, but was hoping for a $30 price tag. I'm not passing up this price.
[quote name='sofdec']I couldnt find this in todays ad - do you know which page its on or if its regional?[/QUOTE]

It's on page 14 with the PSP games. Every other game listed is MSRP.
Thanks - Just found out there were 3 ads for sears and I was looking in the wrong one! Heard the game was quite good and was thinking about buying it the other day.
I wish my sears still sold video games, this is a hell of a deal.

EDIT: Alternatively, if anyone is willing to pick one up for me LMK.
Heh, i got this last week at sears, it looked like it was 19.99 since it's release date. I'm usually the one to complain about the quality of a game and was pretty hesistant to buy this but damnnn this was so worth it. Review scores were kinda low, i don't see why that is, but i personally give the game an 8.6
For the people that are going to price match, definitely try Circuit City first. After the extra 10%, the game will be $18 + tax.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Can anyone describe how this plays? Is it a normal 2d platformer, or some kind of race?[/quote]

Race. It's not bad, but it doesn't control as smoothly as a game from Sonic Team would (I'll cover this more in a later post).
I'd say it's worth $19.99. I got it from the Walmart price mistake (pre-ordering back in the summer) for that and it's fairly fun. I haven't had enough time with it, but it's definitely much better than Sonic Riders (which is like $15-$16 this week from Target)... (I say that just since they're both Sonic "race" games out now)
I had CC pricematch it today. I stayed away from Best Buy, due to long lines and them calling retailers to see if it's "in-stock". CC just did the price match without questioning me. Sears didn't have it though.

IMO, the game is fun, but very hard (and cheap at times). Definitely much better than Sonic The Hedgehog (On Xbox 360, which is the worst game I played all year). Not as good as Sonic Rush (DS) IMO.
Thanks for that info Mana Knight! That's saved me $20. Hard and cheap is exactly what I hate about Sonic Rush (and Advance 2, and the 3D games), so if it's even worse than Rush, I know I'll hate it.

Rush left a great first impression on me-I was cranking up the music, and blown away by the graphics, etc.-but within a few levels I was stuck, dying from blind jumps, etc. IMO Sonic games should be on the easy side if anything, and shouldn't ever make you slow down and be cautious, which is exactly what most of them do. (At least that's what I want from them.)
I did a price match on the xbox 360 wireless controller last week and used the 5 dollar coupon on the gift card without a problem. Give it a shot, if they say no, they say no.
[quote name='postaboy']Do I need the sears ad to price match? And where can I get the sears ad? instore right?[/QUOTE]

Some stores will pice match with the website print out (though the website currently says it's out of stock so that can't help the matter). The ad can be found in your Sunday paper, or in store.
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