Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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I don't know, Deep Silver is pretty hardcore about region locking shit and region locks can be added just prior to release. I wouldn't try it if you're not NA honestly. Also since they aren't handing out keys in advance has a high likelihood to get canceled. Just saying.

Presumably it's one of these, and that isn't NA-locked.
Yeah, it's only europe locked out :(

This item can not be purchased in Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Monaco, CS, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, CS, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Great Britain, Holy See (Vatican City State), Aland Islands, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Jersey, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, .

At first I thought [G$]'d corrected [Gat out of Hell] already because it said there was an error w the transaction, but it was probably because I was trying to use Paypal for which I have a different email address. Using cc/deb worked fine.

re: IR Mystery 3, I was set to buy until I saw that only 2/8 have cards, and that's pretty much the only reason I'd willingly buy dupes.

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New Daily Indie Game. $1. All Desura stuff but doesn't seem to have all been bundled to death and BTA, which is pathetically low, gives two sets of keys.

Games included: 

- Resist and Refuse

- Blocked Street 

- Red Goblin: Cursed Forest 

- Jane Croft 

- Aquarius 

- Easy St Tycoon

They have an account based system now and have been really quick about adding Steam keys for new releases from their bundles so no more having to write in.

*Edit: Though none of these seem to be on Greenlight. They still could be added to Steam someday, it's not exactly a hard process, but no guarantees.

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Just ordered and got a confirmation email at 5:37 pm eastern (checking out through gamestop not paypal).

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Oh and Watch Dogs ran fine for me and I really enjoyed it. So there.
I also enjoyed Watch Dogs. Chicago; the theme of hacking; mix of GTA-gameplay + stealth was absolutely fantastic. A freaking blast to play.

While the plot itself was fine - the characters and story development was quite "meh." Very disappointed w/ that stuff. They could've done more with that stuff - a lot more.

Had to tone some of my setting down on WD PC to get it to run worth a damn, though. It looked gorgeous at higher settings - but, wouldn't run worth a damn (i.e. think anywhere below 30 frames; often in the 10-20 frames range + sometimes even less).

Didn't look spectacular at what I had it on - but it was decent enough and run fine there for me.

Deal dead now?
Sorry it still seems good. It seems to have been something wrong with useing my Paypal. Bought directly with my credit card and it worked and I got my confirmation E-mail.

It didn't work for me when I tried the paypal checkout button, but I did the normal checkout and set payment to paypal and it worked fine.
Yep same thing I did at first as well.

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I keep getting a generic "Sorry! There was an error processing your order. We apologize for the inconvenience; please check back later." error.

GlitchStop Saints Row worked for me just now with Paypal.  Got a confirmation, no idea if it'll be honored.

I thought SR4 was okay but liked SRTT better since I liked bang bang and driving more than pew pew and super leaping.  Gat Out of Hell seems like it'll be closer to SR4 than SRTT so 75% was my waiting point anyway on it.

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But GOG people will just think it's the same anyway because everything on GOG is better.
That's a case-by-case thing. Gamers should read the forums, listen to gamers, and figure out what version's the one for them.

Sure, it's nice to be DRM-FREE on GOG versions. That often can be easier to mod, less DRM issues, and other nonsense that can crop up w/ other versions. But, sometimes it's the fault of the developer and/or publisher, depending on how they actually decide to support the product (or not support it).

They should test EVERY version properly - taking into account game-clients, DRM, overlays, and things of that nature. Sometimes, I really think these dev's or pub's are lazy - just make a version for GOG, thinking it'll work on Steam no problem...yet, it doesn't w/out working around it (see Wiz 8 Steam-version).

Take Deadly Premonition PC, for instance - Steam vs. GOG. Steam-version's got a leg-up on GOG.

I have the Steam-version only, BTW.

Steam-version is (still) one patch ahead of the GOG version. Who knows if the GOG version will ever get patched, the way it's going. That's VERY important - and gamers should know that.

Regardless of what version - it's a horrible port. Check both GOG + Steam forums. The game runs like garbage and likely will eventually crash; you're going to need DPFix to stick it above the locked 720p; and you'll likely need to a program to make it Large Address Aware so it runs better + takes into account over 4GB of regular RAM.

Great game, though. It's too bad that it's riddled w/ such a bad port; and crummy support from the company that ported it.

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I'll wait for the new SR, It will be 75% very soon (and maybe will get 15678 DLCs). Still have SR3 & 4 unfinished

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Dagnabbit, I've been holding off on getting SR4 until the GotG version is $5 because I've barely touched SR3 and haven't even played SR2. Now you guys have made me completely skip ahead and buy Gat Out of Hell.

