Steam Deal Fallout 3 *GOTY* 50% off

Is it worth to get Fallout 3 GOTY if I have it for PS3 already? Thinking of just trading PS3 version in and just buying it on steam. Good decision or no?
I'm actually in the process of starting up Morrowind again. Installed it yesterday, added about 80 mods/patches... Can anyone confirm that Morrowind Graphics Extender and the FPS Optimizer work with the Steam version? I'd pay for the convenience of not having to load the disc in when I can't find it for $5.

I'm on the fence for Oblivion. The world was much more...bland to me than Morrowind. It just didn't feel as deep. But, as someone mentioned, there are hitboxes in Oblivion; in Morrowind, you have dice rolls, just about. Beware!
[quote name='bigant262']Is it worth to get Fallout 3 GOTY if I have it for PS3 already? Thinking of just trading PS3 version in and just buying it on steam. Good decision or no?[/QUOTE]

You're in the same boat as I was. I was contemplating the same thing as I too have Fallout 3 GOTY for PS3. I haven't played it as I have both a huge backlog and (mainly) heard the PS3 GOTY version is plagued to high heaven with nasty bugs/freezing/crashing issues.

The PC version has it's share of problems, but some people get affected while others don't, but at least there are unofficial patches from the community that fix a lot of stuff and makes the game more stable.

So...I bought all three games off Steam and will soon be trading in both Fallout 3 GOTY and Oblivion GOTY for PS3 in. IMO, it was the best decision to make...just wish I never bought them for the PS3 in the first place and waited for this deal to begin with. ;)

But yeah, the PC versions are the superior versions, and again, IMO, the best way to experience these games....because of the patches...and mainly...the MODS.
Sweet! In for Fallout 3. Been waiting for it to go on sale for awhile.

Also, for anyone planning on paying Oblivion, I highly recommend getting FCOM Convergence mods. I started a second playthrough using it awhile back and it was so much better that time around. Never got to finish it though because my HDD died when I was about 60 hours in :(
[quote name='ForeStorm']I'm actually in the process of starting up Morrowind again. Installed it yesterday, added about 80 mods/patches... Can anyone confirm that Morrowind Graphics Extender and the FPS Optimizer work with the Steam version? I'd pay for the convenience of not having to load the disc in when I can't find it for $5.

I'm on the fence for Oblivion. The world was much more...bland to me than Morrowind. It just didn't feel as deep. But, as someone mentioned, there are hitboxes in Oblivion; in Morrowind, you have dice rolls, just about. Beware![/QUOTE]

I was looking to find out the same thing. It seems like you can do it using the Steam data files but it requires a no-cd crack and you aren't supposed to be able to launch the game via a shortcut.

Here's the work around that I found, but I haven't tried it myself so I can only take their word that it works.
temped on oblivion even tho ive been playing it on and off on my xbox . i rather play on my xbox but the graphics are a bit bad even for an xbox game hehe
I picked up Elder Scrolls IV and Morrowind. I already had the two GoTY Editions on the 360 but I never really did play them. Plus I don't think the GoTY Edition of Oblivion even had all of the DLC included.

I already got Fallout 3 GoTY Edition on the 360 and I got it on PC (disc version) so I will not be getting it on Steam. It is an excellent deal though since it is only $25USD.

In Canada the GoTY was $69.99CDN plus tax for the PS3 and 360 versions and I still think it goes for that price. I traded in games so I got it for $20 on its release but still.

Even when all the DLC goes on sale for $5 on Xbox Live it still would cost $25USD so in a way if you think of it that way you are getting Fallout 3 for free (if you think of the DLC being half price). Great deal so I don't know why people are complaining about the price.
[quote name='kart007k']I just bought Alienware M11x for $740.00. I will pick up Oblivion and Morrowind, but Fallout GOTY should be $15.00 by now.[/QUOTE]

I have an M11x too yay
[quote name='Mike UFC']LOL. I just bought this and downloaded it only to find they ran out of game keys. Yay DRM.[/QUOTE]

What! I just bought this too but had to go to work before it finished downloading. So when I get back home tomorrow, I won't have a key to enter into GFWL? That sucks.

Not like it matters I guess. I think the key is only necessary if you want achievements.
Valve will put the game on your account without a key and will add a key to your account as soon as they get a fresh batch in. Same happened to me with Mass Effect 1, took a few days until I got a key and then everything was fine. Better option than taking the deal down when they run out of stock I guess.
[quote name='Mike UFC']LOL. I just bought this and downloaded it only to find they ran out of game keys. Yay DRM.[/QUOTE]

Can someone post when GFWL or whoever gets more keys? I guess i'll buy Fallout 3 now and hope steam doesn't screw me.

On a unrelated note... smoke alarms suck. Especially when they wake you up in the middle of the night.
[quote name='dabamus']FYI, any GFWL key should work with any GFWL game if you have an extra one.[/QUOTE]

GFWL keys are game specific, the original ones might have not been. But the new ones are as a form of DRM.
Personally I don't use GFWL with this game. All it is going to do is cause you headaches if you use some mods. There is a mod or app that removes GFWL requirement from the game. You won't be able to get your achievements though if you do that. Most of the problems with GFWL seems to be with putting saves, dlc in a different place so mods can not access that content if they depend on it. hmmm might not be a issue with the steam version since you are downloading the dlc from steam not GFWL.
Yep, got my key too but a lot of mods aren't compatible with GFWL and they disable (I think FOSE does anyway). Would have been nice to get the achievements but I'm not going to lose sleep over it.
bread's done