Star Wars Episode 3


4 (100%)
I don't care what you think about the movie, or any of that editorializing.

Target: "Low Price", prominently next to 14.99 price point, free collector coin w/purchase. Eps 1,2 are 14.99, OT Box for 44.99, Battlefront2 49.99, $5 GC with some purchase that didn't appear to include Ep3.

BB: Same deal, "Low Price", next to a 14.99 price point. They're bringing back the Master Replica sabers at 99.99, blue and red.
My local walmart sold episode 2 for 10 bucks (wide screen even). I could have waited 4 more hours til best buy opened but to pay 5 bucks more for a free mini calandar? nahh

[quote name='Roufuss']K-Mart is selling it for 16.99, and Episode 1 or 2 (not sure if both of them at the same time are, have to check) are 8.99 if purchased on the same receipt.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='ITDEFX']My local walmart sold episode 2 for 10 bucks (wide screen even). I could have waited 4 more hours til best buy opened but to pay 5 bucks more for a free mini calandar? nahh[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that was a nice price. WM price matched TRU's $10 deal. I wish they did it this year, too. Oh well.
[quote name='Bezerker']So is Toys R Us going to sell this for $9.95 like they did for Episodes 1 & 2?[/QUOTE]

All signs point to no. Hell, I heard a TRU ad on the radio yesterday and no mentions of Episode 3 at all. In comparison when Episode 2 came out I heard ads pretty much every ad break for it no matter what station I had it on.
[quote name='WebScud']Does anyone know what the Best Buy Rewards Zone litho loks like? It's between them and Wal-Mart for me.[/QUOTE]

It's pretty much "meh" to me. I'd rather get it at Wal-Mart.
Thanks for the link.

I agree. I think it's Wal-Mart for me. I'm sick of the Vader image. It's everywhere. How about a new promo shot guys?
[quote name='asaraa']Always Target over Wal-mart.[/QUOTE]

I usually prefer Target, too for everyday items and games, but for this one time, I'm going to WM for the bonus dvd. It might be a crappy 1 hour show, but it beats a lame coin and a sucky lithograph (for Reward Zone customers, too, which I'm not).
I don't think local walmart opens at 6am..thats where i will be tomorrow :p

[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']Will 24 hour Wal-Marts have this out at midnight tonight?[/QUOTE]
From when I worked at Supercenter, they'll put it out at midnight, or if not, they should be willing to get it for you out of the back if it's not actually on the floor yet, but they will sell new releases at midnight. That may be YMMV, but it shouldn't be.
does anybody know the price Meijers is going to have ep III? they do midnight sales and i live right down the street from one.
Anybody get clarification on the Kmart deal if you can get 1 & 2 at the same time both for 8.99, or can you only get one? I plan on going there in the morning since I need to buy 2 also, but if I can get 1 for 8.99 as well I'll probably pick it up as well.
[quote name='SailorDaravon']Anybody get clarification on the Kmart deal if you can get 1 & 2 at the same time both for 8.99, or can you only get one? I plan on going there in the morning since I need to buy 2 also, but if I can get 1 for 8.99 as well I'll probably pick it up as well.[/QUOTE]

I never did get clarification, but honestly, if for some reason the register won't let you get both for 8.99, just nicely ask to talk to a manger and they will probably lower the price of the other down to 8.99 on an override. Managers at K-Mart are usually very nice and helpful as long as you act civilized.

I mean, the wording is really vague, use it to your advantage... the computer might actually just mark both episode 1 and 2 down to 8.99 along with episode 3, I really have no way of knowing until I get to work tommorrow and try it. I can't even price check episode 3 until tommorrow, the computer has locked me out of selling it.
I'm still deciding between the collector's coin at Target or the bonus DVD at Walmart?

Where are you guys going to buy it?
I got back from Wal-Mart a little bit ago and just finsihed watching the deleted scenes. I'm so happy the Rebel Alliance sub-plot made it to the DVD. That was one aspect of the book that I thought the movie was missing. And scene six was just sweet. :whistle2:D

I don't know if this was mentioned before, but the Wal-Mart DVD has two features: "The Story of Luke Skywalker" and "The Story of Anakin Skywalker". It's hosted by R2D2 and C-3PO with a running time of almost an hour. I haven't watched them yet, but I'm there after I finish all the other Episode III bonus stuff.
The two-pack at Wal-Mart sells for $19.96, while the single-disc version is at the $15 price point. Just thought everyone would like to know that you actually end up paying for that bonus disc. Stupid Wal-Mart...
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']The two-pack at Wal-Mart sells for $19.96, while the single-disc version is at the $15 price point. Just thought everyone would like to know that you actually end up paying for that bonus disc. Stupid Wal-Mart...[/QUOTE]

That is what pisses me off about Wallyworld when it comes to bonus discs. BBY, CC, and other places include the bonus disc as a free item to get you to buy the movie at their store yet Wallyworld has the guts to charge people MORE for the same type of item.

