Spiderman 2

Cool. If you preorder from BB, you get a $5 digital coupon. Pre-order price is $17.99 for the Speciel Edition, but they will adjust it to the release price before charging. Shipping is $1.25, so it really is more of a $3.75 coupon (assuming you use the coupon towards a future store pickup).
[quote name='MetalGator']Superbit is on my Xmas list, well rent and copy the regular special from Blockbuster for the extras.[/quote]

Announcing your intent to commit piracy is not too bright. I can't stop you from doing it, but there is no need to bring it here.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='MetalGator']Superbit is on my Xmas list, well rent and copy the regular special from Blockbuster for the extras.[/quote]

Announcing your intent to commit piracy is not too bright. I can't stop you from doing it, but there is no need to bring it here.[/quote]
Agreed. We don't tolerate pirates around these parts.
[quote name='dnt_h8me2'][quote name='guessed'][quote name='MetalGator']Superbit is on my Xmas list, well rent and copy the regular special from Blockbuster for the extras.[/quote]

Announcing your intent to commit piracy is not too bright. I can't stop you from doing it, but there is no need to bring it here.[/quote]
Agreed. We don't tolerate pirates around these parts.[/quote]

Yeah, this isn't ancient Greece, after all.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='MetalGator']Superbit is on my Xmas list, well rent and copy the regular special from Blockbuster for the extras.[/quote]

Announcing your intent to commit piracy is not too bright. I can't stop you from doing it, but there is no need to bring it here.[/quote]

If they want to prevent piracy, include extras with the Superbit. It is ridiculous to ask me to buy 2 editions of the DVD just because I enjoy superrior video quality. Someone from my family will pay for the Superbit and that will be sufficient.
Superbit cuts out all the special features so more of the space on the disc can be dedicated to the best picture and sound quality possible. It can be quite a noticable difference on some movies.
Yeah he's right, he's going to get the movie, paid for, as a gift from some one but since he wants the extra shit they put on a disk that isn't included with the Superbit version he should be able to copy it with out you ham and eggers getting all over his case.
well that kinda stupid then. They should make the super-bit in a 2-disc set with all extras from the original edition on the 2nd disc. I'm not buying this yet. Spider-Man 2.5 should come out soon after so I may wait.
[quote name='JimmieMac']Yeah he's right, he's going to get the movie, paid for, as a gift from some one but since he wants the extra shit they put on a disk that isn't included with the Superbit version he should be able to copy it with out you ham and eggers getting all over his case.[/quote]

I have no idea what the ham and egg comment is about, but the version he'll be getting for Xmas is the one with superior video quality, he has no right to the extras unless he pays for them. As I stated, I can't stop him from pirating, but he shouldn't be discussing it here.
[quote name='WeaponX2099']well that kinda stupid then. They should make the super-bit in a 2-disc set with all extras from the original edition on the 2nd disc. I'm not buying this yet. Spider-Man 2.5 should come out soon after so I may wait.[/quote]

Spider Man 2.5 isn't supposed to come out until LATE next year so waiting might be a little bit of a problem.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Superbit cuts out all the special features so more of the space on the disc can be dedicated to the best picture and sound quality possible. It can be quite a noticable difference on some movies.[/quote]

I still say that this is just marketing bullshit. Standard DVD is encoded in 480p and 99.9% of all commercially availible DVD players still can only output 480p irregardless of what your TV can display. Even if you have an HDTV, the picture's not going to get any better. And how is the sound going to get better than dolby 5.1? How much 'better' can the Superbit really be?

I say it can't be any better.
[quote name='dnt_h8me2'][quote name='guessed'][quote name='MetalGator']Superbit is on my Xmas list, well rent and copy the regular special from Blockbuster for the extras.[/quote]

Announcing your intent to commit piracy is not too bright. I can't stop you from doing it, but there is no need to bring it here.[/quote]
Agreed. We don't tolerate pirates around these parts.[/quote]

"We don't take kindly to pirates" :evil:
[quote name='bmulligan']

And how is the sound going to get better than dolby 5.1? How much 'better' can the Superbit really be?

I say it can't be any better.[/quote]

DTS is better than DD 5.1, I believe. But I do agree with your idea that Superbits can't technically be that much better than the regular versions.
Technically yes Superbits can be better since the higher bitrate helps out a little on bigger TVs (better detail). But yeah, most people who have regular TVs will be just fine with the non Superbit edition.

I own a few Superbit editions myself, but only because I read reviews on them and discovered that they are indeed better than the other versions released. The biggest example is "Lawrence Of Arabia." Of course a HUGE portion of that has to do with the Superbit using a newer restoration than either of the two previous released versions, but since its movie only it does help out with keeping the video at the highest quality as far as bitrate is concerned.

Another great example of Superbit's superiorness is "Air Force One." I noticed quite a bit of nicer detail in the picture overall compared to the dual format edition (stuff like sweat on a character is more noticeable).

Hope this helps. :D
Yarrrrr! We be bootlegging DVD's on this here forum! YARRR!

Anyways, you guys need to lighten up, so what if he wants to bootleg and talk about it. Here's an idea, don't get involved in a discusson with him about it. I can see the man's point in this case, I enjoy extras myself, but it's not a problem for me because I don't have the better TV setup like him. And for that I hate him, not the bootlegging.

[quote name='bmulligan']irregardless[/quote]

It is my goal in life to get people to stop using this "word." Use "regardless" instead.
*No pirating or other illegal activities will take place anywhere on this site.

