Spyborgs $19.99 at Best Buy


CAG Veteran
I'm not sure if I just got lucky, but I picked up a copy of Spyborgs today (10/31) at Best Buy marked at $19.99. It was on the shelf next to two other copies marked at $39.99, but it scanned at the register as $19.99. I ended up getting Wii Fit Plus and Age of Empires: Mythologies along with it, using the 3 for 2 deal.
I don't think I would be that lucky, local best buy sucks, they are always sold out or don't have some good titles to begin with.
Wow, you're right. I thought I had been keeping a pretty close watch on its price, but apparently it's been around $20 for two weeks now - that is, if the CAG price tracker isn't lying.
[quote name='mablem8']Wow, you're right. I thought I had been keeping a pretty close watch on its price, but apparently it's been around $20 for two weeks now - that is, if the CAG price tracker isn't lying.[/QUOTE]
The price tracker doesn't lie!

And it's good the MSRP dropped in time for Black Friday :D
I bought it for my son for 9.99 at newegg. The game is worth about $10, but not much more. $20 would be a stretch!
bread's done