Starfox Command


1 (100%)
So I just started playing this game and not having played starfox on n64 or no snes, I don't really have a bar to compare it to but so far it's been pretty fun.

The game itself is a lot like metroid prime hunters from touchpad control down to map 'navigation'. Fox talks with some robot dude for a while and then gives you a few options which I think are missions and when you select one, you see a tactical map showing the locations of enemy swarms, your main ship or carrier thing, and then your own ship. Basically, you draw a line from your ship in whatever direction you want within a given limit which i'm sure gets upgraded sort of like nintendogs or kirby. Then when you're sure, you press this big green button and it shows all the ships move, your own ship moving along the path you designated. If you cross paths with an enemy swarm, it goes into a battle mode where you control your arwing and shoot down a bunch of polygons.

So far, none of the missions have been difficult at all and they've been sort of monotonous. The AI isn't too sharp either so taking down enemies isn't horribly difficult. I'm guessing it might be like Mario 3-on-3 where the game is a breeze until a ridiculously difficult final boss but I'll have to wait and see.

One thing I do love are the voice dubs for the characters other than Fox. The frog and the robot dudes speak like animal crossing characters on some serious caffeine.

From gamefaqs, I've gathered that the online Wifi mode is the 'best' part of the game so if anyone else has this out there, maybe we can try it out sometime.

Does anyone else have any impressions from trying out the game?
So skippy doesnt scream "FOXXXXXXXXXX!" when his ship goes down? That was my favorite part of Starfox 64, listening to Skippy beg for help as I pretend to only hear static. bummer.
This game is arlready out? Is it like the N64 or Snes version? New or Remake? I must know, as it looks cool, and I dont wanna be dissapointed again like I was with assault.
[quote name='Riyonuk']This game is arlready out? Is it like the N64 or Snes version? New or Remake? I must know, as it looks cool, and I dont wanna be dissapointed again like I was with assault.[/quote]
It's not out here till the 28th or thereabouts. Likely imported.
I think they set the bar too high with Starfox 64. That is still one of my favorite games of all time. I think I'll skip this one unless I read some raving reviews.
[quote name='encendido5']I think they set the bar too high with Starfox 64. That is still one of my favorite games of all time. I think I'll skip this one unless I read some raving reviews.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm really having mixed feelings about this game...I really wish they would just stick with the Starfox64 formula. It definitely is one of the greatest games of all time. I'm not sure the touch screen controls will be all that great in this situation.

Starfox Assault was also a letdown. I know some people thought only the ground missions were bad but the air missions didn't really captivate me the way 64 did either.

The Wi-Fi may be cool but I'm not sure I like the whole strategy aspect of the single player game. I think I'm going to wait for reviews as well.
I was excited about this game for its wifi options, but as details become clearer, it seems like they won't be all that good. As far as I can tell, single-card proximity play allows up to 6 in a dogfight mode, which is cool, but you can't select characters (everyone's limited to Fox's arwing) and you can't select arenas (random only). Wifi is limited to 4 players. I understand there's a co-op mode, but I haven't heard anything concrete about it. I'm willing to bet it's multi-card only and totally impossible to do over wifi.

Why does Nintendo have to cripple all their DS wifi games?? It's ridiculous. The technology is there, but the implementation always falls just a bit short of what you'd hope. Like not being able to play anything but deathmatch in a non-friend MPH game. Or not being able to add bots to wifi in MPH. Or how difficult it is to add people you encounter online as friends. Drives me crazy.
Does anyone know if Nintendo included any voice chat in the WiFi mode? Even though it is unlikely, it would be pretty cool if they included in-game voice chat, which I think would seriously enhance the online experience for most WiFi games.
[quote name='pmoose']Does anyone know if Nintendo included any voice chat in the WiFi mode? Even though it is unlikely, it would be pretty cool if they included in-game voice chat, which I think would seriously enhance the online experience for most WiFi games.[/quote]

That's another good example. Esp. if there were going to be wifi coop... it would make sense in the context of the game to have "radio" communication between the players' ships. They just never seem to go that extra mile on wifi features.
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