Star Wars Over Rated?

You know what, I do enjoy Star Wars. However I feel that people are too OBSESSED with it, acting like as if it really exsists. I know its pure escapeism, and damn it, I enjoy it too but for crying outloud when you got people doing stupid things like skipping work/school, standing in line for MONTHS for the first showing, buying 30 of the same action figure, etc etc etc.... it makes me feel sick.

Don't get me wrong, like I said I enjoy Star Wars myself. I own some Star Wars stuff myself. My most valuble collectable out of the few items I own is the 1995 THX Faces Letterbox Laserdisc edition of the original trilogy. This is the LAST time the true unaltered original versions have been released to the public, and I cheerish them greatly.

But as far as I am concerned, I'm going to wait at least several weeks if not longer before going to see Episode 3. No big hurry for me, it will be the same film several weeks after it comes out.
First of all a quick word about Star Wars merchandizing: Star Wars is by far the most over-merchandized property out there. Nuff Said. People "investing" in that junk need their heads examined. You get better returns on a standard bank CD.

As for the movies, Attack of the Clones wasn't a bad movie, I really enjoyed it. There were a few too many "Side-Scroller videogame" elements to it, but the story wasn't bad and I remained interested the whole time.

Phantom Menace on the other hand is just a terrible movie. Lucas really went overboard and wound up making a movie that was nearly unwatchable. People blame JAR JAR all the time, but screw that.....Jar Jar isn't HALF as annoying as JAKE LLOYD.

He's like the worst child actor I've ever seen. He doesn't even come off convincingly as a KID, forget as some "someday to be dark jedi master". Every Time he opened his mouth I cringed. I mean he was literally a kid with absolutely no personality. Did anyone find his pod-race convincingly real? All I saw was some dumb child actor getting shaken around in a pod.

Heck, watch the DVD extras and documentary on the Phantom Menace disc. Even when they are filming him on bluescreen for the pod race shots, he's too stupid to act! The director shouts "OK Something just exploded to your left!". What does he do? he sits there getting shaken around. Does he look left, like any normal person would? Does he jerk himself sideways? Nope. He sits there.

Then the director, whos still shouting at him via a megaphone.."Ok Now..somethings comeing up on your left....its closer...WHAM! Something just hit you from the side!".

And our boy....just sits there...looking forward...getting shaken around in the prop pod while they film him.

I mean...howmuch acting talent does it take to figure out that if someone says "Something just exploded above you!", you "ACT" by looking surprised and flinching back as you look up!

Its his entire performance like this throughout the entire movie that really ruins it for me.
I mean, poor kid, prolly under huge pressure....making Star Wars of all things.....but still, he was terrible. I'm sure part of it is Lucas's lousy directing style.....I dont mind Jedi being wooden and deadpan, but his overly-cutesy emphasis on the entire film, and the inclusion of Jake Lloyd as..bleh..anakin skywalker? Ruined....utterly ruined.

Want to see some horrible actiing? Watch the part where Jake has to leave his mother and go with QuiGon. Think about're like're leaving your only relative to go with a guy you met a day ago. Jake walks behind QuiGon. Then he stops...he pauses for like 4 seconds (I swear you can see him counting), then turns....and says to his mom..."I just can't do it!". 8 or 9 year old would go running crying to his mom..."I CAN'T GO!"....tears streaming. But our boy Jake just stands there...delivers his line, then turns after Shimi says whatever she says, he delivers some more "reading off the cue card" diologue, and the scene ends.

....and so does the hope that this film would be anything more than pure suckage. :p
I think that if you fall outside of Gen X then you won't have as much of an appreciation for Star Wars as you could.
There is some truth to this, but now having seen the Rings trilogy I can say as an adult I vastly prefer that experience to Luke and Han. Rings had a great story and deep characters to suck you in. Star Wars had the "simple but classic storyline" and the cool special FX.
[quote name='HeadRusch']There is some truth to this, but now having seen the Rings trilogy I can say as an adult I vastly prefer that experience to Luke and Han. Rings had a great story and deep characters to suck you in. Star Wars had the "simple but classic storyline" and the cool special FX.[/QUOTE]

I'm not so sure... I waver depending on my mood whether I like LotR or SW better. SW just has that christmas morning feeling about it... I don't know...

I am not hearing these words of treason...


First of all, episode one did not suck. Jar Jar Binks did. The movie was a great explanation of the beginning of a story. I think what some you SW newb's don't understand is that there is a whole other world outside of the movies. The novels alone create a fantastic universe. Games like KOTOR 1 and 2 are great examples of novels come to life.
Star Wars is so multi-layered that it works like this for me.

There's parts that I don't like, such as the ewoks, gungans, cheesy stuff. But then theres the better more in depth Jedi, Starfighter, overall lore aspects.. and those are very cool and are gone into great detail via books and the better games.

Overall though, Star Wars is so big that it's whatever you make of it. The trick is sorting the wheat from the chaff. Oh, and ignoring the loudmouthed attention whore freaks. =)
Here's something I just thought of that I haven't seen written.

I just saw the commercial for it, and you see yoda say "Destroy the Sith, we...must!" And then there was the Yoda lightsabre fights in epII.

Here's the thing about Yoda. Yoda was awesome, because he seemed like a wiley, crazy old senile man. But the truth was that he was extremely wise, and the crazyness almost seemed like a facade. When you see a younger, non old-and-crazy Yoda talking like that, it just looks stupid. Same with the light sabre fights. I understand that Yoda wasn't ALWAYS old and crazy, but come on. It completely loses the appeal of the character.
I personaly think starwars sucks ass. I don't understand why it's so popular. The damn Xwing Pilot uniforms are the ugliest pieces of crap I have ever seen. Just thinking about it makes me hate starwars more.
I never understood the huge appeal of Star Wars. I am a HUGE Star Trek fan though (TOS, TNG and DS9 mainly, the others have their good points too) so I am probably biased.
Star Wars is all about Christmas of 1977...when everybody got the same Luke and C3po and Darth Vader figures cuz thats all you could find. And the landspeeder.

If it was Christmas 1977, and you didn't have a landspeeder with C3P0 and R2D2 figures to ride on the back when you went back to school, you were taken out at recess and laughed at mercilessly.
bread's done