If you pirate, you have 2 options -- Either leave, or just don't discuss it here.
I LOVE the quality of my SuperBit movies. I own a handful of them (haven't watched them all yet though)

Desperado (great transfer...amazing DTS)
The Big Hit (yet to watch it, got it cheap)
Vampires (yet to watch, got it cheap)
Dark Crystal (decent upgrade)
Labyrinth (nice picture, good DTS)
Bad Boys (have yet to watch this one also)

I still love the SuperBits...I will always chose them over the regular version. I have a 55" HDTV and 6.1 surround setup, so you can see and hear the difference...although, some more than others.

I probably would NOT upgrade my movies if I already had the original version (except I did for Dark Crystal and Labyrinth)

I'm glad they are releasing all of them on the SAME day this time....thus, SuperBit SpiderMan for me :)
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='CheapyD'] ---> RULES: ALL CAGS MUST READ THIS BEFORE POSTING HERE
*No pirating or other illegal activities will take place anywhere on this site.

If you pirate, you have 2 options -- Either leave, or just don't discuss it here.[/quote]

Showed Me.
[quote name='guessed']Cool. If you preorder from BB, you get a $5 digital coupon. Pre-order price is $17.99 for the Speciel Edition, but they will adjust it to the release price before charging. Shipping is $1.25, so it really is more of a $3.75 coupon (assuming you use the coupon towards a future store pickup).[/quote]you dont get the $5 digital coupon until after the release
Make the pirates walk the plank cheapy.
Really though, how can people be so bold about breaking the law, do it and keep it to yourself, then there will be no problems.
[quote name='Richter'][quote name='guessed']Cool. If you preorder from BB, you get a $5 digital coupon. Pre-order price is $17.99 for the Speciel Edition, but they will adjust it to the release price before charging. Shipping is $1.25, so it really is more of a $3.75 coupon (assuming you use the coupon towards a future store pickup).[/quote]you dont get the $5 digital coupon until after the release[/quote]

Umm, yeah. What is your point?
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='Richter'][quote name='guessed']Cool. If you preorder from BB, you get a $5 digital coupon. Pre-order price is $17.99 for the Speciel Edition, but they will adjust it to the release price before charging. Shipping is $1.25, so it really is more of a $3.75 coupon (assuming you use the coupon towards a future store pickup).[/quote]you dont get the $5 digital coupon until after the release[/quote]

Umm, yeah. What is your point?[/quote]that there will be some poster going "oh, why dont you just cancel the PO, and PO it again with the coupon"

next Tuesday
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']when does the dvd come out?[/quote]

November 30th

I should get mine for free since I have a Sony VISA and have lots of points saved up
[quote name='Richter'][quote name='guessed'][quote name='Richter'][quote name='guessed']Cool. If you preorder from BB, you get a $5 digital coupon. Pre-order price is $17.99 for the Speciel Edition, but they will adjust it to the release price before charging. Shipping is $1.25, so it really is more of a $3.75 coupon (assuming you use the coupon towards a future store pickup).[/quote]you dont get the $5 digital coupon until after the release[/quote]

Umm, yeah. What is your point?[/quote]that there will be some poster going "oh, why dont you just cancel the PO, and PO it again with the coupon"

next Tuesday[/quote]

Aah. Yeah, there are a few people who try stupid things like that I suppose.

I also found a deal at Media Play (B&M) last night. They couldn't actually tell me what the price would be (they said either $15.99 or $17.99), but if one preorders, one gets a $2 coupon off a future purchase, and upon pickup one receives a spiderman bobblehead. The bobblehead is pretty darn hefty, and I think it is probably worth it.
If they didn't want me to pirate the Spiderman 2 DVD, they could have taken the route of Snatch, a Superbit Deluxe edition. Those shaq-fuers got it right, give the guy who wants superior quality the same extras.
[quote name='MetalGator']If they didn't want me to pirate the Spiderman 2 DVD, they could have taken the route of Snatch, a Superbit Deluxe edition. Those shaq-fuers got it right, give the guy who wants superior quality the same extras.[/quote]

So if they don't want you to steal something, they should give it to you, is basically what you are saying. Brillant
My DVD player upconverts to 1080i or 720p. There are several that do that now from Zenith, Denon, and Samsung. So the Superbit version will make a difference. Upconverting DVD players are becoming more common.
Interesting deal that I didn't know about. Buy Spidey2 Superbit, and then B1G1 on other Superbit discs including Starship Troopers, Hook, Leon, Once Upon a Time In Mexico, Black Hawk Down, SWAT, Snatch, Underworld and a few others.
Eh, I'll be happy with either version. I don't really care about the superbit version of the movie, since I don't have the greatest of setups yet, but I also probably will never watch any of the shitty extras.
[quote name='javeryh'][quote name='bmulligan']irregardless[/quote]

It is my goal in life to get people to stop using this "word." Use "regardless" instead.[/quote]

A bit OT, but there is a local eatery called the 'Irregardless Cafe'. I grit my teeth every time I hear a radio spot for it.
Some of you may have seen my thread a while back about Best Buy: Buy Spider-Man 2 Gift Set the week it comes out, and get a ten dollar rebate. I would have done it today in-store, but you can't, so I just picked up the regular edition for 15 bucks, with a Best Buy Bonus Disc. It has VH1 Goes Inside: Spider-Man on it. So, let's see, if we buy it from Bestbuy.com, we get the gift set for $25 or the regular edition for $10, and either way we get an extra hour of material. Snoogans.
bread's done