Oh well, not like as if we are missing much anyways. I'd imagine the "documentry" explains to people like as if they are dumb the basics of the storyline to the "Star Wars" universe so I'll pass (and save a few bucks too).
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']The two-pack at Wal-Mart sells for $19.96, while the single-disc version is at the $15 price point. Just thought everyone would like to know that you actually end up paying for that bonus disc. Stupid Wal-Mart...[/QUOTE]

Really? At my Wal-Mart both versions were $19.96. I was weary of having to pay an extra $5 or so for a free bonus disc, so I asked the woman at the register to see if there was a differenct in price; there wasn't.

Edit: Whoops nevermind, for some reason what you said didn't register right with me the first time, sorry. Both versions are $19.96 at Wal-Mart however.
What the hell. If you listen to the commentary you can tell the four guys wern't in the same room. Is that to hard to do? It's so weird to hear George speak and then have someone refer to Lucas as "him" or "he" instead of "you" or something along that line.
[quote name='WebScud']What the hell. If you listen to the commentary you can tell the four guys wern't in the same room. Is that to hard to do? It's so weird to hear George speak and then have someone refer to Lucas as "him" or "he" instead of "you" or something along that line.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's not uncommon for that to happen. For one reason or another people get different commentaries and they are just edited together. That's the case in one of the Spider-Man 2 commentaries, for example.
I think someone already mentioned this, but CC has eps 1 and 2 for $9.99.

I'd rather have a box set though. And not one with all 6 eps, just one for the prequel movies. I already gave lucas my $$$ for the OT.
Just got back from BB and got my new Lithograph. Man this sucker is alot bigger than I thought it was gonna be (bigger than most calendars).

It felt weird when I put the dvd next to the the rest of the collection and finally saw all six films side by side. Pretty cool.
[quote name='Requiem']I'm still deciding between the collector's coin at Target or the bonus DVD at Walmart?

Where are you guys going to buy it?[/QUOTE]

I was on the fence too. Grabbed the set at Wal-Mart this morning. I figured I woulc watch the extra DVD, whereas the coin would be neat for a few minutes and then would likely end up in my junk drawer. I like the cover for the extra DVD as well. Keep in tmind, the extra DVD runs you an extra $5 bucks or so.
[quote name='basketkase543']Just got back from BB and got my new Lithograph. Man this sucker is alot bigger than I thought it was gonna be (bigger than most calendars).[/QUOTE]

Oh that's cool. I figured it's be the size of the Circuit CIty Sin City lithos. Any chance we could get a shot for contrast?

[quote name='basketkase543'] It felt weird when I put the dvd next to the the rest of the collection and finally saw all six films side by side. Pretty cool.[/QUOTE]

I know. It is like my DVD tower is complete.
The price of the DVD at Wal-mart rang up the same for the 2 disc edition and the one with the bonus DVD, but that's because Wal-Mart intentionally doesn't correct the price until the morning and scams people out of their money. If you bought the regular edition without the bonus DVD, just bring your receipt to Wal-Mart and they'll correct it. That's what I'm doing.
so I picked mine up at Walmart and am waiting for work to end and to see if anyone watched the walmart bonus and is it worth it?
[quote name='Blips']The price of the DVD at Wal-mart rang up the same for the 2 disc edition and the one with the bonus DVD, but that's because Wal-Mart intentionally doesn't correct the price until the morning and scams people out of their money. If you bought the regular edition without the bonus DVD, just bring your receipt to Wal-Mart and they'll correct it. That's what I'm doing.[/QUOTE]

I noticed that too when I was there. I just decided to buy the package with the bonus disc then, I mean I drove all the way there and they were the same price anyway.
[quote name='Richter']as complete as my dvd shelf is, it doesnt look right have 4-6 in a spiffy box while 1-3 are stand-alones :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

I know, that's what I was thinking last night when I put 3 on my shelf.
[quote name='2fast_2fuhrer']Really? At my Wal-Mart both versions were $19.96. I was weary of having to pay an extra $5 or so for a free bonus disc, so I asked the woman at the register to see if there was a differenct in price; there wasn't.[/QUOTE]

Wow. That bites. The DVD itself is $14.96 at my WMs and $19.96 with the bonus DVD.
I put it on hold at my library....There's like 72 people ahead of me, but they can only hold it for 3 days, and there's 20 copies to go around. Kinda off topic...but.....w/e.............SHUT UP!
(Back on topic, my friend got the copy with free coin. It was funny, he brought it to school today and was showing it off to everybody.
Here is clairification about the walmart prices, I talked to the manager about the price, and although I think they are being a little sketchy about the pricing, I understood and was contempt with my purchase.

Starwars episode 3 is listed with a 29.99 retail.