Good job fellas.

But Origin claims that price is 75% off. :nottalking:
The BASE is on sale but you have to do it through the client and then click through the pop up. Then it puts it in your cart for $7.50 (75% off) and then asks if you want to upgrade to the Complete Edition, but if you do that the price changes in the cart to $40 and no sale.

It's literally that price everywhere.
Well I didn't look everywhere but the few places I just checked most certainly list it for $39.99. Apparently I just don't have Neuro's flair for deal posting. Maybe if I would have blinged up my post with the Origin image it would have magically become a deal.

I can now claim that I hate Origin because they made me look stupid. I assume no blame.

Edited: Motoki just made me look stupid too. Along with Lostnumber and all his clan. Stop it Neuro.

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Well I didn't look everywhere but the few places I just checked most certainly list it for $39.99. Apparently I just don't have Neuro's flair for deal posting. Maybe if I would have blinged up my post with the Origin image it would have magically become a deal.

I can now claim that I hate Origin because they made me look stupid. I assume no blame.

Edited: Motoki just made me look stupid too. Along with Lostnumber and all his clan. Stop it Neuro.
Well done! I knew you were being trolled because EA almost never puts anything on sale for 75% off.

Off topic - Y u still have X-mas decorations up? It's like almost February.

Well I didn't look everywhere but the few places I just checked most certainly list it for $39.99. Apparently I just don't have Neuro's flair for deal posting. Maybe if I would have blinged up my post with the Origin image it would have magically become a deal.

I can now claim that I hate Origin because they made me look stupid. I assume no blame.

Edited: Motoki just made me look stupid too. Along with Lostnumber and all his clan. Stop it Neuro.

Dagnabbit, I've been holding off on getting SR4 until the GotG version is $5 because I've barely touched SR3 and haven't even played SR2. Now you guys have made me completely skip ahead and buy Gat Out of Hell.
If it helps, Gat out of Hell is more of a standalone expansion to part IV, and not really a new game. On the consoles, it's part of a Saints Row IV package called Saints Row IV: Re-Elected containing all the other DLC and which will probably be available on Steam at some point as well.

Also, 3 and 4 are so inter-connected story-wise that you're better off just playing part 3 for now, if 4 isn't at your buy price.

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If it helps, Gat out of Hell is more of a standalone expansion to part IV, and not really a new game. On the consoles, it's part of a Saints Row IV package called Saints Row IV: Re-Elected containing all the other DLC and which will probably be available on Steam at some point as well.

Also, 3 and 4 are so inter-connected story-wise that you're better off just playing part 3 for now, if 4 isn't at your buy price.
Ok, that does help ... a little.

I can now claim that I hate Origin because they made me look stupid. I assume no blame.
Don't feel bad, Origin client trolled me last year when it said Battlefield 1942 "is now free". I immediately let everyone know.

It was only a year+ late in letting me know. The community, however, delicately corrected my blunder.

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Just got an alert from SD about the Saint's Row: Gat out of Hell, so expect those cancellations to come soon once people start buying 5-10 copies of the damn thing.  On a totally unrelated note, my confirmation email arrived at 5:08pm EST. :p

Don't feel bad, Origin client trolled me last year when it said Battlefield 1942 "is now free". I immediately let everyone know.

It was only a year+ late in letting me know. The community, however, delicately corrected my blunder.
bad neuro spanky spakny tmie

The BASE is on sale but you have to do it through the client and then click through the pop up. Then it puts it in your cart for $7.50 (75% off) and then asks if you want to upgrade to the Complete Edition, but if you do that the price changes in the cart to $40 and no sale.
$5.5 at MX. But I don't know about it, base game only and some bad reviews. Should stay with SC4
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New Daily Indie Game. $1. All Desura stuff but doesn't seem to have all been bundled to death and BTA, which is pathetically low, gives two sets of keys.

Games included:

- Resist and Refuse

- Blocked Street

- Red Goblin: Cursed Forest

- Jane Croft

- Aquarius

- Easy St Tycoon
Tempted to throw in a buck for Jane Croft, but the sheer awfulness of those other games is scaring me off. Seriously, who demanded a revival of terrible 80's handheld games?

Tempted to throw in a buck for Jane Croft, but the sheer awfulness of those other games is scaring me off. Seriously, who demanded a revival of terrible 80's handheld games?
If you beat the monumental average of $1.04 you get two sets of keys and can split them with someone.

bread's done