Steam+ Deals Mega Thread (All PC Gaming Deals)


151 (100%)
This thread will attempt to provide a place to discuss past/present/future PC gaming deals. While mainly focusing on Steam games, any standout sales may also be presented. I will not be updating every Daily/Weekly/etc. sale. The tools to help individuals become a smarter shopper will be provided below.

See this POST for links to store sale pages, threads of interest and other tools to help you become a more informed PC game shopper.
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Blows my mind how games like Watch Dogs 2 can be 85% off during a random one-off sale, but on a lesser discount during the biggest sale of the year. I almost don't want to buy it out of spite now. That'll show them. 

There were some glitches that were decent deals but since I could never get my wishlist to load I wouldn't have seen them anyway.  In fact I still can not get it to load.  Oh well back to work.

There were some glitches that were decent deals but since I could never get my wishlist to load I wouldn't have seen them anyway. In fact I still can not get it to load. Oh well back to work.
Everything is loading fine in the web browser for me. Might want to try that.

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Blows my mind how games like Watch Dogs 2 can be 85% off during a random one-off sale, but on a lesser discount during the biggest sale of the year. I almost don't want to buy it out of spite now. That'll show them.
It makes perfect sense, honestly.

The big seasonal event sales generate huge buzz in games media and social media. They get larger crowds, a majority of which probably don't track Steam or digital PC game deals much or at all on any regular basis. For them the winter/spring/summer/fall sales are an opportunity to spend their hard earned cash on some good games that have at least modest discounts.

On the other hand, it's likely for games to receive their biggest discounts during random daily/weekly/weekend deals because in between the big events there isn't going to be as much traffic on Steam or other store fronts. A deep sale is the best way to advertise a product (and possibly devalue it).

It's the same thing with outlet malls, for example. People go to them during Memorial Day, Black Friday, etc. hoping to grab the best deals on clothes, kitchenware, etc. 25% off outlet prices seems like a good enough deal. However, the best deals are during the slowest times - random weekends in September or March, for example. I've done this many times and have found great deals, especially clearance plus additional 30-50% off that makes the overall discount >75%, on things I needed.

tl;dr - bigger crowds and more advertising = less incentive to offer higher discounts

smaller crowds and slower sales periods = more incentive to offer higher discounts to get people "in the door"

(Apologies if I seem pedantic)

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It makes perfect sense, honestly.

The big seasonal event sales generate huge buzz in games media and social media. They get larger crowds, a majority of which probably don't track Steam or digital PC game deals much or at all on any regular basis. For them the winter/spring/summer/fall sales are an opportunity to spend their hard earned cash on some good games that have at least modest discounts.

On the other hand, it's likely for games to receive their biggest discounts during random daily/weekly/weekend deals because in between the big events there isn't going to be as much traffic on Steam or other store fronts. A deep sale is the best way to advertise a product (and possibly devalue it).

It's the same thing with outlet malls, for example. People go to them during Memorial Day, Black Friday, etc. hoping to grab the best deals on clothes, kitchenware, etc. 25% off outlet prices seems like a good enough deal. However, the best deals are during the slowest times - random weekends in September or March, for example. I've done this many times and have found great deals, especially clearance plus additional 30-50% off that makes the overall discount >75%, on things I needed.

tl;dr - bigger crowds and more advertising = less incentive to offer higher discounts

smaller crowds and slower sales periods = more incentive to offer higher discounts to get people "in the door"

(Apologies if I seem pedantic)
Stop being logical. I just want to complain.

I wish I could get dark souls remastered for $4 but I never bought PTD edition, should I get Fractured But Whole gold or normal edition?
I just finished Fractured But Whole on a console and I'm tempted to get Gold just for the DLC. I doubt the season pass will get any cheaper than $3 so I'd just go that route.

No, that's not how the discounts stack. 50% off stacking with 50% off is equal to 75% off the original price (e.g. $10 - 50% = $5; $5 - 50% = $2.50)
Normally yes. But read other people’s comments here in the thread.
Normally it is 40$
40$ - 40% from steam sale = $23.99
23.99 - 50% discount for previous owners = 4$
So it must be taking that 50% off from msrp instead of the sale price.
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Here's my Steam Summer sale haul so far:


Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2.  $17.65 @ Target  (would have been $29.98 for digital on Steam)

Shovel Knight $17.99 @ Gamestop. ($19.99 @ Steam)

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Mega Man X Legacy Collection 1 & 2. $17.65 @ Target (would have been $29.98 for digital on Steam)
Curious how you landed $17.65 - did you pm? I know there's a 30% pickup discount going but that's off the $29 (at least around me). Also did capcom pull that nonsense again where half the collection comes via download code in the case?

Curious how you landed $17.65 - did you pm? I know there's a 30% pickup discount going but that's off the $29 (at least around me). Also did capcom pull that nonsense again where half the collection comes via download code in the case?
10% team member discount, 5% red card.

Both games are on the cart in this instance. Not for the regular Mega Man collection though so don't get that one on Switch.

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With the %50 off dark souls remaster discount for previous owners, isn’t it possible that it will eventually just be free?
Unfortunately not possible:

Note: Discount Stacking

If a discount is already live on a product, any additional discounts will stack on top. For example, if a 20% Weeklong deal is active on your product, and overlaps with a 20% Summer Sale discount, the price displayed for customers will be 40%. If possible, avoid discount stacking as it causes confusion for customers. If the combined discount is 100% or more, your product will not be purchasable on Steam.
No idea what Bandai Namco will do when Remastered hits 50% off and PTD owners will (presumably) be unable to purchase it.