(Btw it's nice seeing retail prices like this, im not sure if its to try to make us feel better about paying 19.99, or to try to push up the price point of the avg movie)

So they are taking the one with the (free bonus) dvd and are discounting it down to 19.xx

And then taking the ones without it and discounting it even further to 14.xx

The 14.xx price point is where most other retailers are selling their product, so walmart is just using the retail price to their advantage. The manager I spoke with still liked to express that I was getting a good deal saving 10.00 :roll:
For those curious about the size of the Best Buy litho, here's a shot of it with the DVD.
[quote name='Theenternal']Starwars episode 3 is listed with a 29.99 retail.

(Btw it's nice seeing retail prices like this, im not sure if its to try to make us feel better about paying 19.99, or to try to push up the price point of the avg movie)

Comic book shop guy here...
If we were to order a copy of SW Episode 3, it would cost us anywhere from $19-$23. Having the MSRP at 29.99 is technically where we would make our profit. Then again, with the extreme price wars everywhere, and the fact they order thousands for thier chains at a steep disount, we dont carry DVD's anymore :)
They had a boat load of those things at the register this morning. The cashier told me he was suprised not many people came in early this morning. They even opened at 8am but little showed up. See thats what the fuckers get for not doing a midnight release, with free pizza, prizes, local radio station entertainment and storm troopers it would have had a crowd.. damn i should have had my camera back then :( I just walked in, got my battlefront 2 DVD :) , Office space (not the useless boxed items) War of the worlds season 1 and tadaa Danger Mouse season 1 :) last but not least Enterprise season 4.

Got my ROTS dvd at walmart with the bonus disc. After looking at the disc carefully i think its the same thing they showed on I think A&E a few months ago/last year prior to the trilogy box set release :O I haven't opened it yet but if it is..then its going back to walmart and exchange for the cheaper one ... I already saw that special and it was for those who have never seen the star wars series before. bah

[quote name='JebusMcLucifer']For those curious about the size of the Best Buy litho, here's a shot of it with the DVD.
[quote name='jetlag16']I put it on hold at my library....There's like 72 people ahead of me, but they can only hold it for 3 days, and there's 20 copies to go around. Kinda off topic...but.....w/e.............SHUT UP!
(Back on topic, my friend got the copy with free coin. It was funny, he brought it to school today and was showing it off to everybody.[/QUOTE]

You're the first I've ever heard who reserves at the library. That's an interesting way of doing it :lol:

And that kid showing off the coin at school - is he like six years old?
[quote name='jetlag16']I put it on hold at my library....There's like 72 people ahead of me, but they can only hold it for 3 days, and there's 20 copies to go around. Kinda off topic...but.....w/e.............SHUT UP![/QUOTE]

And as a librarian in the Cleveland area, this is not an unusual thing for people to do. We have about 500 people on the waiting list for Episode III and over 800 people on the list for Batman Begins. I can honestly say I don't rent movies at all anymore since I just get them at the library and many other people do, too. Now if I could just convince our system to get video games I'd be in complete heaven!
[quote name='Requiem']You're the first I've ever heard who reserves at the library. That's an interesting way of doing it :lol:

And that kid showing off the coin at school - is he like six years old?[/QUOTE]

Hey, I borrow dvds all the time at my university library. I think its great, makes me feel a little better about paying the ever increasing tuition.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Got my ROTS dvd at walmart with the bonus disc. After looking at the disc carefully i think its the same thing they showed on I think A&E a few months ago/last year prior to the trilogy box set release :O I haven't opened it yet but if it is..then its going back to walmart and exchange for the cheaper one ... I already saw that special and it was for those who have never seen the star wars series before. bah[/QUOTE]
Is that the same one that came with the RotS OST? Oh wait, that was called "The Music of Star Wars" if I recall. Meh. Might pick that version up anyway. I do have a friend who hasn't seen any. If I convince her to watch them, that DVD might help it make more sense or something.
Not sure if anyone has posted anything about the Wal-mart bonus disc or not.
But if not...

The disc does a basic run through of the story of Anakin & Luke.
Each story shows clips and is told by C-3PO & R2-D2.
The story of Anakin recaps episode 1 & 2.
The story of Luke recaps episode 4,5 & 6.

Its not that bad, but its not really anything new.
OT: Anyone else check out that godawful "Star Wars: Revelations" movie that's floating around the net? Google it if you don't know what I'm talking about...
[quote name='Requiem']

And that kid showing off the coin at school - is he like six years old?[/QUOTE]

Try 16....or maybe 17. I'm not sure. He's not actually my friend.
[quote name='Requiem']

And that kid showing off the coin at school - is he like six years old?[/QUOTE]

Try 16....or maybe 17. I'm not sure. He's not actually my friend. And not just the coin...the DVD as well. He kept saying the force was with him...... and other people as well...
[quote name='Richter']as complete as my dvd shelf is, it doesnt look right have 4-6 in a spiffy box while 1-3 are stand-alones :whistle2:/[/QUOTE]

Throw away your spiffy box. Problem solved.

bread's done