Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Last night the bros played Prop Hunt mode in TF2 and it was pretty fun. We found a good server and had a good turn out (7-8 bros). The night got bad towards the end just because we had to play in public servers and we got randoms. Randoms weren't necessarily an issue, but we got some Prop Hunt pros who knew all the tricks to get to hard to find spots in the map (when playing as props) and who had the levels memorized (when playing as hunters) so they knew instantly when something was out of place.
Yeah, it was pretty fun although some of the mod quirks were annoying like the inability to change load outs from round to round. Also, of special note, was me sitting happy in my hiding spot and GBK saying on Discord "HEY YOU ARE A CONE WITH A GREAT HIDING SPOT". That's a moment that shouldn't go forgotten :lol:

I laugh everytime one of these sales come around with all the wailing and gnashing of teeth about how poor the sales are, and then the eventual dozens long haul lists. It's so predictable, it's like the gaming equivalent of comfort food.
I think you're conflating two different groups of people. I said the sale sucked and I bought four cheapo indie games. Other people bought 3-5 games. But, yeah, if you complain about the sale and then buy 75 games, you're a weirdo.

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Here's my haul: (even though I don't know you people very well XD)




(I bought those for myself. I just forgot to take a screenshot)



Are you only able to play 32-bit Dark Souls? I was going to mention the Humble Monthly would have been a better option but I think Scholar of the First Sin is 64-bit only.
I can play scholar of the first sin based on my specs, but it would run much slower compared to the 32 bit version.

My haul was PUBG from GMG.

Pretty satisfied with that. 17 hours in and loving it. Although I miss the Steam sales of old, it's kind of nice to have played 100% of my haul. 

So are they actually going to attempt 'optimizing' it. Or just give up and say 'oh well this the best we can do', even though people have been screaming at them for a year to work on it, and WONT admit that they CANT because they are still using a beta UE version and refuse to upgrade even after being told to do so by both nvidia and epic


scrolling through the forums looks like nope, they have never made an attempt at optimizing anything

Also, lol, this is still their min reqs

OS: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, or Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
Memory: 4000 MB RAM
Graphics: DirectX10 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 40000 MB available space

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Well, I'm glad I got my couple hundred hours in back in the day.  I don't feel any real interest in getting the DLC so I can happily ignore their pricing shenanigans or continued lack of optimization.

Yeah they really need optimization that memory leak caused more crashes and freezing then it should have I gave benefit of doubt since it was an alpha game but not after the game is released.
No optimization is crap and devs seem pretty clueless. They wanted to charge $60 for it on console so I guess they felt they had to jack up the PC price. That said, people had a chance to get it for $12 in a Humble monthly so I don't really have much sympathy for anyone complaining about the price jack.
I'm pretty sure I read (on reddit) that the next three patches are suppose to be about optimization but I could be wrong. I do know that optimizationis the last thing you work on before release as any changes in game design could easily ruin month's worth of optimization.

Anyhow, since we are all friends here I'm more than willing to sale my humble monthly copy for say... 24 bucks? lol

(Joking on the price but not on having a copy. I found out the other day I never redeemed or sold my copy.)
ooooh, bionic dino skins, shut up and take my money! fuck that

It is a cool game but it comes with a doses of annoyances that have not been fixed for a long time and I think thats the rub.

No amount of optimization is going to make some massive base with 100's of dinos parked in it run smooth. Its just going to be a demanding game. I can forgive that to a point.

Its the other shite, Dinos getting stuck in each other all the time. Getting stuck in the map, building is a major pain in the butt. The dev has done nothing on these points and others, and in fact goes all in on this neglect with stuff like the flyer nerf. Everyone flys because going on land is ass. Pathing is horrible, dinos get stuck on the stupidest things. Instead of fixing that, they choose to just make flying a huge annoyance. ya, nice call dev.

I also wonder if they are ever going to fix their horribly broken VR support. They added it way back when just because they could just say they had it by flipping the switch in the game engine. Then they did nothing with it and it is since completely broken and not even usable. Im willing to wager they will just remove that from the steam game page as a feature all together though

I'm pretty sure I read (on reddit) that the next three patches are suppose to be about optimization but I could be wrong. I do know that optimizationis the last thing you work on before release as any changes in game design could easily ruin month's worth of optimization.

Anyhow, since we are all friends here I'm more than willing to sale my humble monthly copy for say... 24 bucks? lol

(Joking on the price but not on having a copy. I found out the other day I never redeemed or sold my copy.)
How much would you sell it for?
I saved this as one of the finest moments of yesterdays game, when a column managed to kill 3 hunters and win the game, God bless Shadowplay.

blame the morans who buy it. Steam ea culture is to blame as well.
On the bright side, I'm glad I played it back when it was more cavemen and dinosaurs and not cyber-bio-laser-megasaurus-monsters.

That Prop Hunt video is awesome. That was Weiler as the giant column, right?

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Tremor has a free game, Hardroom, if you earn 10 coins today. 


I did a Superrewards website browse offer for 14 points. 

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On the bright side, I'm glad I played it back when it was more cavemen and dinosaurs and not cyber-bio-laser-megasaurus-monsters.

That Prop Hunt video is awesome. That was Weiler as the giant column, right?
Yes! prop hunt glory. Its is even more glorious knowing that i was firing blind the whole time. All you see on your screen is column.

Apparently there's a new game on Steam with uncensored sex scenes and one of my CAG pervs friends already owns it!  Called House Party and it looks totally rad dudes!