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I miss the old clicker game.  I miss getting cards for scrolling through my queue.  (never thought I'd say that, ever).  What I won't miss is some racing game that takes a PhD to understand.

You'd think that Steam would be all set to embarrass  the Epic Store with an amazing sale and related game, but I guess not.  I guess they figure that Epic is embarrassing itself enough on its own, so why should they wake up from their nap on the pile of cash they've amassed.

I really don't like this new game style of collecting useless tokens and spending them on icons and backgrounds we used to get for free.

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Dang, there sure are a lot of specials this week. I think I'll wait, though. Some of them will probably go cheaper during the Summer Sale.

Couldn't pass up the 90% off for Dark Souls: Remastered.
Though, like I'll ever finish that game...
Any other hidden gems in this Steam "sale?"

Get your wishlist sorted; 600 games given out every day:
"Daily Prizes: For each 24-hour period, three hundred users that contributed distance points to the first-place team will be randomly selected to receive the top game title ranked in their respective Steam Wishlists that is currently available for purchase at the time prizes are awarded, two hundred users that contributed distance points to the second-place team will be randomly selected to receive the top game title ranked in their respective Steam Wishlists that is currently available for purchase at the time prizes are awarded, and one hundred users that contributed distance points to the third-place team will be randomly selected to receive the top game title ranked in their respective Steam Wishlists that is currently available for purchase at the time prizes are awarded. Drawings will be held within 48 hours from the end of each period."
*Moves Bloody Boobs to the top*
So what's the strategy here?  A bajillion people are joining team Corgi, wouldn't it make more sense to join a second place team because there's less competition for the drawing?

So what's the strategy here? A bajillion people are joining team Corgi, wouldn't it make more sense to join a second place team because there's less competition for the drawing?

but really yes, but no cause I want more a chance on my team.

So what's the strategy here? A bajillion people are joining team Corgi, wouldn't it make more sense to join a second place team because there's less competition for the drawing?
I feel like there are only two acceptable ways to go about choosing your team:

1) Pick the one that increases your chances of winning a free game from 0.0011% to 0.0012%.

2) Pick whichever animal is cutest.

Any hopes of getting a decent discount in Coconut Queen? I've been waiting for that 75% off to return since I joined CAG like 7 years ago :nottalking: . 


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Wow... what kind of incestuous brain trust put together this sale?

There's pages of interlinking FAQs that STILL don't manage to clearly explain what you are supposed to do. I've seen 10 minute+ videos attempting to explain how it works.

Is it supposed to be so convoluted that you don't bother noticing the discounts blow? :oldman:

Edit: can't even get the quests to work.

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Wow... what kind of incestuous brain trust put together this sale?

There's pages of interlinking FAQs that STILL don't manage to clearly explain what you are supposed to do. I've seen 10 minute+ videos attempting to explain how it works.

Is it supposed to be so convoluted that you don't bother noticing the discounts blow? :oldman:

Edit: can't even get the quests to work.
I read the FAQ like 10 times and still don't understand how boost capacity or boost amounts are supposed to work. Are they supposed to reset each day? The way this minigame was put together is ridiculous

I read the FAQ like 10 times and still don't understand how boost capacity or boost amounts are supposed to work. Are they supposed to reset each day? The way this minigame was put together is ridiculous
So ridiculous, this might be one of the few...that I barely participate in.

And I usually enjoy Steam's BS in their sales "make you go boot up X games thing for 1 second" to get silly rewards.

Steam - Summer Sale 2019 far:

Steam Store:

Dark Souls: Remastered = $4.24

Payday 2: Ultimate = $4.30

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All I know is that I hope I somehow manage to get the $5 coupon. Don't care about the races, don't care about the achievements, I normally like playing along with their dumb shenanigans during a sale but this one's god-awful. Just want the $5 coupon so I can presumably find something to spend it on.

Blows my mind how games like Watch Dogs 2 can be 85% off during a random one-off sale, but on a lesser discount during the biggest sale of the year. I almost don't want to buy it out of spite now. That'll show them.
I'll just wait for the base game to be given away on Uplay, out of spite. I wish it was 90 percent off like South Park is now. With the MSRP being so high for these Ubisoft games, these large discounts are important.

Is the remastered PTD version markedly better than the original?  I haven't played the original yet, but if all it is is a slight graphical update I am probably just fine without the remaster.

So I don't really understand how this sale activity works, but I wish I knew why my boost capacity is so low.  I apparently can't unlock any of the quests and I can't redeem any of the achievement stuff because my capacity is pitiful and I would waste most of the points it would give me.  And what the hell does Nitro do?  At least I passed Fox on the leaderboard I guess.

Is the remastered PTD version markedly better than the original? I haven't played the original yet, but if all it is is a slight graphical update I am probably just fine without the remaster.
It's debatable. The original with DSFix probably looks better (a lot of people like the old lighting), but Remastered has some QoL improvements and running it at 60 FPS won't glitch things out in certain areas or mess with your jumps.

Dark Souls is my all-time fave and I'd go with the remaster. Runs smooth and looks great on the old ultrawide, which is a big deal for this UW-snob. I get why people prefer the OG lighting but I stop thinking about that kind of thing once I'm like 5-minutes into the game.
bread's done