I saved this as one of the finest moments of yesterdays game, when a column managed to kill 3 hunters and win the game, God bless Shadowplay.
My first ever Bro Night, and I'm in a highlight reel. Yay! Last night was fun though.

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Apparently there's a new game on Steam with uncensored sex scenes and one of my CAG pervs friends already owns it! Called House Party and it looks totally rad dudes!
Watched a Giantbomb video that had a preview of this game and it was hilarious watching. Not sure if I would buy it though. Seems like one of those games perfect for twitch/YouTube. It evens has a masturbate button lol
So are they actually going to attempt 'optimizing' it. Or just give up and say 'oh well this the best we can do', even though people have been screaming at them for a year to work on it, and WONT admit that they CANT because they are still using a beta UE version and refuse to upgrade even after being told to do so by both nvidia and epic


scrolling through the forums looks like nope, they have never made an attempt at optimizing anything

Also, lol, this is still their min reqs

OS: 64-Bit Windows 7 Service Pack 1, or Windows 8
Processor: 2 GHz Dual-Core 64-bit CPU
Memory: 4000 MB RAM
Graphics: DirectX10 Compatible GPU with 1 GB Video RAM
DirectX: Version 10
Storage: 40000 MB available space
The last 2 big month patches have been only bug fixes and some optimizations. It is far from being fully optimized but it is getting there. This is an EA game after all so not sure what everyone is expecting. It hasn't been in EA hell forever. Server startups are already much faster now too and use less memory as well.

ooooh, bionic dino skins, shut up and take my money! fuck that

It is a cool game but it comes with a doses of annoyances that have not been fixed for a long time and I think thats the rub.

No amount of optimization is going to make some massive base with 100's of dinos parked in it run smooth. Its just going to be a demanding game. I can forgive that to a point.

Its the other shite, Dinos getting stuck in each other all the time. Getting stuck in the map, building is a major pain in the butt. The dev has done nothing on these points and others, and in fact goes all in on this neglect with stuff like the flyer nerf. Everyone flys because going on land is ass. Pathing is horrible, dinos get stuck on the stupidest things. Instead of fixing that, they choose to just make flying a huge annoyance. ya, nice call dev.
The price increase kinda sucks but a lot of games increase in price after leaving EA. Should it be at AAA pricing? That is a consumer choice call. And should the price have gone up already? Hell no! Wait until Aug. 8 when it leaves EA like all other games have done. The price increase was announced at E3 but I didn't realize they were going to do it this soon. There are at least 2 more expansions announced and a new Ragnarok map was recently released for free that has griffins. This is a community map where devs polished it a bit and also has ice wyverns if you don't want to pay for the scorched earth dlc.

I play Ark a fair amount and have 500 hours in the game but that included time when I was running a non-dedicated server. I will admit I have 0 experience with true PvP as I now run a custom PvE type dedicated server to speed up the grind. The last patch made building a lot easier since there is a setting to disable structure placement collision so you can clip buildings into the terrain. I can't see official servers using this setting but it is there. Flyer nerf was done for PvP balancing reasons, a lot of players were calling for it but you can use the Classic Flyers mod to reverse this. There was also a speed nerf recently but you can adjust config files to reverse this as well. The game is now more playable as single player with default settings which lessens the grind and makes dinos more powerful. Tek tier is not obtainable until you defeat some bosses and you can run primitive plus dlc (free) if you want the more primitive version of Ark. There are tons of ways to run the game, just mod the game, the way you want to play it.

Patch notes -

Single and non-dedicated player settings -

Watched a Giantbomb video that had a preview of this game and it was hilarious watching. Not sure if I would buy it though. Seems like one of those games perfect for twitch/YouTube. It evens has a masturbate button lol
I'm watching a friend stream it now, but it's been an hour and only seen 80085

My haul wife bought these for me because I'm too cheap
Batman Arkham Knight and season pass
Planet coaster
Witcher 3 goty
No man's sky
Mr President

For sunasun jr.
Five nights at Freddy's 4 and sisters location
The last 2 big month patches have been only bug fixes and some optimizations. It is far from being fully optimized but it is getting there. This is an EA game after all so not sure what everyone is expecting. It hasn't been in EA hell forever. Server startups are already much faster now too and use less memory as well.
My point was that they are way farther away than 1 month at fixing things if they are seriously aiming for their currently listed minimum requirements. When you have people on the forums telling others they need at least 16gb if they want to run smoothly at high settings, a c2d with 4gb ram and a 1gb gpu is just not going to happen unless you're playing at 640x480

Sure it hasnt been in EA hell forever, but it has been 2 years and was supposed to be released almost a year ago, if a year overdue is not in EA hell then what is? No sane person was expecting a perfect game that ran well from the get-go, but when you tell people you are one month out from release they tend to expect release candidate quality builds to have been available as EA/Beta for a few months at least and at this point it should be in bug fix mode, not 'lets start optimizing now' mode

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That would make more sense than just dropping the number of games people own on Steam with no notice.

Seriously, it's not like it'd take much effort to put a little notice on the front page "Hey, we're changing something".

Logging in to Steam to see you're missing several games is going to bother lots of people.

Leaving people to figure it out themselves is kind of shitty.
It would also be cool to have a disappeared games list w/ its own number of games listed where I could say, "Yup, I own some Steam-versions of games that ain't on Steam anymore."

Basically, more bragging rights.

It's a lot better than games just disappearing off Steam + those games don't count anymore b/c Valve + dev/publisher cut ties.

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bread's done